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1、 Unit OnePart V Follow-up Exercises1. a.mouse-hearted: chicken-heartedb.politician: statesmanc.wind:breezed.utilize: drinke.ascertaining: findingf.was bombarded withreceived a lot of g.openeddrew backh.containaccommodatei.habitscustoms 2. The writers attitude changes from negative to positive in eac

2、h pair of sentences.3.(1)_(4) experienced, elapsed, attempting, with (5)_(8) take up, made, endeavor, true4. a. The state attorney said that the man would be prosecuted. b. We suppose that a feferee should be disinterested but not uninterested. c. Tony can hit a ball farther than I can. e. The princ

3、iples behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astounding success. f. All the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditorium for the music contest.g. The federal government comprises the legislative, judicial, and executive branches.h.The whole region was struck by

4、an economic disaster.i.(correct)j. He was awake to the risk.5. The first line: principleprincipalThe second line: stationary stationeryThe fourth line: adopted adaptedThe fifth line : effect affectThe sixth line: economic economical; self-conscienceself-consciousThe seventh line: disinteresteduninte

5、restedThe ninth line: credible credulousThe eleventh line: continuously continually6. a. is b. is expectedc. hasd.was/ise. isf. wasg. planh. arei. werej. varuk.improvesl.becomesm. isn. iso. haveAnswer to Unit 2 2. Translate the following Chinese idioms into English and see if they are literally tran

6、slated a. play a minor role b. Thats Greek to me. c. belated action/advice d. Where there is smoke, there is fire. e. an evil creature f. walk into the trap g. ones face glowing with health3. Delete unnecessary words or repeated meaning in the sentences below and make improvemnents. Then compare the

7、 two versions and see how the two differ. a. We must practice economy. /We must reduce unnecessary expenditures. b. It is essential to control environmental pollution. c. We must arrive at the station on time. d. Financial wxpenditures should be arranged in order of priority. e. We should speed up c

8、onstructions of urban housing so as to improve the housing condition. f. To be allowed to make profits, private capital has to meet two conditions:1) the profits must be legal, and 2)they must not be excessive. g. During the period of the Tenth Five-Year Plan we must never neglect grain production.

9、Instead,m we must steadily increase it. 4. Reference version| In feudal China, women had low social status, and were regarded as inferior to men. Thanks to the womens liberation movement, women have achieved equal status with men, which is established by the law. But in fact, they still cant enjoy e

10、qual rights with men. At home, wives are expected to do all the housework, which is obviously unfair.Husband and wife should share the housework and family responsibilities. But in some families husbands usually get angry when they find the cleaning or cooking unfinished by their wives. One cant hel

11、p wondering why they dont it by themselves. I think women should be spiritually and financially independent if they want real equality. In order to do that , they have to learn as much as men so as to find a good job. Appearance is no longer important to women. It is their ability that can bring the

12、m a good job rather than their appearance. So I think the best way for women to win more rights is to receive good education.5. a._e :me, who, I, me/myself f._j :each others, who, us, whom, us, whom, Some k_n :ones, his, his; his, his6. a. We are all born into this world as equals, but for various r

13、easons, not all of us are treated as equals. This inequality begins when we reach the age of five, for this is when we will enter elementary school. In school, we are no longer “Mommys little darling.” We now have to prove ourselves to the other children and also to our teacher., If we seem differen

14、t from the other students, we are treatred differently, and these differnces could be anything: pants, shoes, speech, religion and so forth. Rigtht from the start, we think that as long as we are different, there is something wrong with us. b. There are those who assume that since I cant see, I obvi

15、ously cannot hear.Very often people will talk with me at the top ot their lungs, uttering each word very carefully. On the other hand, people will also often whisper, assuming that since my eyes dont work, my ears dont either. For example, when I go to the airport and ask the ticket agent for assist

16、ance to the plane, he or she will invariably pick ud the phone, call a ground hostess and whisper: “Hi, Jane, weve got a 76 here.” I have concluded that the word “ blind” is not used for one of two reasonsLeither they fear that if the dread word is spoken, the ticket agentretina will detach, or they

17、 are reluctant to inform me of my condition of which I may not have been previously aware. Unit 3 Part V1. a. When I was aggigned a certain task, I did it to my best ability.b. Fog can cause blindness.c. Recently I joined a social club which raises money for the care of needy children, and we meet e

18、very Wednesday afternoon.d. An essay should be understandable to the reader.e. Many items are expensive at discount stores.f. Bears that have just come out of hibernation are usually hungry and dangerous.g. The author should have shortened the story by half.h. The citys enviromnmentalsurroundings ar

19、e not the most comfortable.i. I learned certain facts that I believe are vital to every freshman.2. a. simmer: cook food fently at or just below boiling point. saute: fry quickly in a little hot fat bake: cook by using diret heat in an oven b. Other verbs about cooking include roast, steam, braise,

20、fry, dee-fry, boil, poach, scramble, grill, stew, curry, baste, barbecue.3. a. For dinner we had barbecued steaks and sweet corn. b. Last week my brother John joined an insurance company. c.He is not a friendly and easy-goibg colleague. d. Our view of the sea at sunset was splendid/breathtaking. e.

21、It was a fine day to play outdoors. f. What impressed me most about the city was the hustle and buslte in the streets.4. There are seize, hurl, choke, blind,m leap, flee, etc.5.a. I admire Jennys long black glossy hair so much. b.The fearless explorer finally landed at the South Pole. c. Fast drivin

22、g on a smooth road can be great fun. d. John and I often wrote each other long e-mails full of jokes. e. The pale skinny woman fainted suddenly.6. a. I invited the vistiting professor to the English Club. b. Shooting stars warn us of catastrophe. c. The deleted sentence was unnecessary. d. Stephanie

23、 tiptoed up the carpeted steps. e. The students attending the art school are highly active. f. The taped dollar bill split in half. g. Amy was the only winning contestant who was below 10. h. The freshly painted house shone in the sun.7. a. indescribably b. dark c. occasional d. steadily e. surely,

24、bad f. terribly8. a. At his mothers request, he agreed to wait at least a year before getting married. b.Half of the girls in town were in love with Ben, but he wanted to marry Christine only. c. Hohn hopes that in the years to come he can be as successful as his father has been. d. The winter of th

25、e contest ate almost three soxen frankfurters. e. Debbie knew that chicken when fried always please Ed. f. May could not resist the temptation to whisper in her friends ear about what she has seen. Unit 4 Part V Follow_Up Exercise1. a. I can see the Central Park frim my window.b. He insisted on seei

26、ng the manager, only to anger the saleswoman.c. I has to control my urge to laugh at his predicament.d. We must contimue measuring and assessing childrens performance.e. A presidential commission has already investigated the causes of the nuclear accident.f. Mary had to give up the plan to travel as

27、 far as Denver, because her money ran out while she was still in Chicago.2. At the sound of a bell, I entered the huge red building along with hundreds of others. Just inside the entrance, a mean-looking old lady was yelling instructions at us. I clutched my lunchbox, and followed a crowd of six-yea

28、r-olds down a long hallway, up some steps, and down another corridor. We were looking for Mrs. Nearings room. I knew we had reahed our destination when a tall, black-haired woman greeted me loudly. She asked me my name. Then she printed it on a sticky tag, pressed it to my chest. Inside the room I c

29、ould see several other six-year-olds, some of them big. Finally Mrs. Nearing closed the classroom door and make a loud bang. A network of wires prevented the small pane of glass near the top from shattering. To my imagination, the wires looked like the bars in a prison. I was back in school.3. As Pr

30、ime Minister of Britain from 1940-1945, Churchill led his country through Workd War II, but immediately after the war he was voted out of office. Later he regained his position as prime minister. After he left that offie in 1955, he enjoyed great popularity for the rest of his life, and when he died

31、 in 1965, he was acclaimed as a national hero.4. a. The trees stand nearly barren;their leaves lie on the ground.b. The actor opens the Bible and begins reading the Song of Solomon.c. The Puritans were in some ways severe, but they led lives of deep devotion to what they believed.d. That experience

32、taught me that family ties are the most enduring.e. When their party came back to the camp site, ours had already arrived two hours earlier.f. It seems a long time since we last met.g. Sherry flew home, but her grandfather had already died.h.I will visit you whenever I get the chance.i. His mother i

33、nsists that he return now.j. If Siberia were in a warmer region, its population would be larger.k. That bell sounds as though it were cracked.l. It is important that he find a suitable job.5. 1._10 was attacked , robbed, was taken, released, spent, left, had promised, be, was walking ,was attacked.

34、11_20 described, took, containing, was (just) turning, occurred, saw, was happening, rushed , ran, warn 21_25 be , walk, had, commented, be Unit 5 Follow-up Exercises1. a. that her cat likes best b. Who doesnt like the seac. why we hate the writing classd. you bought him as his birthday present e.(N

35、o relative clause)f. which is a western way to entertain friends and relatives who prefer the western life styleg. I should ask forh. where he was born 50 years agoI. (No relative clause)j.who was always telling me to be scrupulous 2.a. June 19th, 1978 was the day on which Garfied was born. b.Moms k

36、itchen was the place where Garfield was born. c. Pirate and Masked Avenger are some of the nicknames that his friends give him. d. Taking a long nap is the sport that Garfield kikes most. e. Garfield himself is the person that he likes most. f. Hunger is the pressure that Garfield hates most. g.His

37、glass is the friend that Garfield likes best. h. Italian noodles are the food Garfield likes most. i. Monday is the day that Garfield hates most. j. Hotdog is the “dog” that Garfield likes most. k. Coffee is the drink that Garfield likes most. l.“There have never been Italian noodles that I dont lik

38、e”is a quotation that Garfield uses most often.3.Reference version:But he didnt like the big, deep pond. It was full of strange plants. The water- snails that were supposed to be polite were rude to him, and he was afraid of the ducks that always tried to swallow him. The fish which had been describ

39、ed as fine didnt like him, and he was the smallest frog there. He found that he was living a lonely and unhappy life.He sat on a broad water-lily leaf and croaked sadly to himself, “I dont like it here. I think I will go back to my lovely tittle pond tomorrow.”But just at this moment, a hungry heron

40、 flew down and swallowed him up for supper. 4. a. the old ladys five kittens b. her second marriage c. all her blue French crystal wine cups d. those two large shining diamond rings of yours e. My three jazz records bought in the States/the three jazz records I bought in the Sates f. half the delici

41、ous Ferman chocolate in the cang. some Brazilian footballers playing abroad5. Reference Version Second, advertisements can improve the reputation ot the company. More and more companies have knoen that advertisements can hilp them, so they make use of advertisements. If everyone knows their products

42、, the products will be very famous. More people will buy them and the company can get more money. If the products are really good, many people will use them and then this company will become famous. Therefore, advertisements can help the company get better reputation .答案 Unit Six Follow-up Exercises

43、1. a. missing, describing the boyb. (No descriptive participle in this sentence)c. holding , describing the magiciand.(No descriptive participle in this sentence)e. sleeping, describing shef. living, describing everybody g.(No descriptive participle in this sentence) i. knowing, describing I j. (No

44、descriptive participle in this sentence)2. Excerpt A a. bringing (describing a 23-year-old Korean woman) to 15 the death toll b. staying (describing a 47-year-old American man) in the southern port of BusanExcerpt Ba. with doors locked(describing doors) and windows barred (describing windows)b. turn

45、ing (describing cafes) them into fire trapsc. aging (describing students) about 18 or 19Excerpt Cd. responding(describing 7,000 people) to a major surveye. released (describing the survey) at the international Aids conference in BarcelonaExcerpt Df. affecting (describing heavy downpours) more than 1

46、5 million peopleg. causing (describing flood) 22 deaths and 15,000 houses to collapse 3. A Wolf who had a bone stuck in his throat hired a Crane, for a large sum, to put her head into his mouth and draw out the bone. When the Crane had extracted the bone and demanded the promised payment, the Wolf,

47、grinning and grining his teeth, exclaimed, “Why, you have surel already had a sufficient recompense, in having been permitted to draw out your head in safety from the mouth and jaws of a wolf.”4. Important PointsSpiders destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the

48、 human race.We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders.Spiders never do the least harm to us or our belongingsThere were more than 2,250,000 spiders in one acre of grass field.Spiders are busy for at least

49、 half the year in killing insectsThe weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country.Reference version (omitted) Unit 71. a._e. or; and; and; but; butf._j but; and; but; yet/but, so; and2. a. Many chi

50、ldren spend a lot of tume watching TV, and (they) like to talk about TV programs when they meet.b. History repeats itself; historians repeat each other.c. I like beer, but I never drink beer in the morning or when the temperature drops below 5 degrees.d. I looked for the paper in my office, and ( I

51、) searched for it in my bedroom, but I couldnt find it .e. You can not learn to write well unless you really want to write well, ( you) practice a lot, and (you) learn from your own mistakes.f. A money lender serves you in the present tense, lends you in the conditional mood, keeps you in the subjun

52、ctive mood, snd ruins you in the future tense.3. Paragraph1: (1)_(5) either; or; and; or; and Paragraph2: (6)_(10) and; and; and; and; but Unit 8Part V Follow-Up Exercises1. a. That you have to teach the same textbook year after year doesnt mean that you have to teach it in the same way year after y

53、ear.b. I doubt that this machine can greatly improve your listening ability within a week.c. Whether the chicken appeared before the egg or the other way round is a question that has puzzled people for a long time.d. They still cannot find out why the professor failed them in the exam.e. What has be

54、en troubling me is whether universities should simply serve as career training places.2. a. The baby wouldnt stop crying unless his mother held him in her arms.b. What I want you to explain is why your wallet is empty now.c. The boy talks as if he were the teacher.d. Whether I should find a job or g

55、o on studying for a masters degree is hard to decide.e. Ill also give you the number of his mobile phone in case he isnt in his office.3. a. Although very common about five years ago, beepers have almost disappeared now.b. If having tried harder, you might have persuaded your boss to postpone the de

56、adlines for your project. c. When studying in the States, she used to take every chance to travel.d. If produced on the same assembly line, these products probably have the same quality.e. After working for four hours without stop, Tom appeared exhausted.4. The tired hikers slept for almost ten hour

57、s in the trail shelter. Then Rick woke up and hurried out of his cot when, looking out of the corner of his eye, he saw a black spider. At this point, his brother Hal woke up with a start and sneezed several times.Because Hal was coming down with a cold, Rick agreed to prepare the breakfas. He first fetched a canteen of orange


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