



1、外研七下綜合小測試(Module 11 )Name:_i.單項選擇1. I m glad to meet so many_here.A. visit B. visiter C. visitor D. visitors2. We should speak to the old_.A. politeB. impoliteC. politelyD. rude3. He ran_fast for me_catch up with.A. too; toB. so; thatC. such; that D. eno ugh; to4. What do you say to your pare nts wh

2、e n you go to sleepin the eve ning?but men in China or Australia shake hands 5kissing.People in Puerto like touching each other,but people in Brita in do not touch each other.People in Arab countries likestanding6one another when they are talking, 7 English people mustkeep a dista nee 8whe nthey are

3、 talk ing.When you use a foreign Ianguage, it is very important toknow the meanings of gestures in the foreign country.Following the customs (習(xí)俗)will help you com muni cate 9 people and make your staythere much more 10andcomfortable.1. A. helpful B. difficult C. easy D.uselessA. Thank youB. Good mor

4、ningC. Good nightD. Good eve ning5. You can stand closepeople in the MiddleEast.A. for B. toC. atD. around6. I ll tell you some waysEn glish.A. lear nsB. learni ngC. to lear nD. lear ned7. Mou nt Tai is_ than Mou nt Emei.A. higher B. high C. lower D. low8. My pen frie nd is from a_coun try.A. foreig

5、 ner B.foreig ners C. foreig n D. west9. I don t like apples _ .A. very B. quite C. verymuch D. at all10._talk in class.Sorry, I won t.A. Please not B.Don t C. Doesn t D. Didn tn.完形填空People use body Ian guage for sending messages to oneanother. It is very 1 because it can help you make yourselfeasil

6、y un derstood whe n you are talking with others. Forexample, waving one shand is to say“goodbye” . Shaking hands2welcome. Noddi ng the head means agreeme nt, but shakingthe head means disagreement.Both Chineseand foreigners accept the gestures(手勢) as havi ng 3 samemeanin gs.Differentcoun tries have

7、differe nt body Ian guages.For example, 4 in Russia, France and Arabcountries, people kiss each other when they meet,2. A. mea n B.means C. to mean D.meaning3. A. aB. anC. the D. /4. A. whe n B.ifC.before D.uni ess5. A. such as B.in stead of C. in steadD.aswell6. A. n early B. far away C. close to D

8、. i nfront of7. A. and B. orC. however D. but8. A. from B. toC. of D. away9. A. with B. forC. toD.through10. A. importa ntB. in terest ingC. pleasa ntD. successful川.閱讀理解People in differentcountries greet eachother indiffere nt ways. Hereare some.The Un itedStatesPeople shake hands whe n they meet fo

9、rthe first time. Friends and familymembersoften hug or kiss on the cheekwhen they see each other.SouthKoreaMen bow and shake hands to greet eachother. Wome n do not usually shake hands. If you address (稱呼) some one, youuse his or her full n ame. The family n amecomes first, the n the first n ame.Fi

10、nland(芬蘭)Finns greet each other with a han dshake.Hugs and kisses are only for close friendsand family members.TheThe everyday greet ing for friends1. Men bow and shake hands to greet each other1. People in differe nt coun tries have differentin_ .A. the Uni ted StatesB. South KoreaC. Fin la ndD. th

11、e Philipp in es2. In the US and Finland,_usually hug orkiss to greet each other.A. all peopleB. menC. friends and family members D. wome n3.People greetin.body_ (la nguage).2. Thousands of _(visit) visit the JiangdiPark during May Day.3. The New Year s party in our school is veryA. the Uni ted State

12、seach other with a handshake(fun).4. Don t tell(pers on) in formati on toothers.5. Thetwo(German) are his foreignfrien ds.W.根據(jù)句意及漢語提示寫單詞B. South KoreaD. all of the aboveto greet.C. the Philipp in es4. In Philipp ines men sometimes_A. kiss on the cheek B. hugC. pat each other on the back D. bow5. The

13、 passage mainly tells us_A. people in differe nt coun tries have differe nt waysto eatB.people in differe ntcoun triesgreetdiffere nt waysC. travelli ng can ope n our eyesD. we should go to foreig n coun triesIV .任務(wù)型閱讀Tibet is an in teresti ng place. 1.Whatwould you like to do if you go to visit a T

14、ibeta n family?Here are some tips for you.First, 2. _ , don t step on the doorsill檻).The n, 3. 而坐).4.,you may sit cross-legged (in盤腿They always drink a toast (干杯)whe nthey have dinner with friends. If they put their palm (手掌)together, it means the best wish for you.5.Whensomeone gives it to you, you

15、 should1. The teacher came into the classroom with a(微笑) onher face.2. Two America ns met on the street and_ (擁抱)each other.3. Let s look for the lost girl_ (一起).4. Don t _(觸摸)everythingwhen you visitthe museum.5. Open your_( 嘴)and say“ah”.vn.補全對話,其中有兩項多余A: Hi, Li Xi ng. Here are you going for your

16、winter holiday?B: Hi, Kate. 1._A: Really? I think youd better know some rules(規(guī)則)and customs in England. They are different fromthose in Chi na.B: But I don t know. 2._A: Sure. The first rule is that you must drive on the left of theroad.B: What s the next rule?A: And you must nt ride your bike on t

17、he paveme nt. B: Whatelse?A: 3._ For example, “ How old are you? ”B: 4._A: You can call them Mr, Mrs, Ms, or Miss beforeuse two hands to receive it, and bend your body(彎腰).their family n ames.B: Thanks a lot.Wish you enjoy yourself in a Tibeta n family. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,把下列五個句子還原到短文空白處。A. whe n you go into th

18、e houseB. Tibeta n people are very frien dly.C. Hada, the white scarf, is the symbol of good luck.A: 5._A. What do you think of the differences?B. What should I call people there?C. Im going to En gla nd.D.Its not polite to ask personalquesti ons.E. Youre welcome.F. How long will you stay there?G. Can you tell me some?vrn.書面表達寫一寫你所了解的肢體語言,談?wù)勚w語言的運用及 其重要性。答案I. 15 DCACB 610 CCCDBII. 1 5 ABCAB 6 10 CDDAC川.1 5 BCDCBIV. 1 5 EADBCV. 1. languages 2. visitors 3. funny 4.pers onal 5. Germa nsW. 1. smile 2. hug 3. together 4. touch5. mouthW. 15 CGDBE忸.One possible version:People also can use body Ian


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