已閱讀5頁,還剩3頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、第1頁專題三】形容詞和副詞【考情分析】形容詞與副詞是高考語法的重要內(nèi)容, 也是高考考查的熱點。 關(guān)于形容詞與副詞這一考 點,主要考查以下幾個方面:1. 考查形容詞和副詞的基本用法 形容詞在句中一般作定語、表語、補語,而副詞在句中主要作狀語。2. 考查形容詞作定語的后置規(guī)律形容詞作定語一般位于所修飾的名詞前,但下列三種情況形容詞要后置:形容詞短語作定語時;表語形容詞作定語時;修飾復(fù)合不定代詞時。3. 考查多個形容詞作定語的排序多個形容詞修飾名詞時,其排序規(guī)律是:(限定詞 +程度副詞 +) 描繪+大小 (長短、高低 )+形狀+年齡 (新舊)+顏色+國籍或產(chǎn)地 +物質(zhì)材料 +類別或用途 +名詞4.

2、考查副詞在句中的位置規(guī)律副詞修飾形容詞或其它副詞時,一般位于被修飾詞的前面,但enough 卻要放在被修飾的形容詞或副詞的后面。5. 考查-3d 形容詞和-ing 形容詞的區(qū)別-ed 形容詞,通常說明人,意為“某人)感到” -ing 形容詞通常說明事物,意為“某事物)令人或令人的(事物)”6. 考查兩種不同形式的副詞的用法差異即考查與形容詞同形的副詞與形容詞后加 ly 構(gòu)成的副詞的區(qū)別。7. 考查形容詞和副詞的比較等級。8. 考查比較等級的修飾語。【知識歸納】一、形容詞副詞的基本用法 :1形容詞的位置(1)當(dāng)名詞中心詞帶有多個形容詞作前置修飾語時,這些形容詞可以大體按下列詞序排列:1)限定詞

3、2)一般描述性形容詞 3)表示大小、長短、高低的形容詞 4)表示形狀的形容詞 5)表示年齡、新舊的形容詞 6)表示顏色的形容詞 7)表示國籍、地區(qū)、出處的形容詞 8)表 示物質(zhì)、材料的形容詞 9)表示用途、類別的形容詞 10)名詞中心詞。如:1It is a charm ing small round old brow n French oak writi ng desk. 這是一張漂亮的古式棕色法國橡木小圓寫字臺。2Yesterday my uncle bought a beautiful large gree n Chin ese carpet.昨天我叔叔買了一張漂亮的中國大型綠色地毯。3

4、Four brillia nt young America n engin eers live here.有四個杰出的美國年輕工程師住在這兒。 但在實際應(yīng)用中,一個名詞詞組既不可能帶有這么多前置修飾語,也不可能都如此刻板地排列。(2)形容詞一般放在被修飾的名詞前面作定語,但考生特別要注意形容詞放在被修飾詞后面 的情況:第2頁1這些形容詞,如: alive, afraid , awake, alone, asleep, worth 等作定語時,常放于被修飾詞的后面。The baby still asleep might be awake very soon.仍在睡著的那嬰兒可能很快會醒的。2形容

5、詞在修飾 somebody, something , anybody, anything, nobody, nothing 等不定代詞 時,需要置于其后。如:Is there anything wrong , Bob? You look sad.“鮑勃,有什么不對嗎?你看上去悶悶不樂的。 ”O(jiān)h, nothing much.In fact , I was just thinking of my friends.“噢,沒什么,其實我在想念我的朋友。 ”3形容詞后面有介詞短語時,必須放在名詞后面。He is a student worthy of praise.他是個值得贊揚的學(xué)生。4形容詞后面有

6、動詞不定式時,必須放在名詞后面。Isn t it a problemdifficult to solve? 這難道不是一個很難解決的問題嗎?2形容詞作狀語 形容詞作狀語表示伴隨或結(jié)果,并不表達動作的方式。如:After a long journey , the three of them got back home , hungry and tired.經(jīng)過長時間旅行后,他們?nèi)齻€回到了家,又餓又累。He lay in bed, wide awake. 他躺在床上醒著。3副詞的位置副詞修飾形容詞或其他副詞時,一般位于被修飾詞的前面,但enough 要放在被修飾詞的后面。Although she

7、did not know Boston well , she made her way easily enough to the post office. 雖然她對波士頓不熟,但她仍然很輕松地到了郵局。4. can not/never 與 enough 或too 連用表示無論怎樣都不過分;越.越好”I was riding alone in the street and all of a sudden , a car cut in and knocked me down.“我在街上正獨自騎行,突然一輛轎車切進來把我撞倒了?!盰ou can never be too careful in the

8、 street.“在大街上你再小心也不為過。 ”5副詞的排列順序(1) 時間,地點副詞,小單位的在前,大單位在后。(2) 方式副詞,短的在前,長的在后,并用and 或 but 等連詞連接。Please write slowly and carefully. 請慢慢地、清晰地寫字。(3) 多個不同副詞排列:程度地點方式時間副詞。I don t know himeWenough.我不太熟悉他。There is enough food for everyone to eat. 有足夠的食物供每個人吃。There is food enough for everyone to eat.【專家提醒】副詞

9、enough 要放在形容詞的后面,形容詞 enough 放在名詞前后都可。 6兼有兩種形式的副詞第3頁(1)close 與 closely: close 意思是“近” ; closely 意思是“仔細(xì)地” 。(2)late 與 lately: late 意思是“晚” ; lately 意思是“最近” 。(3)deep 與 deeply: deep 意思是“深” ,表示空間深度; deeply 時常表示感情上的深度, “深 深地”。(4)high 與 highly: high 表示空間高度; highly 表示程度,相當(dāng)于 much。(5)wide 與 widely: wide 表示空間寬度;

10、widely 意思是“廣泛地” ,“在許多地方” 。(6)free 與 freely: free 的意思是“免費” ; freely 的意思是“無限制地” 考點二:形容詞、副詞的比較等級 解答比較等級這類題目時考生一定要善于判斷比較的對象或范圍: 如果沒有比較的對象或范圍就用原級; 如果是兩者或兩方面之間的比較就用比較級; 如果是三個或三個以上的人或事 物進行比較那就用最高級。1 比較級中的兩個特殊作用的結(jié)構(gòu):The 比較級 句子, the 比較級 句子和 比較級 and 比較級。 前一個句型結(jié)構(gòu)表示的意義是“越(怎么樣就 )越(怎么樣 )”,在這個結(jié)構(gòu)中的兩個“比較級”不要求詞性一定相同,

11、它們各自的詞性要依句子的需要而定; 后一個句型結(jié)構(gòu)表示的意義是 “越來越(怎么樣 )”,在這個結(jié)構(gòu)中的兩個“比較級”則要求詞性相同。如:The harder you work at your study, the better academic records you will have. 你學(xué)習(xí)越努力,你的成績就越好。The more we have, the more we want. 人欲無窮。When winter is coming , it gets colder and colder. 冬天來臨之際,天越來越冷了。He became less and less satisfied

12、 with the football team formance. s per 他對足球隊的表現(xiàn)越來越不滿意了。2比較級與否定詞連用可表示最高級之意。如:I have never seen a better film than the one I saw last night. 我從來沒有看過比昨天晚上那部更好的電影。Shall we have a short rest? “我們可不可以休息一會兒?”I cant agree any mofeE 常同意?!?. as+形容詞或副詞原級+as 像一樣.在否定句或疑問句中可用soasHe cannot run so/as fast as you.

13、他跑得不如你快。【專家提醒】當(dāng) asas 中間有名詞時采用以下格式:as +形容詞+a(an) +單數(shù)名詞;as +many/much 名詞This is as good an example as the other is. 這是一個和另一個一樣好的例子。 4可修飾比較級的程度副詞(1) a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even 等。(2) 還可以用表示倍數(shù)的詞或度量名詞作修飾語。(3) 以上詞(除 by far)外,必須置于比較級形容詞或副詞的前

14、面。5 than 構(gòu)成的習(xí)語(1) more B than A A 不如說 Bno morethan 與.一樣.,不比.多no less than 與. 一樣.第4頁(3)more than ,非常(4)rather than 而不是(5)other than 除外。首先要正確理解以下結(jié)構(gòu)的含義:not more.tha n =不女口.no more.than =和.一樣不(否定兩者)not less.than =不如.不(即指不如 less 后形容詞的反面)no less.than =和.一樣(肯定兩者)比較以下各句的意思:You are more careful than he is. 你

15、比他仔細(xì)。You are not more careful than he is. 你不如他仔細(xì)。You are no more careful than he is. 你和他一樣不仔細(xì)。You are less careful than he is. 你不如他仔細(xì) (你比他粗心 )。You are not less careful than he is. 你比他仔細(xì) (你不如他粗心 )。 You are no less careful than he is.你和他一樣仔細(xì)。三、倍數(shù)表示法(1)倍數(shù)+形容詞(或副詞)的比較級+ than。如:1This rope is twice Ion ge

16、r tha n that one.這根繩的長度是那根繩的三倍。(比那根繩長二倍 )2This hall is five times bigger tha n our classroom.這個大廳比我們的教室大五倍。(是我們教室的六倍 ).倍數(shù)+ as+形容詞(或 much)或副詞+ a&如:1This big stone is three times as heavy as that one.這塊大石頭的重量是那一塊的三倍。(這塊石頭比那塊重二倍 )2The pla ne flew ten times as high as the kite.那架飛機飛行高度是那個風(fēng)箏的十倍。(高出九倍

17、 ).倍數(shù)+ the size(length , height.)of。如:1This street is four times the len gth of that street. 這條街是那條街的四倍長。2This hill is four times the height of that small one.這座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。(比那座小山高三倍 )也可用: The height of this hill is four times that of that small one.考點例析】1. Bicycling is good exercise;_ , it does no

18、t pollute the air. 【2012 年,湖南卷】A. nevertheless B. besides C. otherwise D. therefore1.D 本題考查副詞 . 根據(jù)句意 :騎自行車是一種很好的運動方式,而且又不會造成大氣污染.Nevertheless 盡管如此”;besides 而且”;otherwise 否則” ;therefore 所以”,故正確答案為 B。第5頁2. We used to see each other_ , but I haven theard from him since last year. 【2012 年,遼寧卷】A. especia

19、lly B. regularly C. particularly D. approximately2. B 本題考查副詞。句意:我們原來經(jīng)常見面, 但從去年我就沒再收到過他的信。A 項“尤其;特別” ;B 項“定期地,經(jīng)常地” ;C 項“特別,尤其” ;D 項“近似地,大約”,故正確 答案為 B 。3. The hotel is almost finished, but it _ needs one or two weeks to get ready for guests. 【2012年,四川卷】A. only B. also C. even D. still3. D 本題考查副詞用法。根據(jù)句

20、意“這個旅館差不多竣工了,但仍還要一兩周才可以接待 客人?!惫?D為正確答案。4. Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs _.【2012北京卷】A. someB. lessC. muchD. more4. D。本題考查形容詞比較級。根據(jù)句意即刻判斷,該句應(yīng)使用much 的比較級是 more,故正確答案為D。5. Next to biology , I like physics _. 【2012 全國 II】A. better B. best C. the betterD. very

21、well5. B 本題考查副詞的最高級。句意:除了生物,我最喜歡物理。此處best 是副詞的最高級,修飾動詞 like。故正確答案為 B。6. The secretary arranged a(n)_time and space for the applicants to have an interview.【2012 天津卷】A. important B. spare C. public D. convenient6. D 本題考查形容詞。句意:這位秘書安排適當(dāng)?shù)臅r間和地點讓求職者進行面試。根據(jù)句 意, D 為最佳選項。7. The dog may be a good companion f

22、or the old. _ , the need to take it for walks may be adisadvantage. 【2012 天津卷】A Besides. B. However C. Therefore D. Instead.7. B 本題考查副詞。句意:這只狗或許是這位老人的伙伴,然而(對老人來說)帶它出去散步或許又成了不利因素。故正確答案為B。8. This restaurant wasntthat other restaurant we went to. 【 2012 全國新課程】A. half as good asB. as half good as C. as

23、good as halfD. good as第6頁half as8. A 本題考查倍數(shù)表達法。句意:這家飯店不及我們?nèi)ミ^另一家的一半好。在asas句型中,倍數(shù)放在第一個 as 的前面,故 A 正確。9. Be_-you can expect me to fin ish all this work in so little time.【2012 年山東卷】9. A 本題考查形容詞。句意:要講道理,你不能指望我在如此短的時間里完成所有的工作。 此處 con fide nt 信心;creative有創(chuàng)造力的;grateful 感激的;reaso nable 有道理的。故正確答 案為 A。10. An

24、yone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be _ respected. 【2012 福建卷】A. especially B. equallyC. n aturallyD. no rmally10. B 本題考查副詞辨析。 句意: 無論是官員還是公共汽車司機, 都應(yīng)該平等的被尊敬。 equally 平等地, 公平地”;especially尤其地”;naturally 自然地”;normally 正常地”,只有 B項符合題意。11. Can you lend me the book Gone with the Win d?So

25、rry. I returned it to the library just now. Maybe it is still_.【2012 福建卷】A. availableB. affordableC. acceptable D. valuable11. A 本題考查形容詞辨析。根據(jù)前半句“我剛剛還給圖書館”和下半句中的 still 可知這本書或許還可得到的用 available,而其它三項 affordable “支付的起的”;acceptable “可接 受的” ;valuable “貴重的”均與題意不符。12.Mike was usually so careful,_this time h

26、e made a small mistake. 【2012 浙江卷】A. yet B. still C. even D. thus12. A 本題考查副詞。句意:麥克通常很認(rèn)真的,然而(yet )這次他犯了個小錯誤。Still 仍舊;even 甚至;thus 因此,均不符合語境。故正確答案為A。13. The research lacks_evidenee, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.【2012 浙江卷】A. solid B. fierce C. severe D. potential13. A 本題考查形容詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)句意:研

27、究缺乏實證( solid evidenee),因此所得出的結(jié)論還有待考證。fierce 激烈的;severe 嚴(yán)重的;potential,有潛力的。故正確答案為A。14. Queen Elizabethnis often to be richest woman in the world_, her personal wealth seemsrather small.【2012 安徽卷】A. Besides B. OtherwiseC. HoweverD. Altogether14. C。本題考查副詞。前面說她富有,后面說她個人財富相當(dāng)少。應(yīng)為轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系“然而”;故 C 為正確答案。15. Int

28、erest is as_ to learning as the ability to understand , even more so. 【2012 安徽卷】A. vitalB. available C. specificD. Similar15. A 本題考查形容詞。Be vital to 表示:對.極端重要;something be available to somebody 表示某人可以得到某物; 答案 specific 不能與 to 搭配;D 答案 similar to 表示:與.相似。 本題可以把定于 to understand 省掉,也可以把后面的 evenmore so 省掉或

29、還原。依據(jù)題意, A 為正確答案。【方法技巧】1. 對于形容詞和副詞,學(xué)生首先應(yīng)該掌握形容詞和副詞的比較級和最高級。2.熟記這些半系動詞 sound, taste, smell, look, feel, seem, appear, stand, fall, remain , keep,第7頁get,grow , become , turn 等后面常跟形容詞作表語。3.掌握名詞前多個形容詞的順序問題,一般表主觀形容詞,如新舊大小長短是否漂亮這些形 容詞在前,表客觀形容詞,如顏色材料質(zhì)地本質(zhì)形容詞在后面。 如 an old small red paper packet 一個舊的紅色的小紙包。記憶口

30、訣 “限定描繪大長高 ,形狀年齡和新老。 顏色國籍出材料, 作用類別往后靠。 ”4. 熟練掌握倍數(shù)表達法?!緦n}訓(xùn)練】1. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _ voice.A. a betterB. a bestC. the betterD. the best2. Professor White has written some short stories, but he is _ known for his plays.A. the bestB. more C. better D. the most3. The plane flew

31、 smoothly _ in the sky and people spoke _ of the experienced pilot.A. high ; highB. highly; highlyC. high; highlyD. highly; high4. What do you think of the concert? Oh, it was_ success.A. a veryB. quite aC .soD. really5. I haven t seen_ this since I collected stamps.A. as old a stamp as B. so an old

32、 stamp as C. stamp as old asD. as an old stamp a6.The task is too much for me, so I can t carry onany longer. Imust get some help.A. singlyB.simply C.alone D.lonely7. Have your working conditions improved?-No, _ than before, I m afraid.A. no betterB.a little batter C.not worse D.no worse8. To their

33、great relief, the missing child returned home, _, after an absence of two weeks.A. felt tired and sound B. tiring and soundly C. feeling tired but soundly D. tired but sound9. We must keep our room clean, for dirt and disease go_ , you know.A. hand in handB. step by stepC. from time ti time D. one a

34、fter another10. How are you getting on with your classmates? _ . I ve got to know them all.A. Far betterB. Much pleased C. Very comfortable D. Very good11. It is always difficult being in a foreign country, _ if you don t speak the languA.extremely B.naturally C.basically D.especially12. It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science.A.an art much asB.much an art asC.as an art much asD.as much an art as13 Jim, are y


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