



1、非謂語動詞總結(jié)一后面可跟動詞的ing形式的情況1.動詞: finish doing sthenjoy doing sth. practice doing sth. imagine doingavoid doing sth.consider doing sth.suggest doing sthmind doing sth.keep doing sth. 2.固定短語: feel like doing sth.be busy doing sth.be worth doing spend time (in) doing sth.have difficult/trouble in doing sth

2、have fun doing3.介詞后(on, in, of, about, at, with, without, for, from, up, by等)be good at doing sth.thank you for doing sth.give up doing sth.stop sb. from doing sth.do well in doing sth.be afraid of doing sth.be interested in doing sth.be proud ofinstead ofbe fond of4.to作介詞的情況look forward to doing st

3、hprefer doing sth. to doing sthpay attention to doingbe/get used to doing sth.make a contribution to二后面可跟動詞的不定式形式的情況1.動詞:agree to doafford to dodecide to dohope to do wish to dofail to doplan to dopretend to dorefuse to dowould like to dowant to dolearn to doprefer to do sth. sb. seem to do sthwant/

4、would like to do sth. used to do sth. 2.句型. allow sb. to do sth. asked sb. (not) to do sth. tell sb. (not) to do sth. follow sb. to do get sb. to do sth. warn sb. (not) to do sth.)be amazed to do sth. be afraid to do sth. be excited to do sth. be frightened to do sth. be glad/happy to do sth.be/get

5、ready to do sth. be sorry to do sth. be surprised to do sth. cant wait to do sth. get/have a chance to do sth. Its + adj.+(for sb.) to do sth. Its +adj. +(of sb.) to do sth.It takes sb. some time/money to do sth. Its best for sb. to do sth. Its time for sb. to do sth. too(for sb.) to =not enough to

6、do prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. something to eat/drink Sth. is hard/difficult/easy to dotake turns to do sth. There is no time (for sb. ) to do sth. There is no need (for sb.) to do sth. try/do ones best to do sth. 三、后既能跟不定式也能跟動名詞的情況: 1、后加不定式或動名詞意思相近的動詞有些動詞接doing和to do意義相近像preferbeginstartc

7、ontinue等詞后加不定式或動名詞區(qū)別不大:如:like to do表示想要做某一具體的動作 like doing表示一般或抽象的多次動作 它們在實(shí)際使用中區(qū)別很小。 2、后加不定式或動名詞區(qū)別較大的動詞: remember to do(記住去做) remember doing(記得做過) forget to do(忘記去做) forget doing(忘記做過) try to do(設(shè)法做) try doing(試著做) go on to do(接著做另一事) go on doing(繼續(xù)做同一事) stop to do(停下來去做) stop doing(停止做) cant help t

8、o do(不能幫助做) cant help doing(情不自禁做) 四、后跟動詞原形的情況。1在感官動詞和使役動詞后feel, hear,listen to,watch,look at,see, notice ,make,let,have等后跟動詞不定式作賓語補(bǔ)足語時應(yīng)省去不定式符號to。注意:將此句改為被動句時,省去的不定式符號to應(yīng)加上。2.助動詞或情態(tài)動詞后:do, did, does, will, shall, would, should, can, may, must等后面接不帶to的動詞不定式。3.某些固定句型中1)Will(Would)you please(not)? 2)had better (not) do sth.3)Why not do sth? 4) would rather(not) do sth.would rather do sth. than do sth=would do sth. rathe


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