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1、小學英語總復習一、字母能按照四線三格正確書寫26 個字母的大小寫并書讀字母。二詞匯1. 學習用品 :pen鋼筆pencil 鉛筆pencil-case鉛筆盒ruler尺子book書bag包newspaper報紙schoolbag書包eraser橡皮dictionary詞典2. 人體 (body):foot腳head 頭face 臉hair 頭發(fā) nose 鼻子mouth 嘴eye 眼睛ear 耳朵 arm 手臂hand 手finger手指leg 腿3. 【顏色 (colours)】 :red紅blue 藍yellow黃green綠 white 白black 黑pink粉紅purple紫 ora

2、nge橙brown棕4. 【動物 (animals)】:cat 貓dog狗pig 豬duck鴨rabbit兔horse馬elephant大象ant螞蟻 fish魚snake 蛇mouse 老鼠kangaroo袋鼠monkey猴panda 熊貓 bear 熊lion 獅子tiger老虎fox 狐貍 deer鹿hen母雞sheep 綿羊 goat 山羊cow 奶牛bird鳥camel駱駝frog 青蛙 cock 公雞dragon龍 owl 貓頭鷹parrot 鸚鵡5. 【人物 (people) 】:friend朋友boy 男孩girl 女孩mother母親 father 父親sister姐妹bro

3、ther兄弟uncle 叔叔舅舅man 男人woman 女人Mr. 先生Miss 小姐lady 女士 ;小姐mom媽媽dad 爸爸parents 父母grandparents祖父母grandma/grandmother(外)祖母grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父aunt姑姑cousin 堂(表)兄弟 ;堂(表 )姐妹son 兒子daughter女兒baby嬰兒 classmate 同學people人物robot機器人6 【職業(yè) (jobs) 】:teacher教師student學生doctor 醫(yī)生 nurse 護士driver 司機farmer 農(nóng)民 singer 歌唱家wri

4、ter 作家actor 男演員actress女演員artist畫家TV reporter電視臺記者policeman( 男 )警察police警察7. 【食品 ,飲料 (food& drink)】:rice 米飯bread面包beef 牛肉milk 牛奶 water水egg 蛋fish 魚tofu豆腐 cake蛋糕 hot dog熱狗hamburger漢堡包biscuit餅干noodles 面條meat 肉chicken 雞肉 vegetable蔬菜soup 湯ice 冰ice-cream冰淇淋cola 可樂juice果汁breakfast早餐lunch 午餐dinner/supper

5、 晚餐meal 一餐 cake 蛋糕 chocolate 巧克力 sandwich 三明治 cheese 奶酪sausage 香腸dumpling餃子tea茶coffee咖啡8. 水果 ,蔬菜 (fruit & vegetables):apple蘋果banana 香蕉pear 梨orange橙 watermelon 西瓜tomato西紅柿potato 土豆 peach桃strawberry 草莓carrot胡蘿卜 cabbage卷心菜 mango芒果9. 【衣服 (clothes)】 :jacket夾克衫shirt 襯衫T-shirt丅恤衫 skirt 短裙子dress連衣裙shoes

6、 鞋子 sweater毛衣coat 上衣raincoat雨衣 shorts短褲hat( 有沿的 )帽子cap 便帽sunglasses 太陽鏡trousers褲子cloth 布10. 【交通工具 (vehicles)】:bike自行車bus 公共汽車train火車boat 小船ship 輪船car小汽車taxi 出租車jeep 吉普車plane/airplane飛機11. 【事物 (other things)】 :thing東西window窗戶door門desk 課桌chair椅子 bed 床computer計算機light 燈teacher's desk講臺 picture圖畫 ;照

7、片wall墻壁 floor 地板 ball 球 baseball棒球 basket ball籃球 table tennis乒乓球 clock鐘表 card卡片 postcard明信片 football/soccer足球present禮物lamp臺燈 phone 電話 sofa 沙發(fā) shelf 書架table桌子TV 電視photo 照片plate盤子knife刀fork 叉chopsticks 筷子gift禮物 toy 玩具doll 洋娃娃ball 球balloon氣球kite風箏 jigsaw拼圖游戲 box 盒子 umbrella傘violin小提琴 piano鋼琴trumpet小號 y

8、o-yo溜溜球hole洞toothbrush 牙刷 menu 菜單e-card 電子卡片 e-mail電子郵件money錢12. 【地點 (locations)】 :home家room 房間bedroom臥室living room起居室classroom教室school學校park公園library圖書館 postoffice郵局police office警察局hospital醫(yī)院 cinema電影院bookstore書店farm 農(nóng)場zoo 動物園 garden 花園study 書房playground操場teacher's office教師辦公室 library圖書館washroo

9、m衛(wèi)生間 art room繪畫教室 computer room計算機教室music room音樂教室 TV room電視機房factory 工廠pet shop寵物商店science museum科學博物館 the Great Wall 長城supermarket超市 bank 銀行 country國家 village鄉(xiāng)村 city城市hometown家鄉(xiāng) bus stop公共汽車13. 【氣象 (weather) 】 :cold寒冷的warm 溫暖的cool涼爽的snow 下雪sunny晴朗的hot炎熱的rain下雨windy有風的cloudy多云的weather report天氣預報14.

10、 【 Number數(shù)字】One 一two二three 三four四five 五six 六seven七eight八nine九ten十eleven十一twelve十二thirteen十三fourteen十四fifteen 十五sixteen 十六seventeen十七eighteen十八nineteen十九twenty二十thirty 三十forty 四十fifty五十sixty六十seventy七十eighty八十ninety九十hundred百thousand一千million百萬15.week【周,星期,時間】weekday周 日weekend周 末 Sunday星 期 日 Monday星

11、期 一Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四 Friday星期五Saturday星期六 time時間 hour小時 day天 today今天morning早上 afternoon下午evening 晚上 night 夜間 soon不久often 經(jīng)常、時常usually通常sometimes有時 never 從不16. 月份( Mouths) :January一月 February 二月March三月April 四月May五月June 六月 Juny七月 Augest八月September 九月 October十月November十一月 December十二月17

12、.Sport (體育運動 ) :football足球basktball籃球tabletennis乒乓球baseball棒球ball High球skatingjump跳高滑冰longtaiji太極jump跳遠running跑步walk競走wushu武術(shù)swimming游泳18. 【季節(jié)( seasons )】 :spring春 summer夏 autumn秋 winter冬19. 國家國籍(countries)】:China-Chinese中國中國人(的) ;漢語America-American美國美國人(的)Australia Australian澳大利亞澳大利亞人(的)Canada-Cana

13、dian加拿大 - 加拿大人(的)England English英語 -英語(的)Mexico-Mexican墨西哥墨西哥人(的)France-French法國法語Japan-Japanese日本 -日本人(的)China/PRC中國America/USA美國UK聯(lián)合王國England英國Canada/CAN加拿大Australia澳大利亞 New York 紐約 London 倫敦 Sydney 悉尼20. 【十七節(jié)日( festivals)】 :New Year's Eve除夕New Year元旦SpringFestival春節(jié)LanternFestival元宵節(jié)DragonBoa

14、tFestival端午節(jié)(龍舟節(jié))the Mid-autumn Festival中秋節(jié)Teathers' Day教師節(jié)Christmas圣誕節(jié)Thankgiving Day 感恩節(jié)Halloween萬圣節(jié)Flay Day國旗日21. 【動詞及短語 (verbs)】:lookat看著pass傳遞get up起床go to school上學have lunch 吃午飯go home回家watch TV看電視go to bed上床睡覺have breakfast吃早飯have dinner吃晚飯do做play 玩,打(球) sleep睡覺sing唱歌give給 eat吃fly 放(風箏)ha

15、ve got擁有has got擁有( have got的三單)go to work上班Walk步行swim游泳live 居住go straight on直著走turn left 向左轉(zhuǎn)turn right向右轉(zhuǎn)write 書寫take pictures照相talk to和、交談play with玩,擺弄listen to聽read閱讀let's=let us讓我們get on上(車)get off下(車) row 劃(船)drink喝,飲用want需要,想要make制作cook烹飪,燒(菜)love喜愛can能夠run跑jump跳ride騎,乘Wash洗,清洗draw畫visit拜訪,

16、看望Come on 快點,趕快turn on打開 come in請進count數(shù)數(shù)take帶走,拿走help幫助learn學習hope希望study學習find找到bring帶來use使用stay停留suggest建議borrow借arrive到達climb攀登,爬finish吃完hurry趕緊,匆忙hurry up快點wait等待drop落下,掉下meet遇見need需要understand明白,理解argue 爭吵wear穿control控制catch接住,抓住hear聽到sit坐sit down坐下skip跳(繩)ring鳴,響feel感覺到miss想念tell 告訴lost丟失smel

17、l聞到cross穿過should應該hold抓住say說話,講話collect收集sound聽起來speak說,講(語言)believe相信copy 模仿clean 清理show展示,出示become 成為shine照耀fly away飄走spend度過beproundof 以。自豪laugh笑cry 哭make a mistake犯錯誤worry擔心stand up起立do one'homework做作業(yè)go swimming去游泳playfootball踢足球 ,play basketball打籃球 ,playbaseball打棒球 , playtable tennis打乒乓球 ,

18、play computer games打游戲 , play chess下棋play the flute吹笛 ,play the piano彈鋼琴 ,play the trumpet吹小號go to the park去公園fly a kite 放風箏read a book 看書have a picnic吃野餐 have a birthday party開生日聚會go out出去send an e-mail發(fā)郵件sing songs唱歌have English/Chinese/Music上英語(語文、音樂)buy 買 go去come來like 喜歡do做dance跳舞see看見think思考 /想

19、write寫watch看 ask 問love 喜歡 know知道help 幫助21. 【學科,科目( subject )】:math 體 育 biology數(shù)學English英語Science科 學生物 French法語Chinese漢語physicshistory歷史music音樂物 理geographyart藝術(shù)chemistry地理P.E 化學project綜合實踐22. 【形容詞】bigtall大的高的small fat小的胖thinlong 瘦長的niceshort好看的短的、矮的kind和藹可親的funny滑稽可笑的good好的fine好的happy 高興的 clean干凈的sad

20、 難過的 little小的great很好的new新的 old老的,舊的young年輕的busy 忙的sorry遺憾的lovely可愛的interesting有趣的great大的、美妙的difficult困難的 cute 可愛的fantastic挺好的beautiful美麗的 favourite最喜愛的23. 【指示代詞 】:this這個 that那個 these 這些those那些24.其他名詞: city 城市home家 room 房間classroom 教室 school學校teacher教師student/pupil學生 birthday生日 homework作業(yè)hobby業(yè)余愛好 wo

21、rd詞 card卡片question 問題answer 答案dollar美元festival 節(jié)日 game游戲name名字25. 【同音詞】我 I eye 眼喂hi high 高的小 時 hour our 我 們的for foursun sonhear hereeight ateright writebe beeno knownose knowssee seaone wonthere theircent sentaunt aren t26. 【反義詞】big-smalllong shorttall shorteasy difficultblack whiteold newold youngr

22、ight leftrightwrongsad glad(happy)coldhotthin fatcome gosame differentsit standbring takelight heavybright-dark【對應詞】mum dadbrother sistergirl boyhere therethis thateast westnorth southday nightthese those26. 【完全、縮略形式 】I'm = I amhe's = he isshe's =sheisthey're= theyareyou're= youa

23、rewe re = we areit s = it isthere's = there isthere re = there are don't = do notisn't = is notlet's = let usI'll = I willweren t = were notcouldn t= could notcan't = can notdoesn't = does notaren't = are notwon't = will notwasn't = was notdidn t = did not總結(jié) :

24、通常情況下 ,'m 即 am,'s 即 is( 但 let's=let us),'re 即 are ,n't即 not ( 但 can't=can not)外研版小學英語復習的重點詞匯和句型一、分類詞匯1 、名詞:人物 boy girl mother father brother sister friend cousin driver dancer pupil teacher policeman nurse farmer doctor Ms Mr動物 animal dragon tiger lion elephant monkey panda d

25、og cat bird五官 身體部分head eye nose ear mouth hand arm foot leg hair食物 food cake rice meat bread noodles soup fish chocolate mango banana apple pear orange peanut sweets biscuit vegetable milk fruit watermelon ice cheese juice coffee tea場所方位 classroom class school home farm house road supermarket statio

26、n park lake sea rivereast west north south國家 China England America country交通工具 bike bus train boat plane學科 English, Chinese, Math, Science玩具 kite, toy, computer game, doll,jigsaw, chess, ball文具 bag pencil pen book時間 time today day hour yesterday tomorrow morning afternoon evening weekend spring summ

27、er autumn winter January February March April May June July August September October November December Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday服裝 hat dress coat T-shirt clothes sweater教室中的物品desk chair door window其它名詞 name present box bottle song winner Christmas tree letter metre kil

28、o homework robot weather postcard matter game life radio Cold headache fever2 、動詞:運動 play football, play basketball, play table tennis, do morning exercises, go swimming, go cycling, run, high jump, ride, row a boat,系動詞am is are was were feel smell情態(tài)動詞can need may should其它動作 want, make, cook, wash,

29、please, draw, thank, think, point to, sit down, stand up, know, help, hope, look see, have, has, like, sing , read, write, draw, learn, listen, hear, say, talk, tell, study, speak, drink, drop laugh, give, visit, catch, dance, carry, live, agree, stop, finish, wait,get up, have breakfast, go to scho

30、ol, go to work, have lunch, go home, have dinner, watch TV, take pictures, go straight on, turn right, turn left, understand, argue, wear,went bought had met ran lost learnt3 、形容詞:顏色 red blue yellow green black orange purple pink white天氣 hot cold warm cool windy sunny心情感覺 fine, happy, favorite, hung

31、ry, difficult, thirsty sad, bored, angry, tired, sorry其它 big small short tall old young new thin fat, great, strong, blind, deafnice shy clever naughty cool cute good bad carefullong wide interesting beautiful wonderful many much famous quiet dangerousbetter, worse, useful, last dear clean enough4 、

32、副詞:疑問副詞where when how why其它副詞heretherenowthenveryupdownfasthighwellbadlyreally hard5 、代詞:人稱代詞I we you he she they it物主代詞 my our your his her their its mine yours hers his 指示代詞 this that these those不定代詞some many much any疑問代詞what, whose, How many, How old, who, How much,6、數(shù)詞: one two three four five s

33、ix seven eight nine ten eleventwelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteentwenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred7、介詞: on in under to at past by with8、冠詞: a an the9、連詞: and, but, because, so, than10 、其它:Yes, No, Hello, Goodbye, Thank you, too, Happy birt

34、hday, oclock, Happy New Year, Spring Festival, Children s Day, Let s, Excuse me, Sport Day, Good luck, Come on, Of course, The Great Wall,二、重點句型1. Good morning.2. Good afternoon.3. How are you?I m fine, thank you.And how are you?Im fine, too.4.What s your name?My name is Sam. / I m Sam.5.How many? I

35、t s ten.6. How many boys? Ten boys.7. How many girls? Eleven girls.8. Stand up/ Sit down.9. Point to the door. /window, chair10.Whats this?It s a book.11.Whats that?It s a chair.12.Happy birthday. Thank you.13.Wheres my present ?It s in the hatIt s on the hat.14. How old are you?15. Is it a dog?It s

36、 under the hat.Im eleven.Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.16. This is my mother.She s a teacher.This is my father.He s a doctor.This is my grandpa.He s a policeman.This is my grandma.She s a driver.This is my brother.He s a farmer.This is my sister.She s a nurse.It s me.I m a pupil.17. This is my hand.This

37、is my nose.This is my mouth.These are my eyes.These are my ears.These are my feet.18. What are they?They are monkeys.Are they tall? Are they thin? 19.I like football.No, they arent.Yes, they are.I don t like basketball.I like swimming.I don t like skipping rope.I like skipping rope.I dont like cycli

38、ng.20 What s your favourite colour?21.Sam likes toy cars.He doesnIt s blue. t like Barbie dolls.22.Amy likes Barbie dolls.She doesnt like computer games.23.Do you like noodles?Yes, I do./ No, I dont.24.Does Lingling like meat? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn t.25.Whats the time , please?It s four o cl

39、ock.It s half past three.26.I have breakfast at six oclock.I go to school at eight o clock.I have lunch at twelve oclock.I go home at half past five.I have dinner at half past six.27.What do you do at the weekend?I play basketball.I watch TV.I play football.I play table tennis.I go swimming.28.What

40、does Sam do at the weekend?He plays basketball.He watches TV.He plays football.He plays table tennis.He goes swimming.29.What does Amy do at the weekend?She plays basketball.She watchesTV.She plays football.She plays table tennis.She goes swimming.30.What do you have at school?At school I have Chine

41、se, Maths, English and Science.31.Happy New Year.32.Happy Christmas.33. SpringIt s spring.We go cycling in spring.34.SummerIt s warm in spring.It s summer.It s hot in summer.We go swimming in summer.35.AutumnIt s autumn.It s cool in autumn.We play football in autumn.36.WinterIt s winter.It s cold in

42、 winter.We watch TV and play table tennis in winter.37.What do you do in spring?I go cycling in spring.What do you do in summer?I go swimming in summer.What do you do in autumn?I play football in autumn.What do you do in winter?I watch TV and play table tennis in winter.38.How do you go to school?I

43、go to school by bus.(或 by train, by car, by bike)I go to school on foot.I walk to school.39.How does your father go to work?He goes to work by car.How does your mother go to work?She goes to work by bike.40.Have you got a tiger?Yes, I have./ No, I havent.Have you got a new sweater? Yes, I have. / No

44、, I havent.41.Has he got a new toy plane?Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt.Has she got a new dress?Yes, she has./ No, she hasnt.42.This is my mother. She s watching TV.This is my father.He s reading a book. This is my grandma.She s writing a letter. This is my grandpa.He s taking a picture.43. What are you doing?I m watching TV.44.Do you want so


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