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1、 七年級上冊預(yù)備篇單元檢測一 、單項(xiàng)選擇 (每小題1分,共15分)( )1. 下列單詞的劃線部分發(fā)音為 ei 的是 _ 。 A. can B. map C. Grace D. are ( )2. Jack has _ useful book. _ book is also very interestingAan;The Ba;The Can;A Da;A( )3. _ Q-U-I-L-T. A. Whats this? B. Whats this in English? C. What color is this? D. Spell it, please.( )4. _ are you? Fi

2、ne. Thanks. A. How B. What C. What color D. What name ( )5. Whats this in English? _ a jacket. A. That B. Its C. This D. Shes( )6. I a student. My name Jean.A. is; am B. are; is C. am; are D. am; is( )7. 當(dāng)你不認(rèn)識某物時(shí),你應(yīng)該用英語向別人問_。 A. What's this? B. What this is? C. This is what? D. What color?( )8.

3、Please have a seat. _ .A. Youre welcome B. Thank you C. Yes, I am D. Yes( )9. _ do you spell your name? T-I-N-A. A. What B. How C. Whats D. Who( )10. Is _ dictionary on the desk yours? -No, I dont have _ English-Chinese dictionary. A. the; an B. an, the C. an, an D. the; the ( ) 11. There is _ “h”in

4、 the word “white”. A. a B. / C. an D. the ( ) 12. _ is your jacket? - Its black. A. What B. How C. What color D. Whats color( )13. _ ? Its a dictionary. A. Whats this in English B. Whats your name C. Is this your dictionary D. What color is your dictionary( )14. My name is Bob. _ . Nice to meet you.

5、 A. Whats your name B. Thank you C. Im Jim D. This is Jim( )15. 下列縮略語正確的是_. A. NbA B. KG C. Tv D. BBC二、 完形填空 (每小題1分,共10分)Hello! I 16 Bob. I see Alice and Frank in the 17 . I say good morning to them(他們). Alice has 18 ruler. It is good. What color is the _19_ ? It is white. Alice says to me, “ Can yo

6、u 20 white ?” I say, “Yes, W-H-I-T-E.” Frank has a key. 21 is brown. Frank can say it _22_French(法語). I have a pen and a ruler. 23 pen is blue and yellow. Oh! _424_ is my ruler? Its 25 . I can spell “red”, R-E-D.( ) 16. A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 17. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. day( ) 18.

7、 A. the B. an C. a D. 不填( ) 19. A. jacket B. ruler C. cup D. map( ) 20. A. say B. see C. spell D. meet( ) 21. A. It B. This C. That D. His ( ) 22. A. at B. in C. on D. to( ) 23. A. I B. You C. My D.His( ) 24. A. How B. What C. What color D. What name( ) 25. A. yellow B. red C. green D. blue三、閱讀理解。(每

8、題2分,共30分)(A)Hello! I am Dale. This is my jacket. It is red. I have a cup, a ruler and a pen. The cup is green. The ruler is yellow. The pen is black. Whats that? Its a quilt. Its blue. My favorite(最喜歡的)color is blue. I have a map. It is a map of China. Look! That is an orange. Its not my orange. Its

9、 Alices.( ) 26. Dales jacket is _ . A. yellow B. red C. green D. blue( ) 27. Dale has a yellow _. A. cup B. ruler C. pen D. quilt( ) 28. Dales favorite color is _. A. green B. black C. red D. blue( ) 29. Dale has a _. A. map of China B. green key C. blue CD D. green pen ( ) 30. The orange is _. A. H

10、elens B. Dales C. Alices D. Graces(B)Look at the girl. She is eleven. Her name is Wang Fang. I am eleven, too. My name is Kate. Wang Fang and I are good friends. She is in Class One, Grade One. She is Number 8 in Row(排) 5. I am in Class One, Grade One, and I am Number 9 in Row 6. We are at school to

11、day.( ) 31. How old is Wang Fang? A. She is ten. B. She is eleven. C. She is twelve. D. She is thirteen.( ) 32. Wang Fang and I are . A. girls B. boys C. teachers D. Chinese ( ) 33. What grade are Wang Fang and I in? A. Grade One B. Grade Two C. Grade Three D. Grade Four( ) 34. Wang Fang is my . A.

12、good teacher B. good friend C. brother D. sister( ) 35. Where are Wang Fang and I today?A. At school.B. At home.C. Here D. We dont know.(C)配對閱讀。在右欄中找出與左欄相匹配的交際用語。其中,右欄有兩項(xiàng)是多余的。本題答案填在答題卷上。 ( ) 36.Good morning, Dale!( ) 37. What color is it?( ) 38. Spell it , please.( ) 39. How are you, Linda?( ) 40.Wh

13、ats his family name?A. Fine, thank you!B. Yes, he is.C. Brown.D. Its yellow.E. B-O-O-K.F. Good morning!G. Good evening, Mike!四根據(jù)漢語提示,寫出正確的英語單詞。(5分)1. This is a . (鑰匙)2. Im fine, . (謝謝)3. What color is the ? (夾克衫)4. The quilt is . (紫色的)5. Whats your ? (名字)五、根據(jù)要求完成下列任務(wù)。(5分)1. white (反義詞) 2. hello (同義詞

14、) 3. what is (縮略形式) 4. Im (完全形式) 5.U (同義詞) 六、按要求填空或改寫句子。(10分)1.Its a map.(就劃線部分提問)_ _? 2. He is fine. (就劃線部分提問) _ _ he?3.它是黑白相間的。(翻譯)Its . 4. The bike is black. (就劃線部分提問) _ _ is the bike? 5. Im Mary.(改為同義句)_ _ _.七、連詞成句(10分)1.is, what , his, name _ _?2.his, Dale, name,is _ _.3.that, is, what, English

15、, in _ _?4.ruler, is, the, black _ _ .5.color, is, the, ruler, what _ _?八、根據(jù)提供的信息寫一篇不少于六句話的短文:(15分)假如你是Bob, 今天上學(xué)路上遇見了你的同學(xué)Helen, 她穿著一件紅色的新夾克衫。請你編一段對話,與Helen談?wù)撍膴A克衫。 七年級第一次月考測評答案第一卷 1-5 CBDAB 6-10 DBBBA 11-15 BCACD 16-20 AACBC 21-25 ABCCB 26-30 BBDAC31-35 BAABA 36-40 GDEAC第二卷 四、1. key 2.thanks 3. jacket 4. purple 5. name 五、1. black 2.hi 3.w


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