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1、小學(xué)英語(yǔ)三年級(jí)期末檢測(cè)題 (春 )(測(cè)試時(shí)間:60分鐘,滿分:100分,其中卷面2分)聽力部分(共60分)一、聽音,給下列水果用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字標(biāo)號(hào)。(6%)二、聽音,判斷圖片與所讀內(nèi)容是否相符,相符的打“T”,不相符的打“F”。(12%)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、聽音,勾出與你所聽到的內(nèi)容單詞。(8%)Namethinfattallsmallorangesbananasappleswatermelonscatduckelephantmonkey四、聽音,根據(jù)發(fā)音內(nèi)容圈出你所聽到的單詞。(6%)1. dog box body 2. duck

2、 cut run 3. fun under up4. six big pig 5. leg seven red 6. hand dad Canada五、聽音,按錄音所讀的順序給下列單詞標(biāo)號(hào)。(用大寫字母表示)(18%)1. friend girl boy 2. giraffe pig tiger 3. 18 11 15( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )4. children brother sister 5. map boat cap 6. kite toy fruit ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )六、聽音,給下列句

3、子排序。(10%)( ) Oh ,yes ! Silly me !Thanks !( ) Mum , where is my book ?( ) Is it in your bag ?( ) No,it isnt .( ) Is it in your desk ?筆試部分(38%)一、選出與圖片意思相符的單詞或短語(yǔ),并將其編號(hào)寫在括號(hào)里。(6%)1. A. China B. USA C. Canada2. A. pupil B. teacher C. father3. A. crayon B. ruler C. pencil4. A. apple B. pear C. orange5. A.

4、tall B. big C. small6. A. Bounce a ball B. Row a boat C. Drive a car二、請(qǐng)選擇正確答案,并把其編號(hào)寫在題前括號(hào)里。(12%)( ) 1. -Whos that_? -Hes my brother. A. man B. boy C. girl( ) 2. The elephant is _.The mouse is _. A. small , big B. short , long C. big , small( ) 3. A: Do you like oranges? B: _A. Yes , I do. B. OK C. H

5、ere you are.( ) 4. 你向別人介紹Amy,你應(yīng)說(shuō):_ A. Shes Amy. B. This is Amy. C. Its Amy( ) 5. 如何表達(dá):“讓我們買些水果吧”。 A. I like peaches. B. Lets buy some fruit. C.Lets have some peaches.( ) 6. 你想說(shuō):“我喜歡蘋果”,你應(yīng)說(shuō):_. A. I like apples. B. I dont like apples. C. No,thank you.三、給下列句子重新排序。(10%)( ) Open it and see!( ) Wu Yifan,w

6、hats this?( ) Wow,How many crayons do you have?( ) My new crayons.( ) 1,2,16. You have 16 crayons!( 6 ) Great!四、請(qǐng)從 () 欄中找出( ) 欄的答案,并把編號(hào)填到括號(hào)里。(10%) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1. I dont like watermelons. A. 1, 2,.10. You have 10 pens.( ) 2. Where is my cap? B. Shes my friend,Amy.( ) 3. Whos this girl? C. Yes, she is

7、.( ) 4. How many pens do you have ? D. Me , neither.( ) 5. Is she your mother ? E. Its in your toy box.引導(dǎo)語(yǔ):春季,小學(xué)英語(yǔ),三年級(jí),期末檢測(cè)題,聽力考試,現(xiàn)在開始.第 1 大題的提示語(yǔ):第一大題、聽音,給下列水果,用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字,標(biāo)號(hào)。每小題,聽一遍。的聽力原文:第1段聽力材料1. apple本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第2段聽力材料2. bananas本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第3段聽力材料3. orange本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第4段聽力材料4. strawberry本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第5段聽力材料5

8、. grapes本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第6段聽力材料6. pear本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第 2 大題的提示語(yǔ):第二大題、聽音,判斷圖片,與所讀內(nèi)容,是否相符,相符的打“踢”,不相符的打“ai虎”。每小題,聽兩遍。的聽力原文:第7段聽力材料1. Be fat , Be fat fat fat本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第8段聽力材料2. This is my mother.本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第9段聽力材料3. Put your foot on your chair.本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第10段聽力材料4. I like grapes.本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第11段聽力材料5. The ball is und

9、er the desk.本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第12段聽力材料6. I see nine fish.本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第 3 大題的提示語(yǔ):第三大題、聽音,勾出,與你所聽到的內(nèi)容單詞。每小題,聽兩遍。的聽力原文:第13段聽力材料1. I am a cat. Im small. I like apples.本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第14段聽力材料2. I am a duck. Im thin. I like oranges.本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第15段聽力材料3. I am an elephant. Im tall. I like watermelons.本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第16段聽力材料4. I

10、 am a monkey. Im fat. I like bananas.本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第 4 大題的提示語(yǔ):第四大題、聽音,根據(jù)發(fā)音內(nèi)容,圈出,你所聽到的單詞。每小題,聽兩遍。的聽力原文:第17段聽力材料1. body本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第18段聽力材料2. duck本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第19段聽力材料3. fun本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第20段聽力材料4. big本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第21段聽力材料5. leg本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第22段聽力材料6. Canada本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第 5 大題的提示語(yǔ):第五大題、聽音,按錄音,所讀的順序,給下列單詞,標(biāo)號(hào)。(用大寫字母表示),每小題,聽

11、兩遍。的聽力原文:第23段聽力材料1. girl. friend. boy 本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第24段聽力材料2. tiger. giraffe. pig本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第25段聽力材料3. fifteen. eighteen . eleven本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第26段聽力材料4. children . brother . sister 本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第27段聽力材料5. map. cap. boat 本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第28段聽力材料6. fruit. toy. kite本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第 6 大題的提示語(yǔ):第六大題、聽音,給下列句子,排序。每句話,聽兩遍。的聽力原文:第

12、29段聽力材料1. Mum , where is my book ?本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第30段聽力材料2. Is it in your desk ?本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第31段聽力材料3. No, it isnt .本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第32段聽力材料4. Is it in your bag ?本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:第33段聽力材料5. Oh , yes ! Silly me !Thanks !本段聽力材料的問(wèn)題:小學(xué)英語(yǔ)三年級(jí)期末檢測(cè)題參考答案一、聽音,給下列水果用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字標(biāo)號(hào)。(6%)1. apple 2. bananas 3. orange 4. strawberry 5. grape

13、s 6. pear二、聽音,判斷圖片與所讀內(nèi)容是否相符,相符的打“T”,不相符的打“F”。(12%)1. Be fat , Be fat fat fat 2. This is my mother. 3. Put your foot on your chair.4. I like grapes. 5. The ball is under the desk. 6. I see nine fish. ( 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F )三、聽音,勾出與你所聽到的內(nèi)容單詞。(8%)1. I am a cat. Im small. I like apples. 2. I a

14、m a duck. Im thin. I like oranges.3. I am an elephant. Im tall. I like watermelons. 4. I am a monkey. Im fat. I like bananas.四、聽音,根據(jù)發(fā)音內(nèi)容圈出你所聽到的單詞。(6%)1. body 2. duck 3. fun 4. big 5. leg 6. Canada五、聽音,按錄音所讀的順序給下列單詞標(biāo)號(hào)。(用大寫字母表示)(18%)1. girl friend boy 2. tiger giraffe pig 3. fifteen eighteen eleven4. children brother sister 5. map cap boat 6. fruit toy kite六、聽音,給下列句子排序。(10%)1. Mum , where is my book ? 2. Is it in your desk ? 3. No,it isnt . 4. Is it in your bag ?5. Oh , yes ! Silly me !Thanks ! ( 5 , 1 , 4 , 3 ,


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