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1、1. FLAC3D V5.0界面操作2. FLAC3D基本操作方法vs;3. FLAC3D內(nèi)置Fish語言的應用;4. FLAC3D結(jié)構(gòu)單元vs接觸單元;5. FLAC3D滲流模塊6. 其他StructuralElement1.結(jié)構(gòu)單元的類型2.結(jié)構(gòu)單元的建模方法3.結(jié)構(gòu)單元的參數(shù)取值4.結(jié)構(gòu)單元實例分析5.關(guān)于linkFLAC3D中包含六種形式的結(jié)構(gòu)單元,可以分成兩類:中包含六種形式的結(jié)構(gòu)單元,可以分成兩類:線型結(jié)構(gòu)單元線型結(jié)構(gòu)單元:梁梁單元單元(beam)錨索單元錨索單元(cable)樁單元樁單元(pile)殼殼型型結(jié)構(gòu)單元結(jié)構(gòu)單元:殼單元殼單元(shell)土工格柵土工格柵(geogri

2、d)襯砌單元襯砌單元(liner)FLAC3D中的結(jié)構(gòu)單元是巖土工程中實際結(jié)構(gòu)的一種“抽象”,即采用簡單的單元形式來模擬復雜的結(jié)構(gòu)體。結(jié)構(gòu)單元由結(jié)構(gòu)節(jié)點(node)和結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)件(SELs)構(gòu)成。結(jié)構(gòu)單元中的節(jié)點(node)可以與周圍的實體網(wǎng)格(zone)或其它結(jié)構(gòu)節(jié)點建立連接(link),通過連接實現(xiàn)巖土體或結(jié)構(gòu)與其它結(jié)構(gòu)發(fā)生相互作用。注意:結(jié)構(gòu)節(jié)點并不是簡單地與實體網(wǎng)格的節(jié)點(gridpoint)建立聯(lián)系,也不能建立node與gridpoint之間的link梁梁單元單元sel beam id 1 beg 4 0 -1 end 5 0 -2 nseg 4sel node id=1 0 0 0se

3、l node id=2 2 0 0 sel node id=3 4 0 -1sel node id=4 5 0 -2sel beamsel cid=1 id=1 node 1 2 ;sel beamsel cid=2 id=1 node 2 3sel beamsel cid=3 id=1 node 3 4樁樁單元單元sel pile id 1 beg 0 0 0 end 0 0 10 nseg 4兩種建模方式各有各的優(yōu)點,第二種方式適合建立復雜曲線結(jié)構(gòu)單元(但但是要注意它不會自是要注意它不會自動建立動建立linklink!若!若不手動不手動linklink就無任就無任何作用何作用)錨索錨索單元

4、單元sel cable id 1 beg 4 0 -1 end 5 0 -2 nseg 42、結(jié)構(gòu)單元的建模方法建立梁單元,并顯示單元坐標系!2、結(jié)構(gòu)單元的建模方法線型結(jié)構(gòu)單元起始點坐標并給定分段數(shù)目的方法;ID號相同,共用Node,ID不同,各個ID對應的結(jié)構(gòu)單元有各自獨立的node。除非設(shè)置聯(lián)系,否則即使節(jié)點位于同一位置也不會傳遞力。結(jié)構(gòu)單元的顯示!GUI操作和命令操作(manual)!調(diào)整好顯示效果后可以將顯示的命令文件另存出來,以備下次使用。(最適用于幾何模型相同,參數(shù)不同的,不同工況分析的比較)2、結(jié)構(gòu)單元的建模方法線型結(jié)構(gòu)單元先建立節(jié)點再聯(lián)接成單元的方法;2、結(jié)構(gòu)單元的建模方法線型

5、結(jié)構(gòu)單元殼單元殼單元2、結(jié)構(gòu)單元的建模方法殼型結(jié)構(gòu)單元def set_vals global ptA = 25.0 * sin( 40.0*degrad ) ; global ptB = 25.0 * cos( 40.0*degrad )endset_valsgenerate zone cylinder p0=( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) & p1=( ptA, 0.0, ptB ) & p2=( 0.0, 25.0, 0.0 ) & p3=( 0.0, 0.0, 25.0 ) & p4=( ptA, 25.0, ptB ) & p5=( 0.0,

6、 25.0, 25.0 ) & size=(1, 2, 2)sel shell id=5 range cylinder end1=(0.0, 0.0,0.0) & end2=(0.0,25.0,0.0) radius=24.5 notplot add zg plot ad sel geom delete zones ; delete all zonessel node init zpos add -25.02、結(jié)構(gòu)單元的建模方法殼型結(jié)構(gòu)單元通過附著在實體網(wǎng)格表面來生成shell單元。The shells can then be repositioned if ecessary

7、by using the SEL node init command2、結(jié)構(gòu)單元的建模方法殼型結(jié)構(gòu)單元FLAC3D是巖土工程的專業(yè)軟件,因此一般很少用來做專門的結(jié)構(gòu)是巖土工程的專業(yè)軟件,因此一般很少用來做專門的結(jié)構(gòu)分析。在涉及到結(jié)構(gòu)單元的問題中,往往都要考慮結(jié)構(gòu)與周圍的實分析。在涉及到結(jié)構(gòu)單元的問題中,往往都要考慮結(jié)構(gòu)與周圍的實體單元的相互作用。在結(jié)構(gòu)單元的建模時要特別注意一個基本原則:體單元的相互作用。在結(jié)構(gòu)單元的建模時要特別注意一個基本原則:一個一個zone至多包含一個至多包含一個structure node!因此在建立線型結(jié)構(gòu)單元時,要特別注意因此在建立線型結(jié)構(gòu)單元時,要特別注意nseg

8、變量的大小。變量的大小。nseg太太小則會導致計算不精確,而太大就會違反結(jié)構(gòu)單元建模的基本原則。小則會導致計算不精確,而太大就會違反結(jié)構(gòu)單元建模的基本原則。2、結(jié)構(gòu)單元的建模方法注意事項梁單元梁單元 emod彈性模量,彈性模量,Enu泊松比,泊松比,xcarea橫截面積,橫截面積,Axciy梁結(jié)構(gòu)梁結(jié)構(gòu)y軸慣性矩軸慣性矩, Iyxciz梁結(jié)構(gòu)梁結(jié)構(gòu)z軸慣性矩,軸慣性矩,Ixxcij極慣性矩,極慣性矩,Jdensity密度,密度,pmoment塑性矩,塑性矩,Mpthexp熱膨脹系數(shù),熱膨脹系數(shù),tydirection矢量矢量Y錨索錨索單元單元 emod彈性模量,彈性模量, Excarea橫截面


10、e Beam Two Equal Concentrated LoadsA simply supported beam is loaded by two equal concentrated loads, symmetrically placed as shown in Figure 1.9. The shear and moment diagrams for this configuration are also shown in the figure.The shear force magnitude,V, is equal to the applied concentrated load,

11、P. The maximum moment,Mmax, occurs between the two loads and is equal to Pa. The maximum deflection of the beam,max, occurs at the center and is given by AISC (1980, p. 2-116) as4.1、簡支梁(beam單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷載荷(N)載荷距支座的距離(m)鉸支座之間的距離(m)彈性模量(Pa)慣性矩(m4)慣性矩(m5)最大撓度(m)PaLEIyIzmax10000392.00E+11 2.00E-04 2.00E

12、-04 0.006468750 根據(jù)理論公式計算得到:4.1、簡支梁(beam單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷newtitle Simple Beam - Two Equal Concentrated Loads Symmetrically Placed; =; Create the grid, insure that nodes will exist at third points.sel beam id=1 begin=( 0, 0, 0) end=( 3, 0, 0) nseg=3sel beam id=1 begin=( 3, 0, 0) end=( 6, 0, 0) nseg=4sel b

13、eam id=1 begin=( 6, 0, 0) end=( 9, 0, 0) nseg=3; =; Assign beam propertiessel beam id=1 prop emod=2e11 nu=0.30 &xcarea=6e-3 xcj=0.0 xciy=200e-6 xciz=200e-6;=; Specify model boundary conditions (including applied loads)sel node fix z xr yr ; restrict all non-beam modessel node fix y range id=1 ;s

14、el node fix y range id=9 ; ; rollers at beam endssel node apply force=(0.0,-1e4,0.0) range id=2 ; apply point loadssel node apply force=(0.0,-1e4,0.0) range id=5 ;4.1、簡支梁(beam單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷; =; Setup histories for monitoring behavior.history add id=10 sel node ydisp id=7history add id=30 sel beamsel

15、moment mz end2 cid=1 ; moment, right of SEL-1history add id=31 sel beamsel moment mz end1 cid=2 ; moment, left of SEL-2; =; Bring the problem to equilibriumsolve ratio=1e-7save equal-concent-loads; =; Print out beam responses.list sel beam forcelist sel beam momentlist sel node disp range id=7return

16、4.1、簡支梁(beam單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷如何設(shè)置結(jié)構(gòu)單元的跟蹤變量!Beam_concent_loads_Example1.34.1、簡支梁(beam單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷撓度計算4.1、簡支梁(beam單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷剪力、彎矩計算剪力、彎矩計算這是節(jié)點力!梁單元局部坐標系:x軸從節(jié)點1到節(jié)點2,y軸在橫截面中4.1、簡支梁(beam單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷彎矩矢量的指向,右手法則!彎矩矢量的指向,右手法則!4.1、簡支梁(beam單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷List sel beamnodal forces: components are displayed in

17、terms of the beam local coordinate systems. These are the forces exerted by the nodes on the beamSEL.小結(jié):梁單元的常用命令4.1、簡支梁(beam單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷history sel beamselcid怎么找?(坐標or鼠標information?)selSel node 命令 針對所有的結(jié)構(gòu)單元Sel node fix keyword . . .newtitle Simple Beam (modeled using shellSELs)gen zone brick size 1

18、2,3,1 &p0 0,0,1.0 p1 9,0,1.0 p2 0 0 0 p3 0 1 1.0 ;shell 寬度為單位1(z方向上)sel shell id=1 crossdiag elemtype=dkt range y -0.1 0.1sel shell id=1 prop iso=(2e11, 0.0) thick=0.133887delete zonesel node fix x y xr yr range x=(-0.1, 0.1) ; support at left end hinge 鉸支座sel node fix y xr yr range x=( 8.9, 9.1

19、) ; support at right end roller 輥軸支座sel node fix z xr yr ; restrict non-beam deformation modessel node apply force=(0,-1667,0) range union id=71 id=12 ; out nds, leftsel node apply force=(0,-3333,0) range union id=46 id=13 ; in nds, leftsel node apply force=(0,-1667,0) range union id=79 id=24 ; out

20、nds, rt.sel node apply force=(0,-3333,0) range union id=54 id=25 ; in nds, rt.將均布載荷轉(zhuǎn)換為等效節(jié)點力4.2、簡支梁(shell單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷history add id=1 unbalhistory add id=10 sel node ydisp id=19 ; displ at center; moment, left thirdhistory add id=20 sel recover sres Mx surfX 1,0,0 cid=59; shear, left thirdhistory ad

21、d id=30 sel recover sres Qx surfX 1,0,0 cid=59solve ratio=1e-7list sel node disp range id=19save shell0return 4.2、簡支梁(shell單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷4.2、簡支梁(shell單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷sel shell id=1 elemtype=cst range y -0.1 0.1 ;no-crossdiagsel shell id=1 crossdiag elemtype=dkt range y -0.1 0.1Crossdiag vs no-crossdiag

22、4.2、簡支梁(shell單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷局部坐標系!看彎矩到底應該看哪一個?4.2、簡支梁(shell單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷4.2、簡支梁(shell單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷4.2、簡支梁(shell單元)承受兩個相等集中載荷surfX Xx Xy XzThe surfx vector (Xx, Xy, Xz) enables a surface coordinate system to be generated for all nodes used by the shell-type SELs in the optional range. The surface coord

23、inate system, xyz, has the following properties: (1) z is normal to the surface; (2) x is the projection of the given surfx vector onto the surface; and (3) y is orthogonal to x and z. The z-direction is found at each node by taking the average normal direction of all shell-type SELs in the range. I

24、f the surfx vector is aligned at z at any node, then processing stops and an error message is displayed. To proceed, designate a different surfx vector, or restrict the range of shell-type SELs considered.The surface coordinate system can be queried with the command LIST sel recover surface and the

25、FISH function nd_ssys. It can also be set for an individual node with the FISH function nd_ssysx. It can be visualized with the sel geometry plot item by setting the systemtype switchword.The validity of the surface system at a particular node can be queried with the FISH function nd_svalid. The sur

26、face system at a node automatically becomes invalid under the following conditions: (1) large-strain update; or (2) creation or deletion of a shell-type SEL that uses the node. Validity must be reestablished with the SEL recover surface command.Sel Sel RecRecover keyword 兩種:Node-ZoneNode-Node創(chuàng)建一個新的l


28、link的attachment條件設(shè)置為6個自由度均為“rigid”。Side1,side2關(guān)鍵字對于確定嵌入式liner的哪個面上產(chǎn)生link。sel可選參數(shù)與必選參數(shù)!可選參數(shù)與必選參數(shù)!以預應力錨桿的托盤模擬為例sel cable id=1 beg 0, 0, 0 end 0 ,29, 0 nseg 10 sel cable id=1 beg 0,29,0 end 0,35,0 nseg 6sel cable id=1 prop emod 2e10 ytension 310e3 xcarea 0.0004906 &gr_coh 1 gr_k 1 gr_per 0.0785 ran

29、ge cid 1,10sel cable id=1 prop emod 2e10 ytension 310e3 xcarea 0.0004906 &gr_coh 10e5 gr_k 2e7 range cid 11,17sel delete link range id 1 ;這里刪除的是誰的id?Sel link id=100 1 target zonesel link attach xdir=rigid ydir=rigid zdir=rigid xrdir=rigid yrdir=rigid zrdir=rigid range id 100sel cable id=1 preten

30、sion 60e3 range cid 1,10pBeam單元基坑開挖支護p以前述extrude的模型為例,進行隧道和基坑開挖支護bulk(Pa)shear(Pa)fric(?)coh(Pa)tens(Pa)1e80.3e8351e31e3開挖區(qū)域材料力學參數(shù)計算模型幾何邊界pBeam單元基坑開挖支護FLAC3D數(shù)值模擬計算實例數(shù)值模擬計算實例基坑垮塌過程pBeam單元基坑開挖支護FLAC3D數(shù)值模擬計算實例數(shù)值模擬計算實例基坑垮塌過程pBeam單元基坑開挖支護FLAC3D數(shù)值模擬計算實例數(shù)值模擬計算實例基坑垮塌過程pBeam單元基坑開挖支護FLAC3D數(shù)值模擬計算實例數(shù)值模擬計算實例基坑垮塌


32、3D數(shù)值模擬計算實例數(shù)值模擬計算實例pBeam單元基坑開挖支護最大不平衡力FLAC3D數(shù)值模擬計算實例數(shù)值模擬計算實例巖土工程中涉及到很多的接觸問題,比如擋土墻與墻后填土之間的接觸、樁與土接觸、土石壩中混凝土防滲墻與土體之間的接觸等。FLAC/FLAC3D提供了接觸面單元,可以分析一定受力條件下兩個接觸的表面上產(chǎn)生錯動滑移、分開與閉合。概述FLAC 和 FLAC3D中的接觸面單元可以用來模擬巖體中的節(jié)理、斷層; 地基與土體之間的接觸; 礦倉與倉儲物的接觸面; 相互碰撞物體之間的接觸面; 空間中的障礙邊界(即固定的不變形的邊界)條件。FLAC3D中建立接觸面單元應遵循以下原則: 小的表面與大的表

33、面相連時,接觸面應建立在小的表面上; 如果兩相鄰的網(wǎng)格有不同的密度,接觸面應建立在密度大的區(qū)域上; 接觸面單元尺寸通常應該等于或小于相連的目標面的尺寸; 使用 Attach 命令連接的兩個表面不應再建立接觸面。FLAC 和 FLAC3D中的接觸面采用的是無厚度接觸面單元,接觸面本構(gòu)模型采用的是庫侖剪切模型。FLAC3D中接觸面的基本理論FLAC3D中接觸面單元由一系列三節(jié)點的三角形單元構(gòu)成,接觸面單元將三角形面積分配到各個節(jié)點中,每個接觸面節(jié)點都有一個相關(guān)的表示面積。每個四邊形區(qū)域面用兩個三角形接觸面單元來定義,然后在每個接觸面單元頂點上自動生成節(jié)點,當另外一個網(wǎng)格面與接觸面單元相連時,接觸面

34、節(jié)點就會產(chǎn)生。FLAC3D中接觸面是單面的,認識這一點很重要,這點與二維 FLAC 中所定義的雙面接觸面不同。可以把接觸面看作“收縮帶”,可以在指定面上拉伸,從而導致接觸面和與之可能相連的其它任何面的相互刺入變得敏感。接觸面單元可以通過接觸面結(jié)點和實體單元表面(稱為目標面)之間來建立聯(lián)系。接觸面法向方向所受到的力由目標面方位所決定。 在每個時間步計算中,首先得到接觸面節(jié)點和目標面之間的絕對法向刺入量和相對剪切速度,再利用接觸面本構(gòu)模型來計算法向力和切向力的大小。接觸面單元、接觸面節(jié)點以及節(jié)點表示面積的示意圖。gen zone radcyl p0 (0,0,0) p1 (8,0,0) p2 (0

35、,0,-5) p3 (0,8,0) &p4 (8,0,-5) p5 (0,8,-5) p6 (8,8,0) p7 (8,8,-5) &p8 (.3,0,0) p9 (0,.3,0) p10 (.3,0,-5) p11 (0,.3,-5) &size 3 10 6 15 ratio 1 1 1 1.15gen zone radcyl p0 (0,0,-5) p1 (8,0,-5) p2 (0,0,-8) p3 (0,8,-5) &p4 (8,0,-8) p5 (0,8,-8) p6 (8,8,-5) p7 (8,8,-8) &p8 (.3,0,-5) p9

36、 (0,.3,-5) p10 (.3,0,-8) p11 (0,.3,-8) &size 3 6 6 15 ratio 1 1 1 1.15 fillgen zone reflect dd 270 dip 90group zone clay ;group clay (old command)interface 1 face range cylinder end1 (0,0,0) end2 (0,0,-5.1) radius .31 &cylinder end1 (0,0,0) end2 (0,0,-5.1) radius .29 notinterface 2 face rang

37、e cylinder end1 (0,0,-4.9) end2 (0,0,-5.1) radius .31gen zone cylinder p0 (0,0,6) p1 (.3,0,6) p2 (0,0,1) p3 (0,.3,6) p4 (.3,0,1) p5 (0,.3,1) &size 3 10 6& ;寫簡寫的時候要注意新老版本的區(qū)別gen zone cylinder p0 (0,0,6.1) p1 (.3,0,6.1) p2 (0,0,6) p3 (0,.3,6.1) &p4 (.3,0,6) p5 (0,.3,6) &size 3 1 6gen zo

38、ne reflect dd 270 dip 90 range z 1 6.1group zone pile range z 1 6.1pauseini zposition add -6.0 range group pile ;ini z add -6.0 range group pile(old command)1、手冊中給出的接觸面建立方法So-called “移來移去法”; Create Basegen zone brick size 3 3 3 &p0 (0,0,0) p1 (3,0,0) p2 (0,3,0) p3 (0,0,1.5) &p4 (3,3,0) p5 (0

39、,3,1.5) p6 (3,0,4.5) p7 (3,3,4.5)group zone Base; Create Top - 1 unit high for initial spacinggen zone brick size 3 3 3 &p0 (0,0,2.5) p1 (3,0,5.5) p2 (0,3,2.5) p3 (0,0,7) &p4 (3,3,5.5) p5 (0,3,7) p6 (3,0,7) p7 (3,3,7)group zone Top range group Base not; Create interface elements on the top s

40、urface of the baseinterface 1 face range plane norm (-1,0,1) origin (1.5,1.5,3) dist 0.1; Lower top to complete geometryini zpos add -1.0 range group Top2、接觸面建立方法So-called “倒來倒去法”我們最終的目的就是在中心小塊體與外圍網(wǎng)格之間建立接觸面。1. 分開建立網(wǎng)格2. 建立inner網(wǎng)格及其表面的Interface3. 導入外圍mesh4. 賦予材料屬性,測試接觸面是否發(fā)生了作用。小練習:1. 三種建立接觸面的方法計算結(jié)果是否相

41、同(只要接觸面有響應,肯定是相同的!)2. 如果將接觸面建立在外部網(wǎng)格的內(nèi)表面,然后移入小塊體,結(jié)果是否相同呢?3. 不加接觸面跟加了接觸面,模型的響應(位移、應力)有何區(qū)別?NrangeExample-7.1 union nrange3、切割模型的方法實際上是分離連續(xù)網(wǎng)格(原來網(wǎng)格連續(xù),通過共用節(jié)點(GridPoint)傳遞力,分離后通過接觸面來傳遞。gen zone brick size 3 3 3group zone inner range x 1 2 y 1 2 z 2 3group zone out range group inner notgenerate separate fac

42、e group aa range group inner group out ;very different from old versioninterface 1 wrap first group inner ;second group out ;interface 1 permeability oninterface 1 maxedge 0.5Wrap first keyword . . . second keyword . . .Interface elements are created on all zone faces belonging to the range specifie

43、d after the keyword first. The tokens following first are a range descriptor as though normally used following a range keyword. Optionally, a second range may be given following the second keyword. Interface elements are created along the zone boundary between the first and second ranges. If no seco

44、nd range is given, the default second range is the entire model, indicating that the entire boundary of first range will be used. Note that for an interface element to be created, an exact match must exist between gridpoints in space on either side of the boundary, although the faces themselves do n

45、ot have to match exactly. To separate one group from another, see the GENERATE separate command.For example, the following command would find the twinned faces between group rock and group soil, and put interface elements on the rock faces. Only faces with centroids within the range x 50.0 75.0 woul

46、d be erface 1 wrap first group rock second group soil range x 50.0 75.0 interface 1 wrap first group rock second group soil range x 50.0 75.0 接觸面建立在第1個類組上面,若不指定第2個類組,就默認第2個類組為整個模型,邊界面為整個第1個類組的表面。Generate separate face keyword separates (unmerges) the internal faces specified by the ran

47、ge. The gridpoints of the face are duplicated, and a new surface face is created. New faces and gridpoints get copies of all group and extra variable assignments belonging to the original face and gridpoint.Note that faces may be restricted by giving two group range elements, therefore indicating th

48、at the face must be on the surface of the first and the second group. For instance, if Fred and George are group names assigned to zones, thenrange group Fred group George ;生成的應該是一個共享面will select faces that are connected to both Fred and George. Also note that faces can be selected by group directly

49、.(此外,(此外,face也可以通過也可以通過group直接選中)直接選中)The following keywords can be used to affect the behavior產(chǎn)生由產(chǎn)生由range定義的內(nèi)部定義的內(nèi)部 face。面上的節(jié)點復制,并創(chuàng)建新的表面。面上的節(jié)點復制,并創(chuàng)建新的表面。The following keywords can be used to affect the behavior.Clearattach By default, an error occurs if any gridpoint that has an attach condition as

50、sociated with it is found among those to be separated. However, if the clearattach keyword is supplied, then the separation of gridpoints will occur regardless. In addition, FLAC3D will remove any attach conditions connected to gridpoints affected.Group name Newly created faces will be assigned the

51、group name name in the specified slot. The default slot is 1. If add is specified, the name will be added to the first available slot. FLAC3D determines which face will be new and which one will be old by using the origin keyword.originx y zspecifies a location in space used to determine new versus

52、old face assignments. If the vector from the origin to the face centroid is in the same direction as the outward face normal, it is the old face. If it is in the opposite direction, then it is new, and the group name specified is assigned. By default, the origin is (0,0,0).如果從origin指向面中心的向量與面的外法線方向相

53、同,那么就作為old面。檢驗是否分離開了網(wǎng)格并形成了接觸面?; select as regional joining Base and Topgroup face Interface internal range group Base group Top; Separate Interface faces, calling the newwly created faces NewFacesgen separate face origin (0,0,0) group NewFaces range group Interface; Create interface elements on the

54、top surface of the baseinterface 1 face range group Interface; Assign group names to faces that will become interfacesgroup face Int1 internal range group Material group Bin .plane orig (0,0,0) normal (1,-1,0) abovegroup face Int2 internal range group Material group Bin .plane orig (0,0,0) normal (1

55、,-1,0) below; Separate those faces, giving newly created surface faces a new group namegen separate face origin (0,0,0) group NewFaces range group Int1 or Int2; Created interfaces on Int1 and Int2 facesinterface 1 face range group Int1interface 2 face range group Int2; Subdivide interface elements a

56、 little for better contact detectionint 1 maxedge 0.55int 2 maxedge 0.55p軟件界面FLAC3D5.00 軟件界面p軟件界面FLAC3D5.00 軟件界面p命令流操作方法newgen zone brick size 6 6 6在利用FLAC3D軟件進行數(shù)值模擬時,主要是通過命令流來實現(xiàn)的。命令流文件一般以txt或dat格式存儲,并在命令輸入窗口、菜單欄或快捷圖標通過call命令進行調(diào)用。FLAC3D命令流文件需要遵循一定的格式和語法要求,在滿足這些要求的前提下,命令流文件的編寫又是十分自由靈活的,可根據(jù)用戶個人的需求自由編寫

57、。p數(shù)值計算一般流程u建立模型通過外部導入或在FLAC3D中直接建模的方式建立計算模型。u材料參數(shù)材料本構(gòu)材料力學參數(shù)u邊界條件及初始條件速度邊界應力邊界水頭邊界求解計算求解計算邊界條件及初始條件建立模型材料參數(shù)p建立模型p在FLAC3D中,模型的建立通過關(guān)鍵詞generate來實現(xiàn),其基本格式為: gen keywords1 keywords2 keywords3 For example: gen zone brick size 6 6 6 p0 0 0 0 p1 6 0 0 p2 0 6 0 p3 0 0 6 p4 6 6 0 p5 0 6 6 p6 6 0 6 p7 0 0 6 (rat

58、io 1 1 1 ) (dim 2 2 2) (fill)p建立模型FLAC3D建模的基本思路為“堆積木”,即首先建立各種形狀的網(wǎng)格單元,最后將建立的網(wǎng)格單元組合在一起,生成可用于數(shù)值計算的整體模型。FLAC3D內(nèi)置13種不同形狀的網(wǎng)格,包括brick(磚形), cshell(圓柱狀殼網(wǎng)格), cylinder(圓柱狀網(wǎng)格), cylint(圓柱狀交叉網(wǎng)格), dbrick(退化磚形網(wǎng)格), pyramid(錐形網(wǎng)格), radbrick(磚形輻射網(wǎng)格), radcylinder(圓柱狀輻射網(wǎng)格), radtunnel(平行六邊形狀輻射網(wǎng)格), retrahedron(輻射網(wǎng)格), tunin

59、t(磚形交叉網(wǎng)格), uwedge(均勻楔形網(wǎng)格), wedge(楔形網(wǎng)格).p網(wǎng)格形狀1. FLAC3D基本操作方法基本操作方法p brickgen zone brick size 6 8 8plot zone1. FLAC3D基本操作方法基本操作方法p dbrickgen zone dbrick size 6 6 6 p0 0 0 0 p1 6 0 0 p2 0 6 0 p3 0 0 6 p4 6 6 0 p5 0 6 6 p6 6 0 6plot zone1. FLAC3D基本操作方法基本操作方法p wedgegen zone wedge size 6 6 8 p0 0 0 0 p1 6

60、 0 0 p2 0 6 0 p3 0 0 6plot zone1. FLAC3D基本操作方法基本操作方法p uwedgegen zone uwedge size 6 6 6 p0 0 0 0 p1 6 0 0 p2 0 6 0 p3 0 0 6plot zone1. FLAC3D基本操作方法基本操作方法p pyramidgen zone pyramid size 6 6 6 p0 0 0 0 p1 6 0 0 p2 0 6 0 p3 0 0 6 p4 6 6 0plot zone1. FLAC3D基本操作方法基本操作方法p tetrahedrongen zone tetrahedron size 6 6 6 p0 0 0 0 p1 6 0 0 p2 0 6 0 p3 0 0 6 plot zone1. FLAC3D基本操作方法基本操作方法p cylindergen zone cyl s


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