



1、、重點詞組:1、believe it or not信小信由你19、 give him flowers and presents給他花和禮物2、look out留神,當心20、be careful with小心3、 plant trees植樹21、hear the news聽說這個消息4、clean up the park把公園打掃干凈22、 in the newspaper在報紙上5、give a seat to someone on the bus在公上給某人讓座23、be on fire著火了6、collect things for Project Hope為希望工程籌集物品24、play

2、 with matches玩火柴7、visit an old people' s home拜訪老年公寓25、by the way順便問一下;順便說說8、send some to them指一些給他們26、as fast as light像光 杵快9、be able to能夠27、work hard on the subject努力學習這門功課10、pay for pens and notebooks付鋼筆和筆記本的費用28、 write good articles文早與得好11、raise some money for them為他們募集資金29、do/try one s best盡某

3、人最大的努力12、a brave young man一位勇敢的年輕人30、play the piano 彈鋼琴13、save his neighbour from a fire從一場火中救出他的鄰居31、do well in 在 方圓做得好14、the 79 - year - old Mrs Sun 79歲的孫太太32、at the age of 在 歲時15、pour water over his clothes把水潑在他的衣服上33、take part in參加16、rush into the kitchen沖進廚房34、lose one ' s way 迷路17、 put out

4、 the fire撲滅火35、hear from收到 的來怎18、be in hospital生病住院二、重要句型1、Look out, Eddie! 當心,埃迪!(1) look out意為“向外看;小心”,相當于be careful 。單獨使用時,后面 不接賓語。如:Look out! A car is coming. 小心! 汽車來了。(2) look out后接其他介詞時,要帶賓語。如:look out at .向外看 We look out at the beach.我們進沙灘看。look out of 朝外看 Don ' t look out of the door.不要朝

5、門外看。2、Believe it or not!信不信由你!(1) believe 動詞,意為“相信;認為"。如:I believe her (to do) right.我認為她是對的。(2) believe in 意為“相信;信任;信奉”。如:Those people believe in God.那些人信奉上帝。3、We can send some books to them.我們可以給他們送些書。send用作及物動詞,意為“寄(信等);發(fā)(電報);(派人)送”。如:I will send you a postcard while I ' m away on holida

6、y.我去度彳貿期間將寄給你一張明信片 send for(派人去)請來(=see sb off ) 送另U一些孩子甚至不能付上學send up發(fā)射 send out散發(fā)(氣味、光等) send sb off4、Some children are not even able to pay for school. 的錢。第二天早上詹妮起得更早。即使下雨,我們也要去長城。 o如:(1) even副詞,意為“甚至;更;還”。如:The next morning Jenny got up even earlier.拓展even if /even though 即使We ll go to the Great

7、 Wall even if it rains.(2) able形容詞,意為“有能力的;能干的”你父親是個能干的人。Your father is an able man.拓展be able to 能;會When I was young, I was able to run very fast.我小時候能跑得很快。5、He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire.他足夠勇敢將他的鄰居從火中救了出來。save動詞,意為“救;求助” ,save . . . from 意為“從中救出”。The doctor saved her life.那個

8、醫(yī)生救了她的命。Mr Zhang saved the boy from the river last Sunday.上星期天張先生將那個男孩從河中救了出來。6、Suddenly he heard someone shouting“Fire! Fire! ” 忽然他聽到有人喊:“著火了!著火了!”hear sb doing sth 表示“聽見某人正在做某事”,強調動作發(fā)生的過程。類似 的還有see, find 等動詞。如:I heard Lily singing in her room when I want to bed.當我睡覺時,聽見莉莉正在房間里唱歌。7、He want in and s

9、aw his neighbour, the 79-year-old Mrs Sun, in the kitchen.他走進去,看見他 79歲的鄰居孫奶奶在廚房里。79-year-old 是一個合成的形容詞。year必須是單數(shù)、作定語,放在名詞前面,意思中“歲的"。如:Do you know where the five-star hotel is?你知道那家五星級的旅館在哪里嗎?8、He put out the fire with a wet blanket and helped Mrs Sun out.他用濕毯子把火撲滅,并把孫奶奶救了出去。Put out 是“熄滅,撲滅”的意思。

10、如:Make sure to put out the gas. 務 必把煤氣關掉。9、He was in hospital for two weeks.他在醫(yī)院住了兩個星期。In hospital 意思是“生病住院”,而In the hospital 意思為“在醫(yī)院里”。如: He goes to school from Monday to Saturday.他周一至周六去學校上學。Simon went to bed at 8:00 last night.西蒙昨晚 8 點上床睡覺。類似的結構還有:go to school 去上學; go to the school 去學校;at table 坐

11、下吃飯; at the table坐在桌子旁he also said.10、“ Fire is very dangerous. We should be careful with it.“火是危險的,我們應小心?!彼€說。(1) be careful with 意為 “小心”,含 “小心處理某物” 的意思。(2) each other是“互相同,彼此”的意思。如:We must learn from each other.我們必須互相學習。11、Keep your hair away from fire.頭發(fā)要遠離火。詞組keep . . . away 表示“(使)不靠近或遠離”的意思。如:K

12、eep the children away from the water. It ' s dangerous.不要讓JL童靠近水。危險!12、 I' m afraid you can ' t, but you may stay there till 5 pm if you want to .恐怕你不能,但如果你想,你可以待在那兒直到下午五點。(1) till作介詞,意為“直到;直到之時”。如:I ' ll wait here till you come back.我將在這里等你回來。(2) till作連詞,意為“直到,直到為止”。如:People don 

13、9; t know the value of health till they lose it.人們直到失去健康的時候才知道健康的可貴。(3) not . . . till/until .直到才。如:She didn ' t hear from her son till last Friday.直到上星期五他才接到兒子的信。13、She does not do her best this term.這一學期她沒有盡全力。do one' s best 意為 “盡全力”,相當于 try one ' s best 。如:We will do/try our best to l

14、earn English well.我們會盡全力學好英語。14、When he is free, he often helps at the Helping Hands Club and does most of the computer work for the club.當他有空時,他常常在幫手俱樂部幫忙解決大多數(shù)電腦問題。most of 表示“大部分,大多數(shù)”,后接名詞時,名詞前要加 the;后接人稱代詞時, 人稱代詞要用賓格。如:most of the books 大部分書most of the children大多數(shù)學生15、We look forward to hearing fr

15、om you soon.我們期待很快收到你的來信。(1) look forward to 意為“盼望,期盼”,to為介詞,故接動詞時應使用動 詞的ing形式。如:We are looking forward to seeing echo other soon.我們期望著早點見到對方。(2) hear from 意為“收到的來信”,后接某人。如:I heard from my daughter in New York yesterday.我昨天收至 U 了 在紐約的女兒的來信。三、核心語法I、情態(tài)動詞can, could 的用法(1) can的用法can表示某人具有某種能力,意思為“能,會”,也表示客觀的可能性,是“能夠,可能”的意思。后接動詞原形,適用于所有人稱。(2) could的用法could為can的過去式,表示“能,可以",另外could可用來代替can,表示更 為客氣委婉的語氣,用來提出要求。II、感嘆句的用法感嘆句用來表示強烈的感情,能表達、憤怒、悲哀、驚奇、厭惡和贊賞等。句末用感嘆號“! ”,讀時用降調。在口語中常用省略句,后面的主語和謂語往往省 略,有時只用一個詞或詞組表達。(1) 以 w


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