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1、1 首先,判斷某些生詞有沒有進行精確猜測的必要。例如:We had little food with us, only a few biscuits and some chocolate.此句中,假設biscuits是生詞,那么我們無法準確地說出它的意思是什么,但是我們能夠知道它與chocolate同屬于food這一義域,不再追究它的精確含義也不會影響對基本句意的理解。2 根據(jù)詞性或構詞法作出判斷。例如:He fished out an old book from the bag.此句中的fish一詞可能令人費解。如果分析一下句子成分,就不難看出它是表示一種動作的動詞,加上out的詞義,我們大

2、體上能猜出fish out是“掏出”的意思。再如:Will you honour me with a visit?此句中的honour用作動詞,很容易猜出意為“使增光”,所以整個句子應理解為“可否請您光臨?”3 根據(jù)句子中的同義、反義、同等、同位關系作出判斷。例1 The boy works very hard, and his sister is also diligent.該句中的also使我們知道diligent應與work hard同義。例2 Unlike his brother, who is truly a handsome man, John is quite homely. 該

3、句中unlike是關鍵詞,它說明John與他們的兄弟情況相反。據(jù)此可知handsome與homely是反義詞,從而推斷出homely應為“相貌平平”之意。例3 Not every car, bus, jeep or other kinds of vehicle can be made in the factory. 分析這一句子我們可以知道,“other kinds of vehicle”與car、bus、jeep同作主語,屬并列關系,故vehicle一詞應與car、bus、jeep屬同一義域“地上交通工具”。例4 Pandas, tie bear like animal, live only

4、 in China. 這一句中的pandas與the bear like animal屬同位關系。據(jù)此可知panda是“一種像熊的動物”,根據(jù)句子謂語部分又知它“僅生長在中國”,所以panda,意為“大熊貓”。4 根據(jù)文中對某一生詞的直接或間接解釋來弄清該詞的含義。例如:She had a lesion on her arm that would not stop bleeding一句中l(wèi)esion假定為生詞,我們則可根據(jù)后面修飾它的定語從句所提供的意思“血流不止”來推知lesion為“傷口”之意。5 根據(jù)因果關系猜測詞義一定的原因導致一定的結果,原因和結果之間自有邏輯上的聯(lián)系。因此,原因不清

5、楚可以根據(jù)結果部分來推斷,結果部分語義不明則可根據(jù)原因部分來分析。例如:The noise was so faint that it was impossible to be sure what it was or even where it came from.句中結果部分說“無法確定這是什么聲音,甚至無法確定它來自哪兒”,而faint就是其原因,于是便可推知faint意為“微弱”。6 依靠常識和經(jīng)驗來推測語義。例如:If you want our land to keep fertile, you must try to stop soil from being carried away

6、by water or winds. When soil is taken away by flowing water or blowing winds, we call it soil erosion.這幾句話描述了我們熟知的一種自然現(xiàn)象。所有內容實際上是對soil erosion的解釋。由解釋語義我們便知道了soil erosion就是我們所說的“土壤侵蝕”。7 對有領悟性困難的段落的推測由于某些詞的意思不明,而造成個別段落的意思也模糊不清,這是閱讀中常遇到的。解決這一問題較好的方法是:讀完全文之后對不明白的段落反復閱讀。一般地說,多次閱讀的過程是逐步加深理解的過程。對于一些難懂的句子,如

7、能結合上下文反復推敲,同時聯(lián)系到作者的寫作意圖及全文的中心思想,仍可猜出它的意思。例如下面一段:I enjoyed the football games, but it was such a wet windy day that I caught cold, so Im feeling a little underthe weather now. I think I have to go to bed early.在句中有一個短語a little under the weather可能造成整段意思不清楚,但根據(jù)上下文中的caught cold和have to go to bed early加以

8、推測,得出結論是a little under the weather可能是not well之意。如何做猜測詞義的題目無論是哪一個級別的PETS考試中,常常會遇到些不認識的英語單詞或短語,或單詞在文章中又有了新意義。如果遇上這些詞或短語不影響對文章主要內容的理解,我們便可將它略過,繼續(xù)閱讀。如果了解這些詞語的意思對正確理解文章很重要,這時,我們須根據(jù)上下文聯(lián)系,對它們的意義響對整篇文章的閱讀和理解。需要注意的是,一個單詞通常有好幾個意思,我們要解決的是這些詞在文中所表達的意思。因此,不可脫離上下文,只根據(jù)自己以前了解的詞義來確定其意義。通常,猜測詞義可采用以下幾種方法:一、利用所出現(xiàn)生詞的上下文

9、與其意義上的聯(lián)系或下文進一步的敘述,猜測詞義。例一:The female mosquito is a vampire and lives on blood.如不知道vampire的詞義,從下文lives on blood(靠吸血而生存則可得知其詞義為吸血昆蟲。例二:The old man put on his spectacles and began to read.如不知道spectacles的詞義,從下文戴上spectacles后開始閱讀可以猜得其詞義眼鏡。二、利用文中的舉例猜測詞義例三:Some artists plan their paintings around geometric

10、forms like squares, circles and triangles.如不知道geometric forms的意思,可從文中所列舉的三角形,正方形、圓形來猜得其意義為幾何圖形。例五:Today young couples who are just starting their households often spend lots of their money on appliances for instance, washing machines, refrigerators and color televisions.如不知道appliances的意思,從文中的舉例washi

11、ng-machines(洗衣機,refrigerator(冰箱,televisions(電視機可以猜得該詞的意思為家用電器。三、利用文中說明詞義的同位詞或定語等猜測詞義例五:The invention of snorkel, reaches up to the surface, has made it possible for submarines(潛艇 to use their diesel engine even when they are submerged.句中snorkel一詞的意思,可通過其同位語 reaches up to the surface來猜得。由此,我們可確定該詞義為通

12、氣管。例六:The type of meter is called multimeter, which is used to measure electricity.通過定語從句which is used to measure electricity(用來測量電的,我們可將multimeter的詞義確定為萬用表。例七:They will be on the night shift - from midnight to 6 a. m. - next week.由破折號之間的解釋內容,我們可以了解到night shift意思為夜班。四、利用文章中所出現(xiàn)的、與某生詞或詞組意思相反的內容,猜測詞義例八

13、:American businessmen expect employees to be punctual. They do not expect that the workers will come late.文中be punctual的意思,可理解為not come late,即準時,不遲到。例九:Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy person, who does not like to go to parties, or to make new friends.根據(jù)文中unlike的意思,可將gregarious理解為與文中a shy

14、 person who does not like to go to parties, or to make new friends.相反的意思,即:表示好交際的。五、利用文章中用不同的話對同一概念的解釋,猜測詞義。例十:Should the government regulate the cost of resources such as oil and gas? Some people do not believe that government control is the solution to the problem of the rising cost of fuel.文中regu

15、late的詞義可猜測為與government control的意思相近。例十一:One of the predominant concerns today is the future of our natural resources. This issue is of greatest importance because it is becoming clear to many people that our present resources will not last forever.文中predominant的詞義可猜測為具有與of greatest importance相近的意思。例

16、十二Cleaning up waterways is an enormous task. The job is so large, in fact, that the government may not be able to save some of the rivers and lakes which have been polluted.enormous詞義可猜測為與so large意思相近。六、利用基本的構詞方法,猜測詞義。例十三:They overestimate the interviewees ability and asked him many difficult questi

17、ons.在overestimate詞中over-是前綴,意為過分。因此overestimate的詞義可以猜測為過高估計的意思。例十四:We were told that ours was the most spacious room in the hotel. That was why we had to pay so much for it. Spacious是由詞根space(空間+ious(形容詞后綴構成。由此我們可猜得其大概意思為有空間的,寬敞的。然而,需要指出的是,不要花費太多的時間去試圖猜出所有生詞確切的意思,因為有的生詞只能猜出大概的意思,有的生詞則根本無法猜出其意思。一般來說,

18、碰到一、兩個不會的詞,無關緊要。重要的是,要弄懂整篇文章表達了什么思想。在閱讀理解中要求判斷詞語意義的問題,通常有下列形式:1. According to the author, the word means _ .2. By the author means _ .3. Which of the (closest in meaning to ?4. The word in the passage means _ .5. is _ .6. The word most likely means _ .定義法,即通過文章中對生詞的定義確定其詞義,如:Annealing is a way of ma

19、king metal softer by heating it and then letting it cool very slowly.句子給予annealing 以明確的定義,即"退火"。再如:It will be very hard but also very brittle-that is, it will break easily.從后面的解釋中我們可以了解到brittle 是"脆的、容易折斷的"意思。又如: The herdsman,who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year.定語從句

20、中l(wèi)ooks after sheep表明了herdsman 的詞義為"牧羊人"。同位法,即通過句子中的同位成分如同位語、同位語從句、破折號后的詞組或語句來確定詞義, 如: They traveled a long way, at last got to a castle, a large building in old times.同位語部分a large building in old times 給出了castle 的確切詞義,即"城堡"。We are on the night shift-from midnight to 8 a.m.-this w

21、eek.兩個破折號之間的短語很清楚地表明night shift 是"夜班"的意思。對比法,即通過同義、反義或轉折詞的關系來確定詞義, 如:She is usually prompt for all her class, but today she arrived in the middle of her first class.but一詞表轉折,因此but 前后的意思正相反。后半句的意思是她今天"第一節(jié)上了一半才來",因此反向推理,可得出她平時一向"準時"的結論。構詞法(前綴、后綴、復合、派生等,即運用詞根、詞綴的意義判斷詞義,如:P

22、erhaps, we can see some possibilities for next fifty years. But the next hundred?possibility 是possible 的同根名詞,據(jù)此可以判斷定possibility 意思是"可能性"。因果法,即運用因果關系和因果詞如so, because, therefore, hence等來判斷詞義,如:The lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken. Sometimes the weakness was permanent. So the pla

23、yer could never play the sport again.從后面的結果"永遠不能再運動"中,可以推測permanent 的意思為"永遠的,永久的"??佳杏⒄Z真題研究之閱讀理解常見錯誤選項特征閱讀理解常見錯誤選項特征(一與原文沖突選項與原文表述內容不一致,是錯誤選項最常見的錯誤方式,但是若是把原文做最細微的改動,許多同學就很難發(fā)現(xiàn),而這些細微的改動主要就是一些核心動詞和形容詞,希望大家引起重視。00年#1(A(Ait had made painstaking efforts towards this goal.與文章首句 A history

24、 of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap ,but , if properly handled, it may become a driving force.相反。06年#39(C(Cmisery should be enjoyed rather than denied.原文最后一段提到:Today , surrounded by promises of easy happiness, we need art to tell us , as religion once did, Memento mori: rememb

25、er that you will die, that everything ends, and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it.顯然兩處陰影處是沖突的。07年#24(C(Cthe role of talent tends to be overlooked.與原文最后一段:Their work makes a rather startling assertion : the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. 沖突。(二包含無關內容原文是

26、我們做出正確答案的唯一依據(jù),正確選項的設置方式也常表現(xiàn)為將原文同義改寫。錯誤選項也正是利用了這個特征,在改寫的同時,添加了一些原文并未出現(xiàn)的內容,使得選項具備強干擾性。00年#1(D(Dthe unparalleled size of its workforce had given an impetus to its economy 00年#2(C(Cmachine-tool industry had collapsed after suicidal actions.00年#3(C(CThe revival of the economy depends on international coo

27、peration.02年#48(B(Binteract with human beings verbally.上述選項標注部分都是添加了原文當中沒有出現(xiàn)過的內容,而且也不是原文相應內容的統(tǒng)一改寫。(三答非所問+照抄原文這類錯誤選項是考生常見,也是常犯錯誤的設置方式。具體表現(xiàn)為將原文當中出現(xiàn)的原話,但是不能回答題干的內容設置出來以迷惑考生。對于那些僵化的理解“正確選項為原文的同意改寫”的同學,極具殺傷力!02年#48(A(A fulfill delicate tasks like performing brain surgery.原文第二段最后一句話為:.there are already ro

28、bot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bo ne surgery with submillimeter accuracy. 盡管此選項與原文內容一致,但并不能回答題目所提出的問題(According to the text ,what is beyond mans ability now is to design a robot that can_問題是想問一個超出機器人能力范圍的內容。,所以仍舊為錯誤選項。03年#41(A(C(A receive support from fans like Donovan(C restor

29、ed many common pastimes這兩個選項雖然也是原文第一段提到過的原話,但是并不是題目所提問的目的,在之前的篇章講過,所有的題目,話題都要和主題相關都是為主題服務的。這篇文章的主題為“網(wǎng)路間諜”。因此,正確選項一定要選和主題相關的“(Bremolded the intelligence services”03年#56(B(B Americas enjoy a higher life quality than ever before.此選項也是文章第一段原話“Suc h advances offer the aging population a quality of life t

30、hat was unimaginable when I entered medicine 50 years ago.”的改寫。但是還是之前講過的邏輯思路,所有的題目都要為主題服務,不能就著原話本身的含義來選。本文主題是對美國的醫(yī)療過度投資的負評價,因此全文第一句話的目的一定是為此主題服務的,因此(CAmericans are over-confident of their medical technology. 是必然正確的,因為over-confident 是明顯的負評價詞。06年#24 (A(C(A To prove their popularity around the world.(C

31、 To give examples of successful immigrants.這兩個選項盡管都屬于文章所傳遞的信息,但是并不能回答提名的問題,題目是典型的舉例證明題(why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph2?,題目就是要我們選一個能夠說明主題的選項,即,同化文化的成功影響力!因此選擇(B (四錯誤比較經(jīng)過對于真題的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),比較級的內容在文章當中出現(xiàn),經(jīng)常作為考點,而到了選項當中出現(xiàn),卻常作為強干擾選項,主要表現(xiàn)為:添加了原文沒有的比較內容;與原文比較的內容或方向不一致。因此在選擇當中的

32、比較級,大家要特別關注。00年#1(B(B its domestic market was eight times lager than before.原文:When United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War, it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.兩處比較級顯然不一致。01年#55(

33、A(A getting worse because of the Internet.文章當中無此比較內容。05年#30(D(D both of them have turned form bad to worse. 文章當中沒有此比較級。06年#32(D(Dthe number of large predators dropped faster in new fisheries than in the old. 原文:第二段最后兩句:According to their latest paper published in Nature , the biomass of large predat

34、ors. In a new fishery is reduced on average by 80% within 15 years of the start of exploitation. In some long-fished areas , it has halved again since then.這兩句話只是比較了下降數(shù)量多少,而不是如(D中所表述的“快慢”06年#36(A(Apoetry is not as expressive of joy as painting or music.原文當中無此比較。(五修飾詞程度不匹配為何有些錯誤選項歷年的考生都會去選擇?表明這種選項一定是

35、強干擾項,如何設計一個強干擾項?就是讓它離正確選項最近,改動最小!因此,最常見的方式就是在中心詞前面的修飾詞做文章,請廣大學員一定注意此類選項,具體設置方式通常為:“名詞前的動詞;動詞,形容詞前的副詞程度與原文不一致”01年#56(C(C can soon wipe out world poverty (原文當中沒有此修飾詞02年#56(C(Cthe Supreme Court strongly opposes physician-assisted suicide (原文當中沒有此修飾詞03年#53(B(Bthere will soon be only one railroad company

36、 nationwide (原文當中沒有此修飾詞08年#37(A(ADNA technology has been widely applied to history research. (原文當中沒有此修飾詞(六移花接木所謂“移花接木”即是把文章出現(xiàn)的兩處沒有任何關系的內容連接到一起,形成一個看上去很像原文內容的選項,這種選項錯誤很隱蔽,尤其是對于那些本身就靠“朦朧法”做題的考生來說,是很具有干擾性的。01年#65(B(B WorldCom serves as a good example of both benefits and costs.文章當中有兩處提到上述內容,但是并不是一句話內,而

37、是分開的不同內容提到的。第一處第四段首句 Examples of be benefits or costs of the current concentration wave are scanty. 第二處為該段 The mergers of telecom companies,such as WorldCom, hardly seem to bring higher prices for consumers or a reduction in the pace of technical progress. 這兩句話沒有任何的關系,選擇僅僅是把兩句話提到的內容安排到了一起。05年#25(D(D

38、Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild.原文第四段為:In the wild, they are a cooperative, group-living species. such cooperation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is not being cheated.選項顯然是將兩處內容連接到了一起的。01年#55(D(Dconsider positive today.原文第一段最后為: What was less visible

39、then, however, were the new , positive forces that work against the digital divide.也就是答案將原文當中沒有出現(xiàn)在一起的, Digital divide ;positive forces 連在一起了。(七非直接等價所謂非直接等價就是將并不是因果關系的兩個原文出現(xiàn)的內容連接到了一起,造成都是原文內容的假象,但原文當中并沒有類似因果關系。05年#33(B(Bdevelop into happy dreams.原文當中是第三段有類似表述:Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negati


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