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1、1北京市延慶縣 2013 屆九年級(jí)英語上學(xué)期期末考試試題(掃描版)延慶縣 2012-2013學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期末試卷初三英語卑L本試雜共12頁涌分I加分、萼試劉間務(wù)鐘.*2在試社知簽疑卡匕準(zhǔn)醸填寫字校名稱和匹名”于 工試題基龕律垠滄或書寫忙客麴卡L花試巻上作蓉比就4.左帖噸上.囂擇把用曲怙豐乍貞他試邀用歪復(fù)字應(yīng)益字筆件漢 知 6 哮試結(jié)克、請硯本試卷加答題卡一并交回,聽另理解L共24分)一、聽下面四段對(duì)話,選揷與對(duì)話內(nèi)容相符的圖片.(共4分.毎小題1分)ICSX?| IA電-? . :A,B,C.ow也J傘亠中Ji fi t i卜二7_十=二 /A,B,Uh吒74亠八二啟丄廣9 1;_t1 .1

2、1j -.-* _& 炸 ,-iFJ)冷!,u. f卩戈、.1卷一rA.B,2B,2二、 聽下面對(duì)話或獨(dú)白.從各題A、B. C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中.選出能回答問題的最 佳答案。(共12分,每小題】分)請聽一段對(duì)話,完成第芻至第右小題*5. Where does the womun譏iiin l“A. I he library.B. The post ofilce.6. What should the woman do at the tnitlic lights?A. Turn right.B. Go ftirwurd.請聽亠段對(duì)話*完成第了至第誼小題。7. hut lime will lhe f

3、oot bull match start?A. At 8:0(kB. At 9:00.8. Who will ilicy卩l(xiāng)ayA. Teachers.B. Students.U Workers.請昕一段對(duì)話*完成第9至第W小題。9. What will lhe man do?1(L認(rèn)hats the probnblc rclalionshi卩between lhe hvo speakers?請聽一段獨(dú)白,完成第門至第口小題.11. W h四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選擇可以填入空白處的最佳 垸項(xiàng).22, Tim lovely girl is (r(MU Ckiss & _ name is Mice.

4、Her8. His YourD. Its23. There swron with niv chair Can you mend if?一No prohlem,A. something B. nolhingC. everythingD. anythini;24* did vou btiv fir our mom for Mothers Dav?w IfrfJSome Cowers.A. HowB. WhereC. WhenD. What25 Einstein, lhe famoiis scicnlisk was born _ Marc II IS 79,A. 26. There arc no b

5、iiss. _ youll have to walk.A. soB. orC. butD* for27. Wc have a lovelv rDom. It one ufin the h(U?L7_A, niceB. nicerC. nicestD. the nicest28. Paul and E _ tennis ytsterduy. He did much beLlr thitn I.A. playB. will playC. playedD. are playingJ429.Whal will you du loinorrow?We11 have a卩icnic if itLine.A

6、_ isB. wasC will be30.MUIIKmust I usli the Jislics riglil !iowMNo you-A. Jihouldntii.uouldntCPmusttft31_Mr. Smith since he mived to Shanghai.32,My brothers ill in hospital.Im sorry_ thLA. hearB. head口目C. to hear33.Whos the liule baby in the photo, Susiin?11 me. This phitu _ lun years ai:o.A. takesB.

7、 is lukenC. took34.Di)you knowthe Ciipiitil Museum *Next FridayA. whtii will they visitEk when they will visitC. when did ihcv visitD. when lhey visited五、完形填空(共12分.每小題I分閱讀下面的短文,掌握慕大意,然后從短文后各題所給的A, B, C D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選擇量隹選項(xiàng)*llaircul from the HeartEven though Rebecca didnl enjoy having long hair, still, mont

8、h after month ii)r o and ahall years, Rebecca lcl her tiiur grow unlit il nearly rcachcil her aist. At the right time, 35would donuie ”捫瞅)her beauiiftU hir to i group in Palm Springs. Florida called Locks ofLove.Locks ot Love is a spccidl 3 & editedLLchari(v( ? hL f-J). The mem burs of this grou

9、pwork to help others in ned. 3? the healthy cut hair Lhai Rebecca seruis them, they will have a忖ig(假發(fā))made for a child whd needs it.匚hiltlren whti nng lutir, RbeOn iriday, Muy k our cluss will lake a Held trip to NorthPark Zoo. The zoo has hens, elephants, and otherinteresUng nnhndls Muny of the ati

10、inmk we hzn e beenstudying will be there lor us lo closey examine.Our class w iH bedividedinto sixleihiis.Each tciim will haveOve siudunis and oneleader. The leaden;arc listed in the table.Team 1Miss BankerTeam 2 Mrs. LopezTeam 3Mr. HarperTeam 4Miss AbelTeam 5Mr SotoTeam 6Mrs. Thomashat You Meed to

11、KnnOnthe day of the trip, lhe students will be dr iild into Levins. OnesiudcuL from each Imnwill receive u ULiinvrii.he camera person will Lake pictures of lhe team, ihc jnimals. andother tiin sights at the zou.All students should wear blue shirts. Be sure lo wear com finable shoes because 0 c will

12、buwidkinyLIH day. Pkust bring a baj; hmth and Norih Park Zoo on_A. Sundav B. SaturdavC. Friday丿-BTJ4S. M iss Abel will be the leader for TeamtD. ThursdayA. 1B.249. All students should wearA red shirtsli. blue sweatersC. blue shins D_ red hais78Fill and shy. Ben Simniiurs the Jast kid in his class pi

13、ckud t)r an spurls learn. Football,lennis, criekt;! anything withJround ball,【was useless/ heSJVSnow vs nh a taugh. Bui backthen he v;is the one always made inn cf in school gym elapses in Devonshire, Englandh was r mouuluin bike he rci:eix ud ibr his 15d1birthday thul changed him. Al first he wentb

14、iking ulonc in a nearby forest 1 lien he began to ride Hie bike aiong ilh u runner friend.Griidually. Saunders set up his mind i謂building up liis both, increasing his speed andstrcngih.Al the age IX* he nm his llrsl niarallion.TIKf)lowing yar lie mcl John Ridgway and started to work as a teacher at

15、Ridgway sschool of debenture( I i1隊(duì)I ) in Scotland, where hukarnl aboutRidgways cold waler exploits.Circaily inlcrcsied. Saunders read all he could aboul crih Pole t?%卩l(xiāng)orers und idveniures:he decided ihul this would bt his future.Jn 200L afler becoming 3 skillful skier* SnundA. He is a success tn s

16、porls.B. He is lhe youngest British skier.C. He is Ridgways best studentU. He is n good Leuclicr uL school.Hotels cm】make a person sLty awny from home as restful as卩巧斜ibl臥Howlsprovide warm beds to allow guests a peaceful nights rest. Besides, some holik olYer guests9special services siih as news卩mpi

17、:s Lo read in the morning, fresh cii il cc. dint c1 . I ilc wiMkcF v. jnt tlicir quests to - cuI嘰IIIFI J:IJ welcome when they stay in theirhoteLOne hold near the Arctic Circle, hou c cr. is di Here tn. I liis hotel gives its guests u caldwclcetne. Tilt lee Hotel, in Sweden, is al! made of icc. The I

18、ce Hotel might sound stiiinijc. butHIways n is i special hotvl. k h眇u fmni lobbywhere ijucsls chuck into llic hotL plenty ul rooms to 5ilecp irv Lind even rtxnii sun ice. whichguests can use to hivc iboti delivered Lo (heir rooms, i lie Jeu Hotel is dillerenu though,because most othe items arc made

19、fro in ice.h takes more than 30 Ions of ice and snow to build the Ice Hotel. m巳lis(觸 化)in thesummer and is rebuilt cLich vinter. DiHerenl builders nd uriists create the Ice Hotel, so eachwinter this famous hotel has a new shape and design.The effort of building the Ice Hotel is worthLL however Walki

20、ng into the lec Hotel is Likewalking into i diamond. The walU reflect even the smalkst hits of tighL Ice pillars( H)support theRHJE I he il(Kr h?lu shines like lassrAlmost every inch of this haLclsp(ukes inside. Visiting the ice Hotel is Iruly un unusuul experience.l cmpirralurcs inside lhe Jcc J ol

21、d arc usLiall bckiu frr sunlight, since u plant with more leaves cun receive mure lightand make more food, Jcwckvucds usually grow in the shade, where sunlight is nut enough.When jewel weed seedli口容丸幼苗platned with siblings, they greu a fe*more brzinches thun they usually would if they were iilonc bu

22、t they did not stiirt growing lots ofextra leaves. This behavior suggests the plants are more likely to share resourcestrather thancompete.According to lhe Science Mews repirt, Jewelueds are not the llrsl plunts that plantscienlisls henc studied for tiiniily recognition. In 2007, Dudley and her Leam

23、 studied the CkeatLakes sea rcckeL d plant that gwws on the beach where it max b hard lo get Jrcsh wair. In ihaicxpci imenL lhe sciciilisis fbund that w hn sea rackets were planted譏i由siblings, (heyderated eath other. But when they were planted ith slrEangers, lhe stu rockets reacted byworking extra

24、hurd lo i;ruw Iois of roots.Dudley says this just becauseSCJrockets, on Lhc beach, get卩l(xiāng)enly of sun but struggle torwaler so whtn theyrc threalencci. they compclu for water J ewelwecds have pkniy o I wuter buthaw to coni pete tur sunshine, so they grow more leaves.56. W hat docs lhc underlined word包

25、吵口辭mt?an?A. Flowers come from f)reign countries.B Plants growing in different cnviromTients.C. Flowers planted with lots ef stnmgers.D. Plants that are the same kindh1157* In llw tcxL, the wrilcr tnciitioned the experiments of Jew el weeds to _A. make a coniparisutiB. niLroducc a topicC. describe a

26、pretty llLmrD. build a new theory5S. According io the passage. Rowers planteJ alone will.A. grow more Leaves than those planted in groupsB. become taller ihiiii those u ith more brandiesC. row tevs er leaves lliun those planted v ilh strangersD. bcumic ill casih because they can t yci enuugh shade59

27、. * hut can be the best title Ibr the卩ussagc?A. Neu Discoveries abuui PlantsB. How Plants Compete with Each OtherC. Family Recognition among PlantsD. Jcwchvceds and lhe Ci real Lakes Sea Rockets七.閱讀短文*根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的五個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的 最佳選項(xiàng).選項(xiàng)中有一項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng).(共聘分.每小題2分)Wiidi is a spelling bee? 80 bul ii is so pop

28、ular in Lhe Unitu Suiies. U isa gynie Ibr children spell English words.FhcSpelling Bee is the largest education conlcsH I L賽).Ii first beganm 1925 in W;tshjngu)n.D. C. 61Fk is open lo studenisin eighth gnidcLITlower and not reaching their 15L1birthday.The lesi is quile simple. When its your lum, the

29、 teacher says a word and you havuIGspellit _ _62. you stay in tiieIf you spell ii u rong. youre ouLWhats nut so eusy are the words the teachers ask you to spell.L suaily, children nee tl to s pc nil a lot of time learning VDcabulary. They tnusi rememberihousunds wl English words und spell vi yWDKI c

30、orrccdy in the contest. Only winners inregional(i也Ix |F)coniesi cn;tl coinet. Ils many children s dream towin lhe rvgionnl conlusl und go to ashinc.ton, D. C Hie Huai whiners will be called dieSpelling Bee. 63. Do you also think iliev dre grcal1A. If you spell it rightB. tt lDOniiiny Chinese siudent

31、s knts iiC. It is held in late May or early June uf each yearD. The children like the sports a lott. Jl means they have rked hard12A閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題.(共M分F每小題2分Do you WLHit lo kce卩y“ur brain acliMJ ;in(J on.Extrcihe(jet ytur body max ing ind your memory will soon fktllow. Exercise improves the heansbl

32、ood fiow. Thi乩in turn* helps the brain tunctia口and slay sharperPick upaBookThe key to keeping your memory quick is la continue challenge it. Try to iihvays ha u bock in hand. A ftcr yoLi t? dene reading也scciiun or two. question and review the nulerulyouve read. Try to imagine whal youre redding. Dis

33、cuss what yotive read. tnk club.Develop hjtcrcslWc rcnicmbcr ncu things bcciiusc we叱njo、ihciu. Findways lo make a boring subject funby eonnecting il to something you already know. You can use your hnaginalion日ml creak日lun slory behinti a subject lo help make it easier to remember.Repeat after MeWhtr

34、n kumin neu inftjrmalion, lhe mtire you repeat IL lhe more likely you will be able torcinuniber ihai inRxnmuon.卩racdce is the key !o lasting memory.Sb lire with OthersDont keepyour knim kdge stored口卩、fetichinL;others is another i;rcai wa lo iiiiproe tieniory skiHs Dnf i be dirjid of taking new chall

35、enges. After learning soineiliing, itsnccessarv io pm lhnnauon U)use.M. What vul! help keep the mind ntnnin sironi;?65. Whai the key to keeping yuurmemory quick?66. Why do ymt rememher new things?67. Huvv many useful ways are menuonetl in lhe pLissae?Whal does I he writer Loll us in the卩JSSLIC1311書面

36、表達(dá)(共話分)丸.根據(jù)中文意思完成句子.(共M分F毎小題2分) 石艮電影院很近*我們迄界占吧*The cincmii is very near.go there un toot.70.我來向北京*你來自哪里?Fin fmtn Bering. Where do you_ ?7L為了趕上其他同學(xué),i姆正在努力學(xué)丄hTom is siudvieig hard U_plher students.72.這個(gè)間題現(xiàn)處丈難解釋了亠Tin: problemexplain now.詰打門、儀ij己喜歡下棋,還花時(shí)間教別人如何卜吐Marypluy chess.+ .文段表達(dá)(共恰分)根據(jù)中文大意和英文提示詞語*寫

37、出意思連貫*符合邏輯、不少于6(1詞 的短文.所給英文提示詞語僅供選用.請不要寫出你的校名和姓名.3S.毎個(gè)人蒞自己的生活中舞會(huì)遇到一卜對(duì)自己影響至深的人.如: 宋人、老呻、同學(xué),胭友現(xiàn)崔.某英丈報(bào)紙止在升!工乜為HTheimportant penionin mylife的IE丈活動(dòng) 你投韓稿件內(nèi)容包搖你生蓿中就塞耍的那個(gè)人圧誰?描述件 發(fā)生在你ff1之間的事兒并談?wù)勀愕母惺苻泄?詞 諂;important person, rentember+help, wonderfultthink14延慶縣 20122013學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期末試卷參考答案初三英語,聽對(duì)話選圏.共4分.毎小題|分)14 t B

38、AC二、昕對(duì)話成獨(dú)白選擇件案.(共12分,恣小題1分)5右AC 7S CA 910 AC 13 AHA冷lb CBC:三、聽肘話記錄關(guān)鍵信息 (共分,每小題2分)17. Vugtcr J8. S9372J2419. silk 2(t 150/ unc ihirty 2L shop知識(shí)運(yùn)用 共27分)E.單項(xiàng)填空(共13分.每小駆I分)2226AADCA273】DCADC3234CIB五、完殛填空(共12分.每小題】分)菇為BACDA4044DACBC4546AD関讀理解(共44分)六閱讀蠱文,選擇最桂選項(xiàng).(共”分.毎小題2分)4749( DC5052 BDA53 -55 ACB 56SQ D

39、HCC七閱讀短文,還JS句子.(共軸分,每小題丄分)6063 BC AEA.閱讀短文t回簪問範(fàn)*共分*每小題工分61. A pRipct die!. proper Jict will help keep y mir mind running Jilronjf nil d;i、long.65. To continue tt challenge K Conumung chullungc it; he ke k) keeping your mcinury quick is to conlinue to chuHcne it.66. Bccmise we enjuy them.67. Six. /6.

40、hSPHe/ She tells us useful ways (o keep our the brjin active und our thememory strong.He She telk us how 10 keep our lhe bruin utivu and our die memory strong.書面表達(dá)25分九、完成句子(共W分.每小題2分)69. Lets70. come Irani71. catch up wnh1572 nUK lurd ililHcult i口is hjni dilTicuIl Ihzi we canl73* no! only likes play

41、ing chess herself but nlso spends lime Leaching others how lu文段表達(dá)(巧分)74.Pnssihk Vcrinn 1:t deeply heheve that ever)DIJChas lheir most impurtant pcopk in their lilciiine. J or me,thats myluinI still remember ihal tniccJTI) leg was badly hurl inLLtoclbull nuitch, and I had lo itiiy illbedlor hx)uccks.

42、 While 1 was wurriii|! jbuut schoolwork Ji home, my Lktsm;ilc Juin ujmcMi help me. He hld me what the Icicher Liuht in class, and liulpud ittu a bl譏ith Hi niallipRhkms. 1 wJSdeeply muved bccjusc he kept Ictichinu me unlit rcluniud Lc sc huuJ. x asglad that ILjuijht up w ilh myL1U in Liles.I nun llte

43、n uns詁匚became bei Iricnds. I truly mid er stood dial a fiicnd in tiecd is afriend m dixxLPossible Vert io d 2:My teachei; Miss Wang點(diǎn)lhe nn)si imporiant person to me because he has a greatinfluence on me.She helps mt J loL lien t in m tn)uhk, sheencourages inc U)(nee invdillkuhics and uivts me good a

44、dvice. 1 still remember that once I (ailed in泌imporianl Lnghhexamund upser I in4、she ennHimi; ed me ulemeinbcr ninrc ords. SheJholuld me to use thesewords a Jot,譏hafs tn orc, she cheered me up und toldTTICsome good ways Ki imprtJtc tnvEnglish. W ilh her help, i made great pnjrcs)nii in everyone lilc

45、.Since J was born, mv moLher bus carvdtar me Rir 15 veurs.huu呂I】1 wasvery naughtywhen i was a child, my mother always (bigavc me. But die a 1st)lold me whai could be done andwhal cuulldnL be doiic. As the lime goes, Jm not d thoughlleis girl jny ongcr. W iili tht helptifiny moilicr. I become jn exce

46、llcm shiikm inmid akind d;uiglHer in I加nil、,I hm ni njiHlicr gives mv EHe and u arui lioitie Io Uve in. linemy mother ho leiidh rnc to a bright and rightA,iy ni my lilc. Maybe she isnt pretty, wisc or nch,hui there iw Uuhi“駛 川lhe must nnpoiijni person m m lik-書面表達(dá)評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):16M JI:(15-11分逐金符仟題tl要求.觀點(diǎn)匸鎖L箜慮

47、齊金甸式參樣,詞匯語二準(zhǔn)圖i/ifi連d表達(dá)淸他h fj邏輯性 u第二檔= strong ;md have good ibiubatl skills,M: Maybe. They usually give a good ganic. But tory our best, W: Don l hurt your IcCt LhcscdaysrM: XohI uu 1. Dun t worry. See)un ihirn.請聽一段對(duì)話,完成期9至第汕小題. : PcLcr. ccinY friendsbclbrc chuol starls. LUMweek,HChad a special tim at Lhe hn:;ikiLi!4 club. UvcTonc hadio he (here ai


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