



1、餐飲服務英語一基本用語1. Good morning (afternoon, evening), sir (madam). 早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。2. How do you do? Glad to meet you. 您好?。ǔ醮我娒妫?很高興見到您。 3. How are you? Fine, Thanks. And you? 您好嗎? 很好,謝謝。您好嗎? 4. Welcome to our hotel (restaurant, shop). 歡迎到我們賓館(餐廳、商店)來。 5. Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel. 愿您在

2、我們賓館過得愉快。 6. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. I hope you are enjoying your stay with us. 希望您在我們賓館過得愉快。(客人剛入店時) 希望您在我們賓館過得愉快。(客人在飯店逗留期間) I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us. 希望您在我們賓館過得愉快。(客人離店時) 7. Have a good time! 祝您過得愉快! 二電話用語: 8. *Hotel, front desk. Can I help you? 9. Sorry, Ive dia

3、led the wrong number.*飯店,前廳。您找誰? 對不起,我撥錯號了。 10. May I speak to your front office manager? 11. Sorry, he is not in at the moment. 能和你們前臺經理說話嗎? 對不起,他現(xiàn)在不在。 12. Would you like to leave a message? 您要留口信嗎? 13. Pardon. I beg your pardon. 對不起,請再說一遍,好嗎? 對不起,請再說一遍,好嗎? 三祝賀語: 14. Congratulations! 15. Happy birt

4、hday! 16. Happy New Year! 祝賀您! 生日快樂! 新年快樂! 17. Merry Christmas! 18. Have a nice holiday! 19. Wish you every success! 圣誕快樂! 假日快樂! 祝您成功! 四答謝和答應語: 20. Thank you (very much). 21. Thank you for your advice (information, help) 謝謝您(非常感謝)。 感謝您的忠告(信息、幫助)。 22. Its very kind of you. 23. You are welcome. Not at

5、 all. Dont mention it. 謝謝,您真客氣。 不用謝。 不用謝。 不用謝。 24. Its my pleasure. (With pleasure.) (My pleasure.) 非常高興為您服務。 25. I am at your service. 26. Thank you for staying in our hotel. 樂意為您效勞。 感謝您在我們酒店下榻。 27. Im sorry. Im sorry. Its my fault. 很抱歉。 很抱歉。那是我的過錯。 28. Sorry to have kept you waiting. 29. Sorry to

6、interrupt you. 對不起,讓您久等了。 對不起,打擾您了。 30. Im sorry about this. I apologize for this. 對此表示抱歉。 我為此道歉。 31. Thats all right. Lets forget it. 沒關系。 算了吧。 五征詢語: 32. May I help you? What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you? 我能幫您什么嗎? 我能為您干點什么? 有什么能為您效勞的嗎? 33. Yes, please. Just a moment, please.

7、 好的。 請稍等一下。 34. May I use your phone? 35. Certainly. Yes, of course. 我能借用您的電話嗎? 當然可以。 當然可以。 六指路用語: 36. Go upstairs/downstairs. 37. Its on the second (third) floor . 上樓/下樓。 在二(三)樓。 38. Where is the washroom (restroom, elevator)? 39. This way ,please. 請問盥洗室(休息室、電梯)在哪兒? 請這邊走 40. Turn left /right. 41. I

8、ts in the lobby near the main entrance. 往左轉/右轉。 在大廳靠近大門。 42. Its in the basement at the end of the corridor. 在地下室走廊盡頭。 七提醒用語: 43. Mind (Watch) your step. 44. Please be careful.請走好。 請當心。 45. Please dont leave anything behind. 46. Dont worry. 47. Take it easy.請別遺忘您的東西。 別擔心。 放心好了。 48. Please dont smoke

9、 here. 請不要在這邊抽煙。 八告別語: 49. Goodbye. See you late. 50. Good night. 51. See you tomorrow. 再見。 待會見。 晚安。 明天見。 52. Goodbye and thank you for coming. 53. Goodbye and hope to see you again. 再見,謝謝您的光臨。 再見,希望再見到您。 54. Have a nice trip! 55. Wish you a pleasant journey! Good luck! 一路平安! 祝您旅途愉快!祝您好運!九征求意見用語: 56

10、. How do you like Chinese food? 57. What do you think of our service?您喜歡中國菜嗎? 您對我們的服務有什么意見?58.Thank you for your comments (compliment, suggestions). 謝謝您給我們提的意見(贊揚、建議)。 59. Im afraid its against the hotels regulations. 60. In our hotel we dont accept tips. 這是違反飯店規(guī)章制度的。 我們飯店是不收小費的。 61. Its our pleasur

11、e to serve our guests well. 62. Thank you all the same. 我們?yōu)槟転榭腿朔蘸枚械礁吲d。 然而,還是要感謝您! 63. Im afraid youll have to pay for the damage. 您必須賠償。 64. Thank you for telling us about it. 65. Ill look into the mater right away. 謝謝您告訴我們 我馬上去處理這件事情。 66. I assure you it wont happen again. 67. Please dont worry,

12、sir (madam). 我保證此類事情不會再發(fā)生。 先生(夫人),請不必擔心。 68. Ill send someone up to your room right away. 我馬上派人到你的房間去。 14. I cant guarantee anything, but Ill try my best. 我不能保證,但我會盡力而為。 69. You may pay in cash or with credit card. 您可以付現(xiàn)金也可以用信用卡。十其它: 1. Have you a reservation? 2. May I know your name and room number

13、? 您有預定嗎? 您能告訴我您的名字與房間號嗎? 3. Here is your room key. 4. Please pay at the cashiers desk over there. 給您房間鑰匙。 請去那邊帳臺付款。 5. Are these your baggage? 6. May I take them for you?這些是您的行李嗎? 我來幫您拿好嗎? 7. What kind of rooms would you like? 8. Here is a brochure of our hotel and tariff.您需要什么樣的房間? 這是介紹我們飯店的小冊子和價目表

14、。9. Sit down, please. Here is the menu. 10. May I take your order, sir?請坐,給您菜單,先生。 您要點菜嗎?11. What would you like to have, coffee or tea?您要喝咖啡還是茶?12. Would you like to have any wine with you dinner? 您用餐時要喝點酒嗎? 13. Service hours are:7:00a.m.to 9:00a.m.for breakfast. 11:30a lunch. (餐廳)供應時間是:早餐7點到9點。 午餐

15、11點半到1點半。 晚餐6點半到8點半。 14. Here is the bill. Please sign it. 這是您的帳單,請簽字。十一.常用的單詞 Wardrobe 衣櫥 Shoes shine 鞋油 Cloth Brush 衣刷 Adjust handler 調節(jié)器 Stirrer 攪拌棒 Ventilator 通風口 Key inser 鑰匙縫 Outlet 電源插座 Closet 壁櫥 Transformer 變壓器 Switch 開關 Adaptor 插座 Ceiling 天花板 Ice bucket 冰桶 Ice holder 冰夾 Message pad 留言本 Sewi

16、ng kit 針線包 Stool 凳子 Blind 百葉窗 Lamp shade 燈罩 Waste bin 垃圾桶 Scissors 剪刀 Balcony 陽臺 Slipper 拖鞋 Shoes horn 鞋拔 Hanger 衣架 Pajama 睡衣 Hair drier 吹風機 Scent, Perfume 香水 Shaver, Razor 剃須刀,剃刀 Cotton Swob 棉花棒 Bath foam 沐浴 Facial tissue 面巾紙 Napkin 餐巾紙 Scale 秤 Blade 刀片 Detergent 洗衣粉 Lotion 潤膚露 Faush 水箱 Plug 橡皮塞 Sp

17、ray 噴頭 Faucet tap 水龍頭 Shower cap 浴帽 Sponge 海綿 Basin 面盆 Nail cut 指甲鉗 Nail trimmer 銼刀 Bulb 燈泡 Toothbrush 牙刷 Toothpaste 牙膏 Sanitary 衛(wèi)生袋 Retractable cloth line 晾衣線 Fragile 易碎品 Iron press 熨燙 Catholic 天主教 (徐匯) Mosque 清真寺 Badminton 羽毛球 Acrobatics 雜技 Tunnel 隧道 Gym, Health club, Fitness Centre 健身房 Fly pass 立

18、交橋 Small dumplin小籠包 Sewer 下水道 Towel rail 毛巾架 Floor towel 腳巾 Body towel 浴巾 Soap dish 皂缸 Bath mat 墊巾 Bath tub 浴缸 Choke 堵住 Monitor 監(jiān)控器 Distilled water 蒸餾水 Mineral water 礦泉水 Tariff 價目表 Christian church 基督教堂 (衡山路) Cathedral 教堂 (大教堂) Correction fluid 修正液 Gymnastics 體操 E D P 電子數(shù)據(jù)處理 E D P = Electronic Data Processing Freeway,expressway,fast way高


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