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1、 2010-2011第二學(xué)期 專業(yè)英語試卷A答案1.Translate the following Chinese terms into English ( one point for each,20 points for all)1) 汽車與工程機械 automobile and construction machinery2) 筑路機械 road-making machine3) 發(fā)電機 generator 4) 起動馬達 self starter5) 方向盤 steering wheel6) 進氣門 inlet valve7) 齒輪泵 gear pump8) 機油濾清器 oil filt

2、er9) 差速器 differential10) 摩擦式離合器 friction clutch11) 蓄電瓶 storage battery12) 鏟土運輸機 scraper13) 塔式起重機 tower crane14) 叉車 fork lift15) 商業(yè)車輛 commercial vehicle16) 變速箱 transmission box (gear box)17) 帶式輸送機 belt conveyer 18) 步履式挖掘機 walking excavator19) 顎式砸機 jaw crusher20) 履帶和輪胎 track and tire2.Translate the fo

3、llowing English terms into Chinese (one point for each, total 20 points)1) gasoline and diesel 汽油和柴油2) flywheel and cam 飛輪和凸輪3) disk brake 盤式制動器4) mechanical vibration 機械振動5) power steering 動力轉(zhuǎn)向6) vibratory roller 振動式壓路機7) hydraulic torque converter 液力變矩器8) piston ring 活塞環(huán)9) suspension system 懸掛系統(tǒng)10

4、) cab and chassis 駕駛室與底盤11) radiator 散熱器12) fuel-injection system 燃油噴射系統(tǒng)13) air compressor 空氣壓縮機14) lubrication and lubricant 潤滑與潤滑劑15) fine-mesh oil filter 機油細濾器16) pile driver 打樁機17) hydraulic excavator 液壓挖掘機18) concrete paver 混凝土攤鋪機19) truck mixer 攪拌車20) ignition system 點火系統(tǒng)3Answer the following

5、questions briefly(5 points for each, 20 points for all)1)Which are included in an internal combustion engine? Two mechanisms:piston connecting rod mechanism and valve timing mechanism Five systems:fuel feed system,lubrication system,cooling system,starting system,and ignition system(only for petrol

6、engine).2)What are included in a working member of a hydrauli excavator? Boom,arm,bucket and cylinder of the boom, cylinder of the arm,cylinder of the bucket.3) What is the function of a differential ?The differentials is a gear assembly in a motor vehicle which allows the propeller shaft or drive s

7、haft to turn the drive wheels at different speed when the vehicle is going around a curve.4) What is the difference between a bulldozer and an angledozer? A bulldozer is mounted with a blade perpendicular to the direction of travel. And an angle dozer is mounted with a blade set an angle with the di

8、rection of travel. The former pushes the earth forward, while the latter pushes the earth forward and to one side, some blades may be adjusted their use to bulldozer or angledozer. 4. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (40 points)A. Part One (5 points for each , 20 points for all)第一部分1)

9、 真正最早上市的內(nèi)燃機是名叫尼古拉斯·奧格斯特·奧托的德國人發(fā)明的。該裝置是一個四沖程的發(fā)動機,汽缸體中每個油缸每次燃燒時,使用汽化器中的汽化的汽油和混合的空氣。在該內(nèi)燃機循環(huán)的進氣沖程中,燃燒的混合物吸入氣缸;在壓縮沖程中,混合物被壓縮,再由火花塞點燃;作功沖程中,混合物燃燒完成;排氣沖程中,燃燒后的混合物被排出所缸。2) 離合器是一種快速容易連接或分開一旋轉(zhuǎn)軸和另一同軸的旋轉(zhuǎn)軸的裝置。離合器允許這兩個構(gòu)件,通常是驅(qū)動軸通過操作連接或脫開。盡管它用在機動車上,但是,離合器有多種可用的類型,電磁式,干摩擦盤式,多種油浸盤式,離心式和葉片式。在機動車中離合器的功能是在換擋時,

10、將發(fā)動機的動力與車輪分開,然后,允許發(fā)動機平穩(wěn)提速,特別重要的是在起動時。3). 我們將起重機定義為一種能夠舉升重物,并將其水平移動的機器。換句話說,起重機能夠舉升重物并能在水平面上將其移到不同的位置。不象升降機,只是一個舉升裝置,我們可將起重機分為兩大類:它們是臂式起重機和行車式起重機(行車)。臂式起重機有一個臂,通過該臂重物被懸吊,該臂允許重物在吊臂的半徑范圍之內(nèi)上升、下降,并放在任何位置、吊臂在垂直平面內(nèi)的運動稱為變幅,在水平面內(nèi)的運動稱為回轉(zhuǎn)。4)單斗裝載機是通用的機器,適用于各種條件下的操作。裝載機有履帶式或輪胎式的牽引設(shè)備作為行走裝置。裝載機通過更換工作裝置,主要是鏟斗,可實現(xiàn)裝載

11、施工,安裝施工的機械化??捎玫难b載裝置有三種變換方式:前卸式、翻轉(zhuǎn)式、半回轉(zhuǎn)式和臂架式。前卸式工作裝置可在材料裝載的一側(cè)卸料,臂架式工作裝置也可一側(cè)卸料。翻轉(zhuǎn)式的工作裝置可實現(xiàn)向后卸料。B. Part Two (20 points )第二部分壓路機是壓實機械類工程車輛,用于壓實道路和基礎(chǔ)施工中的土壤、礫石、混凝土或者瀝青。壓路機通過滾輪對被壓實材料表面施加的作用力來完成壓實,它適用于各種道路施工,機場,水壩,港口以及工業(yè)施工。壓路機有不同的類型:拖式,自行式和手扶式;有光輪式,凸塊式和橡膠輪胎式;并且可以進一步分為靜作用式和振動式。振動壓路機對材料有兩種壓實作用力自身重力和動態(tài)沖擊力。來自于壓


13、10-2011第二學(xué)期 專業(yè)英語試卷B答案1. Translate the following English terms into Chinese (one point for each,20 points for all)1) automobile and construction machinery 汽車與工程機械2) road-making machine 筑路機械 3) generator 發(fā)電機 4) self starter 起動馬達 5) steering wheel 方向盤 6) inlet valve 進氣門7) gear pump 齒輪泵8) oil filter 機油濾

14、清器9) differential 差速器 10) friction brake 摩擦式制動器11) storage battery 蓄電瓶12) scraper 鏟土運輸機 13) tower crane 塔式起重機 14) fork lift truck 叉車 15) engineering vehicle 工程車輛16) transmission box 變速箱17) conveyer 輸送機 18) ripper 松土器19) milling machine 銑刨機 20) bucket 鏟斗2.Translate the following Chinese terms into En

15、glish (one point for each, total 20 points)1) 汽油和柴油 gasoline and diesel 2) 飛輪 flywheel 3) 制動器 brake 4) 機械振動 mechanical vibration 5) 動力轉(zhuǎn)向 power steering 6) 振動式壓路機 vibratory roller 7) 液力變矩器 hydraulic torque converter 8) 拖拉機 tractor9) 懸掛系統(tǒng) suspension system 10) 駕駛室與底盤 cab and chassis 11) 行星齒輪系 planetar

16、y gear train12) 燃油噴射系統(tǒng) fuel-injection system 13) 空氣壓縮機 air compressor 14) 潤滑與潤滑劑 lubrication and lubricant 15) 打樁機 pile driving equipment16) 液壓挖掘機 hydraulic excavator 17) 混凝土攤鋪機 concrete paver18) 攪拌車 truck mixer19) 銑刨機 milling machine 20) 鏟斗 bucket3Answer the following questions briefly(5 points for

17、 each, 20 points for all)1) What is the difference between a petrol engine and a diesel engine?The difference is that in the former an explosive mixture of air and gas is made externally to the engine cylinder, compressed and ignored by an electric spark.2)What are the function and types of clutches

18、?A clutch is a device for quickly and easily connecting and disconnecting a rotatable shaft and a rotating coaxial shaft,which allows two components,usually drive shaft to be engaged or disengaged by its operation. Electromagnetic, dry friction plate, multi-oil immersed plate, centrifugal and vane a

19、re just some of the various types of clutch avaible. The job of the clutch is to disconnect the engine from the road wheels while changing gear and then to allow the engine to pick speed smoothly, which is especially important on starting.3) What are the definitions of a crane and a hoist?A crane ca

20、n lift loads and move them to a different position in the horizontal plane, unlike a hoist which is only a lifting device.4) What are all types of conveyers?They are belt conveyer, chain conveyer, screw conveyer, vibrating conveyer.4. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (40 points)A. Par

21、t One (5 points for each , 20 points for all) 第一部分1)發(fā)動機是獨立的動力裝置,并將燃料的熱能轉(zhuǎn)換成機械能,用以推動車輛前進。由于燃料在發(fā)動機內(nèi)部燃燒,因此這種發(fā)動機被稱為內(nèi)燃機。在內(nèi)燃機里,可燃混合氣被引入到封閉的氣缸內(nèi),并在氣缸內(nèi)被壓縮并點燃。燃料燃燒引起氣缸內(nèi)壓力迅速上升,并通過活塞和曲軸被轉(zhuǎn)換成有用的機械能。最常見的發(fā)動機是四沖程活塞式發(fā)動機。四沖程包括進氣、壓縮、作功和排氣沖程。2). 汽車傳動系統(tǒng)包含并使用一系列的齒輪。當(dāng)汽車的速度發(fā)生變化時,該齒輪系能使發(fā)動機以最大效能連續(xù)工作,使汽車運動需要大量的動力以克服汽車的慣性。此過程為獲得較高的動力而需要較高的發(fā)動機轉(zhuǎn)速,并能逐漸增加車速以避免突然起動,較低的齒輪傳動比用于起動、爬坡及其它工況。由于動力需求下降,所以,在曲軸轉(zhuǎn)速較少時第二檔,即較高的齒輪傳動比用于驅(qū)動后橋旋轉(zhuǎn)。當(dāng)汽車的速度增加時,需要使用連續(xù)的較高的齒輪傳動比,直到由發(fā)動機到后橋的傳動在不減速的情況下完成傳動。通常使用兩種傳動類型;手動和自動。3)安裝有液壓裝置的挖掘機被稱為具有剛性懸掛工作裝置的挖掘機,區(qū)別于柔性懸掛工作裝置的挖掘機。因為這種挖掘機所有工作裝置的元件固定在空中,所以鏟斗的懸掛被認(rèn)為是剛性的。剛性懸掛的優(yōu)點通過研究反鏟挖掘機來說明,與柔性懸掛的挖掘機比較,剛性懸掛的


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