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1、2022-4-3English CollegeEnglish CollegeChinese-English TranslationChinese-English TranslationLecture 2 Lecture 2 詞法翻譯 I ILecturerLecturer:TracyTracyEnglish CollegeEnglish College2022-4-3第一章第一章 漢漢英英詞匯詞匯比比較與較與翻翻譯譯English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-32第1 1節(jié) 選義1. 1. 根據(jù)語境選義p20p20甲:這一點小意思,請務(wù)必收下。乙:你這個人真是有意

2、思,怎么也來這一套?甲:唉,只是意思意思。乙:啊,真是不好意思。A A:This is a little This is a little gift as a token of my appreciationgift as a token of my appreciation. . Please do take it.Please do take it.B: Oh, arent you a bit B: Oh, arent you a bit too politetoo polite? You should not do ? You should not do that.that.A: Wel

3、l, it just A: Well, it just conveys my gratitudeconveys my gratitude. .B: Ah, thank you then, though I really B: Ah, thank you then, though I really do not deserve do not deserve it it. .English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-33ExercisesExercisesv 你這是什么意思?請別誤會我的意思。v What do you What do you meanmean by

4、 that? Please do not by that? Please do not misunderstand me. misunderstand me. v 她被夸得不好意思。v She felt She felt embarrassedembarrassed by so much praise. by so much praise.v 讓你久等了,不好意思。v Im Im sorrysorry to have kept you waiting so long. to have kept you waiting so long.v 做了這種事,虧他還好意思說呢!v FancyFancy

5、his doing that sort of thing and then his doing that sort of thing and then having having the nervethe nerve to talk about it. to talk about it.English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-34Practicev 他也想說幾句, ,可是不好意思開口v Be too shy toBe too shy tov 老李沒好意思笑出來v dittodittov 人家求我們支援, ,我們好意思拒絕嗎? ?v properproperEn

6、glish CollegeEnglish College2022-4-352. 2. 跳出字面選義P22P22v狗咬狗dog-eat-dogdog-eat-dogvAdvertising is a dog-eat-dog business.Advertising is a dog-eat-dog business. v 廣告業(yè)是一個競爭殘酷的行業(yè)。 v 漢語里“狗咬狗(,一嘴毛 )”的習(xí)語,意思跟英文中的“dog-eat-dog”有點相似,都有比喻“自相殘殺”的含義,但中西方對狗的情感有所不同,所以中文里的“狗咬狗”就含有鄙視的意思,比喻兩個都不討好的人自相殘殺;而英文里的“dog-eat-d

7、ogdog-eat-dog”只說明了“自相殘殺的,競爭激烈或殘酷的”含義。 v E.g. In show business its E.g. In show business its dog-eat-dog dog-eat-dog - one day youre a - one day youre a star, the next youve been replaced by younger talent.star, the next youve been replaced by younger talent.English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-36Dri

8、llsv 老閨女v ?unmarried lady unmarried lady v the youngest daughter the youngest daughter (東北方言)v 老姑娘(剩女)v spinster, 3S(single, seventies and stuck), gold miss, spinster, 3S(single, seventies and stuck), gold miss, leftover ladies, leftover ladies, ladies on the shelfladies on the shelfv 老人 v old peopl

9、e, the aged, old people, the aged, senior citizensenior citizen v 老師傅 v master/skilled craftsman master/skilled craftsman v 老黃牛 v a willing ox, a willing ox, willing horsewilling horse, eg. work like a willing horse , eg. work like a willing horse English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-37第2 2節(jié) 選詞3. 3.

10、 根據(jù)搭配選詞v 水果店里有鮮果,連鎖店里有保鮮菜、副食店里有保鮮奶、保鮮肉,大飯店里有鮮魚鮮蝦鮮海龜。v In full supply areIn full supply are new new fruits in fruit-shops, fruits in fruit-shops, fresh fresh “ready-to-cook” dishes in chain-stores, “ready-to-cook” dishes in chain-stores, fresh fresh milk and milk and freshfresh meat in non-staple foo

11、d stores meat in non-staple food stores (groceries).(groceries). And de luxe d And de luxe dl lksks豪華的 restaurants even offer restaurants even offer livelive fish, fish, live live shrimps and shrimps and livelive turtles. turtles.English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-3第第2 2章章 詞詞法翻法翻譯譯的一般技巧的一般技巧Englis

12、h CollegeEnglish College2022-4-39詞法翻譯技巧1. 1. 增減譯 1) 1)出于語法需要v 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。v WhileWhile the prospects are bright, the road has twists the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns.and turns.v 虛心使人進(jìn)步,驕傲使人落后。v Modesty helps one to go forward, Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas whereas

13、 conceit conceit makes one lag behind.makes one lag behind.English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-310v 我們是一個蘿卜一個坑,騰不出人手來。v Were so Were so busy busy that no one can be spared for any that no one can be spared for any other work.other work.v 我想要他畫一張他沒有畫過的畫,我說:“你給我畫一張冊頁,從來沒有畫過的。”他欣然答應(yīng)了,(艾青)v I wanted hi

14、m to paint me something hed never I wanted him to paint me something hed never painted before. When I asked him, he readily painted before. When I asked him, he readily agreed.agreed.English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-3112. 2. 轉(zhuǎn)性譯法(詞類轉(zhuǎn)換法)v 我初到越州,第一遭去訪問的山水是東湖。( (王世穎,放生湖的東湖) )v During my first Durin

15、g my first visitvisit to Yuezhou, the first place I to Yuezhou, the first place I went to was the East Lake. went to was the East Lake. v 這種帽子去年流行了一陣子。v This hat was This hat was inin for a while last year.for a while last year.v 這種水泵的主要特點是操作簡便。v This pump is This pump is chiefly chiefly characteriz

16、edcharacterized by its simple by its simple operation.operation.v DrillsDrills:二,1,2 on p591,2 on p59English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-3123.3.換形譯法 v 之替代(substitution)substitution)v See eg.1 on p60See eg.1 on p60v See Exercise I(5) on p63See Exercise I(5) on p63English CollegeEnglish College2022-4

17、-313v4.4.褒貶譯法 vCommendation & DerogationCommendation & Derogationv Notes:Notes:v Semantic features of the diction in the STSemantic features of the diction in the STv Writing Style of the authorWriting Style of the authorv The authors intention, emotion, attitudeThe authors intention, emotion, attit

18、udeEnglish CollegeEnglish College2022-4-314v E.g.E.g.v 他得到了她的歡心v He He got/grabbed/obtainedgot/grabbed/obtained her heart/favor/love.her heart/favor/love.v 他博得了她的歡心v He He won/succeeded in achievingwon/succeeded in achieving her heart/ favor/ her heart/ favor/ love.love.v 他騙得了她的歡心v He He deceived/st

19、ole awaydeceived/stole away her heart/favor/love.her heart/favor/love.English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-315Compare the following two translation versions.Compare the following two translation versions.v 他們正在積極鞏固成果。v Version A: They were actively consolidating their Version A: They were actively c

20、onsolidating their victorious gainsvictorious gains. .v Version B: They were actively consolidating their Version B: They were actively consolidating their victoriesvictories. .Comment:Comment: “victorious gains” sometimes refers to “victorious gains” sometimes refers to things grabbed from the capt

21、ured. things grabbed from the captured. English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-316v See the comparisons of translation on p65-66v Drills on p66English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-317Assignments1. Pre-read chapter 3-52. Finish the practical translation task 1 and prepare your presentation next week.3.

22、 Translate the following on your notebook as the homework to the teacher: v 1) 他穿一身淺灰色底子淡藍(lán)色條子的西裝,打著一條玫瑰紅的領(lǐng)帶。v 2) 一輪血紅的剛升起來的太陽。改換顏色詞v 3) 封面和封底是重磅的米色道林紙,邊上打了兩個眼。v 4) 她臉色突然變成灰黃,死了似的。 v 5) 他便變了臉,鐵一般的青。v 6) 有個高老頭,穿著青緞馬褂,提著大煙袋。用實物代表顏色。v 7) 清晨,陽光照到山頂,淡紅一片。顏色詞的回避v 8) 千紫萬紅v 9) 紅男綠女v 10) 紅顏English CollegeEngl

23、ish College2022-4-318Practical translation task 1“紡城”成為外商新家園 “一座新興城市,一個面料市場,中國輕紡城匯集了2424個國家和地區(qū)的客商。柯橋正日益顯現(xiàn)出“國際紡織之都”的繁榮景象,成為外商的新家園。” 近日,巴基斯坦商人坦維先生在柯橋創(chuàng)辦了“紹興曼哈進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易有限公司”,成為紹興縣第一家入駐中國輕紡城國貿(mào)區(qū)的外商投資商業(yè)企業(yè)。坦維先生來中國從事商貿(mào)業(yè)務(wù)已經(jīng)四年了,曾先后到過廣州、義烏、寧波,但最終他選擇在柯橋落戶。 紹興縣是中國重要的紡織品制造基地和貿(mào)易基地,也是全國紡織品出口比例最高的地區(qū)之一??粗薪B興縣紡織產(chǎn)業(yè)提升和輕紡城市場升級

24、的廣闊前景,外商不斷涌入。特別是近年來,柯橋城市功能日益完善,不僅是經(jīng)商的樂園,也是宜居的家園,吸引了越來越多的外商。據(jù)統(tǒng)計,目前在紹興縣經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)( (登記) )的國( (境) )外企業(yè)常駐代表機(jī)構(gòu)有340340家,20002000多名外商常住柯橋,流動外商更是多達(dá)八千余人。 良好的服務(wù)也是中國輕紡城吸引外商的重要原因。0505年3 3月,紹興縣專門成立了服務(wù)外商的機(jī)構(gòu)-縣涉外管理服務(wù)中心。最近又出臺了進(jìn)一步優(yōu)化涉外服務(wù)的一系列措施,全心全意為外商排憂解難,讓他們在柯橋安心經(jīng)商?,F(xiàn)在一些外商在中國輕紡城的生意越做越大,已有五家外商投資商業(yè)企業(yè)相繼成立。 English CollegeEnglis

25、h College2022-4-319v 1. 1. 他穿一身淺灰色底子淡藍(lán)色條子的西裝,打著一條玫瑰紅的領(lǐng)帶。v He was dressed in a He was dressed in a European- styleEuropean- style suit of a pale-grey suit of a pale-grey material with pale-blue stripes and a rose-red tie.material with pale-blue stripes and a rose-red tie.v 2. 2. 一輪血紅的剛升起來的太陽。v The ri

26、sing sun was a blood-red The rising sun was a blood-red discdisc. .v 改換顏色詞v 3. 3. 封面和封底是重磅的米色道林紙,邊上打了兩個眼。( (米色不譯成rice-colored)rice-colored)v The covers were of heavyweight, The covers were of heavyweight, buff-coloredbuff-colored calendered calendered paper with two holes punched in the edges. paper

27、 with two holes punched in the edges. v 4. 4. 她臉色突然變成灰黃,死了似的。v ( (英語中一般用palepale來形容。) )v All of a sudden, her face turned All of a sudden, her face turned ashy paleashy pale, like a corpse., like a corpse.v 5. 5. 他便變了臉,鐵一般的青。v His complexion changed, and he grew His complexion changed, and he grew g

28、hastly paleghastly pale. .English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-320v 6. 6. 有個高老頭,穿著青緞馬褂,提著大煙袋。v There is a tall old man in a There is a tall old man in a black brocade jacketblack brocade jacket with a long with a long pipe in his hand. pipe in his hand. v 原文中無顏色詞,譯時增加顏色詞。v 7. 7. 清晨,陽光照到山頂,淡紅一片。v The

29、 morning sun tipped the summit of the hill The morning sun tipped the summit of the hill with rose.with rose.(原文無顏色詞,用實物顏色roserose修飾,直接代表一種淡紅色。)v 顏色詞的回避v 8. 8. 千紫萬紅 v multi-coloredmulti-coloredv 9 9 紅男綠女 v gaily dressed men and womengaily dressed men and womenv 10. 10. 紅顏 v a beautiful womana beauti

30、ful womanEnglish CollegeEnglish College2022-4-321v “紡城”成為外商新家園v China Textile City - new homeland of foreigChina Textile City - new homeland of foreign business peoplen business peoplev “一座新興城市,一個面料市場”,中國輕紡城匯集了2424個國家和地區(qū)的客商??聵蛘找骘@現(xiàn)出“國際紡織之都”的繁榮景象,成為外商的新家園?!?v “A new city and a fabric market”. The Chi

31、na Tex“A new city and a fabric market”. The China Textile City has attracted foreign businessmen from tile City has attracted foreign businessmen from 24 countries and regions. Keqiao is turning into 24 countries and regions. Keqiao is turning into a booming international textile capital and new ha

32、booming international textile capital and new homeland of foreigners. omeland of foreigners. English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-322v近日,巴基斯坦商人坦維先生在柯橋創(chuàng)辦了“紹興曼哈進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易有限公司”,成為紹興縣第一家入駐中國輕紡城國貿(mào)區(qū)的外商投資商業(yè)企業(yè)。坦維先生來中國從事商貿(mào)業(yè)務(wù)已經(jīng)四年了,曾先后到過廣州、義烏、寧波,但最終他選擇在柯橋落戶。vRecently, a Pakistani businessman Mr. Tanveer Recently, a

33、 Pakistani businessman Mr. Tanveer set up Shaoxing Manha Import and Export Tradiset up Shaoxing Manha Import and Export Trading Company Limited. It is the first foreign-fundng Company Limited. It is the first foreign-funded commercial enterprise established in the inted commercial enterprise establi

34、shed in the international trade zone of China Textile City. Mr. ernational trade zone of China Textile City. Mr. Tanveer has been doing trade in China for four Tanveer has been doing trade in China for four years. He visited Guangzhou, Yiwu and Ningbo years. He visited Guangzhou, Yiwu and Ningbo and

35、 finally made up his mind to settle in Keqiaoand finally made up his mind to settle in Keqiao. .English CollegeEnglish College2022-4-323v 紹興縣是中國重要的紡織品制造基地和貿(mào)易基地,也是全國紡織品出口比例最高的地區(qū)之一。看中紹興縣紡織產(chǎn)業(yè)提升和輕紡城市場升級的廣闊前景,外商不斷涌入。特別是近年來,柯橋城市功能日益完善,不僅是經(jīng)商的樂園,也是宜居的家園,吸引了越來越多的外商。據(jù)統(tǒng)計,目前在紹興縣經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)( (登記) )的國( (境) )外企業(yè)常駐代表機(jī)構(gòu)有340

36、340家,20002000多名外商常住柯橋,流動外商更是多達(dá)八千余人。v Shaoxing County is an important textile manufacturing and tradinShaoxing County is an important textile manufacturing and trading base. It is one of the regions in China that have the highest expg base. It is one of the regions in China that have the highest expo

37、rt proportion of textile products. To take advantages of textile inort proportion of textile products. To take advantages of textile industry and market upgrading here, foreign businessmen are flockidustry and market upgrading here, foreign businessmen are flocking to the Textile City. Especially in

38、 recent years, Keqiao has becong to the Textile City. Especially in recent years, Keqiao has become not only the paradise for businessmen to trade but also the idme not only the paradise for businessmen to trade but also the ideal homestead for people to settle in with the city functions being eal h

39、omestead for people to settle in with the city functions being increasingly sound. According to the statistics, 340 foreign resideincreasingly sound. According to the statistics, 340 foreign resident offices have been approved in Shaoxing county and over 2000 nt offices have been approved in Shaoxing county and over 2000 foreign businessmen live here. Besides, there are a floating foreiforeign businessmen li


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