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1、1 AIDSSuper Killer2A virus has been sweeping the world for the past two decades, causing a disease which has killed millions of people and which looks likely to kill millions more.3The virus is called HIV, which damages the immune system and causes a variety of symptoms known as AIDS. 4What is AIDS?

2、5AIDS stands for:Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome6Acquired means you can get infected with it.Immune Deficiency means a weakness in the bodys system that fights diseases.Syndrome means a group of health problems that make up a disease. 7 How AIDS spread?8a)Sexual transmissionb)Blood transmissionc

3、)The mother - infant transmission 9a)Sexual transmissionThe majority of HIV infections are acquired through unprotected sexual relations between partners, one of whom has HIV. The primary mode of HIV infection worldwide is through sexual contact between members of the opposite sex.10b)Blood transmis

4、sionThis transmission route is particularly relevant to intravenous(靜脈) drug users, hemophiliacs(血友病患者) and recipients(接受者) of blood transfusions and blood products. Sharing and reusing syringes(注射器) contaminated(污染) with HIV-infected blood represents a major risk for infection with HIV.11c)The moth

5、er - infant transmissionThe transmission of the virus from the mother to the child can occur in uterus(子宮) during the last weeks of pregnancy and at childbirth.12What happens if Im HIV positive?13You might not know if you get infected by HIV. Some people get fever, headache, sore muscles and joints(

6、肌肉和關節(jié)酸痛), stomach ache, swollen lymph glands(淋巴腺腫大), or a skin rash(皮疹) for one or two weeks. Most people think its the flu. Some people have no symptoms.14The virus will multiply in your body for a few weeks or even months before your immune system responds. During this time, you wont test positive

7、 for HIV, but you can infect other people.15When your immune system responds, it starts to make antibodies. When this happens, you will test positive for HIV.16 Is there a cure for AIDS?17Now, there is no cure for AIDS. There are drugs that can slow down the HIV virus, and slow down the damage to yo

8、ur immune system. There is no way to clear the HIV out of your body.18How to prevent AIDS ?19a) Be careful about your sexual contact.b) HIV-infected mothers should avoid breast-feeding their infant.20c) Health care workers can reduce exposure to HIV by employing precautions(預防措施)to reduce the risk o

9、f exposure to contaminated(受感染的)blood.21d) The most important way to change risky behavior is education of health.22World AIDS DayWorld AIDS Day is observed every year on December 1st.23Do you know about this red ribbon? It is called the AIDS Ribbon. On this day people wear red ribbons to show their

10、 support and to raise awareness. This started as a grassroots effort and there is still not one main manufacturer for the ribbons. The Red Ribbon united people to fight against AIDS.24How should we treat patients with AIDS?25People with AIDS need more care and support to help them overcome the diffi

11、culties. Therefore if we all set up the correct understanding and try to help the people with AIDS, our society is going to be more caring and beautiful.Actually this is a kind of misunderstanding since it is safe to talk to or shake hands with people with AIDS.26Thank You !27What is AIDS?28Acquired

12、 means you can get infected with it.Immune Deficiency means a weakness in the bodys system that fights diseases.Syndrome means a group of health problems that make up a disease. 29c)The mother - infant transmissionThe transmission of the virus from the mother to the child can occur in uterus(子宮) during the last weeks of pregnancy and at childbirth.30How to pre


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