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1、86福建省莆田市2017-2018學年七年級英語下學期期中試題(滿分:150分考試時間:120分鐘)I.聽力(滿分30分)A.聽句子。聽下面五個句子,從每小題所給的A、B C三幅畫中選出與句子意思相符的圖。(每個句C.C.C.C.C.B.聽對話。聽下面七段對話,從每小題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。(每個句子讀兩遍,滿分15分)聽第1段對話,回答第6題。()6. Where ' s Jane ' s bedroom?A.On the first floor. B. On the second floor. C. On the third floor.聽第2段對話,回答

2、第7題。()7. Is there a computer in Jane' s study?A. No, there isn ' t. B. Yes, there is. C. I don' t know.聽第3段對話,回答第8題。()8. How many rooms are there in his house?A. Six.B. Seven.C. Eight.聽第4段對話,回答第9題。()9. Where ' s his father ' s car?A.In front of the house. B. Under the tree.C. In

3、the garage.聽第5段對話,回答第10、11題。()10.What book does Michael want to borrow?A.Harry Potter. B.An English book. C.A history book.()11.Where does the librarian(圖書管理員)find the book?A.On the second floor. B.On the first shelf. C.On the fourth floor.聽第6段材料,回答第12、13題。()12.Which bus should the man take?A.The No

4、.205 bus. B.The No.204 bus. C.The No.206 bus.()13.How can the man get to the bus stop?A.Go along this road and turn left at the first street.B.Go along this road and turn right at the first street.C.Go along this road and turn left at the second street.聽第7段材料,回答第14、15題。()14.Who is Joan?A.Lisa '

5、s classmate. B.Lisa' s cousin. C.Lisa' s neighbor.()15.Where does Joan live?A.In the city.B.In an apartment. C.In a townhouse.C.聽短文。根據所聽到的短文內容及要求完成表格,每空一詞。(短文聽三遍,滿分7.5分)NameActivityPaul16.a letterLisa and Jennytalking in front of the teaching 17.Alice18.Li Mingplaying 19.Harry and 20.playing

6、 soccer筆試部分(滿分120分)II.單項選擇 從A、B、C三個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳答案。(每小題1分,滿分15分)()21.I want to post a letter to my friend, so I need to buy a.A. stamp B. ticket C. card()22.- Do you often go to the zoo by subway?. Idon' t like taking the subway at all.A. Usually B. Always C. Never()23.Now Judy her homework in

7、 her study. She often it there after dinner.A. is doing, does B. does, does C. is doing, is doing()24. park your car here, please.A. NotB. No C.Don' t ()25.I can see the bus station from my window because my house is it. A. far away B. far from C. across from()26.There are lots of people in the

8、center of the street. Let' s and have a lookA. stand, go B. are standing, to go C. standing, go()27.You should be kind your classmates and learn each other. A. to, from B. to, with C. with, from()28.What do you think of biology?. I like it very much.A. It ' s hard to say.B. It ' s intere

9、sting C. It ' s boring()29.May I use your bike? Sure. But you can only it for half a day.A. watch B. borrow C. keep ()30.Be careful when you go the road.A. cross B. across C. crossing()31.Bob wants to me something about his house.A. sayB. tell C. speak ()32.I a table. On the table some keys.A. h

10、as, has B. have, there is C. have, there areA.You()33.Miss Gao, Happy New Year !re welcome B.Thank you all the same C.The same to you()34.My brother has many books, but he has English books.A.little B.a little C.few()35.He lives in apartment. It' s on the floor.A.a; three B.an; three C.an; third

11、III.完形填空 從A、B C三個選項中選出填入空白處的最佳答案。(每小題1.5分,滿分15分)The Browns have a beautiful two-floor building. On the 36 floor, there is aliving room, a dining room and a kitchen. Look, Mr. Brown is 37 a newspaper in the living room. Mrs. Brown is cooking dinner for the family in the 38 . Their son is drinking39 i

12、n the dining room. Onthe second floor, there are two 40 , a study and a bathroom. The big bedroom is for Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown. The 41 one is for Jim. In the 42 , there 43 two book shelves and a computer. Jim usually plays games and listens to music on the computer.There is a garden 44 their buil

13、ding. Now Mrs. Brown is getting some 45 in the garden. She will put the flowers in the living room.()36. A.firstB.secondC.one()37. A.looking B.seeing C.reading()38. A.living roomB. dining roomC.kitchen()39. A.breadB.milkC.apple()40. A.living roomsB.bedroomsC.kitchens()41. A.large B.bigC.small()42. A

14、.study B.bedroom C.living room()43. A.areB.isC.be()44. A.in the center of B.behind C.at the back of()45. A.trees B.flowers C.fruitsIV.閱讀理解。(共二部分,滿分45分)(一)閱讀以下A、BC、D四篇短文,根據短文內容,從題中所給 AB、C、D四個選擇中,選擇最佳答案。(每小題2分,滿分40分)APeter and Scott are classmates: They are students of No 4 Junior High School.Peter us

15、ually rides his bike toschool. It only takes him 15minutes. Sometimeshe walks to school. It takes him about 40 minutes. But he lovesit, because on his wayto school, there is a beautifuland quiet park.Peter likes it verymuch.When he has free time, he likes reading his favorite booksthere.)46.HowdoesP

16、eter usuallygo toschool?D.)47.A.ByBycar.HowA. Aboutbus.long20B Bybike.C. On foot.does itminutes.C. About 40 minutes.)48.What doesPeterliketakePeterto walk to school?B.D.doingA. Going tothelibrary.B.D. Playingsportswithhisfriends.()49.Scottlikeshisbusbus.A.watch TVB.C.talk tohisbest()50.WhatcanweAbou

17、t 30 minutes.About 50 rip tomakefriend D.his free time?Reading inC. Ridingschool becausenew friendsthehelisten to hisknow from the passage?park.his bikecanfavoritetotheonmusicpark.theA. Peterdoesn' t like walking to school.B.Peterand Scottgoto the sameschool.C.Scott 's home isnfar

18、 from theschool.D.Thereis a parkonScott ' s wayto schoolScott lives far from the school. He usually walks to the bus station first and then takes the bus to school. It takes him about half an hour to get to school. He likes the bus trip because it's a good time for him to listen to his favor

19、ite music on the bus.BA GAMELostDate: February 11thA red wallet. There is an ID card and someTime: 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.Place: The School PlaygroundProgram: Basketball GameTeams: Class 9and Class 4The Blue Sky Cinema( 藍天電影院)The Old Man and the SeaDate: February 14th-18thTime: 7:15 p.m.-9:00 p.m.Ticket

20、s: Adults ( 成人)¥ 20Children ¥10money in it. My name is Cathy. Please call 7366-0579.Dolphin ( 海豚)ShowFrom 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in February. Do you want to see the cute dolphin from Hong Kong?Comeand see the dolphin show in Longtan Zoo.考場座位號:()51.If you want to watch the basketball game,

21、you can go to the school playgroundonA.September 29thB.September 10th* :C.February 11thD.October 2nd. ;()52.If you want to see the movieThe Old Man and the Sea , you can go to ., ; A.the Blue Sky CinemaB.the school playground二 C.Longtan ZooD.the Mega Cinema :.()53.Mr. and Mrs. Green want to watch th

22、e movie The Old Manand the Sea with their daughter. * :How much should they pay for the tickets? A. ¥30. B.¥40. C.¥50. D. ¥60. ()54.If you find a red wallet, you can . ? A.go to Hong KongB.call 7366-0579J? ! C.give it to Class 4D.give it to the Blue Sky Cinema* r ( )55.You may at

23、 10:00 a.m. in February. . :A.watch a basketball matchB.watch a movie :C.watch the dolphin showD.take your lost walletC « : We can see many traffic signs on both sides (邊)of the roads or streets. Some tell the e二 drivers what to do, and others tell them what not to do. The traffic signs are the

24、 trafficA二 rules. All people must obey the rules.Each traffic sign has its meaning (意思).Do you see the sign " P" ? Do you know itsmeaning?In big cities, there are a lot of cars and buses. They can' t stop on the streets atany time. If a driver wants to stop his car, he must look for a

25、place for his cara carstop. For a driver,how does he find a car stop? The trafficsign "P" can help him. "P"is the first letterof the word "Park" and its meaning is“You can stop your car here!”After the driver finds the car stop, he can park his car there. And then he ca

26、n do other things.It ' s very important ( 重要的)to obey the traffic rules. If you live in the city andgo to school by bike every day, you must be very careful, or you' ll have an accident. Youcan' t ride too fast, and you can' t let your classmate or friend sit behind you. You always h

27、ave to stop at a stop sign.()56.We can see many traffic signsA.on both sides of the streets B.in the parkC.in the hotel()57.Traffic signs tell usA.what we can doC.both A and BD.in the schoolB.what we mustnD.itt dos important to obey the traffic rules()58.The sign"P" means A.a driver mustn

28、' t stop his car here B.a driver can stop his car hereC.a driver can do other things D.a driver can' t drive too fast()59.If a driver wants to stop his car, he must look for . A.a park B.a bus station C.a car stop D.a supermarket()60.What ' s the best title of the passage?A.Traffic Signs

29、 and Traffic Rules. B.Don' t Drive Too Fast.C.Traffic Accidents.D.Parking Here.DNameTimeActivitiesSteve5:00p.m.At this moment I ' m not having a class. I' m playingbasketball with my classmates in the gym. But my favoritesport is soccer.闿Tom9:00 a.m.Now I ' m watching a basketball ga

30、me on TV. I amvery happybecause I am watching Yao Ming playing basketball. I hopehe can win ( 贏)the game.x_Jjim10:10 a.m.I ' m taking a long holiday. Do you know where I am now?I am sitting in a plane to Egypt (埃及).Diana8:00 a.m.I ' man air hostess (空姐).NowI ' mworking in the plane.I 

31、9; m helping people find their seats. I like my job very much.()61.What ' s Steve ' s favorite sport?A.Swimming. B.Running. C.Soccer. D.Basketball.()62.Why is Tom very happy?A.Because he is playing basketball.B.Because he is talking to Yao Ming on TV.C.Because he is playing basketball with Y

32、ao Ming.D.Because he is watching Yao Ming playing basketball.()63.How does Jim go to Egypt?.A.By plane.B.By train.C.By subway.D.By bus.()64.What does Diana do?A.A nurse.B.A doctor.C.An air hostess. D.A teacher.()65.Who is in the plane now?A.Steve. B.Tom. C.Jim. D.Jim and Diana.(二)閱讀下面短文,將方框里A-E五個句子分

33、別填入文中空缺處,使內容完整正確。(每小題1分,滿分5分)Mrs. Green goes to see her daughter in London. 66.Mrs. Green doesn' t knowLondon well. She is lost.At thistime. Mrs. Green sees a tallman atA.She wants to ask himthe way, so she goesto him.B.I ' m new here, too.CBut Mrs. Green doesn't know what he says.D.Her

34、daughter works ina school.E.But he can' t speakEnglishthe bus stop. 67.Mrs. Greenasks,“Excuseme,can you help me, please?Which bus can take me to Edward High School?The tall man is very kind. 68.He can only speak French(法語).He sayssomething.69.The tallmanputs his hand inhisjacketandtakesout(smallbook.He opens(itandwritessomething on it.sorry. 70.Andcan'speakEnglish.9.70.V.看圖寫話。(共5小題,每小題2分,滿分10分)71.seldom, go there72.now, draw a picture73. favorite, subject74. there be, near75.how, get toVI.根據情景提示,完成下列各題。(每小題 2分,滿分10分)76 .他們在這個小區(qū)過著豐富多彩的生活,可以這樣說:77 .對無法提供幫助,你仍然要表示感謝,可以這樣說:78


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