



1、1、愉悅舒適不能指引領(lǐng)略人生的全部,與逆境的艱苦搏斗常常會(huì)使人生變得豐富而有意義: Pleasure only gets you so far , A rich , rewarding life often requires a messy battle with adversity .2、極其令人興奮的經(jīng)歷: a mind blowing experience3、內(nèi)置儲(chǔ)藏空間: built in storage space4、自我保護(hù)措施: self protection measures5、短期的工作: short term employment6、歪曲的否認(rèn)的自我觀念:distorted

2、 and negative self perception7、改變了生活的事件: life changing events8、無(wú)所不包的細(xì)節(jié): all encompassing details9、一個(gè)好的自我形象: a good self image10、超越國(guó)家或文化界限: transcend national or cultural boundaries11、一些實(shí)際優(yōu)惠: some trangible benefits12、被無(wú)休止地爭(zhēng)論: haven been debated endlessly13、以指出別的錯(cuò)誤為樂(lè): delights in pointing out other p

3、eoples mistakes14、對(duì)于失敗者的同情: sympathy with losers15、因?yàn)閹缀跽f(shuō)不清的原因:for reasons that can be barely articulates16、為在線(xiàn)效勞開(kāi)啟新的時(shí)代:define a new era for online services17、對(duì)他來(lái)說(shuō)是重要的? matter to him18、可能會(huì)對(duì)產(chǎn)生微妙的影響:may have a subtle effect on1 9 、提供免費(fèi)閱讀電子書(shū)籍的時(shí)機(jī):provide free access to e books20、 正發(fā)生著巨變:is in the midst o

4、f a sea change21、 一直在哈弗任教:has been on the faculty of Harvard University22 、如饑似渴的讀者: a voracious book reader23、 你就會(huì)把心思全花在這上了:you will stay focused on it24、 信息傳遞著:the conduit for information25 、你的支票真是天賜之物: your check came as an absolute godsend26 、我弄不清故事的脈絡(luò)了: lost the thread of the story27 、徜徉在優(yōu)美的散文中:

5、 stroll through elegant prose28、 只是一點(diǎn)消化不良:just a touch of indigestion29、 他幫了我大忙:He did me a good turn30、 與現(xiàn)有證據(jù)相符:correspond with the available evidence31、 不能正常工作:out of order32 、她正要開(kāi)始講她的故事: She was about to plunge into her story33、 很難解釋或控制:so difficult to account for , or control34、 分秒不差:to the minu

6、te35、 沒(méi)有地毯也行:You can do without a carpet36、 就成家來(lái)說(shuō):As far as starting a family is concerned37、 往嘴里腮爆米花:while stuffing his mouth with popcom38、 水不是有效的遮擋物:water is not an effective shield37、 被火焰吞沒(méi):engulfed in flames38、 主宰國(guó)家的權(quán)利:the rights of sovereigh nations39 、在市場(chǎng)上勝過(guò)他的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)者: outpaced its rivals in the m

7、arket40、買(mǎi)有必要嘮叨這點(diǎn): There is no need to belabor the point41 、她懇求幾位有名的學(xué)者: She invoked several eminent scholars42 、從兩個(gè)被圍困的村莊: from two embattled villages43、 根據(jù)證人證詞所示:Accord ing to the wit ness's testim ony44、 雖然我們盡了最大努力:In spite of our best endeavors45、 經(jīng)過(guò)了許多考驗(yàn)和磨難之后:After many trials and tribulation

8、1、Such is human nature in the west that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers. 許多人寧愿犧牲比擬高的工資以換取成為白領(lǐng)工人的社 會(huì)地位,這在西方倒是人之常情2、Cosmopolitan shanghai was born to the world in 1842 when the British man of -war Nemesis , slipping unnot

9、iced into the mouth of the Yangtze River , reduced the Wusong Fort and took the city without afight . 1842 年英國(guó)戰(zhàn)艦?zāi)崦孜魉固?hào)悄悄潛入長(zhǎng)江口,擊毀吳淞炮臺(tái),不費(fèi)一槍一卒占據(jù)了上海,國(guó) 際化的上海就此誕生了3、A study of the letter leaves us in no doubt as to the motives behind it . 研究了一下那封信,我們毫不疑 心該信是另有用心的4、The happiness -the superior advantages of

10、the young women round about her , gave Rebecca inexpressible pangs of envy . 麗貝卡看見(jiàn)她周?chē)男〗隳敲从懈猓?享受種種優(yōu)越的權(quán)利,真是說(shuō)不 出的妒忌5、Poor joes panic for two or three days ; during which he did not visit the house . 喬繼續(xù)恐慌了兩三天, 期間這可憐蟲(chóng)都不肯回家6、Internet : absolute communication , absolute isolation 因特網(wǎng),絕對(duì)的交流,絕對(duì)的孤獨(dú)7、 Tech

11、no logy - is a queer thi ng . It brings you great gifts with one hand , and it stabs you in the back with the other科技是一種奇怪的東西,它會(huì)一手給你禮物,另一只手卻在你背后捅刀。8、In the course of the same war , a serious epidemic broke out 同年,一場(chǎng)嚴(yán)重的傳染病爆發(fā)了9、A receptor is shaped in such a way that it can receive only a certain mess

12、enger 受體的構(gòu)造形狀使得它 只能接收某一類(lèi)型的信使10、The structure of the steel and the resulting properties will depend on how hot the steel gets and how quickly or slowly it is cooled 鋼的結(jié)構(gòu)和性質(zhì),視其加熱程度和冷卻快慢而定11、Take care of the pence , and the pounds will take care of themselves 積少成多,集腋成裘12、An Alpine Divorce , written in

13、the 1880s and set during the Victorian era , sheds light on the hypocrisy andentrapment of marriage in Victorian society , where divorce was still very much a taboo subjeck . The story goes like this ?爾比斯山上的離婚?寫(xiě)于19世紀(jì)80年代,以維多利亞時(shí)代為背景,將當(dāng)時(shí)社會(huì)中充滿(mǎn)著虛偽和欺騙的婚姻狀況呈現(xiàn)在讀者面前,那個(gè)時(shí)候離婚可是個(gè)禁忌的話(huà)題,故事就是這樣的。13、Man is a credul

14、ous animal , and must believe something ; in the absence of good grounds for belief , he will be satisfied with bad ones 人是輕信的動(dòng)物,必須得相信點(diǎn)什么,如果這種信仰沒(méi)有什么好的依 據(jù),有站不住腳的依據(jù)也行。14、They vainly tried to find out the strangers name 他們想查出那陌生人的,卻徒勞無(wú)功15、The infinitesimal amount of nuclear fuel required makes it possi

15、ble to build power reactors in that mountainous area 動(dòng)力反響堆所需要的核燃料極少,因此可以把它建在那個(gè)山區(qū)16、It all began in the mid 1850s , when Lowes experiments with balloons led him to believe in the existence of an upper stream of air that moved in an easterly direction , no matter what direction the lower currents flow

16、ed 這一切都始于 19世紀(jì) 50年代中葉, 當(dāng)時(shí)羅威的氣球?qū)嶒?yàn)使他相信上升氣流的存在, 不管下 層的氣流向什么方向流動(dòng),這種上升氣流總是向東流動(dòng)。17、More puzzling is the remarkable increase in occurrence of this disease which has happened since World War II in a number of western countries where standards of hygiene were continuously improving. 第二 次世界大戰(zhàn)以來(lái),一些西方國(guó)家的衛(wèi)生條件在不斷

17、地改善,但在這些國(guó)家中,此病的發(fā)生率也明顯 增加,這一點(diǎn)頗令人費(fèi)解。18、Ask not what your country can do for you , Ask what you can do for your country 不要問(wèn)國(guó)家能為你們 做些什么,而要問(wèn)你們能為國(guó)家做些什么。19、Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain disclosed Saturday that an eye examination showed two tears in his right retina a revelation that could embolden

18、 critics who want him to step down before a national election.Downing Street moved quickly to quash speculati on over Brow n's health , issu ing the stateme nt only one day after a regular exam in ati on at a London eye hospital . Brow n's office said his eyesight remai ned unchanged and tha

19、t no operations were planned to address the situation 英國(guó)首相辦公室周六發(fā)表聲 明說(shuō),首相戈登,布朗在接受眼睛檢查時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)右眼視網(wǎng)膜上有兩處裂縫,據(jù)悉,反對(duì)派可能以此為 由要求布朗在大選前提前下臺(tái),但布朗辦公室說(shuō),這次視網(wǎng)膜破裂不影響布朗視力,目前也沒(méi)有動(dòng) 手術(shù)的打算,布朗年輕時(shí)參加體育活動(dòng)受傷,左眼失明,但通過(guò)手術(shù)保住了右眼視力。20、用心去做一件事,就是要預(yù)見(jiàn)未來(lái)的可能性,要為成功制定一個(gè)方案,要找到實(shí)施方案,避開(kāi)障礙 的方法,或是一顆真正做事的心, 而不是一個(gè)模糊的愿望, 是考慮了所有資源和困難的方案: To have a mind t

20、o do a thing is to forsee a future possibility; it is to have a plan for its accomplishment;it is to notethe means which make the pla n capable of executi on and the obstructi ons in the way -or , if it is really a mind to do the thi ng and for a vague aspirati on -it is to have a pla n which takes

21、acco unt of resources and difficulties.21、我一直活的無(wú)憂(yōu)無(wú)慮,深得上帝垂愛(ài),算是個(gè)幸運(yùn)兒,少數(shù)人才享有的尊榮富貴,我唾手得之,就 像百歲人總有人討教,我的秘訣也總有探詢(xún)。 I have been spared a lot ,one of the blessed of the earth , at least one of its lucky , that privileged handful of the dramatically prospering , the sort whose secrets are asked , like the hund

22、red yearold man.22、富蘭克林,羅斯福因此意識(shí)到,他必須招募新班人馬,組建臨時(shí)機(jī)構(gòu)來(lái)補(bǔ)強(qiáng)不能勝任的舊政府,新 成立的政府機(jī)構(gòu)專(zhuān)門(mén)負(fù)責(zé)建造坦克飛機(jī),定制軍服,招募培訓(xùn)戰(zhàn)士,這些戰(zhàn)士將被派往前線(xiàn),去贏 得一場(chǎng)場(chǎng)的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)。 And so Franklin Roosevelt found that he had ,in effect , to entirely new and temporary government to be piled on top of the old one , the new government to get the tanks and airplanes

23、built , the uniforms made , the men and women assembled and shipped abroad , and the battles fought and won .23、商業(yè)體育已經(jīng)成為了許多當(dāng)代社會(huì)顯而易見(jiàn)的局部, 他們還呈現(xiàn)出全球的特征, 隨著經(jīng)濟(jì)利益跨越 國(guó)界,繼續(xù)在全球擴(kuò)張,下文重點(diǎn)探討商業(yè)化如何影響體育運(yùn)動(dòng)的開(kāi)展形式及其組織形式:Commercial sports have become visible parts of many contemporary societies . They have also taken on a

24、 global character and will continune to expand globally as economic interests extend across national boundaries . The following text focuses on how commercialization influences the way sports are played and organized .24、有人告訴我說(shuō),我們職業(yè)運(yùn)發(fā)動(dòng)是足球的奴隸,好吧,如果這是一種奴役,給我判個(gè)無(wú)期徒刑吧:Some people tell me that we professi

25、onal players are soccer slaves . well .if this is slavery , give me a life sentence .What then is a good mind ? searches,connections,inventive,discerning,anticipates,future,individual,identifies,fallacy,self-disciplineUnder what conditions do commercial sports emerge and prosper? revenues , receipts

26、 , economic , rewards , athletes , sponsor , spectators , maintain , availability , stadiums , anticipated , publicity Traveling provides tremendous opportunities for fun , adventure and discovery .when 。 gain , similarities , diverse , enrich , perspective , discover , challenging , specific , adve

27、nture , enlightens , opportunities , memories , joyful , outweighs , span On this day ,we come to proclaim an end to the petty grieva nces and false promises, the ' rema in ,childish , reaffirm , precious , equal , measure , greatness , journey , leisure , fame , obscure , prosperity To celebrat

28、e my dad's 80 th birthday , our big family had a weeklong voyage in a hired tiny Turkishboat included , consecutive , places , set , close , followed , dinner , wildlife , outburst , deck , watched , walk , anchor , captains , continued Over the past few years , I've had a(n)feeling that I&#

29、39;m not thinking the way I used to think , particularlwhen I am uncomfortable , reading , immerse , deep , access , concentration , stopped , altered ,change , different , decoders , disengaged , variations , words , tighter Middle aged men may suffer from various kind of _, among which a visit to

30、a computer shop is most_.I have run across such a miserable encounter, humiliation , irritating , infatuated , enslaved , bind , human like , emotions , chills , escalation , warning , superbrains , link I have missed the two worst things that could happen to Americans , death of a spouse and loss o

31、f a house by fine , I have done many times what they ' sacrifice , sense , profuse , native , enduring , snapshots , customary , traveling , where , affection , stayer , superficial , replenishing , trapped , possession Adversity ordeal anticipate drastic suicidal preoccupy legacy nostalgia retr

32、ospect tranquil deprivation sapire aftermath cancel out ultimately 1、The _atmosphere 2、Technological advances 3:In the 4:Her kindness 5:He was 6:Foreign 7:Perhaps 8:There 9:The new 10:The building 11: The experience 12: The road 13:She 14:He might 15:In_ tranquilultimately aftermath , cancel out , o

33、rdeal , drastic , legacy , deprivations , suicidal , anticipated , preoccupied , adversities , aspires , nostalgia , retrospect Despise fervor constituent trophy bolster aura anthem reckless definitive stagger glimpse stir 1、From the corner of my eye 2:Unlike Colin 3:An additional 4:I felt that 5:Th

34、e woods 6:None can 7:Some believe 8:The results 9:They became 10:Scientists have 11:The room 12:Looking at glimpsed , fervor , reckless , despised , aura , definite , bolster , staggering , trophy , constituent , anthem , stirred Attributable bout dock fall into entangle gesticulate lighten mast mom

35、entum mustard scrape slip ensue pull out ofwatch over 1、Over breakfast 2:Much of this 3:During the meeting 4:I waswoken 5:Occasionally we 6:When the ship 7:During the storm 8:The firm has 9:The sun 10:He went to 11:As he became 12:The guards 13 : I objected 14:Meanwhile 15:He watched fell into , att

36、ributable , slipped , scraping , bout , docked , mast , momentum, lighten , entangled , gesticulated , watchover , ensued , mustard , pulled out of Metaphor pity vision capsule slave plant spot humiliate succeed senile escalate scorn dizzy affectobsolete 1、Theof defeat 1982 2、Amy'sstep 3:He drop

37、ped 4:1 n many ways5:Being less in 6:The reorganization 7: The huge 8: Glancing 9: The words 10:Education make 11:Seasonal 12:Milton 13:An entrepreneur 14: She was , 15:That _humiliation , pitiless , successive ,senility ,obsolescence , escalation , dizzying , scornfully , encapsulated , enslave , a

38、ffective , impanted , visionary , metaphorically , spotty Desert protest level slip revenge duplicate sheer skirt 1 、 I stood 2:Harriet 3:The restaurant 4: The terrorist 5: The boat 6:People who suffer 7: His father 8 :We maneuvered 9: Dan _it waln't 10:They began 11:He looked for a 12:The motive for the 13 :Her blue 14:Despite their 15: Everyone who votes 1


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