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1、專四作文萬能句型【篇一:英語專四寫作必備萬能句型】英語專四寫作必備萬能句型一、開篇、段首常用句型1. when asked about, the majority would support a. others, however, like me, regard b as their propensity.2. if i were force to agree with one of the two methods, my choice would be for.3. when faced with, quite a few people claim that , but other peop

2、le think of as.4. there are different views concerning this topic. in my part, i would like to vote for a/b.5. as far as i am concerned, i have a preference for a over b.6. no issue is more important now than the one that iswidely held by.7. the effect of comparison is heightened by the unique advan

3、tage b enjoys.8. despite the fact that a enjoys considerable advantage of , it cannot be compared with b in several main aspects.9. the advantages of a carry more weight than those of b.10. after considering this question on many occasions, i finally reached the conclusion that is something worthdoi

4、ng and i cannot skip it.11. nowhere in the world has the issue of been so muchdebated like in our society.12. some people argue as if it is a general truth that but to be frank, i cannot agree with them for the following reasons.13. however sound the arguments of may be, they onlyskim the surface of

5、 the problem.14. there are numerous reasons why, and i would explore only a few of the most important ones here.15. nowadays, there is a growing concern over.16. faced with, quite a few people argue that.二、主體段落常用句型1. a good case in point is.2. the undeniable deficiency in this remark is the negligen

6、ce of the bare fact that.3. no one could neglect/deny the fact that.4. one of the primary causes is that.5. the above point is certainly true if is considered.6. certainly no other reason in my decision is more crucial than the one as follows.7. the main reason for my propensity for is that8. a part

7、icular notable case of this matter is.9. it might be noted that.10. but there is a further more subtle point that we must consider.11. what is also worth noticing is that.12. there is another factor that deserves some words here.13. beyond these obvious reasons, however, lies a deeper cause.14. alth

8、ough is probably the paramount determinant, itis not the only explanation for _.15. it is true that. but one vital point is being left out.16. there is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.17. some people say. but it does not hold water.18. many of us have been

9、 under the illusion that.19. a close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.20. it makes no sense to argue for.21. such statement mainly rests on the assumption that22. contrary to what is widely accepted, i maintain that23. fortunately, however, more and more people come to realiz

10、e that.24. if you push the analysis/argument further, you will see that.25. what this survey reveals is cold and hard, so the top priority task for us to set about is to.26. no one can deny the fact that.27. unfortunately, none of the available data show28. most people have realized the seriousness

11、of what this survey exposes, but.29. if it is intended for, however, the divergence of outlook on it ceases to continue while a new meaning to it begins o stand out.30. according to statistics proved by, it can be seen that.三、結(jié)尾段落常用句型1. taking account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusio

12、n that.2. all reliable evidences point to one conclusion, that is3. for the reasons presented above, i strongly commit to the notion that.4. given the factors i have just outlined, i can only say that5. therefore, it is safely to draw the conclusion that6. recognizing the fact that, we can conclude

13、that7. from what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that.8. in conclusion, it is imperative that.9. to solve the above mentioned problem, we must10. in summary, if we continue to ignore the above mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.11. with the efforts of all parts c

14、oncerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.12. taking all these into account, we.13. it may give rise to a host of problems.14. it will exercise a profound influence upon.15. if we let the situation go as it is,. by that time,【篇二:英語專四作文首段常用句型】英語專四議論文首段常用句型(一)引出社會(huì)現(xiàn)象/人們普遍接受的觀點(diǎn)(1) it is generally

15、accepted/universally acknowledged that.是被廣泛成認(rèn)普遍公認(rèn)的.it is universally acknowledged that vehicles are a majorsource of urban air pollution .汽車是城市空氣污染的一個(gè)主要來 源,這是被普遍公認(rèn)的.(2) there is an assumption that有這樣種想法 .there is an assumption that modern life exerts a lot of pressure upon people, such as the pressu

16、re from education, career or family .有這樣一種想法:現(xiàn)代生活帶給人們?cè)S多壓力, 如求學(xué)壓力,工作壓力或家庭壓力.everybody agrees that每個(gè)人都同意這一看法:everybody agrees that telephones have become a necessity for most people, with the development of informationtechnology and reduced price of communication products每個(gè)人都同意這一看法:隨著信息技術(shù)的開展和通訊產(chǎn)品價(jià)格的降低

17、, 已經(jīng)成為大多數(shù)人的一項(xiàng)必需品.(4)nowadays it has become fashionable for sb. to do.現(xiàn)在人們的做法變得流行起來.nowadays it has become fashionable for university studentsto mimic their idols hairdosand dressing styles.現(xiàn)在大學(xué)生模仿偶像發(fā)型和衣著風(fēng)格的做法變得流行起來.(5)as every college student/everybody would agree.正如每個(gè)大學(xué)生/每個(gè)人都會(huì)同意的那樣,as every college

18、 student would agree, employment pressurehas become their biggest headache正如每個(gè)大學(xué)生都會(huì)同意的那樣,就業(yè)壓力已經(jīng)成為他們最頭痛的問題.(6)there arises a pressing problem confronting.在面前出現(xiàn)了一個(gè)緊迫的問題.there arises a pressing problem confronting the formalenglish education in universities .在大學(xué)的社交英語教育面前出現(xiàn)了一個(gè)緊迫的問題.(7)nowadays people ar

19、e becoming increasingly aware of the importance of.現(xiàn)在人們?cè)絹碓揭庾R(shí)到的重要性.nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of wildlife protection .現(xiàn)對(duì)人們?cè)絹碓揭庾R(shí)到保護(hù)野 生動(dòng)植物的重要性.(8)the issue of. is becoming a matter of concern.的問題正成為一件備受關(guān)注的事情.the issue of the fever of western festivals in china is

20、becominga matter of concern .熱衷西方節(jié)日的問題正成為一件備受關(guān)注的 事情.(9)it is not uncommon phenomenon that 并不是罕見的現(xiàn)募it is not an uncommon phenomenon that many superstars are enjoying striking popularityon campus.很多超級(jí)明星在校園里受歡送程度驚人,這并不是罕見的現(xiàn)象.(10)it is not uncommon that 并不罕見.it is not uncommon that student baby-sitters

21、make phonecalls, read books or sendmessages during their working time.學(xué)生兼職保姆在工作時(shí)間打 、看書或發(fā)信息,這并不罕見.(11) in recent years, a growing number of. this phenomenon has aroused wideconcern .最近幾年中,越來越多的 這一現(xiàn)象引起了廣泛的關(guān)注.in recent years, a growing number of university studentsare going afterfashion at any cost. th

22、is phenomenon has aroused wideconcern .最近幾年中,越來越多的大學(xué)生正不惜代價(jià)地追求時(shí)髦.這一現(xiàn)象引起了廣泛的關(guān)注.(12) ., which provoked nationwide heated debates on.,激起了全國性的關(guān)于 劇烈辯論.likewise, several girls won their fame overnight in the 2005super girl contest inchina, which provoked nationwide heated debates on thevalue and harm of ov

23、ernight stardom . 同樣地, 幾位女孩在2005超級(jí)女聲競(jìng)賽中一夜成名,激起了全國性的關(guān)于忽然走紅的價(jià)值和害處的劇烈辯論.(13)there is a growing tendency these days for.to,and thishas aroused a heated debate among people as to目前有一種做的漸強(qiáng)趨勢(shì),這已經(jīng)在公眾中引起了關(guān)于熱烈辯論. there is a growing tendency these days foruniversity students to be hired to take care of babies

24、atweekends or during holidays, and this has aroused a heateddebate among people as to whether it is proper for undergraduates to be baby-sitters目前有一種大學(xué)生被聘請(qǐng)周末和假日照看小孩的漸強(qiáng)趨勢(shì),這已經(jīng) 在公眾中引起了關(guān)于大學(xué)生當(dāng)保姆是否適當(dāng)?shù)臒崃肄q論.(14)the controversial issue is often brought into public focus.有爭(zhēng)議的問題常常得到公眾的關(guān)注.(15)has become a heada

25、che of.已經(jīng)成為令 頭痛的問題.plagiarism has become a headache of the whole academic field.剽竊現(xiàn)象已經(jīng)成為令整個(gè)學(xué)術(shù)領(lǐng)域頭痛的問題.(二)引出爭(zhēng)議/個(gè)人觀點(diǎn)(1) some (of) maintainthat.i did not side with this view for two reasons.有些認(rèn)為由于兩個(gè)原因,我不同意這一觀點(diǎn).some people maintain that phones will kill letter writing, however, i do not side with this vi

26、ew for two reasons.有些人認(rèn)為 會(huì)扼殺寫信,但是,由于兩個(gè)原因,我不同意這一 觀點(diǎn).(2) in my opinion/in my eye/from my viewpoint/perspective/point of view,.依我看來/在我眼里/從我的觀點(diǎn)來看/根據(jù)我的看法/根據(jù)我的 觀點(diǎn),from my viewpoint, its acceptable that people go after idols by paying more attention to their hard work and contributions made to society.根據(jù)我的

27、觀點(diǎn),人們以更加關(guān)注偶像的努力工作和對(duì)社會(huì)的奉獻(xiàn)的 方式來追逐偶像,這是可以接受的.(3) as for me , 至于我,.as for me, i prefer the more independent life in university forthe following three reasons . 至于我,出于以下 3 個(gè)原因,我更 喜歡大學(xué)更加獨(dú)立的生活(4) as far as i am concerned , 就我而言, as far as i am concerned, its preferable that we employ electricity, of petrol

28、, as the source of power to make vehicles environmentally friendly because of its clean, inexhaustible andlow-cost nature.就我而言,更可取的做法是我們使用電力,而不是汽油,作為動(dòng)力 來源,以使汽車對(duì)環(huán)境無害,由于電力具有干凈、用之不竭和低成 本的性質(zhì).(5) i am a strong believer in the claim t hat 我非常相信 的看法.i am a strong believer in the claim that rich social expe

29、rienceis of vital importance to ones success.豐富的社會(huì)經(jīng)驗(yàn)對(duì)人的成功至關(guān)重要,我非常相信這一看法.(6) personally, i support such a view我個(gè)人支持這樣種觀占八、personally, i support such a view that keeping a good mood isof crucial importance .我個(gè)人支持這樣一種觀點(diǎn):保持良好的心 態(tài)至關(guān)重要.(7)it is my firm belief that我堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為it is my firm belief that formal educ

30、ation is comparatively more important.我堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為正規(guī)教育相對(duì)來說更重要.(8) for my part,. 對(duì)我來說 for my part, formal education is comparatively more important.there are three majorreasons .對(duì)我來說,正規(guī)教育相對(duì)來說更重要.有 3個(gè)主要原因,(9) views on the issue in question vary from person to person.關(guān)于正被討論的問題,各種觀點(diǎn)因人而異.(10) some solutions to

31、the problem have been proposed, suchas. however, i wouldsuggest .這個(gè)難題的一些解決方法已被提出,比方但是,我會(huì)建議 some solutions to the problem have been proposed, such assaving electricity and other resources. however, i wouldsuggest people reuse materials and resources 這個(gè)難題的一些解決方法已被提出,比方節(jié)約用電和其他資源.但是,我會(huì)建議人們對(duì)原料和資料進(jìn)行再使用.(1

32、1) some people believe that., but others dont think so. inmy opinion, 有些人相信,但其他人不這么認(rèn)為.依我看來,some people believe that phones will kill letter writing, butothers dont think so. in myopinion, letter writing will never be replaced by phonecalls .有些人相信 會(huì)扼殺寫信,但其他人不這么認(rèn)為.依我看 來,寫信永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)被打 所取代.(12)for my part, t

33、he best way to. is the combination of. and.對(duì)我來說,的最正確途徑是結(jié)合 和.for my part, the best way to keep plagiarism under control isthe combination ofcompulsory punishing policies and gentle education.對(duì)我來說,限制剽竊現(xiàn)象的最正確途徑是結(jié)合強(qiáng)制懲罰政策和懷柔教 育.(13) i would argue that 我會(huì)堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為 i would argue that rigid class attendance is b

34、y no means indispensable because of the real purpose of such policy and the consideration of stimulating students creativity我會(huì)堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為,從這種政策的真正目的和對(duì)刺激學(xué)生創(chuàng)造力的考慮 兩方面來說,嚴(yán)格的上課考勤決不是不可或缺的.(14) i am convinced that. .我確信i am convinced that aid-education projects will do much goodto students ' personaldevelopm

35、ent .我確信支教方案將會(huì)給學(xué)生的個(gè)人開展帶來極大好 處.(15)i firmly believe/hold that. .我堅(jiān)信i firmly believe/hold that test-oriented education has a major disadvantage - it throttlesyoungsters creativity.我堅(jiān)信應(yīng)試教育有一個(gè)主要的缺點(diǎn)一一它扼殺青少年的創(chuàng)造力.(16)modern people are supposed to. however, not all peoplecan manage to 人們期望現(xiàn)代人 但是,不是所有的人都能做到m

36、odern people are supposed to tackle personal problems more efficiently. however, notall people can manage to relieve their mental stress.人們期望現(xiàn)代人更加有效地處理個(gè)人問題.但是,不是所有的人都 能釋放精神壓力.(17)the issue of whether or not. has been widely debated currently,是否,這一問題近來已經(jīng)得到廣泛的爭(zhēng)論.the issue of whether quality-oriented e

37、ducation is most beneficial to university studentsor not has been widely debated currently.素質(zhì)教育是否對(duì)大學(xué)生最好,這一問題近來已經(jīng)得到廣泛的爭(zhēng)論.(18)the discussion as to whether or not . is a very controversial one.關(guān)于是否的討論是非常有爭(zhēng)議的.the discussion as to whether or not cell phones will take theplace of phones is a very controve

38、rsial one.關(guān)于 是否會(huì)代替 的討論是非常有爭(zhēng)議的.(19)recently there has been a very controversial debate as to.近來有一個(gè)關(guān)于 的非常有爭(zhēng)議的辯論.recently there has been a very controversial debate as to the credibility of tourism service.近來有一個(gè)關(guān)于旅游效勞的可信度問題的非常有爭(zhēng)議的辯論.(20) there arises a fierce debate concerning/regarding.出現(xiàn)了一個(gè)關(guān)于的熱烈辯論.th

39、ere arises a fierce debate concerning academic honesty.出現(xiàn)了一個(gè)關(guān)于學(xué)術(shù)誠信的熱烈辯論.(21) this report has evoked a strong repercussion among the public.該報(bào)告已經(jīng)在公眾中引起了強(qiáng)烈的反響.(22) there are both sides of people who have very strong feelings.兩派的人都有強(qiáng)烈的感受.(23) some people claim that. however, many other people argue tha

40、t.有些人聲稱 但是,其他很多人爭(zhēng)辯說.some people claim that parents gentle care renders their children happier. however, many other people argue that parents indulgence does much harm to their kids. 有些人聲稱父母的溫柔關(guān)愛使孩子們更快樂.但是,其他很多人爭(zhēng)辯說父母的 溺愛對(duì)孩子十分有害.(24) quite a few people, who advocate., maintain that. on theother hand/

41、however,those who think differently argue that.好些主張的人認(rèn)為另一方面/但是,那些想法不同的人爭(zhēng) 辯說.quite a few people, who advocate university educationmaintain that people withoutformal education couldnt go far. however, those who think differently argue that rich working experience is of decisive importance.好些主張大學(xué)教育的人認(rèn)為

42、沒有經(jīng)過正規(guī)教育的人不能揚(yáng)名.但是, 那些想法不同的人爭(zhēng)辯說豐富的工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)是起決定性的重要作用的.(25) people, who approve of., claim that.on the other hand, those who think differentlyargue that.贊成的人聲稱另一方面,那些想法不同的人爭(zhēng)辯說people, who approve of student baby-sitters, claim that babysitting is a precious experience. on the other hand, those who think di

43、fferently argue that university students are not suitable to be baby-sitters.贊成學(xué)生保姆的人聲稱當(dāng)保姆是一種珍貴的經(jīng)歷.另一方面,那些 想法不同的人爭(zhēng)辯說大學(xué)生不適合當(dāng)保姆.(26) some people are for. other people voice strong opposition.一些人擁護(hù)另一些人表達(dá)了強(qiáng)烈的反對(duì)意見.some people are for the employment of rigid attendancepolicies. other people voicestrong op

44、position.一些人擁護(hù)實(shí)行嚴(yán)格的考勤制度,另一些人表達(dá)了強(qiáng)烈的反對(duì)意見.(27) some people hold the belief that., whereas many othersare of the opinion that.一些人相信而另一些人認(rèn)為.some people hold the belief that it does not matter whethertraditional chinese festivalsshould be observed, whereas many others are of the opinion that unique and pr

45、ecious traditions should in all sense be well preserved.一些人相信是否遵循傳統(tǒng)中國節(jié)日是無關(guān)緊要的,而其他許多人認(rèn) 為獨(dú)獨(dú)特珍貴的傳統(tǒng)無論如何都應(yīng)該得到保護(hù).(28)while most people are aware of., quite a proportion ofpeople recognize thesignificance of.,雖然大多數(shù)人都知道 ,但是有一局部人未能意識(shí)到的意義.while most people are aware of the impact of water pollution, quite apo

46、rtion of people fail to recognize the significance ofecosystem balance,雖然大多數(shù)人都知道水污染的影響,但是有相當(dāng)一局部人未能意識(shí)到生態(tài)平衡的意義.(29) admittedly, people rarely reach an absolute consensus onsuch controversial issue誠然,在這樣一個(gè)有爭(zhēng)議的問題上,人們很少到達(dá)完全的一致.(30)an increasingly heated debate has arisen as to the issue of whether,關(guān)于是否的問

47、題已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)了一場(chǎng)日益劇烈的辯論.an increasingly heated debate has arisen as to the issue ofwhether overseas chineseshould return to china to make contributions to theirmotherland,關(guān)于海外華人是否應(yīng)該回國為祖國做奉獻(xiàn)的問題,已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)了一股 日益劇烈的辯論.(31)there is no denying that., but.無可否認(rèn),但是 there is no denying that nobody can fulfill whatever he/

48、shepromises, buthabitually keeping empty promises is by no means acceptable.無可否認(rèn)沒有人能夠說到就做到,但是習(xí)慣性地說空話是絕對(duì)不可 接受的.(32) there is no doubt that. however, we could not lose sight of the fact that.無疑但是,我們不能忽略 的事實(shí).there is no doubt that youngsters are curious for novel things.however, we could not losesight

49、of the fact that blind fashion following is detrimental to agreat extent .無疑青少年對(duì)新鮮事物很好奇.但是,我們不能忽略 這個(gè)事實(shí):盲目趕潮流是非常有害的.(33) it goes without saying that. however,. . 不用說但是 it goes without saying that trimming down the number of private cars is acceptable.however, it will not be the most efficient measure

50、.【篇三:專四作文萬能開頭】四大開頭模板式寫法第一大模板法:1.引題+一方觀點(diǎn)+另一方觀點(diǎn)+我方觀點(diǎn)引題:九大引題方法一、在談到?時(shí),人們對(duì)這個(gè)充滿爭(zhēng)議的話題所持的觀點(diǎn)各不相同. when talking about (it comes to / it refers to), people ' s opinion are divergent on such a controversia l issue. 二、最近經(jīng)常辯論的一個(gè)問題是: a much debated issue these day is whether there is a pubic (general) debate

51、(discussion / controversy)today (nowadays) on (about/over/as to) the problem (issue) of三、最近?的問題已經(jīng)引起了人們廣泛的關(guān)注. recently the problem (issue) of+ has drawn(aroused) public (worldwide) attention.或 + has caused (aroused) wide (general / considerable / international) concern.四、近來?的問題已經(jīng)廣為天下人所知. recently the

52、 issue (problem) ofhas been in the limelight(brought into focus / brought to public attention / posed among the general public).五、在過去的?年里,很多城市面臨了 ?的嚴(yán)重問題. in recent (past) years, many cities (nations / people) have been faced with (plagued with / troubled with / experienced / witnessed / undergone) t

53、he (a / an) serious problem of (acute shortage of / alarming increase in)六、如今我們國家面臨的最為緊迫的任務(wù)之一是? one of the burning (pressing / urgent) problems facing(confronting / troubling) our nation (society / world /community) today is that 七、現(xiàn)在很多人談?wù)摰淖顭衢T的話題之一是? one of the biggest issues (hottest topics / most

54、popular things / most serous problems) many people talk (complain) about now is 八、隨著 with the rapid (marked / amazing) development (increase / improvement / expansion / growth / decline) of, with the general (growing / common) recognition (realization / acknowledgement) of, with he general (growing

55、/ common) interest in (concern over / enthusiasm for), with playing an increasingly big role in with attaching much importance to,九:如今有一種趨勢(shì). nowadays (currently / recently), there is a growing(unhealthy) tendency to (in / that)一方觀點(diǎn)+另一方觀點(diǎn):兩大表述方法 一、一些人認(rèn)為?,另一些人認(rèn)為?. the vast (overwhelming) majority of p

56、eople say (think /believe/ maintain/ hold) that,while other people (others)claim (argue / insist) that most (many / quite a few /some) people say (think / believe /maintain / hold) that, but other people (others) claim that the vast (overwhelming) majority of people say (think /believe/ maintain/ hold) that,but others view quitedifferently (but others think a bit differently / but others thinkthat the opposite is true). they argue (claim) that, the overwhelming


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