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1、精選Unit 1 4. Fill each of the blanks with an appropriate word. I found a tree frog in my studio some months ago. I took it to my greenhouse   , as I thought it would be a better place for the frog.But it came back and insisted taking the residence   in the studio. Why? I couldnt get an idea

2、. Then, after five months of being together, we seemed to be able to communicate   with each other. It may sound wired   , but I did feel I came to understand what it wanted me to do. The frog came to me probably attracted by the humming   tone of my computer, which sounded like that

3、of other tree frogs, or with a message   to tell me that frogs were dying around the world because of their sensitivity   to the pollution and global climate change. As frogs are an“ indicator   species”, what has happened to them may happen to us, if we sit back and do nothing. We mu

4、st act now, or it would be too late.六、audio聲音的,聽覺的boundary分界線cup (v.)使成杯狀(捧起)decade十年directly直接的focus集中留意力overtake追上,趕上species品種,物種subtle細(xì)致的,微小的tone音色,音質(zhì)1.The essayistslanguage expressesrichand subtle meanings. 散文的語言表達(dá)豐富而微小的含義。2. The stockbrokers were overtaken by the sharp drop in the stock market

5、lastTuesday. 股票經(jīng)紀(jì)人在上周二股票下降的時候投入的股票。3. Biologistshave estimatedthattherearearoundonemillionanimalandplant species livingand growing in the rainforests. 生物學(xué)家估量,有大約一百萬的動物和植物物種生活在熱帶雨林增長。4. In the United States the cost of living has been steadily rising in the past few decades. 在過去的十年美國的生活消費穩(wěn)定的上漲。5. The

6、 quicklygrowing companyhasambitious plans to expand beyondnational boundaries. 快速成長的公司制定了雄心勃勃的擴(kuò)張方案超出國界。6. That computer store is having a sale of audio software; lets go and have a look. 電腦商店正在出售的音頻軟件;讓我們?nèi)タ匆豢窗伞?. To be safe, you may put on your dark glasses to avoid the sun shining directly into you

7、r eyes. 為了平安起見,你可以戴上你的墨鏡避開陽光直射你的眼睛。8. When the kitchen is finished, Im going to focus my attention on the garden shed. 當(dāng)忙完廚房后,我將留意力放在花園。9. In a serious tone of voice, the doctor warned him to keep off sugar. 醫(yī)生用嚴(yán)峻的語氣警告他遠(yuǎn)離糖。10. She cupped  her hands around the mug of hot coffee to warm them. 她雙手

8、呈杯狀捧起熱咖啡來暖和它們。七、Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary. 1. I didnt expect you to be so efficient; at that rate the task will be finished ahead of schedule. 我沒想到你會這么高效,以這樣的速度將提前完成任務(wù)。2. For the sake of safety, you must keepall med

9、icines away from children. 為了平安,你必需讓孩子遠(yuǎn)離全部的藥物。3. When we come to know these new employees better, we will assign more suitable tasks to each of them. 當(dāng)我們能夠更好地了解這些新員工,我們將指派更適合任務(wù)給他們每個人。4. This eveningdress is rather expensivesince it is made by hand.這晚禮服是相當(dāng)昂貴的,由于它是由手工制作。5. In the World Cup,England tri

10、ed to beat its long-termrival Argentina andqualify from the “Group of Death” and vice versa.在世界杯上,英格蘭隊試圖擊敗它的長期競爭對手阿根廷隊從“死亡之組”出線,反之亦然。Unit23. Fill each of the blanks with an appropriate word.It seems the young Albert Einstein was never exactly an ordinary child. When he was given a compass at the age

11、 of five, it ignited his inspiration . Not only was the young Albert passionately curious , he was also remarkably persistent and would not easily give up on a problem. Alberts development was also stimulated by the company of intelligent adults such as an uncle of his who was an engineer and a medi

12、cal student who was a friend of the family. Einstein was inspired to take up mathematics by Euclidean geometry. His true genius lay in his ability to express complex ideas in simple language. By the age of twenty-six Einstein had already produced his most famous work, although he never stopped looki

13、ng for answers.六、Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.apparent明顯的convince 使確信,說服 curiosity古怪心detail細(xì)節(jié)fundamental基礎(chǔ)的patience急躁respond回答spark激起;引起stir攪拌ultimate最終的;最終的1. The theories of relativity have made fundamental changes in our views of the universe. 相對論從根本

14、上轉(zhuǎn)變了我們對宇宙的觀點。2. That is our ultimate proposal, and no other changes will be considered. 這是我們的最終建議,沒人能轉(zhuǎn)變我們的想法。3.The forest ire was found to have been sparked by a cigarette end. 森林大火是由一個煙頭的火花引起的。4. The speaker had apparently noticed that his topic wasnt popular with the audience, so he quickly ended

15、his speech. 演言人明顯留意到他的話題不受觀眾的歡迎,所以他很快就結(jié)束了他的演講。5. Ive no patience with people who are always complaining of their misfortune. 我對總是埋怨自己的不幸的人已經(jīng)沒有急躁。6. I have never imagined that I would be the object of such curiosity . 我從來沒有想到,我會對這個項目有如此的古怪心。7. The doctors tried to convince her that she didnt need to

16、feel depressed about her health. 醫(yī)生試圖說服她,她不需要對她的健康感到懊喪。8. The police asked him to describe the accident in every detail . 警察要求他具體描述事故9. The quality guarantee and good after-sale services will certainly meet with positive responses from the consumers. 質(zhì)量保證和良好的售后服務(wù)肯定會滿足消費者的樂觀回應(yīng)。10. The story of Harry

17、Potter (has) stirred the imagination of children throughout the world. 哈利波特的故事(已經(jīng))激起了全世界兒童的想象力。7、 Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage.Change the form where necessary.1. The scoundrel has fooled a lot of people to believing hes a rich man .這個惡棍騙得很多人信任他是個富人2.

18、Isnt this straw hat beautiful? My wife came upon it on her business trip to chian last year . 這個草帽不秀麗么?我的妻子去年到中國出差偶然發(fā)覺的。3. A group of bystanders was invited to join in the game . 一些旁觀者被邀請去參與競賽。4. Scientists will have to come up with new technologies to improve the worlds food and fuel supplies . 科學(xué)家

19、們將不得不提出新的技術(shù)來提高世界糧食和燃料供應(yīng)。5. The news of the Presidents warlike speech yesterday pushed the stock market to a sharp rise of up to 120 points . 昨天總統(tǒng)的戰(zhàn)前動員演講的新聞推動了股票市場急劇上升到120點。Unit33. Fill each of the blanks with an appropriate word.The example of Proctor and Gambles famous Ivory Soap shows the potentia

20、l that lies in mass marketing and planned advertising  and the importance of recognizable brand  names. Ivory Soap, first produced in 1879, was well promoted  with clever slogans. These slogans, particularly the idea that the soap is so pure that it floats, proved  so successful

21、that they are still popular  today. At the same time, the use of the radio serial for Ivory promotion gave rise to the expression  “soap opera”, which has become a modern global  phenomenon. The development of Proctor and Gamble itself, from a small-scale operation founded by two immi

22、grants  to a multinational empire of today serves as a good example to build brand names.5. Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.Attain達(dá)到,獲得Attractive吸引力Brand商標(biāo)Campaign戰(zhàn)役,活動Import進(jìn)口,輸入Manufacture用機(jī)器制造Market市場,V.在市場上銷售Modest肯定程度上的Precise精確地Sponsor贊助者1. I do

23、nt think that the amount of studying you did in high school would be sufficient for you to attain good marks in university. 我認(rèn)為你在高中學(xué)習(xí)的量不足夠讓你在高校取得好成果。2. Because of the impact of poor sales in other Asian countries, there has been a modest decrease in house sales in China this year. 由于亞洲其他國家銷量不佳的影響,今年

24、中國房屋銷售在肯定程度上有所下降。3. Some young people find computer games so attractive that they can hardly pull themselves away to tend to other matters. 一些年輕人覺得電腦玩耍很有吸引力,他們讓自己傾向于其他事情。4. The victim was able to give a precise description of the drunken driver, which was rather helpful to the police. 受害者能夠精確的描述這個喝醉

25、了的司機(jī),這有助于警察調(diào)查。5.Some non-governmental organizations are planning a public campaign to awaken people to the problem of noise pollution. 一些非政府組織正方案一個公共活動來喚醒人們噪音污染的問題。6. The cost of producing a tube of toothpaste is about 3 yuan, so we will market it at 5.50 yuan to ensure our profits. 生產(chǎn)一管牙膏的成本約為3元,然而

26、我們在市場上出售的價格是5.50元,以確保我們的市場利潤。7.Mike is now the director of a factory which manufactures canned food. 邁克現(xiàn)在是一個罐頭食品廠的主任。8.Plenty of football and basketball clubs are eager to sponsor young athletes if they show great promise. 大量的足球和籃球俱樂部渴望贊助年輕的運動員假如他們呈現(xiàn)宏大的承諾。9.The sweaters are made of wool imported fro

27、m Australia. 從澳大利亞進(jìn)口的毛衣是羊毛做的。10. According to a recent survey, youths are beginning to have a lot of influence on the products and brands their parents choose. 依據(jù)最近的一項調(diào)查顯示,年輕人和他們父母的選擇在產(chǎn)品和商標(biāo)方面有一些轉(zhuǎn)變。6. 1. She wants to drop out of college and become a singer, but her parents frown very much on her inte

28、ntion. 她想退學(xué)成為一名歌手,但她的父母很不贊成她的意向。2. Many great men have risen from poverty; for instance , Lincoln and Edison. 很多偉人從貧困中崛起;例如,林肯和愛迪生。3. The number of families with both parents taking full-time jobs is growing; as a result , children are doing more of the housework. 父母都全職工作的家庭越來越多;因此,孩子們應(yīng)當(dāng)做更多的家務(wù)。4. I

29、can use a computer; but when it comes to hardware, I know almost nothing at all. 我會使用計算機(jī);但在硬件,我?guī)缀跏裁炊疾恢?. It is expected that all the countries under the WTO umbrella should trade on equal terms. 據(jù)估計,在WTO框架下的全部國家都應(yīng)貿(mào)易在公平的條件。Unit43. Fill each of the blanks with an appropriate word.The Italian doctor S

30、everino Antinori has announced plans to offer human cloning facilities in his private fertility clinics. Antinori is already famous for previous controversies such as helping grandmothers to have babies. Yet this time he is not alone in promoting the idea of human cloning. US scientists are working

31、with him on this project, and a religious group the Raelians have also announced their intention to offer the service. Of course, with so many couples desperate for a child yet unable to conceive through traditional IVF treatments, there is no shortage of volunteers. It would probably not work tryin

32、g to prevent cloning, thus some form of regulation is almost inevitable . At the moment, cloning techniques are far from perfect and most attempts to clone animals end up in failure .六、Combat戰(zhàn)斗Controversy爭議Excessive過度的Instinct本能Irrational不合理的Prohibition禁止Reckless魯莽的Regulation管理Stir 使奮起String系列1. A h

33、acker attacked an e-commerce marketplace site. This is the latest in a string of online break-ins in which credit card numbers were stolen. 黑客攻擊了電子商務(wù)市場的網(wǎng)站。這是在一系列的在線破門而入,信用卡號碼被盜的最新。2. The coming of IBMs CEO caused a stir of excitement on the campus. IBM首席執(zhí)行官的到來引起了轟動在校內(nèi)的興奮。3. Browns comments on the pr

34、oject caused unexpected controversy 布朗對這個項目的評論引發(fā)了意想不到的爭議4. To combat poverty in the city, millions of dollars have been spent on training the unemployed workers. 消退貧困的城市,數(shù)百萬美元都用在訓(xùn)練失業(yè)工人。5. You will be overweight if you consume excessive amounts of fat. 假如你消耗脂肪過多,你會超重。6. The effective implementation o

35、f environmental laws and regulations is the responsibility of the local government. 有效執(zhí)行環(huán)保法律法規(guī)是地方政府的責(zé)任。7. Trust your instincts and do what you think is right. 信任你的直覺,做你認(rèn)為是對的。8. After 20 hours of non-stop partying, scores of the bravest or most reckless men will risk their lives in a three-minute das

36、h from six fighting bulls.9. The prohibition on street begging will be in force next month. 禁止街頭乞討將在下個月生效。10. The court gave the heavy sentence, in response not to the facts of the case but to the irrational public fear.6. 1.With no paper qualifications to his name , he failed to get a decent job. 他

37、沒有書面的資格證明,他沒有得到一份風(fēng)光的工作。2. This high dosage of Vitamin C is an excellent way of helping to keep at bay nasty colds and viruses. 這種高劑量的維生素C是保持在海灣的厭煩的感冒和病毒的一個好方法。3. We have exchanged views on everything under the sun.4. Taiwans PC makers were said to have jumped the gun by launching a new series of min

38、i laptops. 臺灣的PC廠商都表示,通過推出一系列新的迷你筆記本電腦已經(jīng)同步。5. Hundreds of fans lined up to get the signature of their favorite singer, but she didnt show up. 數(shù)百名球迷排隊來獲得自己寵愛的歌手的簽名,但她并沒有露面。Unit53. Fill each of the blanks with an appropriate word. This is an amusing short story which illustrates how little people

39、 know about their mother tongue sometimes. The narrator is a woman, a passenger  in a taxi whose driver is a Pakistani man eager  to learn English by asking his passengers about new words. Struggling to explain  the meanings of a proverb and an idiom, she realizes how little she reall

40、y knows about the vocabulary  of her native language and also wonders  what kind of answers other, probably equally ignorant  , native passengers might give. In the end she is left hoping that the driver has a dictionary  and that he will use it to teach himself rather than depen

41、d on the native speakers for explanations  .六、Assume假設(shè),假定Commit犯罪,做錯事Confuse困惑Hint示意Mislead誤導(dǎo)Peculiar驚異的Puzzle迷惑Qualify合格的Retreat退縮Vague模糊的1. Being the son of a professor does not qualify him for the scholarship consideration. 作為一名教授的兒子并不意味著說他有資格獲得獎學(xué)金。2. The police suspect that it was John who

42、(had) committed the murder. 警察懷疑JOHN犯了謀殺罪3. So far, the new manager has given little hint that he wont be any different from the former one. 迄今為止,看不出來新任經(jīng)理和前任有什么不同。4. From all the indications, it is safe to assume that the prices of cars will go down by large margins. 汽車價格有大幅度的下降,這種假定是平安的。5. Some of

43、his instructions are outdated and others are too vague to be understood. 一些指令太模糊而不能被理解。6. The local dialect sounds a little peculiar to the people from the north. 你的方言對那些來自北部的人來講有些驚異。7. The failure of the movie hastened her decision to retreat from the glamorous screen and spend more time with her f

44、amily. 這電影的失敗加速了他的打算從熒幕中退出和他家人在一起。8. The womans headache puzzled the doctor; he couldnt find the cause. 這個女人的頭痛迷惑了醫(yī)生,他沒能找到緣由。9. The state has laws that protect consumers against fraud or misleading sales practices. 這個法律愛護(hù)了這個地方的人免受哄騙和消費者行為的誤導(dǎo)。10. He tried to explain the complicated theory to me, but

45、I got even more confused by the technical terms in his explanation. 他試圖把簡單理論解釋給我聽,但是我被他解釋中的術(shù)語講的更困惑了。6. Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.1. The local governments decision to reduce unemployment benefits enraged the workers

46、who were laid off and they resorted to violent protest. 當(dāng)?shù)卣鳒p事業(yè)救濟(jì)金的打算惹怒了被雇人的暴力抵制。2. Whats the point of racking your/ones brains for months over something that a good teacher could have explained in minutes? 一個好的老師幾分鐘內(nèi)就可以解釋清楚的,在這個事情上而用好幾個月有什么意義呢?3. The boy admires his father and hangs on his every

47、word. 這個男孩很鄙視他的父親,很聽他的話。4. The manager pulled the pencil and pad from his shirt pocket and jotted down every word the customer said. 這個經(jīng)理從他襯衫口袋里拿出一支筆和本子,快速登記了顧客說的每一句話。5. At present, the whole world seems to be at a loss about how to cope with economic globalization. 目前,整個世界對應(yīng)付經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化都不知所措。Unit63. Fill

48、 each of the blanks with an appropriate word.Arriving alone in a new city late at night can be a difficult experience and even more so if it is in a foreign country with a foreign culture . Here the writer, herself a woman, remembers her luck in meeting Nagat, one of the few women taxi drivers in Ca

49、iro. During her stay in the city, Nagat became her driver and guide taking her to visit many of the impressive sights such as mosques, museums and the pyramids . Along the way the writer was deeply impressed by Nagats friendliness, determination, effectiveness and independence .5. Fill the blanks wi

50、th the words given below. Change the form where necessary.Approach方式,方法Core核心Counterpart對方,對手Economy經(jīng)濟(jì)Efficient有效的Exception例外Invite邀請Relief放松Punctually守時的Vague模糊的1. The mayor is scheduled to meet his American counterpart during his 7-day visit to San Francisco. 美國市長的日程表上7天之內(nèi)會見三藩市市長。2. Mr. Wilson is

51、quite satisfied with his new secretary because shes much more efficient than the former one. Mr. Wilson先生對他的新秘書格外滿足,是由于他比之前的那個更為有效率。3. I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination.當(dāng)我聽說我通過考試的時候我格外放松。4. The regulations are so vague that they lead to misinterpretation. 這個規(guī)章制度格外模糊以至于他們誤

52、會。5. Chinese and mathematics have always been the core subjects in primary and secondary schools in China. 語文和數(shù)學(xué)在學(xué)校課程里總是核心課程。6. You are expected to get to the interview punctually or a few minutes early.你在做采訪時應(yīng)當(dāng)早幾分鐘到。7. Getting tired of her partners all-talk-no-action approach , she decided to take

53、the action all by herself. 煩了她的伙伴光說不做,她打算自己做這件事情。8. For the purpose of economy , Mary decided to take lunch box to work every day.為了經(jīng)濟(jì)的目的,Marry打算每天都帶著盒飯去上班。9. You could not be exempted from the punishment because there can be no exception to the rule. 你不能免于被懲處,對于規(guī)定來講是沒有例外的。10. Strife at home would i

54、nvite dangers from abroad. 內(nèi)憂引起外患。6. 1.We hope the special loan from the bank will pull our company through the crisis.我們期望來自銀行的貸款可以掛念我們的公司度過這次危機(jī)。2. It is believed that the car the police found at the parking lot of the airport terminal belongs to the gunman. 據(jù)悉警察找到了這輛車的仆人在機(jī)場停車場。3. He founded the co

55、mpany five years ago and has been managing the business ever since .他五年前成立了這家公司。4. The five candidates will speak in turn to introduce themselves to the voters.這五個候選人輪番向選舉者介紹自己5. At the wedding party, guests milled about with cocktails in hand, talking and laughing.婚宴的派對上,客人拿著雞尾酒轉(zhuǎn)來轉(zhuǎn)去,邊說邊笑。漢譯英:一、Tran

56、slate the following sentences into English.1. 年輕人有時會埋怨無法和父母溝通。(communicate with)Young people sometimes complain of being unable to communicate with their parents.2. 能在中國云南的一個苗家村落住下來始終是瑪麗長期以來的幻想,現(xiàn)在她最終幻想成真了。(to take up residence) It has been Marys long cherished dream to take up residence in a Miao vi

57、llage in Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true.3. 家養(yǎng)的動物習(xí)慣于依靠人,因此很難能在野外活下來。(survive) Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.4. 他突然有種恐驚感,覺得自己會由于經(jīng)濟(jì)不景氣而被公司裁員。(overtake) He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of depression.5. 我估量公交路線上堵車了,由于我都等了30分鐘也沒見一輛車開過去。(figure)I figure that


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  • 4. 未經(jīng)權(quán)益所有人同意不得將文件中的內(nèi)容挪作商業(yè)或盈利用途。
  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


