1、二年級朗文英語(2A)測試題ChapterldListening Part:、Listen and choose the right answer.)1、A Chinese)2、A helpful)3、A he)4、A who)5、 A stop)6、A waiter)7、A doctor)8、A fireman)9、A alarm)10 A new)11 A. good)12 A. cake)13 A. pond)14 A. behind)15 A. tin)16、A. tram)17、A. driver)18、A.job)19 A. Chinese)20、A.climb)21、A.G)22
2、、)23、)24、)25、)26、)27、)28、C MusicC friendlyC himC tryC prefectC housewifeC policemanB.rideB. JA. 2459 5522B.2459 5511A. duckA. busA. noseA. tramA. fiveA. nose)29、A.EnglishB MathsB kindB sheB MrsB catchB waitressB nurseB dentist C jobB ring C saveB nine C nowB. greatB.catB.playgroundB.betweenB. fit C.
3、slideB .trainB.hawkerB.robB. EnglishB.pandaB. minibusB. neckB .trainB.fifteenB.rulerB.Chinese b Englishb unfriendly b herD thinkD caretakerb cookb policewoman b workD waitb outC. goC. kiteC. toiletC. in front ofC.treeC. swimmerC. hopC.MathsC.thinC. KC. 2469 5511C. bearC. school busC.kneeC.treeC. fou
4、rteenC. bagC.MathsB.trainC. tram()30. A. ferryC. atC. herC. waiterC. gunC. playgroundB. onB. himB. nurseB. glassB. swimming()31. A.in()32.A.us()33.A.waitress()34.A.grass()35. A. tennis二、Listen and choose the right answer, write A or B。(聽錄音,選擇正確的答案,把編號寫在括號內(nèi)。)1、A.I have an apple. B. I have an orange.
5、C. I like apples.()2、A.My Chinese teacher is Mrs TamB. My English teacher is Mr Lee.C. My Chinese teacher is Miss Wong.()3、A. Wheres the snack barB. Wheres the playround C. Wheres the pond()4、A.bon t walk on the grass.B.Dont feed the birds.C.Dont fee the ducks.()5、A.Whats your fathers jobB. Whats yo
6、ur mothers jobC. What are you)6、A.Good morning. B. Good afternoon.D. Good evening.()7、A.I come to school by car.B. I come to school by bus.C. I come to school by minibus.()8、A. Five pupils come by tram.B. Five pupils come by train. C.Six pupils come by tram.()9、A.Whafs your nameB.Whats your telephon
7、e number C.What are you doing)10、A.My English teacher is Mrs TamB. My English teacher is Mr Lee.C. My English teacher is Miss Wong. )11. A. Can we make a noise here Sorry, you cant.B. Can we make a noise here No, you cant.C. Can you make a noise here Noz I cant. )12. A. Whats your fathers job He is
8、a doctor.B. Whats your father He is a doctor.C. Whos your father He is Ben.)13. A. My Maths teacher is helpful. I love her.B. My PE teacher is kind. I like him.C. My PE teacher is kind. I love her.)14. A. Wendy lives in Kowloon.B. Wendy lives in the New Territories.C. Wendy lives on Hong Kong Island
9、.Listen to the qustions, choose the rightanswers,writeAor”B(聽問句選答案,選A或 B。)1、A、She is our Chinese teacher. B、He is our Maths teacher.)2、A、It is OK.)3、A、Thafs Mrs Tam.)4、A、She is kind.)5、A、He is our prefect.)6、A、He is a doctorB、You are welcome.B、This is Mrs Tam.B、 He is friendly.B、She is our teacher.B
10、、She is a housewife.a fireman.)7 A I work in the fire station. B I am )8、A She is a policeman. B、He is a cook. )9、A I am fine.B、I am five.)10 A、I live in Kowloon. B、I go to school by MTR.)11、A.Its between the pond and the garden.3.1 ts a pond. C. This is a snack bar.)12、A.This is Kitty.B. She is Kit
11、ty. C.My names Kitty.)13、A. No,we cant.B.Nozyou cant. C.Nohe cant.)14、A.l come to school by bus. B. By MTR. C.Six pupils.)15A.Lm seven.B. I live in Wan Chai. C. Ifs 2223 4446.)16、A.l live in Chai Wan. B.By ferry. C. Im ten.)17、A.Lm seven.B. I come to school by bus.C.My names Kitty.)18、A. Five pupils
12、 come by car.Bits 2333 224 C.Lm six.)19、A.This is my book. B.Good night. C.Ifs big.)20、A.My tel叩hone number is 2323 4445B. I live in Wan Chai. C. I*m six.四、聽音,判斷對錯l.How many pupils come by train ()1.1 come to school on foot.()1.5 even pupils come by minibus .()4 .My Maths teacher is Miss Li.()5 .Wha
13、t is your mothers job ()6 .Can I throw litter()7 .Whats your telephone numberIts 6620345.()8 .Where do you live ()9 .My English teacher is Mr Wu .()10 .She is a doctor .()10.1 t is behind the tennis court.()五、聽音,給下列句子排序()Where is the tennis court( )They are between the swimming pool()Can we throw li
14、tter( )Whos your class teacher( )Can I make a noise( )How many pupils come by train( )Dont worry .we can help you .( )Thafs funny .Writing Part :一、What do the family do Fill in the missing words.(他們是做什么的呢)nurse, doctor, policewoman, fireman, cook1 I am a.2 Mybrotheris a.3 Myfather is a 4 Mymotheris
15、.5 My sister二、What are their jobs Write the letters in the boxes.4 | a housewife5| a fireman6 口a nursea policewoman8 | a dentist三. What do the signs mean Choose and write.feed pick throw make climb walk 、一一一一一 一一一一一一 一一一一一一 一一一一一一一一一 一一一一一 一一一一一一一一一一一一 一一一一一一 一一一一一一 一一一一一一一一一一 1 bo not litter.2bo no
16、t on the grass.3the flowers.4the ducks.the trees.6a noise.四、.What are they asking Finish the questions.(5*2)1AA: Can I on the grass由:Noz you cant.2 A: Can I the treeA B : No, you cant.3 BA: pick the flowersA B : No, you cant.4BA A: B : No, you cant.B : No, you cant.五、Where are they Tick () or cross
17、(x).1 Tim is between the garden and the toilets.()2 The dog is behind Mark.()3 Jill is in front of the tree.()4 The snack bar is behind the playground.()5 The tennis court is in front of the toilets.()6 The dog is between Tim and Mark.()六、Where are they Choose and write.| is | It They Wherethe dogbe
18、tween the catthe playgroundbehind the garden.and the bird.the toiletsthe swimmingpoolbetween the snack barin front of the tennis and the playground.court.七、看圖完成句子:1 - How do youI come to school2Mong Koklive3.has long hair.Hike4. Can I climb the trees Look at the sign.Noz youIt says:.5. 國theplaygroun
19、dIt isthegarden.,l、 What do their parents do Writea cook.What is your mothers job依 is。d“t”.fathers joba nurse.What isJoba waiter.What your十、用 What , where , who , how , d。,is , are 填空。1 .your name2 .the fire3 .you come to school4 .your class teacher5 .you, bad6 .many pupils come by car7 .your mother
20、s job8 .your English teacher9 .your telephone number10.our Maths teacher11.is that12.old you13 .your fathers job14 .you live15 .the snack bar16 .the tennis court17 .the swimming pool18 .the playground19 .the toilets十一、將正確答句的序號填在括號里面。()1. How do you come to school()2.1 walk to school .()3. How many p
21、upils come by ferry()4. Where do you live()5. Whats your name()6. Whats your telephone number()7. How old are you()8. How are you()9. Whos your PE teacherA. I walk to school too .B. Nine pupils come by ferry .C. I come to school by schoolbus .b. My name is Peter.E. I live in ShaTin .F. Ifs 2233404 .
22、I. Lm fine ,thank you .G. My PE teacher is Misswu .H. Lm eight.I. 10. Whos your class teacherJ. 11. Whats your fathers jobK. 12. Whats your mothers jobL. 13. Whats your jobQaddyM. 14. Where do you workN. 15. Where is the fireO. 16. Wait a minute .P. 17. Dont worry ,we can help you .A.He is a dentist
23、 .B. Miss Wang is my class teacher .C.She is a nurse.D. Im a fireman .E. Its at Sunny building .F. I work in a fire station.G. Thank you .H. OK.()18. Can I climb the trees()19. Can we feed the ducks()20. Im full now .()21. Where is the playground()22. Where are the toilets()23. Where are you , baddy
24、()24.1 want to go to the toilets.A. No, we cant.B. No ,you cant.C. They are behind the pond .b. Its in front of the toilets .E. Me too .F. We are at the toilets .G. Me too .十二、把下面的單詞重新排練組成一個句子。(注意句首字母大寫和標點符號。)1. do ,come , school, to , you ,how ()2. do , you where z live ()3. live , Mong Kok, in J (
25、.)4. your zname zwhat js ()5. old ,how ,you, are ()6. is telephone ,your number zwhat ()7. is , your ,who , PE teacher。8. is job zwhat /fathers your ()9. is zhe .waiter za (.)10. job , mothers zyour ,what ,is ()11. 1 zcan ,pick /flowers .the ()12 .we, can za ,make znoise ()13 .atjook .sign (.)十三、選擇括
26、號里的單詞填空。1. A:(where/ how) do(you/ your) come(into/ to)schoolB:(by/ on) Tram.2. Ask( you/ your) friends. Then get(in/ into) groups.3. A: How(many/ much)(pupil/pupils)(come/ comes) on footB: One(pupil/pupils)( come/ comes) on foot.4. A:(where/ how) do(you/ your) liveB: I live(in/ on)(New Territories/t
27、he New Territories). How about youA: I live(in/ on) Hong Kong Island.5. A:(Whats/ What)( you/ your) nameB:(I / My)(name/ names) Mary.6. A:(Whats/ Wheres)( you/ your) telephone number B:(It,7. A:(Whos/ Whafs)( you/ your) PE teacherB:(I / My) PE teacher is Mr Wong.bo you like( he/him) yes,(I don17 I d
28、o).(She/ He) is kind. I like( he/him).8. (He/ You)are my friend .9. (My/ This) is Mrs Lee.(He/ She) is our Music teacher. I like(her/ him).10. Sam is my brother. (He, I) lives in Hong Kong.I like(he/ him).11. A: Hello!(1/ My) am Mary, bo you like(her/ me) 12.B: yes,(1/ she)do.(You/ She)are friendly.
29、I like(her/ you).12. Tina is my little sister.(She/ I )has big eyes.I love(her/you).13. Thats my father.(He/ I)is tall.Do you like(he/ him)14. A:(Whos/Whafs)(your/you) (father/fathers) jobB:(He/ Hes)(doctor/ a doctor).15. A:(What/Whafs)(your/you) (mother/mothers) jobB:(Hes / Shes)(a waiter/ a waitress).16. A: Whats(you/ your) jobB:(I m /Im)(techer/ a teacher).17. The alarms(ring/ ringing). My father is(saveing/ saving) the people inside.18. (Whos/ Whats) your class teacher19. (Dont/ Dont) throw litter.20. (Where/ Wheres) the playgroun