Unit20-lessson3 Scientific Breakthroughs_第1頁
Unit20-lessson3 Scientific Breakthroughs_第2頁
Unit20-lessson3 Scientific Breakthroughs_第3頁
Unit20-lessson3 Scientific Breakthroughs_第4頁
Unit20-lessson3 Scientific Breakthroughs_第5頁
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1、 dilemma microscope procedure organ donate correspond meanwhile split premier 進退兩難的窘境進退兩難的窘境顯微鏡顯微鏡程序程序;步驟步驟器官器官捐贈;贈送捐贈;贈送通信通信同時同時分開;分離分開;分離最重要的最重要的 outspoken telescope galaxy mist mould penicillin outcomecure 直言的;坦率的直言的;坦率的 望遠鏡望遠鏡 星系星系 薄霧薄霧 霉;霉菌霉;霉菌 青霉素青霉素 結果結果 治愈治愈 navy wrestle wrestle with sth. ci

2、rcuit microwavepatent jet 海軍海軍努力解決努力解決;搏斗搏斗;摔跤摔跤奴隸解決難以處理之事奴隸解決難以處理之事電路電路微波爐微波爐專利專利噴氣式噴氣式ObjectivesTo use reading strategies for To use reading strategies for identifying accurate information.identifying accurate information.To learn about some scientific To learn about some scientific breakthroughs

3、and the scientists. breakthroughs and the scientists. To talk about the influences of To talk about the influences of scientific discoveries. scientific discoveries. To know about compound words.To know about compound words.In this lesson the students will be able: Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein was

4、 considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century and one of the greatest of all time. His greatest discovery is the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity. Edwin HubbleAmerican astronomer. Hubbles study leads to the most important astronomical discovery of the twentieth century the expand

5、ing universe. Hubble space telescope哈勃空間望遠鏡是人類第一座太空望哈勃空間望遠鏡是人類第一座太空望遠鏡,它以時速遠鏡,它以時速2.82.8萬千米沿寂靜的太萬千米沿寂靜的太空軌道運行,默默地窺探著太空的秘空軌道運行,默默地窺探著太空的秘密,是有史以來最大、最精確的天文密,是有史以來最大、最精確的天文望遠鏡,它上面的廣角行星相機可拍望遠鏡,它上面的廣角行星相機可拍攝到幾十到上百個恒星照片。攝到幾十到上百個恒星照片。哈勃太空望遠鏡經(jīng)典圖片哈勃太空望遠鏡經(jīng)典圖片側視的星系側視的星系太空太空“螞蟻螞蟻”太空中的寶石太空中的寶石貓眼星云貓眼星云驚恐的驚恐的“雙眼雙眼”

6、完全曝光土星環(huán)完全曝光土星環(huán)星系之心星系之心棒旋星云棒旋星云Alexander FlemingScottish biochemistOn February 14, 1929 Fleming discovered Penicillin, when an accidental discovery led to one of the great developments of modern medicine. Mauchly & EckertMauchly was an American physicist who, along with his student Eckert designed EN

7、IAC, the first commercial computer made in the United States. 世界上第一臺電子計算機世界上第一臺電子計算機ENIAC的問的問世世,宣告了人類從此進入電子計算機時宣告了人類從此進入電子計算機時代。代。 Lets have a quiz about science and scientist. Good Luck!Warm-up1. The Origin of Species was published in 1859. The book showed that people had developed from apes instea

8、d. Who is the author? A.Leonardo do Vinci B. Charles Darwin C. Stephen Hawking2.2. Who Who said that Genius is one said that Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspirationpercent perspiration?A.Albert Einstein B. Madame Curie C. Thomas Edis

9、on3. 3. WhoWho received two Nobel prizes received two Nobel prizes and she discovered radium In 1898?she discovered radium In 1898?A. Gregor Mendel B. Madame Curie C. Isaac Newton 4. 4. Stephen HawkingStephen Hawking, British (1942-) , British (1942-) He has worked in astronomy and He has worked in

10、astronomy and studied _ in space.studied _ in space.A.A.Black holes B. UFO Black holes B. UFO C. Planets C. Planets5. 5. Alexander FlemingAlexander Fleming discovered discovered _ which can kill bacteria and _ which can kill bacteria and save the lives of millions.save the lives of millions.A.A. Hyd

11、rogen peroxide ( Hydrogen peroxide (過氧化氫過氧化氫) )B. Anesthetics (B. Anesthetics (麻醉劑麻醉劑) ) C. Penicillin (C. Penicillin (青霉素青霉素) )theory of relativity and a formula theory of relativity and a formula _ showed that the mass and _ showed that the mass and energy were in fact equivalent energy were in fa

12、ct equivalent Reading Strategies:Identifying accurate informationRead to get general idea.Read questions to identify important words.Find the relevant part.Decide if the above two express the same meaning.Decide if there is no information.Read fast and match the discoveries with how they were discov

13、ered1. E = mc22. penicillin3. the first computer4. other galaxiesa. Scientists worked together as a teamb. There was a lucky accidentc. A scientist did research for many yearsd. A scientist was inspiredTime Name Discovery How Influence 1905 after the First World War Albert Einstein Theory of relativ

14、ity Sudden inspirationNot mentionedEdwin Hubble expanding universeBy using the most high-power telescope of the time proved the universe was vastly larger than previously thought Complete the tableTime Name Discovery How Influence 1929 1946 Fleming penicillin by accident helping to save livesEckert

15、& Mauchly the first computer working hard not mentioned 1. Einstein was at work when he thought of the equation “E=mc2 ”. 2. Einstein participated in the program that developed the nuclear bomb.3. Einstein observed changes in time, size and mass. FDecide if these statements true or false or no infor

16、mation. Use the strategies to help.NIF4. Hubble studied the universe for over twenty years.5. Hubble discovered that our galaxy is bigger than we thought it was.6. Fleming had been studying bacteria in his laboratory when the discovery happened. 7. There was a blue mould around the bacteria in the d

17、ish.8. Fleming developed the process for making penicillin.NINIFTF9. The first computer project failed to meet its original goal.10. The first computer was extremely difficult to program.11. The scientists who discovered microwaves invented microwave ovens.12. Today, it is possible to donate your he

18、art to hospital when you die.NITTTReading strategy 4: identify important words 1. One of the 20th centurys _ scientists was Einstein who was _ to _ E=mc2 which showed how an _ amount of energy was produced. 2. Scientists _ _ how to split the atom and changed the way we _ from writing letters to emai

19、ling. 3. The _ of penicillin is _, which helped to _ people. 4. It is a real _ on your hands to choose the most important discovery of the 20th century. Scientific _ improve the quality of human life on earth. premierinspireddiscoverunbelievablefigured outcorrespondoutcomeamazingcuredilemmabreakthro

20、ughs Find words in the text with the following meanings:meanwhilegalaxy1. to give something e.g. money, to a person or an organization in order to help them2. a part of the body, such as heart or lungs3. to divide something into separate parts 4. compare two things that are happening at the same tim

21、e 5. expressing your opinions honestly6. one of the large groups of stars that make up the universe 7. to make someone who is ill well again8.a type of oven that cooks food very quicklyoutspokenmicrowavecureorgansplitdonateWriting Task: Your Favorite ScientistWhat is the most important or interestin

22、g fact about the scientist? Why do you like him or her? What are his or her achievements? “Creativity in science could be described as the act of putting two and two together to make five.”- Arthur Koestler What does the sentence mean?Give examples to show how creativity works in science. air, ship,

23、 space, day, time, way, break, through, some, out handOptional TaskChoose two of the following words and join together to make new words. airway, spaceship, daytime, daybreak, breakthrough, breakout, throughout, sometime, handsome, timespacewayspace in Word-buildingoutcomeoutcome+Compound words are

24、made up of two (or more) separate words. meanwhile, outspoken, world-famous, breakthrough, far-reaching, double-checked, something, nothing, sometimes, mass-produced, without, mobile phone Match the categories (a-e) with the examples from the text (1-5). Then add examples of your own.1. breakthrough

25、; outcome 2. CD player; jet engine3. mass-produce; double-check4. one-year-old; world- famous; far-reaching 5. flying machine; nuclear bomba) compound noun a) compound noun (noun + noun) (noun + noun) b) compound nounb) compound noun (verb + preposition) (verb + preposition)c)c) compound nouncompoun

26、d noun (adjective + noun) (adjective + noun) d) compound verb d) compound verb e) Compound adjectivee) Compound adjective名詞名詞+名詞名詞classroom形容詞形容詞+名詞名詞 highway副詞副詞+名詞名詞 upgrade動詞動詞+名詞名詞 pickpocket名詞名詞+動詞動詞 snowfall動詞動詞+副詞副詞 breakthrough名詞名詞+形容詞形容詞 homesick名詞名詞+過去分詞過去分詞 man-made名詞名詞+現(xiàn)在分詞現(xiàn)在分詞 earthshak

27、ing形容詞形容詞+名詞名詞+-ed warm-hearted 1.dilemma n.困境;進退兩難的窘困境;進退兩難的窘 經(jīng)典例句經(jīng)典例句 Faced with a dilemma,he was determined to hold on. 面臨著進退兩難的困境,他決定頑強地堅持下面臨著進退兩難的困境,他決定頑強地堅持下去。去。 Im in a dilemma about this job offer. 對于提供的這份工作我不知道是接受還是不接對于提供的這份工作我不知道是接受還是不接 受。受。 The bad weather put us into a dilemma. 糟糕的天氣使我們進

28、退兩難。糟糕的天氣使我們進退兩難。Language point 歸納拓展歸納拓展 face a dilemma=be faced with a dilemma面臨左右為難的困境面臨左右為難的困境 be in a dilemma處于左右為難的境地處于左右為難的境地 put/place o a dilemma使某人處于使某人處于左右為難的境地左右為難的境地 on the horns of a dilemma進退兩難進退兩難完成句子完成句子The patient needed an operation right away,The patient needed an operation

29、right away,but there was no anesthetic(but there was no anesthetic(麻醉劑)麻醉劑),the ,the surgeon was surgeon was ( (處于進退兩難的境地)處于進退兩難的境地). .on the horns of a dilemma/puton the horns of a dilemma/putinto a dilemmainto a dilemma 2.donate vt.捐贈;贈送捐贈;贈送 經(jīng)典例句經(jīng)典例句 Many people donated blood to the Red Cross for

30、 the victims of the earthquake. 很多人為地震受害者向紅十字會獻血。很多人為地震受害者向紅十字會獻血。 Dont just ask for something while forgetting to donate. 不要只顧求索,而忘記付出。不要只顧求索,而忘記付出。 She made a donation of $5,000 to the Childrens Hospital. 她捐了五千美元給兒童醫(yī)院。她捐了五千美元給兒童醫(yī)院。歸納拓展歸納拓展donate sth.todonate sth.to sb. sb.捐贈某物給某人捐贈某物給某人donate bloo

31、ddonate blood獻血獻血donation donation n n. .捐贈,捐贈物捐贈,捐贈物make a donation to.make a donation to.向向捐助捐助donor donor n n. .捐贈人,捐贈機構捐贈人,捐贈機構完成句子完成句子He He ( (把書捐贈給)把書捐贈給) our our school library.school library.donated his books todonated his books to 3. correspond v. 相一致;相聯(lián)系;通信相一致;相聯(lián)系;通信 經(jīng)典例句經(jīng)典例句 Weve correspo

32、nded with each other for years but Ive never actually met him. 我們已互相通信多年了,可是我從未見過他本我們已互相通信多年了,可是我從未見過他本 人。人。 Your account of events corresponds with hers. 你說的情況跟她說的相符。你說的情況跟她說的相符。 Im sure my actions will correspond with my words. 我保證,我將言行一致。我保證,我將言行一致。歸納拓展歸納拓展correspond with/to.correspond with/to.與與

33、一致;與一致;與通信通信/ /聯(lián)系聯(lián)系correspondence correspondence n n. .通信;聯(lián)系通信;聯(lián)系hold/keep up correspondence with sbhold/keep up correspondence with sb. .與某人(保持)通信聯(lián)系與某人(保持)通信聯(lián)系correspondent correspondent n n. . 通訊員;記者通訊員;記者完成句子完成句子While shopping on line,weWhile shopping on line,we must make sure must make sure ( (貨

34、物與描述的相符)貨物與描述的相符). .the goods correspond with the descriptionthe goods correspond with the description 4. cure v. & n. 治愈,治好;消除;改正治愈,治好;消除;改正 經(jīng)典例句經(jīng)典例句 The best cure for sadness is a big laugh. 治療憂傷的一劑良方就是開懷大笑。治療憂傷的一劑良方就是開懷大笑。 Many people were cured of their H1N1 Flu in this hospital. 許多許多H1N1流感患者在此醫(yī)

35、院恢復了健康。流感患者在此醫(yī)院恢復了健康。 She tried every means to cure her child of the bad habit. 她想盡一切辦法試圖改掉她孩子的這個惡習。她想盡一切辦法試圖改掉她孩子的這個惡習。歸納拓展歸納拓展cure sb.of sthcure sb.of sth. .治愈某人(某病);修正某人治愈某人(某?。恍拚橙耍。。゛ cure for.a cure for.的一種治療法的一種治療法beyond/past curebeyond/past cure不可救藥不可救藥易混辨析易混辨析treat/curetreat/cure(1 1)

36、treattreat與與curecure搭配不同搭配不同cure sb.ofcure sb.of a disease a disease治愈某人的病。治愈某人的病。treat sb.fortreat sb.for a disease a disease治療某人的病。治療某人的病。(2 2)側重點不同)側重點不同curecure強調(diào)結果,意為強調(diào)結果,意為“治愈治愈”。treattreat側重動作,意為側重動作,意為“治療治療”。(3 3)意為)意為“治療治療”時名詞變化有所不同時名詞變化有所不同curecure可作動詞、名詞。可作動詞、名詞。treattreat只作動詞,其名詞為只作動詞,其名

37、詞為treatmenttreatment。用用treattreat,curecure的適當形式填空的適當形式填空 (1)(1)The doctor The doctor his headache with a his headache with a new drug but didnt new drug but didnt him. him. (2)The patient was (2)The patient was of his heart of his heart disease three years ago. disease three years ago. (3)The doctor (3)The doctor me for me for my toothache. my toothache.treatedtreatedcurecurecuredcuredtreatedtreated 5.constant adj. 1. staying the same for a period of time A th


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