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1、英語完形填空練習題含答案及解析(1)一、高中英語完形填空1 .閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。Its not easy for me to forget the guy, whom I call Bean. For the past year and a half, I 1 Bean almost every workday morning. In the beginning I 2 Bean. After all, hes just a beggar on the freeway off-ramp ( 匝道)who 3 people

2、 at a stoplight that seems to always be red.Over time a few things dawned on me. The first was that it was always the 4 guy at this off-ramp. The next was that he never actually 5 anything. He just danced and waved at everyone. Then 6, and perhaps the most important, was that he was ALWAYS 7.Some da

3、ys he was dancing and playing a guitar. Most days hed wave a cardboard at cars, smiling.Bean slowly became part of my 8 routine( 常規(guī)).I noticed this one day, only because he wasnt there and 9 danced and waved at me. I 10 him. I worried something had happened to him. I 11 to look for him every morning

4、 as I came down the ramp to that red light.One morning, after one of these 12, I was so relieved to see him that it was like the sunhad come out after a week-long storm. I sat at the red light, watching his morning 13 .I realized that I, too, was smiling and 14 myself waving back. Wow, something as

5、15 as a wave brought 16 to my whole day. I finished the drive to work that morning, feeling lighter and happier.I 17 you now. Look around you. Look at your life, your surroundings, and 18 just your grocery store with eyes that truly see. What 19 lies in front of you. Do you have a Bean in your life

6、you havent noticed yet? Watch for them. They will 20 your life in ways you cant even dream.1. A. joinedB. knewC. contactedD. saw2. A. inspectedB. ignoredC. avoidedD. supported3. A. stopsB. bitesC. trapsD. greets4. A. sameB. poorC. meanD. special5. A. gave awayB. held upC. picked upD. asked for6. A.

7、reallyB. presentlyC. finallyD. frequently7. A. happyB. helpfulC. carefulD. painful8. A. walkingB. morningC. workingD. testing9. A. somebodyB. everybody C. anybodyD. nobody10. A. missedB. affectedC. searchedD. dreamed11. A. continuedB. thoughtC. startedD. stopped12. A. preparationsB. absencesC. signa

8、lsD. failures13. A. movingB. workingC. exercisingD. dancing14. A. keptB. suggested C. foundD. imagined15. A. smallB. strangeC. obviousD. common17. A. remind18. A. evenB. challenge C. broadcast D. acceptB. stillC. everD. nearly19. A. mottoB. secretC. magic D. beauty20. A. changeB. enrichC. protect D.

9、 touch【答案】 ( 1)D;( 2 ) B;(3) C;( 4) A;(5 ) D;( 6 ) C;(7) A;( 8 ) B;( 9 )D;(10 ) A;(11)C;(12)B;(13) D;(14)C;(15) A;(16)D;(17) A;16. A. victoriesB. successes C. devotions D. blessings( 18 ) A;(19 ) C;(20) D;【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇記敘文,一個快樂的乞丐Bean。 Bean 從不直接要東西,而是一個常以跳舞的形式向人打招呼來乞討的乞丐。有幾天Bea 不見了,這讓作者很擔心。一周之后, Bea

10、n 終于出現,作者又可看見他的晨舞,心情非常高興。作者由此可悟出了生活中有很多的這種人,他們對于我們的生活有很大的影響。( 1)考查動詞。句意:在過去的一年半里,我?guī)缀趺總€工作日的早晨都能看到Bean 。 A.joined 加入“ ”; B. knew 知道“ ”; C. contacted 聯系 “ ”; D. saw “看到 ”。根據下文可知 Bean 是作 者幾乎每個工作日的早上都能看到的,故選 D。( 2)考查動詞。句意:一開始我忽略了比恩。A. inspected 檢查“ ” ; B. ignored 忽略“ ” ; C.avoided 避免“;D. supported 支持”。根據

11、下文 “After all, hes just a beggar 畢竟,他只是高 速公路出口匝道上的一個乞丐,可知,作者起初是忽略他的。故選B。( 3 )考查動詞。句意:畢竟,他只是高速公路出口匝道上的紅綠燈處纏著人們(乞討)的一個乞丐。 A. stops 停止“ ”; B. bites 咬“” ; C. traps 絆住,纏住“”; D. greets 歡迎“ ”。由設空處前的a beggar和常識可知,作者起初對乞討者的看法就是纏著他人來乞討的,故選C。( 4 )考查形容詞。句意:隨著時間的推移,我逐漸明白了一些事情。第一個是在這個出口匝道上總是同一個人。A. same相同的;B. poo

12、r 貧窮的;C. mean小氣的;D.special “特殊的 ” 。根據上文“ For the past year and a half, I _1_Bean almost every workdaymorning ”可知, Bean 每天出現在這個地方,所以此處是說總是同一個人。故選 A 。( 5 )考查動詞短語。句意:第二件事是他從來沒有真正向別人要求過什么。他只是跳舞,向大家揮手。 A. gave away 泄露、捐贈“;B. held up支撐、阻礙;C. picked up拾 起”; D. asked for 索要“ ”。根據常識,乞丐都要要索要東西的。根據下文“He just d

13、anced andwaved at everyone. 可知,此處是指他不像其他的乞丐要東西,故選 ”D。( 6)考查副詞。句意:最后,也許是最重要的, 。 A. really 真正地“ ” ; B. presently 目前,現在 ” ; C. finally 最后“ ”; D. frequently 經常地“ ”。按照一般思維,最重要的往往最后提到,符合語境。故選C。( 7)考查形容詞。句意:最后,也許最重要的是,他總是很快樂。A. happy “快樂的 ” ; B.helpful 有幫助的“ ” ; C. careful 小心的“ ” ; D. painful 痛苦的“ ” 。根據上文的

14、“ dancing,playing,smiling ,可知他是很快樂的,故選” A。( 8)考查名詞。句意:Bean 慢慢地成了我早晨日常的一部分。 A. walking “散步 ” ; B.morning “早晨 ”; C. working 工作“ ”; D. testing 測試“ ” 。根據上文“ I _1_Beanalmost everyworkday morning. 可知是每個工作日早晨的一部分。故選 ”B。( 9 )考查代詞。句意:有一天我注意到:因為他不在,沒有人向我跳舞和揮手。 A. somebody “某人 ” ; B. everybody 每個人“ ”; C. anybo

15、dy “任何人 ”; D. nobody “沒有人 ”。根據“he wasnt there可知,”他沒有在那個匝道,所以沒有人跳舞向作者打招呼了,故選D。( 10)考查動詞。 句意:我想念他。 A. missed “想念 ” ; B. affected 影響“ ” ; C. searched 搜“ 索” ; D. dreamed “夢想 ” 。根據下文中的 “l(fā)ook for him every morning 每天早晨都在找他,可 ” 知,作者想念他。故選 A。( 11)考查動詞。句意:每天早上我從下坡道上一直到紅燈前就開始找。 A. continued 繼“ 續(xù)” ; B. thought

16、 “思考 ”; C. started 開始“ ”; D. stopped “停下來 ”。根據下文中的 “l(fā)ookfor him every morning as I came down the ramp to that red ligh和上句中的 worried 可知, 作者從下 坡開始一直到紅燈前一直在尋找他。故選 C。( 12)考查名詞。句意:在消失了一周之后。一天早上,我看到他,這讓我如釋重負。 A. preparations 準備 “ ” ; B. absences 缺席“ ” ; C. signals 信號“ ” ; D. failures 失敗,故障 “” 。根據下文 “ like

17、 the sun had come out after a week -long storm ”就像經歷了一周的暴風雨之后太陽出來了,可知,這一周作者都沒有看到他在那里,即他缺席,故選B。( 13 )考查動詞。句意:我坐在紅燈前,看著他早晨的舞蹈。 A. moving “移動 ” ; B. working “工作 ” ; C. exercising 練習“ ” ; D. dancing 舞蹈“ ” 。根據上文“ hewas dancing andplaying the guitar 可知,作者又看到他在早上跳舞了,故選 ”D。( 14 )考查動詞。句意:我意識到,我也在微笑和跳舞,我發(fā)現自己也

18、在不停地向他揮手。 A. kept 保持“ ” ; B. suggested 建議“ ” ; C. found “發(fā)現 ” ; D. imagined 想象“ ”。根據本句中的was smiling myself waving back可知;作者發(fā)現自己在回應Bean。故選 C。( 15 )考查形容詞。句意:像揮手打招呼這樣的樣小事會給我?guī)砹艘徽斓母夂涂鞓?。A. small小的;B. strange奇怪的;C. obvious顯然的;D. common常見的。根據常 識可知,揮手打招呼是件小事。故選 A。( 16 )考查名詞。句意:像揮手打招呼這樣的小事給我?guī)砹艘徽斓母狻?A. v

19、ictories 勝利”;B. successes 成功;C. devotions 奉獻”;D. blessings 祝福;福氣”。根據下 文中的 “ feelinglighter and happier ” 可知,作者感覺到更加輕松和快樂,認為打招呼帶來了一整天的福氣。故選D。( 17)考查動詞。句意:我現在提醒你。 A. remind “提醒 ”; B. challenge 挑戰(zhàn)“ ” ; C. broadcast 廣播“ ”; D. accept 接受“ ” 。根據下文中的 “ Look around you. Look at your life, your surroundings可知

20、,作者在提醒讀者要關注一下身邊的人和事物。故選 A。( 18)考查副詞。句意:看看你的生活,你周圍的環(huán)境,甚至你的雜貨店,你的眼睛都能看到 。 A. even “甚至 ”; B. still 仍舊“ ” ; C. ever “曾經 ”; D. nearly “將近 ”。根據下文“justyour grocery store 和上文 ” “ your life, your surroundings 可知,作者提醒讀者去觀察生活中的 ” 人和事物,甚至是雜貨店??蘸蟮膬热菖c空前的應是遞進關系。故選 A。( 19)考查名詞。句意:你面前有很多神奇的事物。 A. motto 座右銘“ ” ; B. s

21、ecret 秘密 “ ” ; C. magic “魅力,神奇,魔法,神奇” ; D. beauty 美麗“ ” 。根據下文可知, Bean 給作者的生活帶來積極影響??芍?,生活中很多你未知的東西,有很多神奇的事物,故選C。( 20 )考查動詞。句意:注意他們。他們會以你做夢都想不到的方式影響你的生活。A.change “改變 ” ; B. enrich 豐富“ ” ; C. protect 保護“ ” ; D. touch “打動,觸動”。根據下文“ youcant even dream 以及 ” Bean 給作者的生活帶來的快樂可知,有些你沒有注意到的人和事會用你想不到的方式來觸動你即影響你

22、的生活。故選 D?!军c評】本題考點涉及動詞,名詞,形容詞,副詞,代詞,固定短語等多個知識點的考 查,是一篇故事類閱讀,要求考生在理解細節(jié)信息的基礎上,進一步根據上下文的邏輯關 系,進行分析推理,從而選出正確答案。2.閱讀下面的短文,從短文后各題所給的A、R C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。Owura Kwadwo Hottish teaches computers in the school he works in. I think it is a 1 school except for the fact that the school didnt have 2.Owura b

23、ecame famous after he posted photos of him on the Internet. In the picture, people could see he was teaching his students by 3 an entire computer on the blackboard. The photos showed the 4 level of education for children in Ghana. People were5 that Owura made sure each button (按鈕)was drawn correctly

24、.Owura wanted the students to 6 what life with a computer could be like someday. He would come to school half an hour ahead of the 7 every day. He drew the computer on the blackboard, but at the end of his class, it was 8 off to start the next class, so he had to 9 it the next day!Owuras efforts wer

25、e 10 when Microsoft ( 微軟公司)took 11 of his act. They first took him to an international educators meeting in Singapore. He made a 12 about his teaching methods at the meeting. He 13 a standing ovation ( 致敬)after the speech.14, Owura got the thing he always wanted for his students some companies 15 co

26、mputers to the school. Not a single child in the 16 had seen a real computer intheir lives. Thanks to their teachers 17, the world took notice and responded with18 to them.Your work has really made us feel 19 about the world. At Microsoft, we believe that educators are heroes. They 20 influence the

27、lifelong skills of their students. saidAnthony Salcito, Vice president at Microsoft.1.A. finalB. dustyC.normalD. personal2.A. computersB. playgroundsC.classrooms D. managers3.A. operatingB. drawingC. describingD. repairing4.A. clearB. highC.ancientD. poor5.A. worriedB. disappointedC.afraidD. amazed6

28、.A. startB. imagineC.rebuildD. harm7.A. lineB. cultureC.scheduleD. judge8.A. shownB. calledC.cutD. rubbed9.A. improvedB. repeatedC.ruinedD. calculated10. A. rewardedB. selectedC. forgottenD. affected111. A. careB. noticeC. placeD. charge12. A. planB. medalC.decisionD.speech13. A. receivedB. replaced

29、C.decreasedD. contained14.A. Suddenly B. HopelesslyC. ImportantlyD. Strangely15.A.gaveB. soldC. lentD. applied16.A.companyB. nationC. dynastyD. school17.A.effortsB. painsC. humorD. doubt18.A.wisdomB. honestyC. kindnessD. pride19.A.secureB. confidentC. helplessD. foolish20. A. quicklyB. brieflyC. dir

30、ectlyD. rarely【答案】(1) C; (2)A; (3) B; (4)D;(5) D; (6) B; (7) C; (8)D;(9)B; (10) A; ( 11) B;(12) D; ( 13)A;( 14) C; ( 15) A; (16) D;( 17)A;(18) C; (19) B; (20) C;【解析】【分析】本文是一篇記敘文,加納一個貧困學校的學生從沒有見過真正的電腦, 教師Owura就在黑板上畫電腦。他的行為引起了微軟公司的注意,很多公司給學生贈送電 腦。他所付出的努力讓人們對教育者有了信心。( 1)考查形容詞。句意:我認為這是一所正規(guī)的學校,除了學校沒有電腦外。

31、A. final最“后的;B. dusty有灰塵的;C. normal正常的,正規(guī)的,規(guī)范的 ;D. personal個人的”。 Owura任教的學校除了沒有電腦外,其他白都和別的學校一樣。故選Co( 2)考查名詞。句意:我認為這是一所正規(guī)的學校,除了學校沒有電腦外。A. computers 電月百;B. playgrounds 操場“;C. classrooms 教室”;D. managers 經理”。根據下 文 “Not a single child in the 16 had seen a real computer in their lives 可知,“沒有一個 學生見過真正的電腦,學

32、校沒有電腦。故選Ao( 3)考查動詞。句意:在這幅畫中,人們可以看到他在黑板上畫一整臺電腦來教他的學生。A. operating 操彳乍”;B. drawing 畫“;C. describing 描述”;D. repairing 修理”。根據下文“Hedrew the computer on the blackboard可知,他在黑板上畫電腦,讓學生知道電腦是什 么樣子的。故選Bo( 4)考查形容詞。句意:照片顯示加納兒童的教育條件很差。A. clear清晰的”;B.high高的;C. ancient古彳弋的;D. poor差的,貧窮的學校沒有電腦,應該教學條件很 差。故選D。( 5)考查形容

33、詞。句意:令人們驚訝的是,Owura確保電腦的每個按鈕都畫得很準確。A.worried 擔心的;B. disappointed 失望的;C. afraid 害柏的;D. amazed 吃驚的,驚訝 的。Owura將電腦的每一個按鈕都準確無誤地畫出來,是很讓人驚訝。故選 Do( 6)考查動詞。句意: Owura想讓學生們想象有一天有電腦的生活會是什么樣子。A.start開始”;B. imagine想象;C. rebuild重建”;D. harm飭害”。現在沒有電腦,學生只能通過黑板上畫的電腦想象。故選Bo( 7)考查名詞。句意:他每天都會提前半小時來學校.。A. line線B. culture文

34、化”;C.schedule日程,安排;D. judge判斷,評委。ahead of schedule固定短語, 提前”。故選 Co( 8)考查動詞。句意:但在他的課結束時,它被擦掉了,以開始下一堂課。A. shown顯示”;B. called稱為;C. cut切斷”;D. rubbed擦掉”。根據生活常識,因為要上下一堂 課,所以黑板上畫的電腦要被擦掉。故選 Do( 9 )考查動詞。句意:所以他不得不在第二天再畫!A. improved “提高,改善” ; B.repeated 重復“ ”; C. ruined 毀掉“ ”; D. calculated 計算 “”。第二天上課又要重新畫。故選B

35、。( 10 )考查動詞。句意:當微軟公司注意到他的行為時,Owura 的努力得到了回報。 A.rewarded 酬謝“,回報” ; B. selected 挑選“ ” ; C. forgotten 忘記“ ” ; D. affected 影響“ ” 。根據下文 “ Owura got the thing he always wanted for his students some companies gave computers to the school , ”有些公司給他的學校贈送電腦。他的努力沒有白費。故選A。( 11)考查名詞。句意:當微軟公司注意到他的行為時, Owura 的努力得到

36、了回報。 A. care “關心 ” ; B. no tice 注意“ ” ; C. place 地點“ ” ; D. charge 負責“ ” 。 take notice of 固定短語,“注意 ” ,故選B。( 12 )考查名詞。句意:他在會上作了關于他的教學方法的演講。 A. plan “計劃 ” ; B. medal “獎章 ” ; C. decision 決定“ ”; D. speech “演講 ”。根據下文中 “ afterthe speech ”可知,是“作演講 ” 。故選 D。( 13)考查動詞。句意:他演講結束后,大家起立鼓掌。A. received 收到 “ ” ; B.

37、replaced 取代,代替 ”; C. decreased “減少 ” ; D. contained 包含“ ”。演講結束后,聽眾起立鼓掌表示對他的敬意。故選 A。( 14 ) 考 查 副 詞 。 句 意 : 重 要 的 是 , Owura 得 到 了 他 一 直 想 為 學 生 要 的 東 西 。 A. Suddenly 突然“ ” ; B. Hopelessly 毫無希望地“” ; C. Importantly 重要地“” ; D.Strangely 奇怪“地” 。他個人得到了大家的贊許,為學生做點什么才是最重要的。故選C。( 15)考查動詞。句意:一些公司給學校捐贈了電腦。 A. ga

38、ve “給 ” ; B. sold “賣 ”; C. lent 借“” ; D. applied 申請“ ” 。根據常理,應該是捐贈電腦給學校。故選A。( 16 )考查名詞。句意:學校里沒有一個孩子在他們的生活中看到過真正的電腦。 A. company “公司 ” ; B. nation 民族“ ”; C. dynasty 朝代“ ” ; D. school 學?!?”。根據上下文,應該是 學校里的孩子。故選 D。( 17)考查名詞。句意:多虧了他們老師的努力。A. efforts 努力“ ” ; B. pains 辛苦“ ” ; C.humor “幽默 ”; D. doubt 懷疑“ ”。為

39、了學生, Owura 做出了很多努力。故選 A。( 18 )考查名詞。句意:全世界都注意到了他們,并對他們做出了善意的回應。 A. wisdom “智慧 ” ; B. honesty 誠實“ ” ; C. kindness 善良 “ ” ; D. pride 驕傲“ ”。全世界都友好地幫助 他們。故選 C。( 19 )考查形容詞。句意: “你的工作確實讓我們對世界充滿了信心” 。 A. secure 安全“的” ; B. confident 有信心的“ ” ; C. helpless 無助的“ ”; D. foolish 愚蠢的“ ”。 Owura 為學生的教 育所付出的努力,讓人們對世界有了

40、信心。故選B。( 20 )考查副詞。句意:他們直接影響著學生的終身技能。 A. quickly 很快地“ ” ; B. briefly 簡短地“ ” ; C. directly 直接地 “ ” ; D. rarely 稀少地,罕見地 “”。教育者對學生的影響應該是直接的。故選C。【點評】本題考點涉及動詞,名詞,形容詞,副詞,固定短語等多個知識點的考查,是一篇故事類閱讀,要求考生在理解細節(jié)信息的基礎上,進一步根據上下文的邏輯關系,進行分析推理,從而選出正確答案。3 閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的A、 B、 C、 D 四個選項中,選出最佳選項。Another persons enthusiasm wa

41、s what set me moving toward the success I have achieved. That person was my stepmother.I was nine years old when she entered our home in rural Virginia. My father 1 me to her with these words: I would like you to meet the fellow who is 2 for being the worst boy in this county and will probably start

42、 throwing rocks at you no 3 than tomorrow morning.My stepmother walked over to me, 4 my head slightly upward, and looked me right in the eye. Then she looked at my father and replied, You are 5 .This is not the worst boy at all, 6 the smartest one who hasnt yet found an outlet( 釋放的途徑 )for his enthus

43、iasm.That statement began a(n) 7 between us. No one had ever called me smart, My family and neighbors had built me up in my 8 as a bad boy. My stepmother changed all that.She changed many things. She 9 my father to go to a dental school, from which he graduated with honors. She moved our family into

44、 the county seat, where my fathers career could be more 10 and my brother and I could be better 11.When I turned fourteen, she bought me a secondhand12 and told me that shebelieved that I could become a writer. I knew her enthusiasm, I 13 it, and I saw how it had already improved our lives. I accept

45、ed her 14 and began to write for localnewspapers. I was doing the same kind of 15 that great day I went to interview Andrew Carnegie and received the task which became my lifes work later. I wasnt the 16 beneficiary (受益者).My father became the 17 man in town. My brother andstepbrothers became a physi

46、cian, a dentist, a lawyer, and a college president.What power18has! When that power is released to support the certainty of onespurpose and is19strengthened by faith, it becomes an irresistible( 不可抗拒的 )forcewhich poverty and temporary defeat can never 20.You can communicate that power to anyone who

47、needs it. This is probably the greatest work you can do with your enthusiasm.1. A. rushedB. introducedC. carriedD. sent2. A. distinguishedB. favoredC. mistakenD. rewarded3. A.soonerB. earlierC. longerD. later4. A. draggedB.shookC. raisedD. bent5. A. perfectB. rightC. wrongD. impolite6. A. butB. soC.

48、 andD. or7. A. agreementB. friendshipC. gapD. relationship8. A. opinionB. imageC. expectationD. mind9. A. beggedB. persuadedC. orderedD. invited10. A. successfulB. meaningfulC. helpfulD. useful11. A. treatedB. entertainedC. educatedD. respected12. A. cameraB. radioC. bicycleD. typewriter13. A. consi

49、deredB. suspectedC. ignoredD. appreciated14. A. beliefB. requestC. criticismD. description15. A. teaching16. A. nextB. studyingB. sameC. writingC. onlyD. readingD. real17. A. cleverestB. strongestC. wealthiestD. healthiest18. A. enthusiasmB. sympathyC. fortuneD. confidence19. A. deliberatelyB. happi

50、lyC. traditionallyD. constantly20. A. matchB. winC. reachD. doubt【答案】 ( 1) B;( 2 ) A;(3) D;(4)C;( 5 ) C;(6) A;( 7) B;( 8 ) D;( 9 )B;(10) A;(11 ) C;(12) D;(13) D;(14) A;(15) B;(16) C;(17) C;( 18 ) A;(19) D;( 20 ) A ;【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇記敘文,一個繼母對作者的肯定,從而激發(fā)了孩子心中的對成功的渴望,繼母心中的熱情,終于促使作者成功了。( 1 )考查動詞。 A. rushed

51、“沖 ” ; B. introduced 介紹“ ” ; C. carried 運送“ ” ; D. sent “送,派 遣”。根據下文“I would like you to meet the fellow , ”可知這里指爸爸把我介紹給了繼母。故選B。( 2)考查形容詞。A. distinguished 著名的 “ ” ; B. favored 支持的,有利的“” ; C. mistaken 錯“誤的 ”; D. rewarded “受到獎勵的 ”。根據上文的 “for being the worst boy 可知,作者因為是最 ”壞的孩子而著名。故選A。( 3)考查副詞。A. soone

52、r “很快 ” ; B. earlier 更早“ ” ; C. longer 更長“ ”; D. later 后來,遲“于”。這里指作者不遲于明天早上就會向繼母扔石頭。 no later than 不遲于“ ”,故選 D。( 4)考查動詞。A. dragged 拖拉“ ”; B. shook “震動,搖晃” ; C. raised 舉起,提高,籌集, “飼養(yǎng) ”; D. bent 彎腰“ ”。根據后面的單詞 upward ,可知繼母輕輕的抬起我的頭。故選 C。( 5) 考 查 形容 詞 。 A. perfect 完“美 的 ” ; B. right 正“確 的 ” ; C. wrong “錯誤

53、 的 ”; D. impolite 不禮貌的“ ”。根據下文的 “ This is not the worst boy at all, 可知是反駁爸爸的話,你”錯了。故選C。( 6)考查連詞。A. but “但是 ”; B. so “因此 ”; C. and “并且 ”; D. or “或者 ”。這句話使用的是notbut結構,這不是最壞的男孩而是最好的男孩還沒有找到熱情的出口。故選A。( 7)考查名詞。A. agreement 同“意 ” ; B. friendship 友誼“ ”; C. gap “缺口,分歧,間隔” ; D.relationship 關系 “” 。這句話開始了我們之間的友

54、誼,用友誼說明關系的親密。故選 B。( 8)考查名詞。 A. opinion 觀點“ ” ; B. image “形象 ” ; C. expectation 期望“ ” ; D. mind “思 維” 。我的家庭和鄰居讓我在內心認定自己一直是一個壞男孩。故選 D。( 9)考查動詞。A. begged “乞求 ” ; B. persuaded 說服“ ”; C. ordered 命令“ ”; D. invited 邀“請” 。繼母說服了我父親去上一個牙科學校。故選 B。( 10 )考查形容詞。 A. successful 成功的 “” ; B. meaningful 有意義的“ ” ; C. h

55、elpful 有幫助“的;D. useful有用的。修飾career用successful,在那兒我父親的事業(yè)將更加成功。故選A。( 11 ) 考 查 動 詞 。 A. treated 對“待 ” ; B. entertained 娛“樂 ” ; C. educated “教 育 ” ; D. respected 尊敬“ ” 。因為是說孩子們的,可知在那,我們弟兄們可以得到更好的教育。故選C。( 12 ) 考 查 名 詞 。 A. camera “照 相 機 ” ; B. radio 收“ 音 機 ” ; C. bicycle 自“行 車 ” ; D.typewriter 打字機”。根據下文

56、“told me that she believed that I could become a writer. 可知繼 母相信作者能成為一個作家,所以給他買了個二手打字機。故選Do(13)考查動詞。A. considered 考慮;B. suspected 懷疑”;C. ignored 忽視”;D. appreciated 感激”。根據下文 I saw how it had already improved our lives. 可知,我非常感激 她的熱心。故選D。(14)考查名詞。 A. belief 信念”;B. request 要求”;C. criticism 批評”;D. description 描 述“。根據上文 “shGelieved that I could become a writer.可知,我接受了她的信念。故選Ao(15)考查動詞。A. teaching 教學”;B. studying 學習”;C. writing 寫作”;D. reading 閱 讀


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