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1、DFCL 型泵介紹Type DFCL product overviewDFCL立式多離心泵 DFCL vertical multi-stage centrifugal pump型號(hào)意義 DesignationDFCL4 160級數(shù)X 10stage額定流量(m3/h)rated capacity立式多級沖壓泵Vertical multi- stage punch pump 1特點(diǎn)FeaturesDFCL立式多級不銹鋼離心泵是采用丹麥先進(jìn)制泵技術(shù)制造而成,該系列泵水力模型先進(jìn)、高效節(jié)能。泵內(nèi)部葉輪、泵體導(dǎo)葉采用不銹鋼沖壓成形,流道光滑,避免產(chǎn)生二次污染。軸封采用耐磨機(jī)械密封,無泄漏。電機(jī)采用Y2

2、鉛外殼,進(jìn)口軸承,絕緣等 級F級。泵運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)平穩(wěn),低噪音,整機(jī)質(zhì)量可靠,外形美觀、體積小、重量輕、運(yùn)行安裝方便,是理想的綠色、環(huán)保、節(jié)能水泵。 DFCL vertical multi-stage stainless steel centrifugal pump is manufactured by adopting Danish advanced technique. The hydraulicmof this series pump is excellent, so it is high-efficiency and less energy consumption. The inner impe

3、llers、casings guide vaneare all stainless steel pressings. So the flow passage of the pump is smooth and secondary pollution is avoided. The life of bushing is very long because theirmaterials are hard malloy. The shaft seal is made with abrasion-pro-of me chanical seal, therefore, there is no leaka

4、ge. The motor's casing is YE plumbum, bearings is importation, class of insulation is F. This pump features a credible quality, perfect appearance, small cubage, light weight, smooth operation, lower noise and convenient installation, etc. In short, it is a ideal green, environment-protect, less

5、 energy consumption pump. Appea-rance, small cubage, light weight, smooth operation, lower noise and convenient installation, etc. In short, it is a ideal green, environment-protect, less energy consumption pump.用途Applications、食品、飲料等介質(zhì)輸送 Transport the medium like pharmatheutics, food and beverage ;鍋

6、爐補(bǔ)水 Boiler feeding ;生活水增壓 Pressure boosting of living water ;工業(yè)循環(huán)系統(tǒng)及系統(tǒng) Industrial circulation system and processing system ;環(huán)保水處理 Water treatement of environmental protection ;Other applications ;工作條件 Operating conditions冷熱清潔、非易燃易爆、不含固體顆粒或的液體 Liquid: cool or hot, clean, non-flammable or explosive, n

7、o solid grain or fibre ; 液體溫度 Liquid temperature :常溫型 Normal temperature style :-15+70, 熱水型 Hot water style:+70+115; 環(huán)境溫度 Ambient temperature :最高 Max.:+40;最小力 Min. suction pressure :NPSH曲線+0.5m 水頭安全余量 According to NPSH curve plus 0.5m ;:eastDFCL 型泵介紹Type DFCL product overview型譜圖Hydraulic coverage2DF

8、CL結(jié)構(gòu)圖 Arrangement drawing序號(hào)No.名稱 Name材料 Material1121電機(jī) Motor組件 Subassembly2聯(lián)軸器罩 Coupling casing不銹鋼 Stainless steel3機(jī)架 Spider鑄鐵 Cast iron4軸 Shaft不銹鋼 Stainless steel5葉輪 Impeller不銹鋼 Stainless steel6中間腔體 Medium不銹鋼 Stainless steel2345678111097頸環(huán) Neck ring不銹鋼 Stainless steel8底板 Pedestal鑄鐵 Cast iron9泵體 Cas

9、ing不銹鋼 Stainless steel10外套筒 External sleeve不銹鋼 Stainless steel11機(jī)封 Mechanical seal組件 Subassembly12泵頭蓋 Casing cover不銹鋼 Stainless steelH (m) 300200100807060504030201234 5 6 7 8 910203040Q(m3/h)DFCL 50HzDFCL2DFCL4DFCL8DFCL16 :eastDFCL 型泵卡套快裝接頭、焊接管接頭、螺紋管接頭圖表Type DFCL clip sleevefast-assembleconnector,we

10、ldtubeconnector,screwtubeconnectordrawingandtableDFCL卡套式快裝接頭及管道連接件圖、表 DFCLclipsleevefastassembleconnector、pipingcouplerdrawingandtableDFCL焊接管接頭圖及螺紋管接頭圖、表 DFCL weld tube connector、screw tube connector drawing and table3焊接管接頭表Weld tube connector dimension table螺紋管接頭表screwtubeconnector Dn規(guī)格S p ec dD1L1

11、LDimension規(guī)格S pec dD1L1 L12532 3040 1ZG12530 5011/43238 3040 11/23845 3240 11/4ZG1 143230 5325057 3545 11/2ZG1123832 5521/26776 3545 37989 3545 2ZG25035 5841001083545 焊接管接頭、螺紋管接頭圖 Weld tube connector、screw tube connector drawingBL1LL焊接管接頭螺紋管接頭Weld tube connectorScrew tube connector表 Dimension table規(guī)

12、格Dim ionSpec111/411/2221/234DN253238506779 100D1323845577689 108L/L186/10686 /11287/116 97 /1229797 98B96106115125145165 196 注:L1為螺紋接頭裝后總長Note: L1 is total length af ter the screw tube connector has been fixed。連接圖Connection drawingL L1:eastDFCL 型泵性能曲線圖、性能參數(shù)表及安裝圖表Type DFCL performancecu、performanceda

13、tatable andmountingdimensinchartDFCL 型泵性能曲線表Type DFCL performance curve tableDFCL 型泵安裝圖Type DFCL mounting dimension drawingpH(MPa) (m)2702602.

14、.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8Q(m3/h)1.0Q(l/s)eta(%) p) (kW)0.30eta500.250.20400.200.16300.120.15200.100.08P20.04100.0500.00 0.000.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8Q(m3/h)

15、NPSH(m)Q -HH(kp a) (m)12080128QH2900rpm642404NPSH0000.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8Q(m3/h)4DFCL性能參數(shù)表及安裝表 Type DFCL performance data table and external pump dimension tableD FCL2-20215 29000. 371.844520220225 445 145 110D FCL2-30222 7229000. 371.8463202

16、38225 463 145 110D FCL2-40230 7229000. 551.848120256225 481 145 110D FCL2-50237 7229000. 551.849920274225 499 145 110D FCL2-60245 7229000. 751.852220297225 522 145 110D FCL2-70252 7229000. 751.854025315225 540 145 110D FCL2-90267 7229001.11.859625351245 596 170 150DFCL2-110 282 7229001.11.8632303872

17、45 632 170 150DFCL2-130 297 7229001.51.868535440245 685 170 150DFCL2-150 2112 7229001.51.872135476245 721 170 150DFCL2-180 27229002.21.879540530265 795 180 155DFCL2-220 27229002.21.886745602265 867 180 155DFCL2-260 272290031.897250682290 972 180 155Ty pe流量CapacityHead(m)%Efficiencyr/ minSpeedPower k

18、W(NPSH)r(m)H(mm)Height 重量WeightDimension泵型號(hào)m3/h揚(yáng)程效率轉(zhuǎn)速功率汽蝕余量高度(kg)B1B2B1+B2D1D2卡套式快裝接口Clip sleeve fast assemble connector內(nèi)螺紋Female screw法蘭FlangeDN25mm 或 32mmZG1 或ZG1 14PN25 DN25D1D24×13180210G1/2G1/2100150210G1/2ZG1 ZG11/4 M10x35 4×1310015075250180210:eastDFCL 型泵性能曲線圖、性能參數(shù)表及安裝圖表Type DFCL pe

19、rformancecu、performancedatatable andmountingdimensinchartDFCL 型泵性能曲線表Type DFCL performance curve tableDFCL 型泵安裝圖Type DFCL mounting dimension drawingpH(MPa) (m)2302202102001901801701601501401301201101009080706050403020102.

20、000.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5Q(m3/h)0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2Q(l/s)P2P2(h p) (kW)eta(%)0.300. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5Q(m3/h)Q -HH(kp a) (m)NPSH(m)1284

21、64280400000.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5Q(m3/h)5DFCL性能參數(shù)表及安裝表 Type DFCL performance data table and external pump dimension tableD FCL4-20416 29000. 371.846020235225 460 145 110D FCL4-30424 29000. 551.849020265225 490 145 110D FCL4-40432 29000. 751.85202029522

22、5 520 145 110D FCL4-50440 29001.1 1.857020325245 570 170 150D FCL4-60429001.1 1.859520350245 595 170 150D FCL4-70429001.1 1.862520380245 625 170 150D FCL4-80429001.5 1.866525420245 665 170 150DFCL4-100 429002.2 1.874030475265 740 170 150DFCL4-120 429002.2 1.879530530265 795 180 155DFCL4-160 4290031.

23、893535645290 935 180 155DFCL4-190 4290041.8105040725325 1050 210 180DFCL4-220 474290041.8113045805355 1130 210 180Ty pe流量CapacityHead(m)%Efficiencyr/ minSpeedPower kW(NPSH)r(m)H(mm)Height 重量WeightDimension泵型號(hào)m3/h揚(yáng)程效率轉(zhuǎn)速功率汽蝕余量高度(kg)B1B2B1+B2D1D2QH2900rpmNPSH卡套式快裝接口Clip sleeve fast assemble connector內(nèi)螺

24、紋Female screw法蘭FlangeDN32mmZG1 或ZG1 14PN25 DN32etaP2D1D24×13180210G1/2250G1/24×1810015032250:eastDFCL 型泵性能曲線圖、性能參數(shù)表及安裝圖表Type DFCL performancecu、performancedatatable andmountingdimensinchartDFCL 型泵性能曲線表Type DFCL performance curve tableDFCL 型泵安裝圖Type DFCL mounting dimension drawingpH(MPa) (m

25、)23022021020019018017016015014013012011010090807060504030202. 10 11 12 13Q(m3/h)0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4Q(l/s)P2 (h p)P2(kW)eta(%) NPSH(m)Q -HH

26、(kp a) (m)QH2900rpm10050105NPSH009101112Q(m3/h)6DFCL性能參數(shù)表及安裝表 Type DFCL performance data table and external pump dimension tableD FCL8-20818 29000. 752.357525350225575 145 110D FCL8-30827 7629001.1 2.362530380245625 170 150D FCL8-40836 7629001.5 2.366530420245665 170 150D FCL8-50845 7629002.2 2.3715

27、40450265715 180 155D FCL8-60854 7629002.2 2.374540480265745 180 155D FCL8-80872 76290032.384045550290740 180 155DFCL8-100 890 76290042.393555610325935 210 180DFCL8-120 8108 76290042.399555670325995 210 180DFCL8-140 8126 7629005.5 2.31130807503801130 250 210DFCL8-160 87629005.5 2.31190808103801190 25

28、0 210DFCL8-180 87629007.5 2.31250908703801250 250 210DFCL8-200 87629007.5 2.31310959303801310 250 210Ty pe流量CapacityHead(m)%Efficiencyr/ minSpeedPower kW(NPSH)r(m)H(mm)Height 重量WeightDimension泵型號(hào)m3/h揚(yáng)程效率轉(zhuǎn)速功率汽蝕余量高度(kg)B1B2B1+B2D1D2卡套式快裝接口Clip sleeve fast assemble connector內(nèi)螺紋Female screw法蘭FlangeDN32m

29、mZG1 或ZG1 14PN25 DN40DFCL8-200-180-160-140-120-100-80-60-50-40-30-20D1D24×13215247G1/2G1/2PN25-DN404×18280:eastDFCL 型泵性能曲線圖、性能參數(shù)表及安裝圖表Type DFCL performancecu、performancedatatable andmountingdimensinchartDFCL 型泵性能曲線表Type DFCL performance curve tableDFCL 型泵安裝圖Type DFCL mounting dimension dra

30、wingpH(MPa) (m)250240230220210200190180170160150140130120110100908070605040302. 12 14(m3/h).51.0 1.5 5.05.5 6.0Q(l/s)eta(%)0.0P2 (h p)P2(kW) NPSH(m)Q -HH(kp a) (m)QH290

31、0rpm8684NPSH4200246810121416182022 24Q(m3/h)7DFCL性能參數(shù)表及安裝表 Type DFCL performance data table and external pump dimension tableDFCL16-20 24 29002.2 4.640400265 665 155DFCL16-30 36 290034.650455290 745 180 155DFCL16-40 48 290044.655500325 825 210 DFCL16-50 60 29005.5 4.694570565380 945 250 DFCL16-60 16

32、29005.5 4.699075610380 990 250 DFCL16-70 1629007.5 4.6103580655380 1035 250 DFCL16-80 1629007.5 4.6108080700380 1080 250 210DF CL16-10016290011 4.61310140820490 1310 330 255DF CL16-12016290011 4.61420145910490 330 255DF CL16-168429004.616001651000490 330 255Ty pe流量CapacityHead(m)%Efficiencyr/ minSpe

33、edPower kW(NPSH)r(m)H(mm)Height 重量WeightDimension泵型號(hào)m3/h揚(yáng)程效率轉(zhuǎn)速功率汽蝕余量高度(kg)B1B2B1+B2D1D2卡套式快裝接口Clip sleeve fast assemble connector法蘭FlangeDN50mmPN25 DN50DFC L16-140-120-100-80-70-60-50-40-30-20D1D24×14215247G1/2300G1/2PN25-DN504×eastDFL 型泵介紹Type DFL product overviewDFL立式多級泵 DFCL

34、 vertical multi-stage pumpboard. (The price of accessories are char ged additionally)8特點(diǎn)Features本型泵為立式、多級、節(jié)段式結(jié)構(gòu),結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊、占地面積小 Vertical, multi-stage, sectional, compact and small structure ; 軸封為機(jī)械密封并可選用便拆式,泄漏少,運(yùn)行穩(wěn)定可靠,且維修方便快捷Shaft seal is mechanical seal and can you can choose removable, leakage is littl

35、e, operation is smooth and easy to maintain ;泵體采用管道式結(jié)構(gòu),其徑相同且位于同一直線上,能象閥門一樣安裝在管道的任何位置,方便、快捷、穩(wěn)固Pump body has tube structure, its inlet and outlet size is the same, and that, they are at a line, can be fixed anywhere like valve, conve- nient, fast and steady;為方便安裝可選擇上出口型,其之間的方向可按用戶的要求調(diào)整為0°、90°

36、;、180°、270°You can choose up-outlet type in order to convenient fixing, the angel between inlet and outlet can be justed 0°、90°、180°、270°; 如需減震、降低噪音,可采用加裝聯(lián)結(jié)板及隔震墊或隔震器的安裝方式If you need low noise and light tremor, isolating-vibrator or isolating-pad and connection board can

37、 be fixed ;獨(dú)特的安裝結(jié)構(gòu)大大縮小了泵的占地面積,可節(jié)約基建投資40%以上The area is small because of special installation structure. 40% investment into building can be saved 。用 途Applicatons物生活用水 Lives water supply in buildings ;物消防用水 Fire-ing water supply in buildings ;成套供水設(shè)備及其它增壓系統(tǒng)穩(wěn)壓泵 Whole set water supply equipment and other

38、 boosting system's pressure-stability pump ;鍋爐給水 Water supply in boiler systems ;工藝循環(huán)增壓 Boosting and circulating in technology processes ; 其它場合清潔液體的輸送 Transfer clean liquid in other situation ;工作條件Operating conditions流量范圍 Capacity range :1.4 -194.4m3 /h;揚(yáng)程范圍 Head range :20-230m;轉(zhuǎn)速 Speed :2900r/m

39、in;系統(tǒng)最高工作 力 System Max. working pressure :2.5MPa;介質(zhì)溫度 Liquid temperature :-15<T<+105;環(huán)境溫度 Ambient temperature :+40;電機(jī)防護(hù)等級 Motor's degree of protection :IP44、IP54; 電機(jī)絕緣等級 Motor's class of insulation :B、F級;旋轉(zhuǎn)方向 Direction of rotation :由葉輪進(jìn)口看逆時(shí)針旋轉(zhuǎn) Anticlockwise, viewed from the impeller in

40、let由電機(jī)方向看順時(shí)針旋轉(zhuǎn) Clockwise, viewed from the motor 。供貨范圍Scope of supply水泵、包裝及使用說明書。水泵的聯(lián)結(jié)板、隔振墊、隔振器及金屬波紋管可作為附件供貨。(附件需另計(jì)價(jià))Pump, packing and their operation instruction available accessories: isolating-vibrator, isolating-pad, mripple pipe and connection東方DFL型(配Y或Y2電機(jī))立式多級離心泵Dongfang DFL(assorted motor is

41、Y or Y2) vertical multi-stage centrifugal pump:eastDFL 型泵型號(hào)意義及型譜圖Type DFL designation and hydraulic coverage型號(hào)意義 Designation9型譜圖 Hydraulic coverage注:特殊溫度及訂貨時(shí)應(yīng)另行提出,以便提供更為可靠之Note: special temperature and pressure must be mentioned, in order that we can offer you more credible products. 25DFL4-11×7泵級數(shù)Stage額定揚(yáng)程(m)Rated capacity額定流量:(m3/h)Rated capacity立式多級離心泵Vertical multi-stage centrifugal pump口徑(mm)Inlet and outlet size:eastDFL 型泵結(jié)構(gòu)圖及材料表Type DFL ar


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