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1、點(diǎn)金教育小學(xué)五升六英語(yǔ)測(cè)試卷姓名:年級(jí):聽力部分(40 分)、聽音,選擇(共10 題,每小題1 分)) 1 、 A.haveB. headC. hand) 2、 A.whatB. wetC. want) 3、 A.bagB. bedC. dad) 4、 A.leavesB. leftC. love) 5、 A.thinB. thinkC. thank) 6、 A.wash clothesB. watch TVC . what colour) 7、 A.write a letterB. write an e-mail C. write a report() 8、 A. Oct.10B. Oct.

2、 20 C. Oct.12() 9、 A. She s running to us . B. Hes running to us .C. They are running to us .() 10、 A. Two tigers come . B. Here come two tigers .C. Here are two tigers .二、聽音,判斷對(duì)錯(cuò)(共10 題,每小題1 分)1. ()2. ()3.()4.()5.()6.I do my homework. ()7. Zoom is counting insects .()8.Look , the little panda is sle

3、eping .()9.Tigers can climb trees .() 10.Today is Tree-planting Day.( )三、聽問(wèn)題,選答句(共5 小題,每小題2 分)() 1、 A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I can.)2、A.Its warm. B. Itshot.C. Its cool.)3、A.Hes reading a book .B. Im writingan e-mail.C. She s writing a letter .)4、A.Happy birthday toyou. B. Yes, thank you.C

4、. Thank you.)5、A.Its swimming .B. Its flying.C. Its climbing., 判斷下列五個(gè)句子的對(duì)錯(cuò)。(10 分)1、 It is usually very hot.2、 I get up early on my birthday.3、 After school, I go home and play computer games.4、 I take candy to my class.5、 We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice-cream.五、Read and choose(從

5、下列每組小題中選出一個(gè)與另外兩個(gè)不同類的一項(xiàng))(10C.turnC、 springC. Saturday C.dogC、 Sunday分)() 1. A. busB.taix() 2. A.winterB、 cool() 3. A. WednesdayB. day() 4. A.bookstoreB.hospital() 5. A、 MayB、 July六、找出單詞的正確譯文,將其標(biāo)號(hào)填入前面的括號(hào)內(nèi)。(10 分)()1. summer A.春天 B.季節(jié) C.夏天()2. morning A.下午 B.中午 C.上午()3. train A.火車 B.汽車 C.地鐵()4. write a

6、letter A.寫報(bào)告 B.寫信 C.寫電子郵件()5. swim A.游泳 B.蕩秋千 C.跑步()6. usually A.通常B.一般C.經(jīng)常()7. evening A.晚上 B.早上 C.中午()8. take a dancing class A.上舞蹈課 B.舉行野餐 C.做早操()9. shop A.購(gòu)物B.講話C.喝水()10.supermarket A.電影院B.醫(yī)院C.超市七、選擇正確的答句。(10分)( )1. What do you do on the weekend? A. No, I often go swimming.( )2. When do you get

7、up?B. Im doing homework.( )3.Which season do you like best? C. I often get up at 7 oclock.( )4. What do you ofter do in the summer? D. Winter. I can play with snow.()5. What are you doing?E. I often clean my room and wash myclothes.八.按要求填寫單詞。(10分)看電影_去旅行科學(xué)sci _右 ri飛機(jī) pl價(jià)格 pr九、閱讀理解(共20分)A.判斷對(duì)錯(cuò)。(10分)M

8、y name is Tom .I am twelve years old. My birthday is in fall. The weather is cool and windy. Its golden and farmers are busy. It s my favourite season .BecauseI can eat many fruits. My father s birthday is in fall, too. Our birthdays are on the same day. On our birthdays we usually go hiking. Someti

9、mes we have a picnic. We have a lot of fun on that day.()1、 Tom is 12 .()2、 Tom likes summer best.()3、 Tom s father s birthday is in fall.()4、 Its cool and windy on Tom s birthday .()5、 Tom and his father usually have a picnic on their birthday.B.選答案。(10分)Miss Tailor is a primary school teacher. All

10、 the students like her very much.Today is November 1st. In the evening,Miss Tailor gets two letters. One is a birthday card. It s from her student, Jack. It is a big surprise, because her birthday is the next month. The second letter is also from Jack. It says”: Dear Miss Tailor,I m sorry for the bi

11、rthday card.It is a mistake. Please don t read the card until next month.() 1. Miss Tailor s birthday is in . A. November B. December( ) 2. The birthday card is for . A. Miss Tailor B. Jack( ) 3. Miss Tailor is a . A. student B. teacher( ) 4. The two letters are from . A. Jack B. Miss Tailor( ) 5. M

12、iss Tailor gets the letters . A. in the morning B. in the evening五年級(jí)綜合練習(xí)(A聽力材料及答案一、 1.This is my head. ( B )2. What are you doing? ( A )3. There is acat on the bed. ( B )4.In spring, the leaves are green. ( A )5. Thankyou very much. ( C )6. I usually wash clothes on the weekend. ( A )7.1 usually wri

13、te an e-mail to my grandma on Sunday . ( B ) 8. My birthday is Oct.12th. ( C )9. Where are Amy and ChenJie ? They are running to us .( C )10. Look, her come two tigers . ( B )二、1. Today is April 3d. ( x )2. I like spring best .( , )3. My mother is writing an e-mail to my uncle. (V )4. I usually eat

14、dinner at 7:30 in the evening . ( x )5. Amy is catching buterflies . (x )6. What do you do in the evening? I often read books. ( x )7. What is Zoom doing ? Hes counting insects . ( V )8. Look , the mother panda is sleeping . ( x )9. Can tigers climb trees ? No, they cant . ( x )10. Whats the date to

15、day? Its March 12th. ( V )1. Are you from China? ( B )2. What s the weather like in spring? ( C )3. What s your aunt doing ?( A )4. Happy birthday. ( C )5. What is the bird doing ? ( B )1. I usually get up at 7:15.2. What s your favourite season? I like fall best.3. Why do you like fall? Because its always cool.4. When is your birthday? Its in May.5. Sarah is watching insects .五 A: Hello, Amy. What s the weather like today?B: Its cold .A: What is the date today?B: Its December 2nd


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