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1、外研社三起三年級下冊英語全冊教案unit 1 its the abc song.教學(xué)目標(biāo):知識目標(biāo):學(xué)會字母歌及26 個英文字母的讀音。能力目標(biāo):1 發(fā)音準(zhǔn)確,能聽懂錄音。2 會運(yùn)用句式 what s your favourite ?詢問。3 提高英語表達(dá)能力。情感目標(biāo):培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的自信心和合作精神以及用英語交流溝通的能力。教學(xué)重難點(diǎn):1 基本能夠聽懂 ,會說 ,會讀詞匯: song, favourite 2 學(xué)會用 what s your favourite ?的語言結(jié)構(gòu)。3 注意 favourite 的讀音。教學(xué)過程step1 warming up:greetings.(師生激情打招呼) f

2、ree talk.guess: what s this?step2 presentation:t: do you like orange/apple?t: do you like cat /elephant / dog?t:ok! thank you to my boys /girls/pupils.you all like some animals. i like animals too. guess! t: dog is my favourite animal.出示“favourite ”單詞卡,教授“favourite ”單詞。t:i like singing the english s

3、ong!出示“song”單詞卡,教授“song”單詞。what s my favourite song ? it s the abc song.what s the abc song ?一體機(jī)播放視頻 the abc song。采用不同的方式鞏固新單詞:開火車猜口型你大我小等,讓學(xué)生讀的準(zhǔn),說的準(zhǔn)。教師及時給予公正的評價,同時注意學(xué)生的發(fā)音,及時糾正錯誤。鞏固練習(xí):t:what s your favourite song ?s1: it s the abc song.s2:its thesong.設(shè)計意圖:教師創(chuàng)設(shè)情境,呈現(xiàn)新單詞和句型,學(xué)生在教師的引領(lǐng)下學(xué)習(xí)語言。單詞的教學(xué)要放到句型的操練中

4、才有意義。step3 learning the text:1、t:my favourite song is the abc song, let s learn the song together.字母學(xué)習(xí) :逐一出示卡片,教學(xué)生認(rèn)讀字母,并糾正學(xué)生的發(fā)音。采用開火車、抽查、齊讀、大小聲等方式。教字母的過程中,教師要有意識地把單詞與字母結(jié)合:如:a,apple; b,banana; c,cat2、sing and point.step4 practise1. 排隊12 / 12請幾個同學(xué)把名字寫在黑板上,然后按字母順序排列。2. 查英文詞典:將全班劃分若干小組,由小組長帶頭,帶領(lǐng)大家查詞典。3.

5、 用身體擺造型,猜字母。請幾個同學(xué)上前用身體擺造型,其他同學(xué)猜,猜對者給小組加1 分。4. 快速認(rèn)識字母大小寫uvwmbdpygqpsxrnetc 5.齊唱字母兒歌(一體機(jī)出示) abcdefg, clap with meefghi, close your eye jklmn, show me ten lmnop, listen to me pqrst, pour the tealook at me, i can say from a to t moral lessenlove english【設(shè)計意圖】:通過游戲,學(xué)生自然而然地把所學(xué)知識應(yīng)用到實(shí)踐中,既培養(yǎng)了思維能力,又調(diào)動了學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)積極

6、性。step5 summary:教師帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生齊讀板書內(nèi)容。step6 homework回家后,將自己學(xué)會的abc 歌曲唱給家長聽。板書設(shè)計:module 1alphabetunit 1 it s the abc song.what s your favourite song ? its the abc song.unit2 my favourite colour is yellow.教學(xué)目標(biāo):知識技能目標(biāo):1。能聽,說,認(rèn)讀單詞:song favourite colour2. 聽懂,會說: what s your favourite-? my favourite - is -. here yo

7、u are. 3.初步運(yùn)用: . what s your favourite-? my favourite - is -. here you are.情感目標(biāo):樂于感知并積極嘗試使用英語,樂于與人交往,向他人介紹自己的喜好。任務(wù)目標(biāo):參與按照英文字母表順序給全班同學(xué)進(jìn)行姓名排序的活動。三。教學(xué)重點(diǎn),難點(diǎn): 重點(diǎn):my favourite - is-.難點(diǎn):初步運(yùn)用: . what s your favourite-? my favourite - is -. here you are.四,教學(xué)方法: 五,教學(xué)過程:(一)熱身導(dǎo)入1,師生問候,其后學(xué)生齊唱字母歌2,今天 panpan 又要變魔術(shù)

8、,我們一起去看看吧3,播放課本活動 1 的動畫,學(xué)生邊看邊讀。4,出示顏色卡片,復(fù)習(xí)以前學(xué)過的有關(guān)顏色的單詞。what colour ? it s-.(二)任務(wù)發(fā)布今天我們要制作自己的姓名卡片,然后按字母表的順序貼到教室的專欄里。你們喜歡用什么顏色是紙制作姓名卡片呢?我們先來看看sam 的選擇吧。(三)學(xué)習(xí)課文1,播放課本活動 2 的動畫,第一遍,邊放邊說明語境。以后讓學(xué)生逐句跟讀,可播放2-3 遍。2,本節(jié)課的學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn)是my favourite - is -. 可以用一下方法突破。a,模仿秀。繼續(xù)播放課本活動2 的動畫,讓學(xué)生模仿sam 的對話。看誰模仿的最好,最像。熟練后還可讓學(xué)生用不同的

9、語音,語調(diào),情感等模仿,比一比誰模仿的最有創(chuàng)意。學(xué)生可以根據(jù)自己的喜好用自己喜歡的顏色模仿sam 的對話。b,全班齊讀課文。 c,兩人小組分角色讀課文。(四)練習(xí)鞏固1,播放課本活動 3 的音頻,學(xué)生邊聽邊在課本上連線,可播放2 遍module 2unit1 they're monkeys.二、教學(xué)任務(wù):1、進(jìn)一步鞏固: what s this? its 2、學(xué)習(xí)及運(yùn)用: what are they? they re句型三、語言技能目標(biāo):1、能用所學(xué)知識描述不同動物名稱及其特征;2、學(xué)生通過學(xué)習(xí),能流利朗讀課文;3、通過做游戲、猜動物、小組合作等方式,完成本節(jié)課的學(xué)習(xí)。四、情感態(tài)度目標(biāo)

10、:變被動學(xué)習(xí)為主動學(xué)習(xí),在英語學(xué)習(xí)活動中形成主動開口說英語的習(xí)慣,體驗用英語進(jìn)行交際的樂趣。五、教學(xué)重點(diǎn):1、what are they? they re 2、在情景中運(yùn)用 big, small, fat.3、能描述動物的特征,掌握人稱變化及單復(fù)數(shù)運(yùn)用。六、課時安排:一課時。七、教具:1、課件。3、單詞卡片。教學(xué)過程: 一. greating二. warm-up: do the action, please follow me!三. presentation1. revision(出示幻燈片 ) what s your favourite song? what s your favourite

11、 toy?what s your favourite animal?(出示幻燈片 ) what s this? its a pandabird. .2. now, let s go to the zoo! ( 出示幻燈片 ) are you ready? stand up! let s go!出示幻燈片 )這里有很多動物,展示動物是怎樣介紹自己的!讓學(xué)生注意傾聽,學(xué)會動物名稱。4. 出示卡片 tiger, 師范讀,請生讀,小組讀(teach: lion, elephant, monkey,同上)5.(出示幻燈片 )猜動物、說單詞! look and guess!what s this? its

12、 a tiger / lion / monkey /an elephant.6. 出示幻燈片what s this? yes! its an elephant.what re they? theyre elephants ( 板書、教讀、小組讀 ) read after me! 教讀、齊讀(出示幻燈片)比較單復(fù)數(shù)差異,出示其它圖片練習(xí)。7. now, let s play a game! are you ready?(看紙條、作動作;生問,其他人答。act it in groups. ( 分組,評價 )8. look at this! ( 出 示 幻 燈 片 ) what s this? ye

13、s, its an elephant!i like elephant, because it s big! (show“big”、教讀,ok! now follow me, 帶動作 big) what s this? (出示幻燈片 )yes, its . its small! (show “small”板書、教讀、帶動作 , small big! big small!) 出示其他圖片,請生描述9. look! ( 出示幻燈片 )it s a panda! it s fat! ( 肢體語言 )(板書 fat)帶動作教讀,生模仿。10. say a chant!11. today, daming,

14、 lingiling, sam and amy go to zoo, too! now, lets listen.then tell me,can you hear somenew words?12. look and read after the tape. ( 出示幻燈片 )13. roy play!let s act it in groups.14. everybody, do you want to play a game? (出示課件 )look and saytheyre, theyre (big / small /fat)或 it s, its(big / small / fat

15、) let ss say it in front of the classroom! 四.課堂評價、表揚(yáng)、總結(jié)五. homeworkunit2 that man is short.教學(xué)目標(biāo):1 知識目標(biāo):a 聽說讀三會掌握單詞man (男人)、 short (矮的)、 tall (高的)、 small (小的)、 thin (瘦的)、big (大的)b 掌握語言: this/that is tall/ short/ big/ small.2 能力目標(biāo):提高學(xué)生英語口語水平,和運(yùn)用英語的能力。教學(xué)重點(diǎn):a 聽說讀三會掌握單詞man (男人)、 short (矮的)、 tall (高的)、 sma

16、ll (小的)、 thin (瘦的)、big (大的)b 掌握語言: this man is tall.that man is short.教學(xué)難點(diǎn):a 掌握語言: this monkey is small and thin. that monkey is big and fat.b 提高學(xué)生英語口語水平,和運(yùn)用英語的能力。教法學(xué)法: 游戲教學(xué)法,小組競賽法,問答法。教學(xué)用具: 錄音機(jī), ppt 課件 , 計算機(jī)教學(xué)過程一、情境導(dǎo)入1 、 let s singold macdonald has a zoo.2、問答練習(xí): t: hello ,boys and girls. how are yo

17、u? whats your favourite song ?/colour ?ss:its .t :what s this ?ss :its a desk .t what are they ?they are desks ,etc五、鞏固練習(xí)1、小組內(nèi)進(jìn)行問答練習(xí)2、分角色練習(xí)六、家庭作業(yè)運(yùn)用今天學(xué)習(xí)的單詞和句型,“this . is ” / “ that . is .” 向父母或朋友介紹自己的動物樂園。板書設(shè)計module2 unit2that man is short.this monkey is small and thin.that monkey is big and fat.modu

18、le 3unit1 i like football.一、教學(xué)目標(biāo):(一)知識目標(biāo)1、掌握有關(guān)運(yùn)動的單詞:like, football, basketball, table tennis, morning exercises。2、學(xué)會使用句型:i like和 i dont like 談?wù)撟约合矚g和不喜歡的運(yùn)動。(二)能力目標(biāo)1、培養(yǎng)學(xué)生正確運(yùn)用英語進(jìn)行表述的能力。(三)情感目標(biāo)培養(yǎng)學(xué)生熱愛運(yùn)動,激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的興趣。二、教學(xué)重、難點(diǎn): 重點(diǎn):1、單詞: like, football, basketball, table tennis2、能夠正確運(yùn)用句型:i like和 i dont like 談?wù)?/p>

19、喜歡和不喜歡的運(yùn)動項目。難點(diǎn):1、單詞: morning exercises2、能正確運(yùn)用本課句型談?wù)撓矚g和不喜歡的事運(yùn)動項目。八、教學(xué)過程:step 1 warming up.1、geeting.t: hello, boys and girls.s: hello, miss wu.t: how are you?s: im fine , thank you. and how are you? t: im fine ,too. thank you.t: now, let s look at the pictures and then do the actions. 2、do and say.教師

20、播放課件,出示學(xué)生玩過的運(yùn)動項目。學(xué)生在老師的帶領(lǐng)下,伴隨著歡快的音樂做運(yùn)動。t: the bell is ringing. it s time for sports. ( 教師描述圖片的意思 )theyre skipping. they re playing basketball. theyre playing jianzi. they re playing football. they re running. she s winner. they re swimming. they re playing table tennis. they re doing morning exercis

21、es. he s running. they re playing table tennis. he s playing football. do morning exercises.(當(dāng)聽到運(yùn)動員進(jìn)行曲后 ,師生一塊說英語做動作。)t: stand up, please. lets do and say. football/ football; run /run/;jump/jump ;swim/swim; skip/ skip; basketball /basketball ; table tennis/ table tennis.t: are you happy?s: yes!t: im

22、 very happy.t: today we will talk about some sports games. 3、明確本課學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù),并引出本課評價方式。t: we can talk about the sports games we like or dislike.t: i have many balls. which group can answer my questions. you will get a ball. step 2 presentation and new concept.1、learning word: footballt: do you like footbal

23、l? i like football.教師播放足球的課件 ,在課件中,出示球和腳的圖片球+腳=football 。t: look ,foot and ball. we can use your feet to kick the ball. we call it football.老師邊做動作邊帶讀單詞,板書單詞:football 2、drilllook, i have a football here. read after me : football , football (傳球讀單詞)3、learning : like 和 i like t: i like football.帶讀“i lik

24、e football ”讓學(xué)生微笑著讀,告訴他們喜歡做一件事情的時候,心情一定是很愉快的。教師用動作表示喜歡的情感,學(xué)生跟讀單詞。板書“i like”出示圖片帶讀 like /i like ,學(xué)生個人,男生,女生,全班讀 i like t:good! we can say :拿出足球讓喜歡足球的學(xué)生踢一下說“ i like football. ” 4、drill: i like football. (全班, 小組操練)5、learning word: basketballt: i like football. i like basketball, too.教師拿出一個籃球,邊玩球邊教學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)新

25、單詞basketball 。教師播放課件,教讀單詞。t: this is a basket. we must throw the ball into the basket. we call it basketball. 6、drill師生一起做籃球的動作說單詞。教師拿出一個籃球,走下講臺,讓學(xué)生一邊傳球一邊說單詞:basketball 。t:i like basketball very much. do you like basketball.s: i like basketball.操練 i like basketball.指名四人分別上臺拍籃球說句子i like basketball. 7

26、、區(qū)別單詞: basketball 和 footballt: what s the same? what s the different?總結(jié):兩個單詞的末尾都相同。8、learning word: table tennist: i like small ball. let s listen, what s this?教師播放課件,讓學(xué)生猜什么運(yùn)動項目? t: what s this? listen carefully.s: table tennist: it s table tennis. do you like basketball. ? i like table tennis.教師播放乒

27、乓球課件。9、drill.教師拿出乒乓球拍擊打乒乓球,邊教讀單詞。(板書: table tennis ) 教師拿出一個乒乓球,讓學(xué)生一邊傳球,一邊說單詞: table tennis 。操練句子: i like table tennis.指名上臺打乒乓球: i like table tennis.10、小結(jié)教師播放課件,看2008 年北京奧運(yùn)會乒乓球項目奪冠的照片。小結(jié):乒乓球是中國的國球,在2008 年北京奧運(yùn)會中,取得了令人驕傲的成績,我們?yōu)橹袊古仪蚋械阶院?。t: do you like table tennis? i like table tennis very much. now i

28、want to play basketball.11、learning sentence: :i don t like 教師拿著籃球轉(zhuǎn)一轉(zhuǎn)說:“ oh, its difficult. i don t like basketball. ”12、learning word: don t like教師帶讀 don t ,做動作及 i don t/i don t like. 師做動作讓學(xué)生跟讀,個別學(xué)生表演,各大組表演,全班表演。13、用 i don t like 造句。t: i don t like basketball. can you say some sentences.ss: i dont

29、like 14、小結(jié): if you like, we use happy face. we say i like .( 出示笑臉表情 )if you don t like, we use sad face.(出示哭臉表情)15、抽卡片,說句子游戲。每一張卡片分別配有有笑臉、哭臉的表情,學(xué)生看到上面的單詞,描述圖片的意思。教師示范,小組內(nèi)練習(xí),展示時指名一個小組輪流說句子。16、呈現(xiàn)課文。t: do you know what happen about panpan? let s listen.第一遍聽錄音。第二遍朗讀課文。17、learning word: morning exercises

30、.教師帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生做早操的動作,并且跟讀單詞。(板書: morning exercises ) 教師分音節(jié)教授單詞exercises18、drill.教師與學(xué)生一塊做操說句子:1, 2,3 ,4 , morning exercises, 2, 2,3, 4 ,morning exercises , 3, 2,3 ,4 , morning exercises, 4, 2,3, 4 ,morning exercises 。t: oh, you did very good job. we all like morning exercises. we should do morning exercises

31、. its good for you.step 3 practise1、game. what s missing?第一題全班讀單詞,然后教學(xué)生搶答。2、連詞成句。3、拓展。i like/i don t like 這個句型不僅可以表達(dá)喜不喜歡什么運(yùn)動,還可以用來表達(dá)喜不喜歡什么動物、水果、顏色。如 i like apples. i don t like bananas. i like blue. i don t like black. 請同學(xué)們進(jìn)行造句練習(xí)。德育教育。t: in our life, we need a health body. we should often do morning

32、 exercises, play basketball, play football and table tennis. life is movement.5、summary.t: today we learn some words about sports. let s read together.今天我們學(xué)習(xí)了四種運(yùn)動的名稱,還學(xué)會了用i like和 i dont like 來表達(dá)自己喜歡和不喜歡的運(yùn)動項目,你們都表現(xiàn)得非常棒。關(guān)于運(yùn)動項目,除了我們今天學(xué)習(xí)的這幾種,還有許多,我們將在下節(jié)課繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)。 step 4 class closing.unit2 i don't like

33、riding my bike.一、教學(xué)目標(biāo): 知識目標(biāo):學(xué)生能聽說、認(rèn)、讀swimming,skipping,riding bikes等單詞。知道字母 ddeeff 的寫法。能力目標(biāo):初步感知: i like football/i don t like morning exercises .i like swimming/i dont like skipping 等句子,理解其含義。 情感目標(biāo):培養(yǎng)學(xué)生靈活運(yùn)用所學(xué)知識進(jìn)行交流的能力。二、教學(xué)重點(diǎn):學(xué)習(xí)新詞swimming, skipping ,riding bikes, 能正確認(rèn)讀。三、教學(xué)難點(diǎn) : 培養(yǎng)學(xué)生合作學(xué)習(xí)的能力,及學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣,

34、樹立自信心。四、教學(xué)過程:一、熱身復(fù)習(xí)1、greetings.2. say a chant.(出示幻燈片 )邊說邊做動作football, football, i like football.basketball, basketball, i like basketball.table tennis, table tennis i don t like table tennis.morning exercises morning exercises, i don t like morning exercises. 3、revision教師出示運(yùn)動圖片,進(jìn)行問答;t: which sport?

35、ss : football , basketball, table tennis , morning exercises t:which sport do you like and don t like? s:二、呈現(xiàn)與導(dǎo)入t: i like football.( 邊說邊做動作 ) 走到學(xué)生跟前問:“ do you like football? ”s1: yes i like football, too.s2: i don t like football. t: i dont like table tennis. what about you?s1: i like table tennis.s

36、2: i don t like table tennis, too. t: ok, very good.today we ll learn new a lesson.1、 t: look at the picture! who is he?( 出示幻燈片 ) you can say it in chinese. s: 他是菲爾普斯。t: yes, youre clever. 給孩子發(fā)貼畫,調(diào)動全班同學(xué)的積極性。t: what is he doing ? (他正在干什么? )s:他正在游泳。 t: yes, youre right.同時出示 swimming 單詞卡片 ,走入學(xué)生中間,邊做動作邊

37、教授單詞,采用領(lǐng)讀、齊讀、分組讀、排火車、拼讀等形式進(jìn)行教學(xué)并板書。t: do you like swimming?.s1:yes, i like swimming.s2:no, i dont like swimming.2、t: look! what s this?(出示跳繩 )s:跳繩。 t:出示 skipping 卡片,采用同樣方法進(jìn)行單詞教學(xué)。3、t:please look at the screen.( 出示幻燈片 ) what is she doing? you can say it in chinese.s: 她正在騎自行車。t:ok,yourewonderful. 同時出示 r

38、iding bikes 詞組卡片,采用以上方法教學(xué)單詞及詞組。三、課文教學(xué)1、listen to the tape, then fill in the blanks.(連聽兩遍 )(同時出示小黑板 fill in the blanks). t: who can have a try? s:依次回答。 t:采用多種方法評價學(xué)生。2、播放 cd-rom。listen and follow it.(連聽兩遍 )s: listen and repeat. 3、now practice in groups.( 師巡視指導(dǎo)個別差生 )4、t: do you have any questions?s1:舉手

39、指出不會讀的地方。t: who can help her him?s2: 舉手領(lǐng)讀。 t:對 s1說:“you should say thank you ”.s1 對 s2 說: 5、教授字母的寫法四、課堂練習(xí) play a game. (看口型猜單詞 )t: for example, 小聲說:“swimming ”s:猜單詞并說出來。6、完成活動手冊 p13 第三題五、課堂小結(jié)module 4unit1 do you like meat?教學(xué)目標(biāo):1、知識目標(biāo):( 1)能聽懂、會說、會讀單詞:meat , noodles , rice, fish, milk , pass( 2)能聽懂、會說

40、并能夠運(yùn)用重點(diǎn)句型:do you like meat? yes, i do. / no, i don t.能聽懂并會說句型: pass me the rice, please.here you are.( 3)初步了解 tom likes milk.2、能力目標(biāo):通過學(xué)習(xí)培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的聽說能力、語言的運(yùn)用能力及學(xué)習(xí)的遷移能力.3. 情感目標(biāo):通過完成活動,增強(qiáng)學(xué)生的探究、合作、競爭意識;培養(yǎng)學(xué)生良好的學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣,形成一定的學(xué)習(xí)策略。教學(xué)重難點(diǎn) :重點(diǎn):能聽懂,會說重點(diǎn)句型:do you like meat? yes, i do./ no, i don t.難點(diǎn):運(yùn)用句型來詢問別人的喜好。 教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:

41、多媒體課件,單詞卡片等。教學(xué)過程:step 1 warming up.1. greetings.2. say a chant.設(shè)計意圖 : 拉近師生間的距離,給學(xué)生營造良好的英語學(xué)習(xí)氛圍,為新課的學(xué)習(xí)做好鋪墊。step 2 presentation and practice. 1.導(dǎo)入:t: last lesson, we talked about sports, right? what are they?師出示卡片: football , basketball, table tennis并說: i like table tennis and i like basketball, but i

42、dont like football. what about you? do you like basketball?請學(xué)生跟讀,并向一學(xué)生提問,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生回答yes,i do. 或 no, i dont.(板書) 然后用其他球類的詞來替 換問: do you like football/ basketball?并回答。2、t:i didn t have breakfast this morning, and now i am hungry. (動作) id like to eat something. great, i have some food here, guess, what are

43、these?學(xué)習(xí) 5 個新單詞: meat, noodles, rice, fish and milk.出示單詞圖片: please 、 teacher 中 ea 發(fā)音與 meat 相近,練習(xí)讀音,師板書,生拼讀。其他新詞noodles, rice, fish, milk 教法學(xué)法同上。單詞教授完采用不同的方法來操練,如采用開火車讀,小組讀,點(diǎn)名讀,以及大小聲,看口形猜單詞等練讀方法來操練。在單詞操練完后滲透句型do you like meat/ rice ?并作相應(yīng)的回答。將其中的兩張卡片放于作肯定回答的學(xué)生處,以便操練pass me the,please.這個句子。(設(shè)計意圖:通過不同的方

44、法來操練單詞目的是爭取使所有的學(xué)生都參與到學(xué)習(xí)中來。通過小組競讀,點(diǎn)名讀的方法目的是利用三年級爭強(qiáng)好勝的性格來實(shí)現(xiàn)單詞的操練,以調(diào)動學(xué)生的積極性。)3、看課文圖片,猜課文對話內(nèi)容。4、listen to the cd-rom and fill the table. 5、read after the cd-rom.6、work in pairs. 利用所學(xué)新詞操練本課句型。7、work in pairs.make a longer dialogue with the help of ppt.8、sing the song: do you like meat?以兒歌兩只老虎的旋律作為伴奏。歌詞如下

45、:do you like meat? do you like meat? yes, i do. yes, i do. do you like fish? do you like fish?no, i don t. no, i don t.設(shè)計意圖:對重點(diǎn)句型的操練單靠簡單的機(jī)械操練是遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不夠的,還要賦予對新語言的實(shí)際應(yīng)用。由于三年級學(xué)生初學(xué)英語,學(xué)生英語知識有限,選用以耳熟能詳?shù)男珊驼n文中的對話句子改編的歌曲既符合學(xué)生的認(rèn)知特點(diǎn),又鞏固了重點(diǎn)句型,使課堂再一次豐富起來。step 3.summary and homework. 1、聽讀課文各3 遍。2、完成課堂活動用書14-15 頁。3、ma

46、ke surveys in groups.板書設(shè)計:module 4 food unit 1 do you like meat ?do you like ? meatyes, i do.noodlesno, i don t.rice fish milkunit2 does lingling like oranges?一、教學(xué)內(nèi)容:語言知識:單詞 apple/pear/banana/orange;句子 doeshelike?yes, hedoes. (no, he doesnt.), 以及doesshelike? yes, shedoes.( no, shedoesnt. )語言技能:使用“ doeshelike?yes, hedoes. (no, he doesnt.), 以及 doesshelike? yes, shedoes.( no, shedoesnt. )”詢問某人或某物。二、教學(xué)目標(biāo):(一) 知識與能力目標(biāo)1、知識目標(biāo):掌握單詞 apple ,banana ,pear ,orange 和句


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