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1、江蘇省宿遷市2019年中考英語試題英,語本試礴一答題注意事項(xiàng)卷含I。% W選破加第二卷C西兩部分1至?頁席- 當(dāng)產(chǎn)分1乳分.考試時(shí)間跣分鐘,題卡匕寫在本試卷上無也要用給I:;?"'錯(cuò)'把答題卡上對';遮號的選項(xiàng)字母凈海方黑如需椎改.:用繪圖橡皮輕擦干凈后再選添其它JL時(shí)使用口, 5rnm黑色簽字船在答題長上才旭就弓的根區(qū)域書寫答要靄錯(cuò)位置,也不要用思 _第一卷(選擇題,共6。分)一、警選擇供15小題再小/1分漏分I占分)從A、BCD四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,造出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),);r| timd,g, a piece of brcnd and a lass o i

2、ntik lor hrakfasi ih”mornmg,A、aB. anC. MD. /? Hcijing Expo 2019 opened to the public 29:' April, li will last over five months,D. ofDk trenlAn alB. inC. cnAnna, hu聃 docj the drtss look un me?一 lo te】: you the . h <Joesn r fit vou well.A. tradeH,仃i閭C Truth4, LeBron Janies ia on< 0f players

3、in iImj NBA. He 15 my hero.A. betterB. the best C. wurseE the worsi5 _da you sleep every (hy, Eric?Ear about eight hour",X r How much B. How hr C, How often D. How lonyH. SanMishan Forest Park is beauliful that H has becciwe a hot touristt)- quiteD can。Whet a-8uld bt se前 . nothingattrAction. A,

4、 soB. veryC, >!uch7± 一 Mum, may I go to see a film with my cousin?You go if yqu have finished your homework.A. mustB. needC. skujld5wnndfrfuf the music is1 Whnfs its name?-Victory»A. HowB. How 3 C. Whaty. Ax the lights in the room went out, it w»s very dark and dfftrly.A, sonirthin

5、j; B anyihing C. everyrhing 英諾試卷第1頁供箱頁0 Wu Dajing, a Chinese skaterWorld Cup last year.卬。圍 record at the Short I rackA 25 years-old B. 25 year oldIL Students in Grade Ninea).25 years oldA takeB. are taking* 十功就his time yesterday.12. Miss Lee likes. She tells everv(; *ere taking D. have takenA coming

6、 outB. showing off °;® she has got a new car.13. Would you like to go to Shanghai N .%而噸 ou: taking o “'HyUnd with me in July"A. Yes, I,d like to. . r ;C. Have a good time!. hdocsn t mter一 Whai did Mr. Wang ask you jusl g' 丫加底 welcome.- He asked meyesterday afternooA. why I am

7、 absent from school r ",. rr1 l t r L .H. whyI wasabsent fromschoolC. whyam 1 absent fromschooln . f r-;3 j-rr it(. D. why was I absent from schoolDad. ii s diliicult for me to c ean th一. L ; dn lhc whole yard on my own.- X hy not ask your brothers for help?A No pain, no gainED .r Tl . j L .Eve

8、ry dog has ns day-:曹比嘎£曾 A:D- Many hands make l.ght work一、兀%舊空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)我k警'從矩文后每題所給的A,BCD四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處 的最隹選項(xiàng)。At the age of 16. Einstein failed in several exams because he often played with son: bad kids. One weekend morning. Einstein carried a fishing net and prepared to go fish

9、ing with those6 His father stopped him and said to him calmly, tinstem, you were spending too much time 17 t so ycu failed in the exams. Im _ aboul your future with your mother/Wha【are you worrying about? Jack and Robert also 19 in the exams but they went fishing as usual."“My boy. you can,t th

10、ink so.” Looking at Einstein, his father >aid lovingly, “wre is «20 in our hometown. 1 hope you can lister to it carefully. M“There were two cats playing on the roof. /I,they fell into the chimney (姻囪). H hen they dinibed out of the chimney, one cat $ Lee was dirty _22 the othefs was clean,

11、Seeing the dirtyJaced cat. the clean-faced one thoughritswn face was “so dirty, so it quickly ran to (he riverside and washed its The dirty.faced cal saw the clean-faced one. thinking its own face was clean a?頻 so it §川 walked happily in the street.MEinstein, 24 can be your mirror (一子)。川y you a

12、re your own mirror. Some of the kids are not strict with themselves, you take them to be your mirror, even a 25_ person may become stupid/ Hearing this, Einstein s face turned red. He put down his fibhjng ne( anj returncd to his room.Alter that, Einstein often took him副":>°r 10 工6_ with

13、 himself, and kept telling himself. MI am special. so 】needn e as =°mmon as others." This w&b why Dnsiein 27 in his career. ,海廳1,000 people have 1.000 kinds of wl? ""1n wish。、will producedifferent _about life. You can learn r()nl But you can 29 follow others completely, . ”黑,

14、出4£及2ft 2頁”頁)英的鼠卷里”火You must yourwlf clearly,.同 doer】、30 how others act. but 0n 16. A. adults B. kid'7, A. playing18. A. excitedB. workingB. cur>ou»19.A. diskedB. pa*Mrd20,A. non*B. »tory21.A. LuckilyB. Hopefully42.A. whileB. or23.A. mouthB. uil24.25.A,Nor小卜小B. nobodyA po<”B

15、. nch26.27.A. tiredA regrettedB. angryB.國mdwiied28.A. idea*B. reawni29.A HonictirncB. often30.A. try onB. depend on二閱讀理解(共15小IL每小題2閱讀下列用文,從婚文后每所給的know what you want to 4ct. Your futurew,???arc going to act<teachersD. artistsC readingD. studyingC worriedD. crazyC dreamedD. failedC. speechD. wymgC.

16、 Suddenly11 NaturallyCM)D. forC. noseD. faceC. anybodyD. everybodyC. iazyD. cleverC. strict)sAh*fiedC. succeededD. survivedC. miMakesD. secretsC. always).neverC. live onD- inski on. B.CJ)四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出佳選項(xiàng)。The Summer Palacelony in n student aged 15. He and his parents are going to travel around Brijin* sut

17、niner lirlow js some information that they have go1Ihe Palace MuseumOpening houn:Tuesday-Sunday 8 1 30-17 1 00(Monday Closed)Admission: adult: Y 60student:Y20child (under 6): freeOpening hojrs:Monday-Sunday 6 > 30-18 - 00Admission: adult: Y30student: Y 15child (under 6): fretI hc fhdalin(> Gre

18、at VS allOpening hours:Monday Sunday 6 s 00-19 ' 30Admission : nduh Y 10 student:Y20 child (under 6): free&ijing ZooOpening hours:Monday-Sunday 7 30 jg : 00Admission: adult: Y 15student: ¥7.5child (under 6):英詔試在第3頁(共10頁)31. Tony is interested in animals, so he can go to _ for fun.A Pala

19、ce MuseumB.C the Summer PalaceD. the Badaling Great Wall32. 1 ony and his parents can't go to visit the Palace Museum on A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Saturday D. Sunday3,I low much wil! I Ony and his parents pay if they visit the Summer Palace and the Badaling Great Wall?A- V105. B. ¥140. C. 

20、65;175. D. ¥210.Sun bears (馬來熊)are the smallest of the world's eight bear species (物種).They have n black coat and a white or golden colour on their bodies. Their homes are in the tropical forests (熱 帶雨林)of Southeast Asia. They live in trees and cat both plants “nd animals. 1 hey can grow to

21、 be 1. 4 meters in height and 65 kilograms in weight. They usually live alone and ar? happy to spend most of their time by themselves.Scientists studied sun bears in the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre. They kwnd thnt although sun bears mostly live alone, they have developed a surprising social

22、 skill. I hey can copy (模仿other sun bears* facial expressions ( |ftl M)as a form of communication. They can even copy exact muscular (肌肉的)movements that other sun bears make such as making a face.The ability to copy facial expressions is found in humans, gorillas(大界狎). »ome monkeyse and some ot

23、her animals. But until now, only humane and gorillas have the ability to exactly copy facial expressions. However, scientists found ihat sun bears can copy facial expressions as well as humans and gorillas. This surprised them because sun bears are alone and they have no close relationship with huma

24、n beings.Although they live alone in the wild, the sun bears in the study often played gently with each other. Sometimes they played with faMer actions such as hitting and bitinff. Scientists are still not 5ure what messages the sjn bears were sending to one another.34. According to the passage, whe

25、re do sun bears usua.ly live?A. In caves. B. In trees. C. By the river. D. On the ice.35. From the passage, we can learn something abcut sun bears EXCEPT h知A. they like to live alone in the wild and only eat animalsB they can copy other sun bears facial expressions for comTnunication C. they can cop

26、y exact muscular movements of otkr sun b<>ars I), they have no close relationship with human beings36. Which of the following might be the best title for ihe parage?A. A warm home on the earthB. A brve animal in ihe forestC. A new friend o( human beingsD. A surprising social skill of sun bears

27、英話達(dá)卷第4頁(共10頁)lnluu»h>Ky <l< vvloping (ant and it has become an important part of our hh 1 ,wn 蜘hM "川 依 world be like in the future?' h MU bt bolh dclkimis and nulritiou、(療存養(yǎng)的).We can use :M) 1Mg63 print mhuc kisic material. And wr can go further. Scientists Ik'Iiwc tluit w

28、r)unt need to turn on n printer in the* kitchens and then we can enjoy our favourite |(x)d whenever we like.95<i nclMork s川 Mlhrn man? morr people to *!<u nfornuition Bim con)p «n,< hid Iiiiui Mobile and China Unicom will start to offer 3G. It is said thnt 5G premise <lownl<rn<

29、;l <pcr<u |() to 20 timo faster than IG. For example, we can download a f«lrn within |um 1 urcxmd. But with a IG networkt it mk” a few minutes. There will 巾 much buiulwidth () and we can Rd unlimited(無限的,information.Vmlrrwiilcr cillrs will provide morr %pucx The c»rth i* becoming mor

30、e and »>orc crowilvd. Wv tnay turn to underwater hornet, which w山 be built as low '、L kilometers Im4ow the “w And the dittermt icmperatu " different depths (深1) <)(du, c(m be um d to providr |M>wrr (or tbt' homts-For uh common people on the earth, the dream of travelling a

31、round space will c<)mc trut. In (In coming mm tjMiwcrafl will be as popular as buses, trains mxl plniM n. We can leave our home and enter %|mcc to ukc an advcniurc (1 險(xiǎn))And <*vrn wr will g<at to living there.A hIII be pud of life Kebots can do many of the same things as we iHiinnnn do lik&l

32、t;« driving rars But tlu y will lx "cd in other areas as well. I hey will l><- “I,% I什 think. They ran tell thr difference between right and wrong. They can feel iuhw oi ><iy When we arc lonely, thry can have a talk with us like rcul friends.(I In n word. jiiM n* Jules Verne &g

33、t;aid. "Anything one man can imagine. oth< r vim n enn mnkc rvnl. *37 A< lording to the |>0儀。 which of ihe follovMng stalementj about the future world im 1IU I:?A 3 l> will be <u*!<y to make but wont la sic «ood.B With »<i. iiMcrM will get only a little informatio

34、n.( Und< rwcticr cities will provide more living space.|) A rolnit will do cvt-ryihinx for us human beings.IK Wl»« n <hn I hr srnt< nee " Space tour will be a p 屁e of cag k Pul?A.»C, G)D.:9 Wil d An we infer推斷from the pnMge?A. People will live a hard life in the future.H

35、 I vi linol<>Ky will make our (ulurc In tter.C People will have no real friends in the future.I. I rchnoloHy will inakr im)difference to our Mure10 Win n(l<nn lliv |»n<ngc probably n)tne from?A. A nlorylMx>k.u A n(A.rnvdMuidc,A N lienee mW英誦試卷笫5頁(共I。貝)(iood NeighboursA and Mrs. M

36、arch lived together with their four daughters, ryy wn.n very nhy. Beth loved being at home. Meg looked veryhomePEy. Jo was tall and thin and she was a tomboy (假小子).Their liv "busy “nd full of noise and people. Ncxi to them(>d Mr. Laurence and his grandson. Laurie. They lived in a ,(;rg, “nd

37、comfortable house. But it was a house without life.d()'" < ay: J» saw lurie standing at an up5tair5 window in his house and lookingn th<*ir Rarden. Jo listers were playing in ihc snow there. They wqr<B rowing khowImII.x and having a lot of fun. But Lauries face was very sad.i&

38、lt;>J"He*s all alone. H" need, some friends. * She couldn tpl un ing about him. She wanted to go and see him. but how could she go to his house without an inviuiion?n one Mnowy afternoon, she saw Laurie s grandpa go out. This gave her an l<,< ;,S,le ,<x>k I3m from the kitche

39、n.hat are you going to do. Jo?" asked her siister Mcg.Ic clear the Rarden pmh.M answered Jo.When Laurie mw Jo from the window, a big smile changed his pele. sad face.Jc hiUKhvd and、h(nHvd. "How are you? Are you ill?”Lauric opened the window and said. Tm better now. thank you. I had a bad c

40、cld and had to 5tay inside (or a week.”xorry. ' sid Jo. MArc you bored?"“Yc、 very. ° he replied.Ilon't your friends come to visit you?"No. Ikit I don't want to wr anybody. Boys arc noi5y and they give me a llCUI<l;K'he. *"Girin are quirt. *J don't know any

41、girls.4 You know us. MHThnt h true! Cni】 you come and visit me7° cried Lauric., I rn not quid. butd like to come. * replied Jo. "I mujit ask Mother first. - she ran l>a(*k into her house.A few minuleM later, she returned and rang the bell on the door of Laurie- hotiMC. A、crv/HN look hrr

42、 upiair.H f lvr<- I am ? *!< Mid brightly. Mother sends her love and my sisters gave nu this blnnrmangc(牛紛原)for you. .Hrrhni l(x)ks delicious, " Laurie said. He was very happy to see Jo.Jo looked around. Theie were lots of books on the shelves.-A nice room!” she naid. ° I can rend to

43、 you if you 卜乳“Nc. Iri s talk. *' rcplictl Laurie.w All right. Mid Jo. ,1 can talk for hours, My »ister<t Say I never know when toRtOp *英祈試卷叫6頁(共I。貝)h"vc Ihrre Mif”出 nn<l M叫coniinu<d.Hew(|o y , w Atr»v. .、,11( H3.£>«.u all 川",一”笠1J,.”her. | h二:;仙皿 W y<

44、;.ur ,皿皿中“- "M皿"h tooking .t I r .K<>, A Wwhsr ”house 11 ,i you 際3Md,. , 秘*,o 對" in 小H,1 <I1C t|Vt -I hank you. r.i i;i“ W、,”“即 Q” cofnr yrfy HHH'knew n| (>lir iicxhlw”/ yw, " J。加d.I rn 仙/ we re friendsIB” W .'H, him nbom H| r|M. inf(r<«>nr»K i

45、hivx, i” )>" i li,” Shr "1"箝("(除 r>f) phiyg. | 111fle |()vc lwx>k<i.M Liunr h/vi fJ book,loo. and offered to shew lilirjity in ih hotine Fhe librfliy wm fl wond*fft4 room. Jo lov<d it*Wow! ” nhe Mid. MAII thour book。!”Laurie mikI, a ptrwn mr<h more IImii boola.

46、"from Little Women )Just thru the bell rim nful /i«”心血11. Frofn the firt p;ir;iKraph« w( kr»owA. Jo family had (ivr rrirmlw rnB. Jo nn<! Lauric wr rifiKhlxHirn(Laurx* mykI hi,gnnidp i w rIm.y1) . th<* four h”<l tlw hobby12. Jo wnnted to visiit Lutirir In rauM-A. she want

47、ed to virt hi» ho”wH. Laurie invited her to pbiy w"hI. fell hw",I<hw ly 的nd ris dT 0“J. Lauric was Bcriouftly ill and needed her care43. What mighi b< the corr<< I order of w)卬 1T 加山”力。a. Jo miw LHiin<, M/indifiK al «n upM/nr、win(Jow lf| 仙卜卜 # b Jo and L/iurir wen-

48、 hZn*、h«Ppily m Uuric H 卜”. r jo went to luiuric 1 hornr “Q= "11”女 her mother.(j j0 couhin t atop thinking ubou"uri,I).刁d c卜A. .bed H, b 力 c d bd”j I Which word a cuifi Ixt (iciwrilx J0 1n "”“,r 葡 m ”? A. K"M wd 筋",一 I,r,川.C. Q加以 3nd E",,H Hm” hut curclex45 Whit do

49、t,Laurie men by A& m(>re. a/,M ' J w 'HH,k夕 People UkhiM learn mui hbook。.(n< rd lovr *nd fnrnd"?!?#39;drh00kM).Peopk should rehx thrm_2 *id<ni reading.%出第70(M io 0()第二卷(非選擇題,共M分)四,詞匯運(yùn)用(共20小題;每小題U.5分,滿分10分)A)根據(jù)句意及所給中文提示.首字母或英文做釋,寫出句中所”為多填 丹. 46-Dick, is this your T-shirt?(我

50、的).1lFin is the (作家)who wrote the science hf ifiSdy Problem.-Shall we ko outside and Breathe some (油M 的)air?/Good idea.I he school will hold many activitich to (慶祝 j 6ur birthday.“)Profemor Xu gave us a talk on how to (保護(hù))j 一“,4I hard io (拄) There must be somethiiig m9ag wrtli J" st |>oy. He

51、 Is a I A, How can we go to the theatre. Bruce?hl a long way to go. We d better take the underground i of w/后 there.丁 Rarc working hard to make the town a (not tnA r 八山 i、to take good care ol -.<-ry(;,,二 /hospital.B)根據(jù)句意或句子的語法要求,用括號中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空) 56 (not make) a mess on the balcony, Ifetty.Sorry.

52、1 won't.卜 i、“ poricd that the numl- ring (w 、becoming larger wd58 My hometown i» greener now. More and more trccM (plant) every spri.“W, will be thv thhost the fkijmg and Guangzhou.60. (J nr Ie Chen (repair) more than five bicycles since last Friday61.62.63 .64.e que ,a little difficult. Lr

53、f> have a (di“uMabout it Every( hild wants to be the (proud) of their parents.Literature helps us think and encourages us (open) our minds h will be a good (choose) to take th<- high-speed train to Yancheng from Suqinn next year.-A (smooth) every morning.(共5小題;每小題分,滿分§分6:, Mr Jiang's

54、robot irons his business suit 五 招甥所給漢語完成下列句子,每空詞數(shù)不限56. .俊凱擅K昭歌和打籃球.Wang Junkai singing and playing basketball.在上學(xué)的UH .西蒙見一道美的彩虹.Simon mw ;一 itiful rainbow !;.6九你能告訴我何時(shí)上交我的英文報(bào)售砥,(力Md you tell me when to my English report?making 匕但 8d69 .山東濰坊現(xiàn)在因制作風(fēng)孥而出名.WeiGng in Shandong P2Vl田 叁一70 .當(dāng)我們處于困境時(shí).我俗不應(yīng)讀出奔.也

55、Wc shouldn,t dg are 皿六,任務(wù)型閱讀(共I。小題9小1H分.:?以ire叩下面短文據(jù)短文內(nèi)容”個(gè)虜饕Mi11rp/o,A large number of -叩、(表情符號)與A, Emojis arc pctun-s used in texts .nd web k-nr, 必 3修展WK=jS.kfor different jl的while, but emojis can show meaning beag"。.way we write. The more emoji. <e u".二L:e wy to w There are many emoii

56、s with difenl meamrsFor example, a smiling face m< an* "I m happyB<r(hday-. When wc want(6 MX -fOodbyc ,e H二hand. When we are in a terrible situation but we Fu” we can use a "cry-laugh" emoji.Now emoji .e great influence on us. Sometimes, SMb .上H “ people from different countrie

57、s m understanding each other-wfeex = x :communicating online, we can t see the Person sriere " i« *exchange. Then the invention of emeqis helps change theFs ejwhen wc receive a smiling face from our fnends onhne,,e try to ex4HH ” feelings by sending the s&me picture.It seems that emojis change as time goes by. However, we shsN N 3“3 when we use them online.Title: EmojisBnef introductionReasons for the


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