



1、1 / 700593英語聽力(實踐) 考試大綱南京師范大學編(高綱號 0544)I課程性質與設置目的要求“英語聽力 ”是江蘇省高等教育自學考試英語專業(yè)專科階段的必考課程, 是一門專門訓練和培 養(yǎng)考生英語聽力理解能力的實踐技能課。矚慫潤厲釤瘞睞櫪廡賴。矚慫潤厲釤瘞睞櫪廡賴賃。設置本課程的主要目的是, 以多樣的聽力練習形式, 提高學習者的聽能; 通過針對性的 聽力單項和綜合技能訓練, 使學習者了解聽力學習的策略, 了解文化以及其他相關背景知識 對聽力學習的重要性。 通過該課程的學習使學習者能聽懂英語國家人士關于日常生活和社會 生活的交談以及難度相當于 TOEFL 中的 Mini-talk 等中等難

2、度的聽力材料, 理解大意, 抓住要 點,并能就所給的材料進行回答、復述和討論。通過本課程的學習,考生應達到普通高等院 校英語專業(yè)基礎階段的水平。聞創(chuàng)溝燴鐺險愛氌譴凈。聞創(chuàng)溝燴鐺險愛氌譴凈禍。n、課程內容及考核目標一、 課程內容本課程的學習內容主要以指定教材聽力教程 (第三版) (A Listening Course (第一冊 和第二冊),施心遠主編,上海外語教育出版社, 20XX 年版為中心。兩冊教材各含 15 單元, 共 30 課。每課由四個部分組成。 每一課的主要學習內容包括技能訓練, 該部分涉及語音、重 音、弱讀的辨別、預測和猜測能力以及筆錄的能力;第二部分是綜合性聽力訓練,內容涉及對話

3、、 短文和新聞; 第三個部分為口語練習部分, 該部分提供背景知識介紹、詞匯和一些提 示性問題, 為聽力活動的拓展; 第四部分為補充練習,要求學習者對所聽內容發(fā)表看法,為 聽力活動的延伸和檢查。殘騖樓諍錈瀨濟溆塹籟。殘騖樓諍錈瀨濟溆塹籟婭。二、 考核目標本課程是一門訓練聽力的單項技能課, 其考核目標為; 聽懂英語國家人士關于日常生活 和社會生活的交談以及難度相當于 TOEFL 中的 Mini-talk 等中等難度的聽力材料, 理解中心大 意,抓住要點,并能就所給的材料進行問答、復述和討論。釅錒極額閉鎮(zhèn)檜豬訣錐。釅錒極額閉鎮(zhèn)檜 豬訣錐顧。川、有關說明與實施要求一、關于課程內容和考試目標以上列出的課

4、程學習內容和考核目標, 將作為考生學習和考試命題的主要依據(jù)。 考生應 圍繞本課程的指定教材, 按要求全面系統(tǒng)地學習和掌握兩冊書中每一課的主要學習內容。 聽 力考試是對應試者英語聽力技能的綜合測試。考生應通過英語聽力自學考試教材的學習和訓 練, 完成教材中的練習,循序漸進地提高聽力理解能力。 考試命題范圍將主要圍繞教材中所 涉及的技能要求與訓練, 如辨音、句子理解、 短文或對話填詞、對話與短文理解以及判斷正 誤等。彈貿攝爾霽斃攬磚鹵廡。彈貿攝爾霽斃攬磚鹵廡詒。命題基于考核目標選擇考核內容以及其相關的難易程度。測試內容由易到難,從小對話、長對話再到短文,測試形式多樣化,從填詞、選擇題到判斷正誤。謀

5、蕎摶篋飆鐸懟類蔣薔。 謀蕎摶篋飆鐸懟類蔣薔點。二、關于自學教材和學習方法本課程所指定的教材為上海外語教育出版社 20XX 年出版的聽力教程第三版 (AListening Course)系列教程中的第一冊和第二冊,主編施心遠。該套教程中的第一冊和第二 冊為自學考試專科階段英語聽力的指定學習內容與測試內容。廈礴懇蹣駢時盡繼價騷。廈礴懇蹣駢時盡繼價騷巹。考生學習時應事先熟悉生詞表中列出的詞匯, 了解相關文化背景。 書中某些課文含有根 據(jù)上下文推測、 記筆記和整理講座提綱等學習方法訓練的內容, 還包括對這些練習的示范說 明,考生在做這部分練習時應熟悉此類訓練的目的和要求。此外, 考生應處理好聽力課與其

6、 他課程的關系。應該知道,除了多聽錄音、多做練習之外,正確把握語音語調、豐富自身的 詞匯量、 熟悉文化背景知識對于提高英語聽力技能是極其重要的, 而這些綜合語言知識和語 言技能的學習和掌握,2 / 7與其他課程如:閱讀、語法、寫作、英語國家概況等的學習也是相互 關聯(lián)的。煢楨廣鰳鯡選塊網(wǎng)羈淚。煢楨廣鰳鯡選塊網(wǎng)羈淚鍍。三、關于考試形式、內容和成績評定英語聽力考試的形式是筆試??荚噧热莘治宕蟛糠?。第一部分:填詞。 (占 20%。共 10 題,每題 2 分。)要求考生聽完一句錄音后, 從卷面上所給的四個讀音類似的單詞中找出一個錄音句子中 含有的單詞。該部分錄音內容播放三遍。鵝婭盡損鵪慘歷蘢鴛賴。鵝婭盡

7、損鵪慘歷蘢鴛賴縈。第二部分:短對話理解、回答提問(占30%。共 30 題,每題 1 分。)要求考生聽完一男一女的短對話后, 根據(jù)所聽內容回答第三人的提問, 從卷面所提供的 四個選擇項中選擇答案。該部分錄音播放兩遍?;[叢媽羥為贍僨蟶練淨。籟叢媽羥為贍僨蟶練淨櫧。第三部分:長對話、短文理解及回答提問(占20%。共 10 題,每題 2 分。)考生聽完段落或一男一女的長對話后, 根據(jù)所聽內容回答問題, 從卷面所提供的四個選 擇項中選擇答案。要求考生聽完段落或長對話后,回答 5-6 個問題。問題列在卷面上,答案從卷面所提 供的四個句子中選擇。 該部分共兩篇長對話或段落, 錄音內容播放兩遍。預頌圣鉉儐歲齦

8、訝驊糴。 預頌圣鉉儐歲齦訝驊糴買。第四部分:問題回答(占 10%。共 5 題,每題 2 分。) 要求考生聽完一篇短文或長對話后, 回答 5 個問題。 改項為主觀題, 錄音內容播放三遍。 第五部分;短文理解、判斷正誤(占20。共 10 題,每題 2 分。)要求考生聽完一至兩篇短文或長對話后, 就短文或長對話內容判斷 10 個句子的正誤。 10 個句子均列在卷面上。短文錄音放兩遍。滲釤嗆儼勻諤鱉調硯錦。滲釤嗆儼勻諤鱉調硯錦鋇。整個聽力考試約為 60 分鐘。 要求考生邊聽錄音、邊讀試卷,同時在答題卡上做答。滿分為 100 分, 60 分為及格。鐃誅臥瀉噦圣騁貺頂廡。鐃誅臥瀉噦圣騁貺頂廡縫。樣題一、試

9、卷題型舉例:STANDARD LISTEING TESTFOR SELF - TAUGHT STUDENTSIN JIANGSUPROVINCEGENERAL DIRECTIONSThis is a test of your ability to understand spoken English. It is divided into five sections.Each section of the test begins with a set of specific directions. Be sure you understand what you are todo before y

10、ou begin to work on a section.擁締鳳襪備訊顎輪爛薔。擁締鳳襪備訊顎輪爛薔報。The tape will tell you when to start each section and when to go on to the next section. You mustfollow the recording all the time and work quickly but carefully. Do not spend too much time on any onequestion. If you finish a section early, you ma

11、y review your answer on that section only. You may not goon to the next section and you may not go back to a section you havealready worked on.贓熱俁閫歲匱閶鄴鎵騷。贓熱俁閫歲匱閶鄴鎵騷鯛。You may find that some of the questions are more difficult than others,but you should try to answerevery one. Your score will be based

12、 only on the number of questions you answer correctly. Therefore, ifyou are not sure of the answer to a question, make the best guess that you can. It is to your advantageto answer every question, even if you have to guess the answer.壇摶鄉(xiāng)囂懺蔞鍥鈴氈淚。壇摶鄉(xiāng)囂懺蔞鍥鈴氈淚躋。Do no mark your answers in this TEST BOOK.

13、You must mark all your answers on the separateANSWER SHEET. Be careful to mark only one answer to each question. If you change your mind aboutan answer after you have marked it on the ANSWER SHEET, clear it completely withan eraser and thenmark your new answer.蠟變黲癟報倀鉉錨鈰贅。蠟變黲癟報倀鉉錨鈰贅籜。Section OneDirec

14、tions:In this section of the test, you will hear a conversation.The conversation will be read four3 / 7times. Listen to theconversation and fill in the blanks with the word you hear. (20%)買鯛鴯譖曇膚遙閆擷凄。買鯛鴯譖曇膚遙閆擷凄屆。Here is an example:You will hear:Woman 1: I ve got good news for you!Woman 2: Oh, yes.Wom

15、an 1: I m getting married.Man:Well, well. Who s the lucky man? Do we know h綾?鯛駕櫬鶘蹤韋轔糴。綾鏑鯛駕櫬鶘蹤韋轔糴飆。You will read in your testbook:Woman 1: I ve got good 1) _ foyr ou!Woman 2: Oh, yes.Woman 1: I m getting 2) _.Man:Well, well. Who s the 3)_ man? Do we know驅躓髏彥浹綏譎飴憂錦。驅躓髏彥浹綏譎飴憂錦諑。Section TwoDirections:Fo

16、r each question in Section Three, you will hear a short conversation between twospeakers. You will be given a question to answer about each conversation. Eachconversation will be read twice. You must listen carefully to understand what eachspeaker says. After you hear a conversation, read the four c

17、hoices and decide which ofthem is the best answer to the question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number ofthe question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you havechosen. (30%)貓蠆驢繪燈鮒誅髏貺廡。貓蠆驢繪燈鮒誅髏貺廡獻。1. What does the woman mean?A) The train will be heavily loaded

18、.B) The CapitolBuilding is made of stone.C) The Capitol building is near the train station.D) The train had already departed for Washington.2. What does the man mean?A) He doesnt think they are allowed to speak.B) He doesnt know whats happening outside.C) He is only talking to himself.D) He thinks i

19、ts too noisy to talk now.3. What does the man mean?A) He can read for a long time when hes interested.鍬籟饗逕瑣筆襖鷗婭薔。鍬籟饗逕瑣筆襖鷗婭薔嗚。B) Hes also amazed at how much he reads.C) He reads the same amount as he woman does.D) He finds it difficult to sit still to read.4 / 7Section ThreeDirections:In this section

20、 of the test, you will hear short talks and conversations. After each talk or conversation, you will begiven some question. Each talk or conversation will be read twice. You must read the questions and the fourpossible answers carefully and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find th

21、e number of thequestion and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. (20%)構氽頑黌碩飩薺齦話騖。構氽頑黌碩飩薺齦話騖門。1.What trouble did the pigeons have?A) The cobra cheated them.B) The cobra occupied their home.C) They broke their valuable necklace.D) The cobra often ate the pige

22、ons young babies.2.Whom did the pigeons go to for help?A) A hare.B) A snake.C) A queen.D) Their servant.3.Why did the pigeon drop the necklace?A) Because it was too heave.B) Because he wanted to trick the cobra.C) Because he wanted to please the cobra.D) Because he wanted the servants to run after h

23、im.4.What is the point of this passage?A) When you are in trouble, better to go and ask a cleverfriend for help.輒嶧陽檉籪癤網(wǎng)儂號澩。輒嶧陽檉籪癤網(wǎng)儂號澩蠐。B) Bathing with a necklace left on the shore is foolish.堯側閆繭絳闕絢勵蜆贅。堯側閆繭絳闕絢勵蜆贅瀝。C) It is better to be clever than strong.D) Its foolish to eat young pigeons.Section F

24、ourDirections:In this section of the test, you will hear a passage or a longer conversation. Listen carefully to the passage or thelonger conversation and answer the questions. (10%)識饒鎂錕縊灩筧嚌儼淒。識饒鎂錕縊灩筧嚌儼淒儂。1. How does the man feel about home?2. Which country did the man s family go with him?Section F

25、iveDirections:This section is designed to measure your comprehension of a passage. You are going to hear the passage twice.It will not be written out for you. Therefore,you must listen carefully in order to understand the passagecompletely. After you hear the passage, read each statement in your tes

26、t book and decide whether it is TRUEor FALSE according to what you have heard on the tape. Then on your answer sheet, if it isTRUE find the number of the question and blacken the letter“ A” ;if it is FALSE, findthe number of the question and blacken the letter“ B” .Now, please get ready to listento

27、the passage.(20%)凍鈹鋨勞臘錯癇婦脛糴。凍鈹鋨勞臘錯癇婦脛糴鈹。1. Chaplin was born and had grown up in London s poor areaand experieneed hardS諤ps of life.銪滅縈歡煬鞏鶩錦。恥諤銪滅縈歡煬鞏鶩錦聰。5 / 72. Chapli ns pare nts had bee n successful actor and actress inEn gla nd.鯊腎鑰詘漣鉀溈懼統(tǒng)庫。鯊腎鑰詘漣 鉀溈懼統(tǒng)庫搖。3. Chaplin had the same dream as his parent -t

28、obse film stars.碩癘鄴頏謅攆檸攜驤蘞。 碩癘鄴頏謅攆檸攜驤蘞鷥。THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING TEST.二、樣題錄音文字及標準答案:Section OneWoman 1: I ve got good 1) news for you!Woman 2: Oh, yes.Woman 1: I m getting 2) married.Man:Well, well. Who s the 3) lucky man? Do we know|閿擻輳嬪諫遷擇植秘騖。閿擻輳嬪諫遷擇楨秘騖輛。1. news 2. married3. luckySection T

29、wo1. M.: While Im in Washington,I want to see the CapitolBuilding.氬嚕躑竄貿懇彈瀘頷澩。 氬嚕躑竄貿懇彈瀘頷澩紛。W: You will. Its only a stones thrown away from the train釷鵒資贏車贖孫滅獅贅。釷鵒資贏車贖孫滅獅贅慶。station.Q: .What does the woman mean?(C)2. W: Im sorry. What did you say?M: Oh, nothing. I was just thinking out loud.Q: What does

30、 the man mean?(C)3. W: How you can read so much in one sitting is amazing.慫闡譜鯪逕導嘯畫長涼。慫闡譜鯪逕導嘯畫長涼 馴。M: When the subject is interesting enough, its easy.諺辭調擔鈧諂動禪瀉類。諺辭調擔鈧諂動禪瀉類謹。Q: What does the man mean?(A)Section ThreeOnce upon a time a pair of pigeons were continually upset by a cobra. Every year the

31、snake crawled into their home to eatthe young pigeons before they learned to fly.They asked their clever friend, the hare, what to do.嘰覲詿縲鐋囁偽純鉿錈。嘰覲詿縲鐋囁偽純鉿錈癱?!?Donot be disappointed, ”tolhde them, “ Wceannot stop the cobra by force, as we are notstrong enough. We will have to use craft to destroy tha

32、t cruel beast. Just do what I tell you and youwill be safe.熒紿譏”鉦鏌觶鷹緇機庫。熒紿譏鉦鏌觶鷹緇機庫圓。The pigeon then flew off to the river where a queen was bating, guarded by all her servants.He snatched up the most beautiful necklace left on the shore and flew away just out of reach of the angry servants. Oncethey

33、were running straight for the cobras home he flew quickly ahead and settled at the window pretending not to knowwhat to do.鶼漬螻偉閱劍鯫腎邏蘞。鶼漬螻偉閱劍鯫腎邏蘞闋。The cobra rushed towards the pigeon at once. “ Stupipdigeon, ”he thought. He only just managed to fly away, butdropped this valuable necklace in his haste

34、. “ Whwaitll his wife say? Now I will be the most magnificent cobra in theworld. ” However, no soonetrhahand he put it on the servants appeared and killed him to take the expensive thing紂憂蔣氳頑薟驅藥憫騖。紂憂蔣氳頑薟驅藥憫騖覲。back.The year the pigeons family grew up healthy and safe.穎芻莖蛺餑億頓裊賠瀧。穎芻莖蛺餑億頓裊賠瀧漲。6 / 7Quest

35、ions:1.What trouble did the pigeons have?(D)2.Whom did the pigeons go to for help?(A)3.Why did the pigeon drop the necklace?(B)4.What is the point of this passage?(C) Section FourMan :Well, it depends on what you mean by home. When I washome to me is being nearthe people you re fond驂膽閉驟羥闈詔寢賻。濫驂膽閉驟羥闈

36、詔寢賻減。Interviewer: Uhm, uhm, yeah. So does that mean that your family were with you in Australia?銚銻縵嚌鰻鴻鋟謎諏涼。銚銻縵嚌鰻鴻鋟謎諏涼鏗。Man:Yes, they were there with me.In terviewer: And presumably they vethey came back竊貼凝電!麥結鈺贖嘵類。擠貼綬電麥結鈺贖嘵類羋。Questions:1. How does the man feel about home?Being near the people you re

37、 fond of./ Being near the people one is賠o荊紳諮侖驟遼輩襪錈。賠荊紳諮侖驟遼輩襪錈極。2. Which country did the mans family go with him?Australia.Section FiveCharles ChaplinIn 1911, a penniless young man left England for America. His future was uncertain, but he did not believe it could beworse than his past. He had grown up among the poor in Londons East End and experience great poverty. His mothers lifehad been so hard that she had finally gone mad. And his father died of drink. Both parents had be


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