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1、2008年廣州中考英語(yǔ)試題與答案2008年廣東省廣州市中考英語(yǔ)試題 (滿分l 35分,考試時(shí)間l 20分鐘) 第l卷(共105分)一、聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分35分) 第一節(jié) 聽力理解(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分) 第二節(jié) 聽取信息(共5小題;每小題l分,滿分5分) 二、語(yǔ)言知識(shí)及運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分20分)第一節(jié) 單項(xiàng)選擇(共10小題;每小題l分,滿分l0分)從16-25各題所給的A、B、C和D項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。16. I hear we'll have a new foreign teacher soon. Do you know when_?Sorry, I h

2、ave no idea.A. he will come B. will he come C. is he coming D. he was coming17. This is just between you and me. You_tell anyone about this.A. mustn't B. can C. should D. have not to18. Last summer I went to Lu Xun's hometown and visited the house_he was born.A. that B. there C. which D. whe

3、re19. I'm sorry. I started eating before you got here_J was terribly hungry.A. so B. since then C. because D. so that20. Miss Green didn't talk much to other people. There was always_a little sad about her.A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something21. My younger brother couldn't w

4、ork out the answer andA. so could I B. nor could I C. so can I D. nor I could22. Though the player is over thirty, he can still run_ some younger players.A. as fast as B. so fast as C. much fast than D. more faster than23. At the meeting Mr. King didn't say a word from beginning to end, _ ?A. di

5、dn't Mr. King B. did he C. did Mr. King D. didn't he24. From that time on Mary practised_the piano every day.A. plays B. playing C. played D. to play25. Hi Mr. Smith. I didn't know you were in New York. How long_here?A. have you come B. were you C. have you been D. will you come第二節(jié) 語(yǔ)法選擇(

6、共10小題;每小題l分,滿分l0分) 閱讀下面短文,按照句子結(jié)構(gòu)的語(yǔ)法性和上下文連貫的要求,從26-35各題所給的A、B、C和D項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。Annie was excited. Her mother 26 to Beijing today and would be staying with her 27 two weeks. She cleaned her home and thought about 28 some flowers, but there wasn't time. She got in her car, turned on the radio and was he

7、ading off when the radio reported that all planes to Beijing would be two or more hours late because it was raining 29 . With great disappointment Annie went back inside.Two hours later, Annie arrived at the airport and was 30 to see her mother waiting outside! She had decided to take an earlier pla

8、ne 31 she could get to Beijing on time. She didn't think it was necessary to phone Annie as the earlier plane would arrive at the airport at the time her daughter expected.32 mistake! Annie could have come earlier, but didn't. Her mother could have phoned from the plane, but didn't. They

9、 were 33 hungry and tired. Annie was going to take her mother to 34 American restaurant, but her mother just 35 to get home to rest.26. A. was flying B. flies C. has flown D. fly27. A. after B. since C. in D. for28. A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. buying29. A. heavily B. much heavier C. heavy D. more

10、heavier30. A. surprises B. surprising C. surprised D. surprise31. A. but B. although C. when D. so32. A. How B. What a C. What D. How a33. A. all B. either C. both D. neither34. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填35. A. wanted B. wants C. wanting D. want 三、完形填空(共10小題;每小題l分,滿分l 0分) 閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從3645各題所給的A、B、C

11、和D項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。 Thousands of years ago, human didn't live in towns. Sometimes they would live in caves or build camps (宿營(yíng)地) in the forest.Only about thirty people 36 in each camp. The men would go hunting while the women and children 37 food from the trees around the camp. All the food was 38 betwe

12、en everyone in the group. Every few weeks they moved to another place to find more food. It was a simple life, but people had to be 39 They had to make everything that they needed, and they had to know a lot about plants and animals.Nowadays most people live in towns and cities, and they work in off

13、ices and factories. Life is 40 than in the old days. There are fewer 41 , but there is less excitement. Some people go 42 excitementsailing round the world, climbing mountains, or exploring caves. Most people look forward to the 43 , a time when they can enjoy a change from their normal life. For so

14、me this means going camping. But camping today is 44 from camping in the past. Gas cookers, ready-made food and air-beds mean people can camp much more 45 than they did in the old times.36. A.lived B. talked C. came D. danced37. A. planted B. collected C. watched D. bought38. A. found B. used C. sha

15、red D. sold39. A. polite B. kind C. careful D. clever40. A. worse B. faster C. easier D. harder41. A. dangers B. stories C. people D. animals42. A. waiting for B. looking for C. turning on D. putting on43. A. dreams B. gifts C. meals D. holidays44. A. away B. different C. free D. far45. A. slowly B.

16、 terribly C. comfortably D. hopefully四、閱讀理解(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。AThe worker I hired to repair my house had just finished a difficult first day on the job. A broken wheel made him an hour late; his ladder (梯子) fell down when he was painting the roof and now his old truck

17、wouldn' t start. With each problem he shouted angrily, more at himself than at his things. As I drove him home, the man didn't say a word.I tried talking to the man to kill time. I managed to find out that he had come up from Blue Hills in Victoria with his family six months ago to find a jo

18、b. This was his first job since moving here. I now knew why his price was lower than any other worker I could find in the local newspaper. He really needed the job. His clothes told me as much.On arriving, much to my surprise, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked through his front garde

19、n he suddenly stopped at a small tree and placed his hands on it. Then, when he opened the door he completely changed. Instead of his troubled face, there was now a warm smile, hugs for his two children and a kiss for his wife.The following day, I asked him about the tree."That's my trouble

20、 tree," he answered. "Work troubles aren't welcome at home with my wife and the children. So I hang them on that tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up again. ""And you know what else?" he said smiling,"The next morning I find that the

21、re aren't as many as I remember hanging up the night before. "46. Which of the following things did NOT happen to the worker? A. His truck broke down. B. He was late for work. C. He fell onto the roof. D. His ladder fell down.47. When did the worker first arrive in this town? A. Today. B. L

22、ast night.C. Six weeks ago. D. Six months ago.48. Where did the writer find the worker?A. Through a newspaper. B. Beside the trouble tree.C. In his old house. D. In Blue Hills, Victoria.49. Why did the worker touch the tree?A. To get good luck, B. To leave his trouble outside.C. To send good wishes

23、to his family. D. To clean his hands.50. What can we learn from the passage?A. Looking for a job can make trouble.B. It is important to get to work on time.C. Often our problems are worse than what we think.D. A happy family can make many problems go away.BIt is said that all dreams serve a purpose

24、( 目的). While there is no agreement among scientists about why we dream, there are many ideas about the different kinds of dreams we have.One common kind of dream is the repeating dream, in which the same story is repeated again and again, often for many months or even years. Some believe these are a

25、 sign people have a problem in their life and once that problem is gone then the dream will stop. Others think they are a way to help people remember something very important.Another well-known kind of dream is the nightmare. The pictures and stories in such dreams make people very afraid and dreame

26、rs usually remember them far more clearly than normal dreams. The cause of such dreams may be seeing something terrifying such as a car accident or some deadly snakes. Others think such dreams may be trying to make a person pay attention to something that is dangerous in their life.Daydreams happen

27、during wake-time when we forget where we are or what we are doing and find ourselves in a made-up story or unreal world." We often daydream when we are doing something that is not interesting or exciting. They help us think about our future.Lucid dreams are the most fun. These happen when dream

28、ers suddenly understand that they are dreaming. Instead of waking up, they stay in the dream and are able to control what happens in the dream as if they are making a movie.51. The underlined word "they" (in paragraph 2) refers to "_".A. dreams B. problems C. dreamers D. scientis

29、ts52. The underlined word " terrifying" (in paragraph 3) is closest in meaning toA. frightening B. interesting C. disappointing D. amazing53. When might a person daydream?A. During a very interesting movie. B. While playing at a fun park.C. While listening to an uninteresting talk. D. When

30、 making a movie.54. How do we know if We are lucid dreaming?A. We can remember the dream very clearly.B. We can control what happens in the dream.C. We think that the dream is like a movie.D. We feel very nervous after we wake up.55. What is the best title of the passage?A. Daydreaming of You B. Enj

31、oy Your DreamC. What Dreams Mean D. Where Dreams GoCZheng He, the Columbus of the East, was an amazing man.He was born in 1371 and, 11 years later, was caught by the army of a rich young man called Zhu Di and made to work for him. Over time the rich man saw that Zheng He was very clever and strong a

32、nd they became close friends. In 1403 Zhu Di was made the King of China and he asked Zheng He to join his new government.The King wanted to learn more about the world and show other countries his power. He ordered many new ships to be built and made Zheng He their leader. Between 1405 and 1433, Zhen

33、g He led seven sea trips to different parts of the world. He certainly travelled to India, Africa and the Middle East. A few people think his ships may have even reached South America and Australia.Each trip lasted between two and four years and it is believed he sailed more than 50 000 kms during t

34、he years of his travels. With 28 000 men and over 300 ships, such as boats for food, water and even soldiers' horses, Zheng He led a fleet (艦隊(duì)) whose size would not be equalled by Europeans for over 500 years IOn these trips he brought with him many Chinese goods like silk and medicine to give t

35、o foreign kings or to sell for local goods. He returned from each trip with boats filled with expensive things such as gold and jewellery, foreign guests and strange animals like a giraffe.It is a pity that we may never learn everything about Zheng He' s travels. After he died in 1433, the new k

36、ing, who believed these trips were unlucky and tooexpensive, had them stopped and he burned almost all the books about Zheng Hes travels. It is only in the last 50 years that historians have begun to carefully study the adventures of the great Zheng He.56. Why did the Chinese King want Zheng He to s

37、ail to many different countries?A. To bring new countries under the control of China.B. To show the world how strong the King was.C. To receive gifts from the kings of other countries.D. To discover unusual animals.57. What do we know about Zheng He from the passage?A. He sailed to all seven contine

38、nts.B. Each of his trips lasted one year.C. He died at the age of 62.D. He was a successful businessman.58. Which of the following did Zheng He NOT bring with him from China? A. Medicine. B. Gold. C. Animals. D. Silk.59. What happened after Zheng He died?A. He was forgotten for ever.B. His ships wer

39、e all burned.C. The new king wrote a book about him.D. Sea trips to other countries were stopped.60. In what order did the following happen?a. Zhu Di became the King.b. Zheng He was caught by soldiers.c. The books about Zheng He were all burned.d. Foreigners were brought to China.e. Zheng He visited

40、 India.f. New ships were built.A. e, b, a, f, d, c B. b, a, e, d, c, fC. f, a, b, d, c, e D. b, a, f, e, d, cDKINGS HOTEL-CUSTOMER COMMENTSI cannot say enough good things about the Kings Hotel. Till rooms were large, clean and comfortable and the hotel workers were excellent. They were even able to

41、book several sightseeing trips to different parts of the city for us. Next time I come to London I will certainly be staying there again.Bob smith Manchester, UK: February 2008The hotel 'a restaurant made the best food I have ever tasted. I am still dreaming about their roast beef and potatoes.

42、I had it for lunch and dinner almost every day I was there. I wanted to have it for breakfast too, but it wasn 't on the breakfast menu.' The restaurant was a little expensive and the waiters were a bit careless but I still think the hotel was great.Rachel Jones New York, USA: December 2007I

43、 just want to tell visitors something about the swimming pool, at the Kings Hotel. When I was there, the water was very dirty, almoshgreen. It really made me feel sick. When my drink fell in the water I asked the worker if I could have another one. After waiting for half an hour he still had not bro

44、ught me one so I returned to my room. At least the room was very nice.Michael Palin Sydney, Australia: August 2007This time last year I was in London for the first time and stayed at this hotel. I found the workers there to be very friendly and helpful. The manager kindly gave me directions to the L

45、ondon Museum and Big Ben and one time he even had a worker take me to the train station entrance. My room was also wonderful and from the window Icould see the Thames River. Ma Li Beijing, China: June 2007£6 for a cup of coffee in the cafe! £ 3 for a postcard in the gift shop! £ 33 fo

46、r a T-shirt from the clothes store! I will never be coming back here. That's for certain. Julie Whinger Paris, France: May 200761. What do most people agree is very good at the hotel?A. The workers. B. The rooms. C. The food. D. The price.62. Why was Mr. Palin unhappy with the hotel?A. He waited

47、 too long for his food. B. His room was small.C. The pool was not clean. D. It had no drinks.63. Who was most unhappy with the hotel?A. Ms. Ma. B. Ms. Jones. C. Mr. Smith. D. Ms. Whinger.64. What do we know about this hotel?A. It is near the river. B. It is a five-star hotel.C. The gift shop sells T

48、-shirts. D. Its restaurant serves few dishes.65. When did Ms.-Ma Li stay at the hotel?A.June, 2006. B.May, 2007. C.June, 2007. D.June, 2008.第II卷(共30分)五、寫作(滿分30分)第一節(jié) 單詞拼寫(共5小題;每小題l分,滿分5分)根據(jù)下列句子及所給單詞的首字母寫出所缺單詞。在填寫答卷時(shí),要求寫出完整單詞。(每空只寫一詞) 66. Would you lend me your phone, please? I need to give Dad a c_to

49、 tell himthe good news.67. It's quite warm today. You needn't w your jacket, David.68. Look! How d_your hands are! Go and wash them right now.69. Be q , Peter, or we'll miss the last bus to our school.70. Can I have a drink?Please help y_. There is some orange juice in the fridge.第二節(jié) 完成句

50、子(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分l0分) 根據(jù)所給的漢語(yǔ)內(nèi)容,用英語(yǔ)完成下列句子。(每空只寫一詞)。71下周大約有500個(gè)學(xué)生參加運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)。 About 500 students will_the sports meet next week.72昨晚我哥哥直到完成作業(yè)才從房間出來(lái)Last night my brother_out of his room_he finished doing his homework.73我們相互幫助是非常重要的。_very important for us_ each other.74妹妹問(wèn)我是否可以在同家的路上給她買些面包My sister a§ked

51、me_some bread for her on my way home.75這些花必須天天澆水,否則就會(huì)枯死。All these flowers _ every day, or they will die.第三節(jié) 書面表達(dá)(滿分l5分) 假設(shè)今年暑假一批英國(guó)中學(xué)生要來(lái)你校訪問(wèn),你準(zhǔn)備參與接待工作。為了提前做好各項(xiàng)準(zhǔn)備,學(xué)校要求參與接待的學(xué)生用英語(yǔ)擬訂一個(gè)接待計(jì)劃。請(qǐng)根據(jù)下面酌構(gòu)思圖來(lái)擬訂你的計(jì)劃。內(nèi)容包括: 1:你計(jì)劃要做的事情(圖中13項(xiàng)內(nèi)容)及其原因或目的; 2你準(zhǔn)備為來(lái)賓安排的l2項(xiàng)活動(dòng)。 注意:1詞數(shù)80左右(計(jì)劃的開頭已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)); 2不能透露個(gè)人的任何信息(例如:學(xué)校和

52、姓名等),否則不予評(píng)分。Some UK high school students will come to our school during the summer holidays. To help them, I. .2008年廣東省廣州市中考英語(yǔ)試題參考答案1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. Bll.C 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. C(A)28/twenty-eight (B)some cakes/cakes (C)football(D) sister (E)Market16D 17A 18D 19C 20D

53、21B 22A 23B 24B 25C 文章大意安妮非常興奮,因?yàn)樗赣H要來(lái)北京看她。她從 收音機(jī)得知她媽媽的航班因?yàn)橄掠晖睃c(diǎn)兩小時(shí),所以她又回 到屋里。等安妮兩小時(shí)后到機(jī)場(chǎng)接母親時(shí),她已在機(jī)場(chǎng)外等 了兩個(gè)多小時(shí)。母親為了能按時(shí)到達(dá),乘坐了更早的航班,也 沒(méi)打電話告訴她。該按時(shí)到的沒(méi)到,該打電話的沒(méi)打。他們 只能又累又餓。的回家休息26A 27D 28D 29A 30C 31D 32B 33C 34B 35A文章大意數(shù)千年前,人類住在洞穴里或在樹林里宿營(yíng),男人 打獵,女人和孩子采集野果。所有的食物會(huì)在族群內(nèi)共享。 每過(guò)幾周就會(huì)遷徙到另一個(gè)食物更多的地方。為了生存,他 們必須學(xué)著更聰明,要制作自

54、己需要的東西,要知道許多關(guān)于 動(dòng)植物的知識(shí)。現(xiàn)在人們大多數(shù)住在城鎮(zhèn),生活變簡(jiǎn)單了卻 也更平淡了。有些人為了尋求刺激而去探險(xiǎn)和登山。大多數(shù) 人在假期里去體驗(yàn)一種不一樣的生活。他們也會(huì)宿營(yíng),但他 們的裝備和必需品使得宿營(yíng)和數(shù)千年前相比要舒服許多。36A 37B 38C 39D 40C 41A 42B 43D 44B 45C 文章大意一個(gè)工人在工作第一天就麻煩不斷。令我吃驚的 是他還請(qǐng)我去他家,在進(jìn)家門之前他將工作的不快和煩惱都 掛在“煩惱樹”上,用微笑與熱情面對(duì)家人。46C 47D 48A 49B 50D文章大意據(jù)報(bào)道,每一個(gè)夢(mèng)都為一個(gè)目的服務(wù)。至于做夢(mèng) 的原因,科學(xué)家的觀點(diǎn)各異。我們常會(huì)做這樣幾種夢(mèng):不斷重 復(fù)的夢(mèng)數(shù)月乃至數(shù)年內(nèi)不斷重復(fù),直到某一件事的結(jié)束 而終止;噩夢(mèng)夢(mèng)中的場(chǎng)景讓做夢(mèng)者感到恐懼;白日夢(mèng) 遇到自己不感興趣的人或事;不愿醒的夢(mèng)意識(shí)到在做夢(mèng) 卻不愿醒來(lái),沉醉其中。 51A 52A 53C 54B 55C 文章大意鄭和被稱為東方哥倫布,是一位具有傳奇色彩的 人物。文章介紹了鄭和的傳奇一生。56B 57C 58B 59D 60D 文章大意本文以網(wǎng)頁(yè)的形式


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