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1、人教版九年級英語第五單元知識點總結Unit 5 What are the shirts made of一.chopsticks /coin/ fork /blouse/ silver /glass/ cotton/ steel/ fair/ environmental /grass /leaf/ produce /widely /process /be known for/ pack/ product/ France/ no matter/ local/ brand/ avoid/ handbag/ mobile /everyday/ boss /Germany/ surface/ mater

2、ial/ traffic/ postman/ cap/ glove/ international/ competitor/ its /form/ clay /celebration/ balloon/ paper cutting /scissors lively /fairy/ historical/ heat/ polish /completeStudents clean the classroom every day.The classroom is cleaned by students every day.The classroom isnt cleaned by students e

3、very dayIs the classroom cleaned by students every day?When is the classroom cleaned by students every day?二.1. produce v.生產(chǎn);制造produces make 和 grow 的用法1) .produce可以表示生產(chǎn)汽車、機器produce cars生產(chǎn)汽車也可以表示生產(chǎn)糧食蔬菜produce wheat生產(chǎn)小麥2) .make制造,主要指制造工業(yè)品make cars制造汽車、飛機不能表示通過種植而獲彳#的產(chǎn)品,不能說make wheat3) .grow主要指種植、栽培莊稼,

4、農(nóng)產(chǎn)品 grow wheat種小麥Many of us knows how to tea, but few knows where tea trees are.A. make, made B. grow, grown C. produce, made D. make, grown根據(jù)題意可知,第一空是怎樣泡茶make tea;第二空是 種茶樹grow tea trees2. German Germans Germany3. livelyD live活著的”,通常指物,不指人,常用來作定語放名詞的前面。還指實況轉播的”。例如:a live fish 條活魚。Do you like a live

5、show or a recorded show ?2) living意為活著”強調說明 尚在人間“,健在”,可用來指人或物,作定語或表語。例如:.My first teacher is still living . English is a living language .A living language should be learned through listening and speaking .He is regarded as one of the best living writers at present .注意:living前加上the,表示類別,指 活著的人們”。例如:

6、The living must finish the work of those dead .living還可用于短語,例如: make a living謀生。3) alive意為活著”,側重說明生與死之間的界限(本來會死但沒有死),既可指人,也可指物;可用來作表語,后置定語或賓補。例如:The badly wounded soldier was still alive when he was taken to the hospital .He is dead , but his dog is still alive . He wanted to keep the fish alive . T

7、his is a fish alive.4) lively則意為活潑的“,活躍”,充滿生氣的,可作定語、表語或賓補,既可指人, 又可指物。例如:Jenny is a lively girl . Everything is lively here . 這兒 切者B生機勃勃。He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting .live物定語現(xiàn)場的living人/物定語、表語make a living/the livingalive人/物后置定語、表語、賓補生與死的界限lively人/物定語、表語、賓補生氣勃勃的,無活

8、著的意思4. avoid +doing5. be made of/ be made from/be made by/ be made into/be made in/be made up of 由 構成或組成的。 Our class is made up of six groups.6. be known/famous/well-known forbe known/famous/well-known asbe known/famous/well-known in be known/famous/well-known to7. be good (bad) for/be good to/be go

9、od with/be good at(do well in)be good for對一后接表示人和事物的名詞be good to=be kind/ friendly to對一友好后接表示人的名詞be good at=do well in擅長后接名詞、代詞或動名詞be good with=get on/along with與相處融洽后接表示人的名詞8.主謂一致both. and / andThe teacher and the writer are coming.The teacher and writer is coming.Both you and I are good students.n

10、ot only but (also) /neither nor/either oras well as/more than/with/together with/along with/like/except/besides/includingevery/each/no/no one/some(any ,no, every)+body(one/thing)主語或主語限定詞分數(shù)+of +n由分數(shù)后的名詞單復數(shù)決定half of the apple/half of the apples5 . seem to do sth =It seems that 看起來彳以乎They seem to find

11、the way to the cinema. =It seems that they find the way to the cinema.6 .turn up/turn down /turn on/turn off/turn into = change intoturn to轉向;翻到(某頁);求教于;turn around7 . find意為“找到、發(fā)現(xiàn)”,通常指找到或發(fā)現(xiàn)具體的東西,也可指偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)某物或某種 情況,強調的是找的結果。lookfor意為“尋找”,是有目的地找,強調“尋找”這一動 作。find out意為“找出、發(fā)現(xiàn)、查明”,多指通過調查、打聽、研究之后“搞清楚、弄 明白”,

12、通常含有“經(jīng)過困難曲折”的含義,指找出較難找到的、無形的、抽象的東西The police is visiting the neighborhood and trying to the truth of the fact.A. look for B. search C. find D. find out8 . no matter +what / wh en / where =whatever / whenever / wherever 無論什么 /十么時候 /哪 里,9 . glass指玻璃時為不可數(shù)名詞,指玻璃杯時為可數(shù)名詞,指眼鏡時必為復數(shù)(多以a pairof修飾)10 .everyday

13、為形容詞,每日的,every day多做狀語,每天11 .find/ think/believe it adj. to do12 . all/different kinds of 各種各樣的a kind of 一種 kind of 有點(=a little/bit)13 .be seen as = be regarded as=be treated as 被視作14 .for example/such as15 .四個“花費”句型16 .過去分詞做后置定語 a boy called Lilei= a boy named Lilei17 . scissors n剪刀(常用作復數(shù),作主語時謂語用復

14、數(shù))a pair of scissors一把剪刀成雙成對的名詞只有復數(shù)形式,類似的詞還要:jeans 牛仔褲 trousers褲子 shorts 短褲 glasses眼鏡 shoes鞋“a pair of +復數(shù)名詞”做主語時,謂語動詞與pair的形式一致。This is made of metal and plastic.A. pair of scissors B. scissors C. piece of scissors18 .pack 打包; 包 a pack of eg: I bought a pack of gum.(牙簽)compete v-competitor n compet

15、e with sbcomplete v+ doing;18.全世界 (3)即使 (4)由制成的(表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么)/由制成的(在成品中已無法到認原材料)/在.制造/由一制造/被制成./被一制造/由一組成/在.生產(chǎn)/因.聞名/作為一而聞名/在一聞名/為一知曉/被用于.(2) /不論/據(jù)我所知/用手 采摘/對有益/擅長閑友好閑相處融洽/在每個月的最后一個星期五/制造高科技產(chǎn) 品/在地球表面/許多不同種類的/例如/根據(jù),按照/作為的象征/張貼/好運/在高溫下/在 山腰上/在邊上/造成交通事故/把變成/處于困境中/上升,上漲/剪紙/在春節(jié)期間/ 孔明燈/盡力做某事/環(huán)境保護/派人去

16、請/避免做某事/日常用品/查明;弄清/去度假/發(fā)出 (光亮,聲音);放出;生出/童話故事/一幅美麗的畫/覆蓋(3) /傳統(tǒng)藝術的特殊形式/在周 圍,存在/熱氣球/中國陶土藝術/陶土作品/歷史故事/飛機模型/不僅在過去還在現(xiàn)在/他們自 己的/被看作是(3) /地下停車場/關于的研究/例如(2) /藝術與科學展覽會/事實上/放風 箏/幸福的光明象征/被送去加工/一個17歲學生/美國品牌/好運/被畫上./精美物品19-裙子(酒)是由什么制成的?在哪兒被制成的?由誰制成的?- 是由絲綢制成的。在美國制成。由王叔叔制成。- 戒指看起來很好看,它是由銀的制成的嗎?- 是的,它是。語法全解被動語態(tài)A.熟記結

17、構進行完成完成進行現(xiàn)在doIs doneis doingis being donehave donehave been donehave been doinghave been being done過去didWas donewas doing was being donehad donehad been donehad been doinghad been being done將來will do will be donewill be doing will be being donewill have done will have been donewill have been doing w

18、ill have been being done過去將來would do would be donewould be doing would be being donewould have done would have been donewould have been doing would have been being done注意;被動語態(tài)變化即把主動的動詞V用be動詞的對應形式代替+動詞的過去分詞(V-ed)如;Will + V_be + V-ingWill +be+ 過分 be+ be-ing + 過分含有情態(tài)動詞的被動語態(tài)由情態(tài)動詞+ be +done ”構成。1. Chines

19、e by the largest number of people.A. speak B. is speaking C. speaks D. is spoken2. The boy to get supper ready after school.A. were told B . is telling C. was told D . tells3. A lot of new roads built in the west of China .A. must B. must be C. has D. haveB.明確用法被動語態(tài)常用于以下兩種情況:1 .不知道誰是動作的執(zhí)行者,或者沒有必要指出誰

20、是動作的執(zhí)行者;2 .強調動作的承受者。例如:這棵樹是那個男孩弄斷的。The tree by that boy .C.熟練轉換1 .將主動語態(tài)變被動語態(tài)的基本方法為:主變賓;謂語動詞變?yōu)楸粍?;剩余照抄。By+主語變成的賓格。2 .被動語態(tài)的一般疑問句是將一個助動詞置于主語之前;否定句是在第一個助動詞后加not ;特殊疑問句的語序為:疑問詞+一般疑問句。例如:You must throw the broken bottle away at once .The broken bottleat once .(同義句)Where did they grow vegetables ?(改為被動語態(tài))Wh

21、ere vegetables ?D 注意特例 將主動語態(tài)變被動語態(tài)應注意幾個特殊情況:1 含雙賓語的主動結構變?yōu)楸粍咏Y構時,有兩種方法:將間接賓語變?yōu)橹髡Z,直接賓語保持不變;將直接賓語變?yōu)橹髡Z,間接賓語用介詞to或for引導。例如:He told us a story (變被動語態(tài))fWe were told a story (by him).或: A story was told to us by him .雙賓語,很奇特,被動語態(tài)有兩個,用人簡單用物難,難在人前to, for 添常見的接雙賓語的動詞有:to: (1)pass sb sth=pass sth to sb (2) give s

22、b sth= give sth. to sb(3)teach sb sth=teach sth to sb, (4)show sb sth=show sth to sb(5) bring sb sth=bring sth to sb, (6)send sb sth=send sth to sb(7)hand sb sth =hand sth to sb (8) sell sb sth=sell sth to sb(9) take sb sth =take sth to sb(10) write sb sth=write sth to sbfor: (1) make sb sth= make s

23、th for sb (2) buy sb sth =buy sth for sb(3) get sb sth= get sth for sb( 4) cook sb sth =cook sth for sb(5) keep ab sth=keep sth for sb (6) sing sb sth=sing sth for sb(7) find sb sth=find sth for sb (8)perform sb sth=perform sth for sb既可用 for 也可用 to 的詞 :read練習:把主動語態(tài)變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)。(兩種辦法)1 .He bought me a pres

24、ent yesterday.1.1 have written him a letter.2 短語動詞的被動語態(tài):在變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)時,要將短語動詞視為一個整體,其后的介詞或副詞不能省去。例如: This dictionary mustnt from the library A take away B taken away C are taken away D be taken away She will take good care of the children (變被動語態(tài))The children will ( by her)3 . see sb. do sth. be seen to do

25、 sth. (see sb. doing sth. be seen doingsth.)(watch/hear/noticefind 等也適用于以上結構)make/let/have sb. do sth. sb. be made/had/let to do sth.4 .有些動詞既是及物又可以做不及物,當它們和well, badly, easily, smoothly 等副詞連用時,表示主語內在品質性能為不及物,只能用主動,常見的有sell, write, cook, wash, write.The books sell well/The books are sold out.5 感官動詞用主動表被動。如 feel/ look/ taste /sound. It feels soft.6 . 某些不及物動詞不能用作被動。如 happen /take place/ begin /come out/ last7 . allow sb. to do sth. allow doing sth. be allowed to do sthThey don t allow smokingM. y mother allows me to


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