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1、2008 年職稱英語考試理工類A 級真題及答案第 1 部分:詞匯選項 ( 第 115 題,每題 1 分,共 15 分)下面每個句子中均有 1 個詞或短語劃有底橫線,請為每處劃線部分確定 1 個憊義最為接近的選項。1 With immense relief, stopped running.A enormousB someClittleD extensive2 The scientists began to accumulate data.A handleB collectC analyzeD investigate3 Jack eventually overtook the last truc

2、kA passedB hitC reachedD led4 Sometimes it is advisable to book hotels in advanceA possibleB profitableC wiseD easy5 The reason for their unusual behavior remains a puzzleA mysteryB factC statementD game6 That guy is really wittyA uglyB smartC honorableD popular7 The world champion suffered a sensat

3、ional defeatA dramaticB reasonableC humiliatingD horrifying8 It seems that only Mary is eligible for the jobA preparedB trainedC guidedD qualified9 This poemdepictsthe beautifulscenery of a town in the South17 / 16A praisesB writesC describesD imitates10 The meaning is still obscure.A transparentB v

4、agueC alienD significant11 Dumped waste might contaminate water suppliesA destroyB decreaseC polluteD delay12 One theory postulates that the ancient Filipinos came from India and PersiaA expectsB assumesC predictsD considers13 It is very difficult for a child to adhere to rulesA followB rememberC un

5、derstandD learn14 I hope that I didn t do anything absurd last night.A awkwardB strangeC awfulD stupid15 There should be laws thatprohibitsmoking around children.A advocateB forbidC inheritD withdraw第 2 部分:閱讀判斷 ( 第 16 22 題,每題 1 分,共 7 分)下面的短文后列出了 7 個句子,請根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容對每個句子做出判斷:如果該句提供的是正確信息,請選擇A;如果該句提供的是錯誤信息

6、,請選擇B; 如果該句的信息文中沒有提及,請選擇C。Green Roof ResearchThe concept of green roofs is basically about growing plants on roofs,thus helping to replace the green footprint that had been destroyed due to the construction of thebuilding Green roofsare the most prevalent(流行)inGermany, which iswidelyregardedas the l

7、eaderin green roofresearch The green roofs that are used these days can beclassifiedas "extensive"and “intensive” systemsExtensive green roofsuse mosses,grasses and herbs ,which are tolerant to droughts.These plantsdo not need muchmaintenance ,can be grown in a layer of substrate(土層)that c

8、an be as shallow as1 5 inches ,and generally are inaccessibleto the publicIncontrast a wide range of species of plants are grown onintensive green roofs, such as shrubs(灌木)and even trees, which require deeper substrate layers, and are usually grown on flatroofs They need intensivemaintenance,and are

9、 usually areas that resemble parks which are accessible to peopleThere are several benefits of adopting green roof technologiesApart from the obvious psychological and aesthetic(暮學(xué)的 )benefits of garden like environmentssurrounding you,some of the common economic and ecological benefitsare : a reduct

10、ionin the consumption of energy ; airand water purification;recovering green spaces; and the mitigation(緩解)of the heat island effect in urban areasThe green roof research that is currently ongoing is focused on evaluating the species of plants that are suitableto be grown on roofs ,the methods of pr

11、opagation(繁殖) as well as establishment, nutrient(養(yǎng)料)and water requirement, substrates,and the quantityand quality ofwater runoffThe evaluationcriteriaof plantspeciesare : at what ratethey can be established: their capacity to withstand invasive weeds; tolerance of cold and heat;tolerance of drought

12、conditions; capacity of persistence and survivalA number of experiments are being conducted on roof platformsimulationsat variousresearchcenters These sites are generally outfitted with equipment, which are used to measure temperatures at different depths of the growingsubstrates,and the rate and vo

13、lume of the runoffof stormwaters from each of the platformsGreen rooftechnologyis representativeof a completely new market for landscape contractors,and all roofs that currently exist and the future ones to be constructed are thepotential market a market that is too huge to be overlooked16. It is es

14、timated that around 10 percent of the flat roofs in Germany are greenA RightBWrongC Not mentioned17. German people prefer extensive green roof systems to intensive onesA RightBWrongC Not mentioned18. Small plants like grasses and herbs are grown widely on intensive green roofsA RightBWrongC Not ment

15、ioned19. Green roof is an ecologically sound strategy of spreading green in urban areasA RightBWrongC Not mentioned20. One of the benefits of green roofs is the reduction of the heat island effect in citiesA RightBWrongC Not mentioned21. One focus in the green roof research is the evaluation of suit

16、able plant speciesA RightBWrongC Not mentioned22. Although environmentgreen roof technology can create a garden,its potential market is rather small likeA RightBWrongC Not mentioned第 3 部分:概括大意與完成句子 ( 第 2330 題,每題 1 分,共 8 分)下面的短文后有 2 項測試任務(wù): (1) 第 2326 題要求從所給的 6 個選項中為第 25 段每段選擇 1 個最佳標題; (2) 第 2730 題要求從

17、所給的 6 個選項中為每個句子確定 1 個最佳選項。The Supercomputer Network1 Recently Ten laboratoriesrun by governments in different partsof the world have becomelinked Their computers have been connected so they can“talk ”toeach other Thismay not seem very dramatic news,but it is the beginning of a developmentthat will i

18、ncrease the power of the Internet tremendously2 The Internetisan interconnected(互聯(lián))system of networks that connects computers round the world and facilitates the transmissionand exchange of information The way thatyou use the Internetisby accessingthisnetwork This depends on the power that your syst

19、em allows you to useThe power of your computer is responsible for how fast you can download(下 載)files, how much data you can store,etc If your computeris old and slowaccessing the information can be verydifficult3 The new development in information technology has been called “the grid”( 網(wǎng)格技術(shù) ) ,and

20、it will be a network ofcomputers thatare linkedtogether The“grid ”willwork ina differentway from the Internet, enablingyou to get the powerof the biggest computers in the world on yourcomputer Accessing the information will no longer depend on the power of your computerThe idea is that while you acc

21、essinformation,you willalso have access to the power of the bigger computer stations4 Oneadvantage of thisrevolutionaryidea is thatgeographical locationwillbecomeirrelevantThe“grid ”willdecide which are the best parts of a worldwide network to do the job youwant This means thatyou may be accessinga

22、computer In Japan to solve a problem in Alaska5 The“grid ”can be compared to having an efficient personal assistantYou can give your assistanta task and“he”willdo it for youThe assistant will do the preliminary research, collect the data, compare them and decide on the best courseof action by access

23、ing any of the computer centres in the“grid ” thathappen to have the relevantinformation Allyou have to do is assign the task, sit back and wait6 At present,possible applications of the“grid ”in scientificresearchare beingexplored While ithas taken about fifteen years for Internet use to become wide

24、spread, experts believe that the“grid ” could be up and running for private individuals far more quicklyScientists workingon“grid ”projectsare convinced thatitwillbe as widelyused as the web in the next ten years23 Paragraph 2 24 Paragraph 3 25 Paragraph 4 26 Paragraph 5 27 Traditionallythe power of

25、 your computer determineshow fast you can access.28 The “grid will enable you to get on your computer the power ofin the world29 The “grid ” would be like tasks efficiently. , who can performyour30 Itis believedthatthe widespread use of the “grid will become possible in the next.第 4 部分:閱讀理解 ( 第 31-4

26、5 題,每題 3 分,共 45 分)下面有 3 篇短文,每篇短文后有5 道題。請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,為每題確定 1 個最佳選項。第一篇 Centers of the Great European CitiesThe centers of the great cities of Europe are meetingplaces by traditionpeople gather thereto drinkcoffeeand chat late into the nightA mixture of locals and tourists makefor an exciting, metropolitan

27、 atmosphereSquares ,plazas( 廣場)and arcades(拱廊)form the heart of Europes citiesVenice in Italy has the Piazza San Marcoa beautiful square surrounded by sn0Ps,churches ,restaurantsand cafes In Barcelona ,Spain,La Bosqueria is a livelymarket with hundreds of stalls selling all kinds of goodsLondons Cov

28、ent Garden IS filledwithfruitand vegetablestallsby day and musicians , acrobats( 雜技演員 )and artists by night. The governmentbuildings at the center of many cities often arearchitecturallyimpressive?In London,the serve as a beautiful backdrop( 背景)to the coffee tables that line the streets andthe banks

29、 of the ThamesThese vibrant(有 活 力 的 )hearts are the product of centuriesof evolution,socialhistorian JoelGarreau toldUS Newsand World Report recently“The reason people thinkVenice is so great today is you dont see all the mistakes,”said Garreau ”l hose have allbeen removed” Most European cities were

30、 laid out before the invention of the car, so bars,restaurantsand caf6s were near to people homesToday the focus of many Europeans , life has moved away from the centers They live in the suburbs and Outskirtsdriving to supermarkets toget their suppliesBut on a continent where people treasure convent

31、ion ,there are still those who hold onto traditional ways, ling and shopping locallyThese people , together with tourists, provide the city centers with their reason forexistence Coffee culture plays a part in keeping these city centers flourishing this is particularly true of Paris whosecitizens ar

32、e famous enthusiastic conversationalists. thissskill is developed over many hours spent chatting over espressos( 濃咖啡 )and cigarettesReligion also plays a role in developing sociable atmosphere People in Roman Catholic countries used to visitthe Church on an almost daily basis Entire communities woul

33、dgather in the same building and then move out to the markets, cafesand bars In the surroundingstreets An enormous example of this relationship between church and society is theDuomo The huge marble cathedral in Florence,Italy is surrounded by bakeries and coffee shops,and caters not only to the tou

34、rist crowds, but also the local community31. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that each big city in EuropeA. has many large squares.B. has many very magnificent sky-scrapers.C. has a center where tourists meet their spouses.D. draws tourists in large numbers every year.32. Which statement

35、 is NOT true of Covent Garden?A. It is crowded with people.B. It is located in London.C. It is surrounded by shops, churches, restaurantsand cafesD. It is filled with stalls.33. Why do people think that Venice is so great?A. Because it is a famous tourist attraction.B. Because you can reach anywhere

36、 by boat.C. Because all the mistakes have been removed.D. Because it is well-known for its merchants.34. What are Parisians famous for?A. Their enthusiasm for conversation.B. Their pursuit of independence.C. Their ability to keep the city flourishing.D. Their devotion to developing a multiple cultur

37、e.35. The writer cites the Duomo in the last paragraph as an example to illustrate thatA. all churches are magnificent.B. there is a tight link between church and society.C. old churches are very popular.D. high-rise churches are impressive.第二篇Real-World RobotsWhen you think Of a robot, do you imagi

38、ne ashiny,metallicdevice having the samegeneralshape as a human being , performinghumanlike functions, and respondingto your questions in a monotone(單調(diào)的 )voice accentuated(強調(diào))byhigh-pitchedtones and beeps This isthe way manyof USimagine a robot,but in the real world a robot is not humanoid atall ins

39、tead ,a robot oftenis a voiceless,box-shaped machinethatefficientlycarriesOut repetitiveor dangerous functions usually performed by humans. Today" s robot is more than an automatic machine that performs one task again and again A modern robot is programmed with varying degrees of artificial int

40、elligence,thatis ,a robot containsa computer program that tells it how to perform tasks associated with humanintelligence,such as reasoning, drawing conclusions, and learning from pastA robot does not possess a human shape for the simple reason that a two-legged robot has great difficulty remaining

41、balanced A robot does, however,move from place to place onwheels and axles(輪軸)that roll and rotate A robot even haslimbs that turn round and move in combination with joints and motors To find its way in its surroundings, a robot utilizesvariousbuilt-insensors Antennae attached to the robot'sbase

42、 detect anything they bump into If the robot starts to shakeas itmoves on an incline, a gyroscope( 陀螺儀)insideitsensesthe vertical differential .TO determine Its distance from anobject and how quickly it will reach the object, the robot bounces beams of laser. light and ultrasonic sound waves off obs

43、tructions(障礙物 )in its path?These and other sensorsconstantly feed information to the computer, which then analyzes the information and corrects or adjusts the robots actions As science and technologyadvancetherobot too will progress in its functions and use of artificial intelligenceprograms,36 The

44、writer begins the passage by comparing Aa real-life robot with a fictional robot.B the shape of a human being with a boxC an imaginary machine with a humanD a robot with a computer program37 The word“humanoid” in Paragraph 1 means Alacking human feelingsB lacking human characteristicsC having a huma

45、n form and characteristics Dlacking human intelligence38 According to the first paragraph,artificial intelligenceisA the unnatural way in which robots moveB a voiceless,boxshaped machine that performs repetitive tasksC a computer program that imitates human intellectual processesD a sensor that dete

46、cts troubles in a robot39 The last paragraph suggests that future robots will Asurpass human beings in intelligenceB be more humanlike in behavior and actionC use a laser to transmit informationD will perform very complicated household jobs40 Another good title for this passage would beARobots : Tak

47、ing the Place of Humans BArtificial Intelligence Programs CModern Day Sensors DToday S Robots and How They Function第三篇Why Humans Walk on Two LegsA team of scientists that studied chimpanzees (黑猩猩) trained to use treadmills (跑 步 機 ) has gathered new evidence suggesting that our earliest apelike ances

48、torsstartedwalkingon two legs because itrequiredlessenergy than getting around on all fours.Michael sockol , researcher of UC Davis, worked fortwo years to findan animal trainerwillingto coax ( 勸誘) adult chimps to walk on two legs and to walk on all fours.The fivechimps also wore face masks used to

49、help the researchers measure oxygen consumption. While the chimpsworked out,the scientistscollecteddata thatallowedthem tocalculate which method of locomotion (移動) used less energy and why. The team gatheredthe same informationforfouradult humans walking on a treadmill.The researchers found that hum

50、anwalking used about 75 percent less energy and burned 75 percent fewer calories than quadrupedal and bipedal walking in chimpanzees. They also found that for some but not all of the chimps, walking on two legswas no more costly than on all fours."We were prepared to findthatallof the chimps us

51、ed more energy walking on two legs-but that findingwouldn't have been as interesting,Sockol said."what we found was much more telling.For threechimps, bipedalismwas more expensive, but for the other two chimps, this wasn't the case. One spentabout the same energy walking on two legs as

52、on all fours Theotherused lessenergy walkingupright 。 " These two chimps had different gaits (步法) and anatomy (解 剖 ) than 'their quadrupedal peers.Taken together, the findings provide support for the hypothesis that anatomical (解剖學(xué)的 ) differences affecting gait existed among our earliest ap

53、elike ancestors,and thatthese differencesprovidedthe geneticvariationwhich naturalselectioncould act on when changes in the environment gave bipeds an advantage over quadrupeds.Fossiland molecularevidence suggests the earliest ancestors of the human familylived in forested areas in equatorial Africa

54、 in the late Miocene era (中世紀) some 8 to10million years ago, when changes in climate may have increased the distance between food patches That would haveforced our earliest ancestors to travel longer distances on the ground and favored those who could cover more ground using less energy."Thisis

55、n'tthe complete answer,"Sockol said."But it'sa good piece of a puzzlehumans have always wondered about:Howand why did we becomehuman?And why do we alone walk on two legs?"41. Michael Sockol and his team were interested inA. where humans came from.B. how chimpanzees could be trainedto use treadmills.C. when our earliest ancestors began to live in forested areasD. why our apelikeancestorscameto walk on two legs.42. The phrase "worked out' in paragraph 3 could be replaced byA.calculated.B.exercised.C.understoo


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