



1、配對閱讀專項練習1A.The stomachache n eeds hot water. Itsbest to()56. Candy studies very hard. She oftentake this medicine with hot honey water.studies late until 12 olock everyB.This is a kind of Chin ese herb. It is good tonight. She is stressed out and shedrop the body temperature.cansleep well at ni ght.

2、C.This medicine is good for the people who have acold. But it is not useful for treati ng()57. John likes ice cream very much. Hefever.ate a lot of ice cream yesterday. ButD.If you feel pain in your throat and canSsay anow he has a stomachache.word, this medici ne is the right one for you.Take it an

3、d you can speak aga in very soon.()58. Miss Lin has a sore throat. She cantE.This medic ine can help every one sleep well.speak to her stude nts now.Take it before you go to sleep, and you will feelrelaxed the n ext morni ng.()59. James does ntfeel very well. He has aF.This medic ine can help childr

4、e n who have aheadache. He has to take somesore throat. It is a little sweet, children willmedici ne.like it.G.Take this medici ne before you go to sleep. It()60.Betty had a cold 3 days ago. Hercan make you feel better and your head willtemperature is 39.5 C . She has anot ache any more.fever.H.This

5、 medic ine is good for your ach ing tooth.Take it three times a day. Your toothache willstop soon.2左欄是五位病人的病情介紹,右欄是一些醫(yī)生的建議,請將病人和建議進行匹配。56.1 cut my fin gers just now. ItSbleeding (流血).What should Ido?57. My head aches. I have afever, and I cough a lot.58. I broke my leg when 1 wasplay ing basketball

6、yesterday.Its so pain ful.59. ItSdifficult for me to fallasleep these days. And I alwaysfeel very sleepy the next day. ItSso terrible!60. I canSsee things clearlywhen they are far away fromme.A.Youve got a cold. Take some medicine, drink more water andhave eno ugh rest. Youll be OK soon.B. Eat some

7、spicy food and drink some cold water.C.Lie in bed and have a good rest. DonSgo any where. YouSl beall right i n a few days.D.Stick a woun dplast on your fin ger, and donSlet it touch anywater.E.You should have your eyes checked. If you re short-sighted,you should wear a pair of glasses. Try to do ey

8、e exercises everyday. Itgood for your eyes.F.Use a magnifying glass to help you see the things far away. Oryou may just see things around you.G.You can drink a glass of milk and liste n to some light musicbefore you go to bed. You may take some sleeping pills if necessary.H. Drink some tea or coffee

9、 before you go to bed.3配 對 閱 讀 : 左 欄 是 五 位 學 生 對 自 己 親 人 的 介 紹 , 右 欄 是 一 些 人 物 的 介 紹 , 請 將 人 物 和 學生 所 介 紹 的 人 進 行 匹 配 , 并 將 最 佳 選 項 的 字 母 編 號 填 寫 在 答 卷 相 應 題 目 的 答 題 位 置 上 。()66. My brother is 16 years old. He isvery tall. He can play basketball very well.()67. My mother is a housewife. She cancook

10、very delicious food.()68. My sister is very good atbadminton. She often plays badminton with me.()69. My grandpa is old, but he stillworks on the farm every day.()70. My father is a teacher. He is 42years old.A.Mr. Smith is a farmer. He is very old, but heis very strong.B.Kate likes sports very much

11、. She oftenplays baseball after school.C.Mr. Longman is a middle-aged man. Heteaches En glish in a middle school.D.Mrs. Black is a nurse. She works in ahospital.E.Sam likes basketball very much, but he istoo short.F.Sally is an active girl. She likes badm intonvery much.G.Mrs. Brown doesnthave a job

12、. She juststays at home and cooks the meals.H.Tim is a tall boy. He is 16 years old.()6. Jack keeps animalsbecause he enjoys theirfrien dship.()7. Xiaoling likesmusic and is good atsinging. But she enjoys adrama best of all.()8. Mike has manyhobbies. One of them ismaking or flying a kite.()9. Peter

13、enjoy drivingand he buy an expe nsivecar. He has not decidedwhat brand of car he isgoing to buy.()10. Janes pare nts areboth famous sin gers.A ndof course, she wishes tobecome a singing star oneday.A. There are many kinds of fish food that you can get in petshops. Most are suitable(合適的)for all kinds

14、 of fish. Youshould feed your fish once a day only. It is important not to givethem too much food. Just give them as much as they can eat inabout 15 minu tes. This will keep them healthy.B. Dreaming of owning your own car? World famous car makerssuch as Mercedes Benz, BMW, Wolkswage n, Audi, andGene

15、ral Motors have brought their latest products to the exhibition in Guan gzhou sablieum.C. So sweet puppy! I am ready to give it out without any paymentto anyone who will promise me that he/she will take good careof her.D. Do you want to hearThe Zoo”The Zoo”A popularrock group from Australia, will gi

16、ve theirfirst Us concerttomorrow ni ght at 8:00 at Rosetall, City College.E. Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, andexciting dances? Captain Good Fellow will be ready to teach allthese things to children of all ages at the City Theatre onSaturday morning at 10:00, Free.F. Apr.20

17、 Kite Festival: Weifang, Shandong Provineesbest-k nown kite city, will host(主辦)a kite festival.G.Sun rise is being put up as part of celebrati ons of the Capital.thTheatre s50 anniversary.7A. Japanese I (9 a.mr-l I a.m. Saturday)After this course, you it be able to speak some dai ly Japanese.B. Japa

18、nese IJ (3 p.m-5 p.m. Saturday)You should have some basic knowledge of Japanese or learnJapanese I before you take this course.C. Swimming (9 a.m.-I I a.m. Sunday)After this course, you 11 be able to swim breaststroke(電屛水),backstroke(仰泳)and crawl (自rb泳)D. English literature (3 p.m.-5 p.in. SundayGet

19、 to know the story of some famous English and Americanwriters and leam to appreciate(欣賞)their works.E. Yoga (3 p.m5 p,m. Sunday)This kind of sports originated(來源J;) in India. 11 can help yourelax your body and mind.F. Piano (91 a.m. Sunday)xam to play the piano with famous pianist Ma L.ong,G. Guitar

20、 (3p.m. Saturday)Do you want to sing the hottest pop songs while playing the guitar?Then came and join in this course.H. Tatchl(太極)(9a.m. Saturday)Leam something about this ancient Chinese Kungfii.11 Just relax yourself and do the revision (fi習)work. Believe yourself Tell yourselfyou can make it.12

21、Tell him that you wont lend him anythingunless he has asked for your permission.13 You can ask them to let you play for a whileafter you have finished your homework. Letthem know that you won t be addicted to上J)S) computer games.14 ItJs quite right for you to do so. Maybe youcan help her to prepare for the exam.15 You can encourage her and tell her that shewill pass the exam if she studies harder nexitime. Maybe you can help her with thestudy.A. My friend Jack always takes my things without mypermission(未經(jīng)我的允許、B* I like Jay Chou veryrmuch* I want to go to hisconcert very muck But the tic


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