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1、初二英語上冊第二單元句型轉(zhuǎn)換1.She doesnt want to drink milk now. She doesnt _ _ _ milk now.2.Florence Nightingale was a nurse. She came from a rich family. Florence Nightingale was a nurse _ _ _ _. 2. Do you often dream? Do you often _ _ _ ?3. They told the boy not to pick flowers. They _ the boy _ _ flowers.4. I

2、ts time for our lunch. Its time for _ _ _ lunch.5. Dont worry. Ill look after your baby carefully. Dont worry. Ill _ _ _ _ your baby.6. People in Japan eat a lot of fish. We eat a lot of fish, too. People in Japan eat a lot of fish. _ _ _.7. It may have different tastes._ it _ different tastes.8. Al

3、l the other girls are standing behind the tallest one. The tallest girl is standing _ _ _ _ the line.9. It takes about fifteen minutes on foot.It is about _ _ _.10. I didnt have a rest. I went on writing.I went on writing _ a rest.11. How sweet her voice is!_ _ _ _ she has!12. Beethoven didnt say an

4、y more.Beethoven said _ _.13. The man upstairs always dropped his shoes on the floor, so the man downstairs couldnt get to sleep.The man downstairs _ _ _ get to sleep _ the man upstairs didnt put his shoes _ on the floor.14. I woke up very late this morning, so I was late for school.I _ _ up _ _ _ g

5、et to school on time.15. If you dont study harder, you wont catch up with the others.If you dont study harder, _ _ _ the others.16. Lin Tao runs faster than the other two boys.Lin Tao runs _ of the _ boys.17. He was surprised to find the girl was blind._ _ _, he _ the girl was blind.18. This kind of

6、 medicine is much too expensive for poor people.The poor people _ _ _ _ this kind of medicine.19. He is sure to be on time.Im sure _ _ _ on time.20. I bought this dictionary for 58 yuan.I _ 58 yuan _ this dictionary.21. Mark Twain wrote the book.Mark Twain _ _ _ of the book.22. She isnt free now. Sh

7、es at work.She is _ _.23. Whats the matter with him?Whats _ _?24. Everyone is healthy._ one is _.25. Maths is more difficult than physics.Physics is _ difficult than maths. Physics isnt _ _ _ maths.26. Do you have a favourite band?_ _ a band _ _ _ ?27. His first visit to China was in 2000.He _ China

8、 _ _ _ _ in 20000.28. I can help my father with the farm work, or my brother can help him with it._ my brother _ I _ _ my father with the farm work.29. What other things would you like?_ _ would you like?30. We are all before you.You _ _ _ all. 31. She sat nearest to the doctors door._ _ sat _ to th

9、e doctors door _ she did.32. Please stand in line.Please _ _ your _. Dont _ _ _, please.33. You mustnt put the plastic bags here and there.You mustnt _ the plastic bags _.34. If you play football here, you may break the windows._ play football here, _ you may break the windows.35. It seems that our

10、class is going to win.Our class _ _ _.36. My father is working here. My uncle is also working here._ my father _ my uncle _ _ _.37. Jim doesnt know how he can swim.Jim doesnt know _ _ _.38. Hangzhou is very famous, because of its beautiful West Lake.Hangzhou is _ _ _ beautiful West Lake.39. The weat

11、her in England is never too cold or too hot.The weather in English is _ _ _ _ _ _.40. His job is to be an assistant in a shop.He _ _ _ _ in a shop.41.Bruce will have to go back to Beijing next week. Bruce will have to _ _ _ next week. 42.Skating is quite different from skiing. There are _ _ _ _ betw

12、een skating and skiing, 43.He lent me a ruler last week. I _ _ _ _ _ last week. 44.He was too tired to walk. He was _ tired _ he _ _. 45.Please tell me where to show our tickets. Please tell me _ _ _ _ our tickets. 46.We will have two weeks' holiday. We will have a _ holiday. 47.I don't know

13、 how to call it in English. I don't know _ Englishmen _ it. 48.“Are you a teacher?” he said. He asked me _ _ _ _ _. 49.Listen! Someone is knocking at the door loudly. Listen! _ _ a _ _ _ the door. 50. Mary doesn't know much about China. Mary _ _ about China. 51.Don't forget my words. Rem

14、ember _ _ _. 52.His father took a plane to the USA three days ago. Three days ago his father _ _ the USA. 53.He is a scientist, too. He is _ a scientist. 54.Every one of us had a nice time last night. _ of us _ _ last night. 55.It's possible that she may catch a cold. It's _ _ _ to catch a c

15、old 56.Not all balls are round in the USA. _ _ are round, but _ _ in the USA. 57.To learn a foreign language is not easy. _ _ _ _ learn a foreign language. 58.What do you think of the TV play? _ _ _ _ the TV play? 59.Why weren't you in the relay race? Why _ you _ _ _ the relay race? 61.She hurri

16、ed to school. She _ _ school _ _ _. 62.“Don't play with the cat any more, Jim.” Mum asked. Mum told Jim _ _ _ _ the cat any more. 63.The boy was very clever. He could make a model plane alone. The boy was clever _ to make a model plane _ _. 64. She found him a very good pupil. She found him _ _

17、a very good pupil. She found he _ _ _ _ _. 65. People usually call Catherine Kate for short. Kate _ _ _ Catherine. 66. Paul is the best basketball player on the city team. _ _ basketball _ _ Paul on the city team. 67. It's best for you to come to China in spring. _ _ _ to China in spring. 68.How

18、 is the weather in Nanjing? _ the weather _ in Nanjing? 69.The snow was very heavy last night. It _ very _ last night. 70.In much of China, spring lasts from March to May. In _ _ of China, spring _ _ March and _ _ _ May. 71.Mother doesn't let me go out alone at night. Mother _ me _ _ out alone a

19、t night. 72.Shanghai's temperature will be 2 to 8 and there will be cloud. Shanghai will be _ and _ temperature will _ 2 to 8. Shanghai will _ a _ day _ temperature _ 2 to 8. 73. I'm sorry to trouble you. I'm sorry _ _ you. 74. The man went playing tennis in the morning and he did it eve

20、ry day. The man went playing tennis in the morning and it _ every day. 75. They were drinking happily. Just at that time, a policeman came in. They were drinking happily_ _ _ _ _. 76. I don't think you have to use them today. I don't think you _ _ _ them today. 77. We are tired of his long s

21、peech. We _ _ _ _ his long speech. 78. When she was in the park, she could hear the birds. The birds were singing beautifully. When she was in the park, she could hear _ _ _ _. 79. You may have the traffic accident if you don't drive carefully. Don't drive _, _it may _ the traffic accident.

22、80. Read English as often as possible. Read English as often as _ _. 參考答案:1.feel like drinking 2.from a rich family have a dream 4.stopped, from picking 5.us to have 6.take good care of 7.So do we 8.Maybe, has 9.at the head of 10.fifteen minutes walk 11.without 12.what a sweet voice 13.no more 14.wa

23、snt able to, because, quietly 15.didnt get, early enough to 16.youll fall behind 17.fastest, three 18.To his surprise, found 19.cant afford to buy 20.he will be 21.spent, on 22.was the writer 13.busy working 24.his trouble 25.No, sick/ill 26.less, as/so difficult as 27.Is there, you like best 28.vis

24、ited, for the first time 29.Either, or, can help 30.What else 31.are after us 32.No one, nearer, than 33.wait for, turn, jump the queue 34.throw, about 35.Dont, or 36.seems to win 37.Both, and, are working here 38.how to swim 39.famous for its 40.neither too cold nor too hot 41.works as an assistant

25、 42.return to Beijing 43.quite a few differences 44.borrowed a ruler from him 45.so, that, couldnt walk 46.where we should show 47.two-week 48.how, call 49.if I was a te1人教版教材句型專練一、 句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. 這是一個棒球,請把它拼出來。Its               

26、0;      . Please            it.2. Its a map of the US. (就劃線部分提問)                      it?3. The ruler is green.(就劃線

27、部分提問)                                 the ruler?4. Im fine, thanks. (根據(jù)答語寫出問句)   _        

28、                        5. Whats this                       ?  背包.6. H

29、er name is Jane.                      her name?7. Frank, his, name, his, and, first, White, is, name, is, last (連詞成句)_             

30、;                           8.失物招領(lǐng)箱里有一串新鑰匙。There is                    

31、;                                    the lost and sound case.9. Is this your backpack? (做否定回答)     &

32、#160;    ,                      .10. Is Wang your family name?(改為陳述句)_                  &#

33、160;             11. This is my classmate. (改為復(fù)數(shù)形式)_                                1

34、2. 他姓什么?懷特。 Whats                                 ? White.13. Please call Grace. Her telephone number is 4665719. (合并成一句)_   

35、                             14. 謝謝你的美好祝福。                   

36、0;   your sweet wishes.15. Lucys keys are in the drawer. (就劃線部分提問)_                                二. 完成句子1. 吉姆,晚上好。Good  

37、60;        , Jim.2. 我叫愛瑪,很高興認(rèn)識你。                                 Emma.      

38、;                             you.3. 格蕾絲,你奶奶身體好嗎?                  

39、60;    your grandma, Glice?4. 那個用英語怎么說?           that            English?5.它是一個蘋果,請把它拼寫出來。Its            apple. Please 

40、           it.6. 它的顏色是黑白相間的。Its                                  .7. 四加八等于幾?What is&#

41、160;                                ?8. 我的父親和母親在這里。My            are here.9. Those are my

42、favorite (最喜愛的) photos. (改為一般疑問句并做否定回答)                                  favorite photos?No,       &

43、#160;              .10. 請不要把這些東西帶到你的學(xué)校。Please dont            these                   

44、;    your school.what I said 53.flew to 54.also 55.Each, enjoyed ourselves 56.possible for her 57.Some balls, some arent 58.It isnt easy to 59.How do you like 60.didnt, take part in 61.went to, in a hurry 62.not to play with 63.enough, by himself 64.to be, was a very good pupil 65.is

45、short for 66.Nobody plays, better than/ The best, player is 67.Youd better come 68.Whats, like 69.snowed, heavily 70.most parts, starts in, goes on to 71.stops, from going 72. cloudy, its/the, be, have, cloudy, with, from 73.to disturb 74.happened 75.when a policeman came in 76.need to use 77.are fe

46、d up with 78.the birds singing beautifully 79.carelessly, or, cause 80.you can當(dāng)我被上帝造出來時,上帝問我想在人間當(dāng)一個怎樣的人,我不假思索的說,我要做一個偉大的世人皆知的人。于是,我降臨在了人間。我出生在一個官僚知識分子之家,父親在朝中做官,精讀詩書,母親知書答禮,溫柔體貼,父母給我去了一個好聽的名字:李清照。小時侯,受父母影響的我飽讀詩書,聰明伶俐,在朝中享有“神童”的稱號。小時候的我天真活潑,才思敏捷,小河畔,花叢邊撒滿了我的詩我的笑,無可置疑,小時侯的我快樂無慮?!芭d盡晚回舟,誤入藕花深處。爭渡,爭渡,驚起一






52、是不買書的人,最可憐的人是與書無緣的人?!痹S許多多的作家、偉人都十分喜歡看書,例如毛澤東主席,他半邊床上都是書,一讀起書來便進(jìn)入忘我的境界。書是我生活中的好朋友,是我人生道路上的航標(biāo),讀書,讀好書,是我無怨無悔的追求。下午13:0017:00B實(shí)行不定時工作制的員工,在保證完成甲方工作任務(wù)情況下,經(jīng)公司同意,可自行安排工作和休息時間。312打卡制度3.1.2.1公司實(shí)行上、下班指紋錄入打卡制度。全體員工都必須自覺遵守工作時間,實(shí)行不定時工作制的員工不必打卡。打卡次數(shù):一日兩次,即早上上班打卡一次,下午下班打卡一次。打卡時間:打卡時間為上班到崗時間和下班離崗時間; 3


54、力資源部審批備案。參與手工考勤的員工,需由其主管部門的部門考勤員(文員)或部門指定人員進(jìn)行考勤管理,并于每月26日前向人力資源部遞交考勤報(bào)表。參與手工考勤的員工如有請假情況發(fā)生,應(yīng)遵守相關(guān)請、休假制度,如實(shí)填報(bào)相關(guān)表單。 外派員工在外派工作期間的考勤,需在外派公司打卡記錄;如遇中途出差,持出差證明,出差期間的考勤在出差地所在公司打卡記錄;3.2加班管理3.2.1定義加班是指員工在節(jié)假日或公司規(guī)定的休息日仍照常工作的情況。A現(xiàn)場管理人員和勞務(wù)人員的加班應(yīng)嚴(yán)格控制,各部門應(yīng)按月工時標(biāo)準(zhǔn),合理安排工作班次。部門經(jīng)理要嚴(yán)格審批員工排班表,保證員工有效工時達(dá)到要

55、求。凡是達(dá)到月工時標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的,應(yīng)扣減員工本人的存休或工資;對超出月工時標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的,應(yīng)說明理由,報(bào)主管副總和人力資源部審批。 B因員工月薪工資中的補(bǔ)貼已包括延時工作補(bǔ)貼,所以延時工作在4小時(不含)以下的,不再另計(jì)加班工資。因工作需要,一般員工延時工作4小時至8小時可申報(bào)加班半天,超過8小時可申報(bào)加班1天。對主管(含)以上管理人員,一般情況下延時工作不計(jì)加班,因特殊情況經(jīng)總經(jīng)理以上領(lǐng)導(dǎo)批準(zhǔn)的延時工作,可按以上標(biāo)準(zhǔn)計(jì)加班。員工加班應(yīng)提前申請,事先填寫加班申請表,因無法確定加班工時的,應(yīng)在本次加班完成后3個工作日內(nèi)補(bǔ)填加班申請表。加班申請表經(jīng)部門經(jīng)理同意,主管副總經(jīng)理審核報(bào)總經(jīng)理批準(zhǔn)后有效。加




59、力資源部批準(zhǔn)后,月底由部門考勤員據(jù)此上報(bào)考勤。上述情況考勤由各部門或分公司和項(xiàng)目文員協(xié)助人力資源部進(jìn)行管理。手工考勤制度3.1.2.6手工考勤制申請:由于工作性質(zhì),員工無法正常打卡(如外圍人員、出差),可由各部門提出人員名單,經(jīng)主管副總批準(zhǔn)后,報(bào)人力資源部審批備案。參與手工考勤的員工,需由其主管部門的部門考勤員(文員)或部門指定人員進(jìn)行考勤管理,并于每月26日前向人力資源部遞交考勤報(bào)表。參與手工考勤的員工如有請假情況發(fā)生,應(yīng)遵守相關(guān)請、休假制度,如實(shí)填報(bào)相關(guān)表單。 外派員工在外派工作期間的考勤,需在外派公司打卡記錄;如遇中途出差,持出差證明,出差期間的考勤在出差地所


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