The Red Line《紅線(2019)》第一季第一集完整中英文對照劇本_第1頁
The Red Line《紅線(2019)》第一季第一集完整中英文對照劇本_第2頁
The Red Line《紅線(2019)》第一季第一集完整中英文對照劇本_第3頁
The Red Line《紅線(2019)》第一季第一集完整中英文對照劇本_第4頁
The Red Line《紅線(2019)》第一季第一集完整中英文對照劇本_第5頁
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1、第12集Dad, come on!爸爸 快點Doors closing.車門即將關閉It's so early.好早啊Well, we'll get to the courthouse before all the reporters.我們必須趕在記者之前到法♥院♥There's gonna be so many cameras,到時候會有很多攝像機對著我們just like the week he died.像他死去的那周一樣Yeah, you know, you can still change your mind.是啊

2、你現(xiàn)在還可以改變主意的You don't have to go on TV if it's gonna be too hard如果你覺得很難保持冷靜 也可以選擇to keep it together.不上電視I'm doing it for Dad.我這么做是為了爸爸And my mom might be watching today.而且我媽今天可能也會看新聞Well, who's to say she even knows or.cares?不過 誰知道她是否知道或者關心呢You don't know her.你又不認識她Neither do you

3、.你也不認識Did you kick my newly painted front door?你剛踹了我新漆過的大門嗎Ha! My hands are full trying to carry my sister to victory.沒辦法 我的手忙著帶領妹妹走向勝利呢Take that mess to the basement.把那一堆東西拿去地下室Campaign's outgrown the basement.競選的東西快把地下室擠爆了Auntie Suzanne!蘇珊小姨Benny Bean!小本尼You need to put a shirt on, buddy, all

4、right?你得穿上衣服 好嗎There's two on the bed. Pick one.床上有兩件 你選一件Check these out.快看這些Is that the photo we're going with?那張就是我們要用的照片嗎Yeah. It was the most electable option.對 這張最有資格入選I like that outfit.我喜歡這套衣服You said upscale but not uptight.你說了 要高檔又不拘謹?shù)腎 did. Now those shoes are cute,沒錯 這雙鞋子很不錯but c

5、an you canvass a hood in them?但能否助你拉到選票呢I can walk, talk, shake hands all day in these shoes.我穿上這雙鞋 能講話握手走一整天都不累Yeah.是啊Here. 給你Personality. 增添個性Then I'm taking it back. If you can find it.之后我要拿回去的 如果你能找到的話Daddy!爸爸It's all personality in this house.這幢房♥子里什么都很有個性All right. Let's

6、 go get some votes.好了 去拉點票吧Ah, I have new intel.我有個新料Nathan Gordon thinks you're a threat.內(nèi)森·戈登把你視為威脅His camp is doing robocalls.他的競選團隊在弄自動語♥音♥電♥話♥He's making a huge television ad buy.他要投放很多電視廣♥告♥We don't have the mon

7、ey for that.我們沒有那個錢Oh, we're not gonna win unless we can get it.如果弄不到錢 那我們也贏不了A gala for Dr. Harrison Brennan?為哈里森·布倫南醫(yī)生辦的晚會嗎Perhaps we should expand your demographic.或許我們該擴大你的選民群體No. Not that way.不 不能用這種方式Because I'll bet the gays like an upstart candidate.因為我敢肯定同志們喜歡新貴候選人You could get

8、 exposure, raise us some money.你可以去增加曝光 為我們籌點錢Jira might be there.吉拉可能在那里I mean, that could feel.raw,雖然可能會有點尷尬but you could handle it.但你可以處理好的I promised my husband我跟我丈夫保證過that part of my life was over,我那段人生已經(jīng)結(jié)束了and I promised myself that I would leave Jira alone.我也向自己保證過 不會聯(lián)♥系♥

9、吉拉Got Benny ready.給本尼準備好了Good job, Daddy.干得漂亮 爸爸I am the greatest.我的確是最棒的What's this?這是什么That is nothing to be worried about.那個沒什么好擔心的All right.好吧Go. All right. Go get 'em today, all right?走吧 你去獲得支持吧Alderman Young.楊市議員I told you not to call me that.我跟你說過別這么叫我So.所以.That's a "No"

10、 on the gala?你這是拒絕去參加晚會嗎I know you're thinking like my campaign manager,我知道你是從我競選經(jīng)理的角度考慮but think like my sister.但請站在我妹妹的角度考慮吧I can't be in the same room as Jira, not when I-我不能跟吉拉同處一室 尤其當我.Okay, okay. There's other donations.好吧好吧 還有其他捐贈人Thank you.謝謝Six months ago, Dr. Harrison Brennan六個

11、月前 哈里森·布倫南博士was shot for the crime of living while black.僅因為是黑人就平白遭到槍擊Harrison Brennan was on his way home to his husband and daughter 哈里森·布倫南當時正要回家見丈夫和女兒when police officer Paul Evans然而一位叫做保羅·埃文斯的警官shot him twice in the back with no cause.毫無原因地朝他背后開了兩槍His wrongful death was one of do

12、zens除了他 還有幾十名黑人perpetrated by the CPD against black men in Chicago.也因為芝加哥警♥察♥的歧視而無辜被殺We demand that Officer Evans be discharged from the CPD,我們要求市警局解除埃文斯警官的職務and we demand that Chicago pay for its sins也要求市政♥府♥為其罪責付出代價in the amount of $5 million.賠償家屬五百萬美金No

13、 amount of money can ever bring Harrison Brennan back,再多的錢也不能讓哈里森·布倫南起死回生but the city let his death go unpunished,但如果市政♥府♥不作出賠償and there will be a reckoning.我們一定會算總賬All right, do I have an O'Malley?好了 奧馬利在不在Right here. Smith, Carl.在 卡爾·史密斯Here. Smith, James.在 詹姆斯&

14、#183;史密斯Yep. Chapin.到 查賓Here. Um, Miller?在 米勒Here. Uh, this goes without saying,在 不用多說but one of us is getting a raw deal in the press lately.最近我們有位同僚受到媒體不公正的對待And when they come after one of us,只要他們攻擊我們其中一個人they come after all of us.就等于攻擊我們所有人Talking about you, Evans.我在說你 埃文斯Evans!埃文斯Sorry, Cap. Wh

15、at? You're off desk duty, son.抱歉 隊長 什么 你不用再做案頭工作了Hand in your apron.即刻歸隊You're riding with Officer Carranza.跟卡倫扎警官一起執(zhí)勤吧You boys have been wanting to get to know each other better, right?你們一直想找機會更了解彼此 對吧Hey, muy bueno, Carranza.太好了 卡倫扎Classic Irish Brotherhood move.典型愛爾蘭兄弟會的做法Sidelining me fo

16、r a photo op.不讓記者拍到我You know, your daddy shouldn't have bothered making the call. 你♥爸♥根本沒必要打那通電♥話♥You rolling with a Puerto Rican你跟一個波多黎各警♥察♥一起執(zhí)勤is not gonna make this lawsuit evaporate.也不會讓這件案子消失I'm good with Carranza.我覺得卡倫扎挺

17、好Is this about the convenience store tape?是因為商店的監(jiān)控錄像嗎I don't wanna talk about it.我不想說I took it to protect you.我拿走是為了保護你Shut up, Vic.閉嘴 維可Goodbye.再見Saw you on TV. You okay?我在電視上看到你了 還好嗎No, don't ask. I don't wanna cry again.別問了 我不想再哭了Well, wanna hear about me instead?那你想聽聽我的事嗎Yes. Someone

18、 else's life.想 聽聽別人的生活Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, it took all summer,好的 雖然花了一整個夏天but Mom and Dad are so in on pronouns.但我爸媽終于愿意改用中性人稱代詞了Good. And then, um, there's Jacob,很好 而雅各布呢who acts like he's never used他卻表現(xiàn)得像他這輩子the word "They" In his life, so.從沒用過"他們"這個詞 所以.Your bro

19、ther once screamed at me for an hour你弟弟有次吼了我一個小時because I called his D&D character an elf就因為我把他龍與地下城角色叫成小精靈instead of a half-elf. 而不是半精靈 "They" Should be easy."他們"這個詞對他來說應該很簡單Yeah, you'd think.是啊 理應如此Actually, can I talk about me, please?其實我還是想談談我的事 可以嗎 So needy. 你好缺關愛啊Ye

20、s, yes, yes.可以 可以 可以My dad is killing me. No thaw on my mom.我爸快把我逼瘋了 對我媽的事死不讓步I just-I just need more family.我只是想要更多家人Why is that so hard to understand?他為什么就不理解呢Hey, Mr. Bhatt. As in your new favorite class?嗨 巴特老師 是指你們新的最愛課程嗎All right. Well, I'm here for you.好了 我會支持你And I'll see you later.待會

21、兒見So I, uh, saw the news.我看到新聞了You and your dad okay? My dad is always okay.你和你♥爸♥還好嗎 我爸一直都好I'm sure he'd like you to think so.他只是想讓你這么認為He's succeeding.那他成功了I gotta go to biology- still reigning favorite class.我要去上生物課了 那仍是我最愛的課Challenge accepted!我接受挑戰(zhàn)That whole pos

22、t office is gonna vote for you.整家郵局的人都會把票投給你Well done, sis.干得好 妹妹I will cherish that praise always.我會把這句贊美永遠放在心里的Will you look at Dinorah Benson,你看看迪諾拉·本森wearing 3 grand in pearls on a Thursday.在尋常的星期四就戴著三千塊錢的珍珠項鏈How much did she give last election year?上次選舉她捐了多少錢60 grand?六萬嗎To Gordon. They go

23、back 25 years.給戈登 他們有25年的交情了Dinorah Benson is not giving you money.迪諾拉·本森不會給你錢的Yes, she is.不 她會的Good morning, ladies. My name is Tia Young.早上好 女士們 我叫蒂婭·楊Wash and style?洗頭加做造型嗎Candidate for 6th Ward Alderman.我是第六選區(qū)的市議員候選人Ms. Benson, Tia Young. It is an honor.本森女士 我是蒂婭·楊 幸會I know who yo

24、u are, running against Nathan Gordon,我知道你是誰 你是內(nèi)森·戈登的競爭對手saying we don't need police to protect our neighborhood.你說我們不需要警♥察♥來保護我們的街區(qū)I didn't say we don't need the police,我沒說我們不需要警♥察♥but I do say the police have to be more responsible to our

25、 community.我說的是警♥察♥必須對我們的社區(qū)更負責They're costing the city too much money and hurt.他們耗費了政♥府♥很多錢 還造成了巨大傷害They shot Maurice. They shot Corsean.他們槍殺了莫里斯 槍殺了科賽恩That North Sider they shot up six months ago-那個住在北區(qū) 六個月前被槍殺的人his family's gonna get a big check

26、for sure. What's his name?他家人肯定會得到一大筆賠償 他叫什么來著Harrison Brennan.哈里森·布倫南And Nathan Gordon is saying we need more police-more!內(nèi)森·戈登宣稱我們需要更多警♥察♥ 更多Not better. I'm saying "Better."而不是更好 而我認為需要"更好的"警♥察♥Train them before you

27、let them loose.在正式上任之前就訓練好他們Nathan Gordon was helping people in the 6th內(nèi)森·戈登從你出生前since before you were born.就開始幫助第六區(qū)的人♥民♥了I love that you think I'm under 30, Dinorah.我很高興你認為我不到30歲 迪諾拉Oh, do we know each other?我們認識嗎I'd like to, Ms. Benson. 我想認識您 本森女士You should do yo

28、ur homework你應該先做足功課before you talk about Nathan Gordon and the police.再談論內(nèi)森·戈登和警♥察♥He was instrumental in making sure Fred Rice他曾幫助弗雷德·賴斯was the first black man to run the CPD.成為芝加哥警♥察♥局第一位黑人局長In '83.在1983年What's Gordon doing now?戈登現(xiàn)在做了什么

29、A friend would tell the man his time has passed.是朋友就應該告訴他 他的時代已經(jīng)過去了He knows it already, even if he can't admit it.就算他不肯承認 他也早就明白 He knows I'm next.他知道我是下一位接♥班♥人All right, you are all done, Dinorah.好了 做好了 迪諾拉Thank you.謝謝Dinner- that's all I'm asking.一頓晚餐 我只有這一個請求

30、Oh, I doubt that.我才不信呢You're a mom?你是位媽媽嗎Yeah.是的I'll vote for any mom.只要是當媽的我都愿意投給她Thank you, sis.謝謝 姐妹Thank you.謝謝Truly your genius is wasted 說真的 在第一節(jié)課教歐洲文學on first period European Lit.你的才華都浪費了They're not even awake yet. Well, neither am I.那時學生都還沒睡醒 我也是.especially when someone forgets尤其

31、當某人忘記it's their day to bring the coffee.今天輪到他帶咖啡的時候Oh, God, I'm sorry.天吶 對不起Kidding. Had a busy morning.我開玩笑的 你早上很忙You're okay? Yeah, I feel great.你還好嗎 我很好I feel energized, finally doing something.我感覺很有活力 終于能做點什么了What do you got there?你拿的什么I'm giving a speech at the LGBTQ Equality Ga

32、la.我要在性少數(shù)群體平權(quán)晚會發(fā)表講話I can't tell if it's any good.我不知道這稿子行不行It's about Harrison.是關于哈里森的I mean, I.didn't really know him.可是我.不太了解他You can still give notes.你還是可以給點建議啊I mean, if you have time. Absolutely.如果你有時間的話 當然The only thing that I love more than giving unsolicited notes我雖然喜歡主動提建議is

33、 giving solicited notes.但我更喜歡別人叫我提建議Thank you.謝謝And please be honest.一定要實話實說哦Always am.我向來如此You had the last two calls. I got lead on this one.前兩個都是你處理的 這個我來處理It's your first day back. I got this one.你才第一天回來上班 我來就好Is that all right with you?你覺得可以嗎Yeah, we're good.可以 我沒意見What's the rush,

34、bruh? Keeping the girl waiting?為什么開這么快 哥們 有女孩在等你嗎No, sir. Well, you ran through a red light back there,沒有 警官 你剛才闖了紅燈so I'm gonna need to see your license, registration.所以需要你出示駕照 注冊信息Put that away.把手♥機♥拿開I'm gonna keep my hands where they are, Officer.我不想動 警官I just told

35、you to turn it off. I don't want to reach.我叫你把它關掉 我不想伸手Get out of the car.下車You're disobeying an officer. Out of the car.你不服從警♥察♥指令 下車Turn the phone off now.立刻把手♥機♥關掉Damn, you the cop. That's the cop that shot that guy.靠 你就是那個警♥察&

36、;hearts; 就是他槍擊了那個人We're just trying to get home.我們只是要回家Yo, that might have been a yellow.剛才可能是黃燈Just be more careful next time, okay?下次小心點All right, you're good. Go ahead.好了 沒事了 走吧Video's gonna be online by the end of the day.今天之內(nèi)那段視頻就會在網(wǎng)上傳了They're probably posting it now.他們八成現(xiàn)在就在發(fā)呢Y

37、ou put your hand on your gun如果你每次只是看見手♥機♥every time you see a cellphone,就伸手去摸槍we got a problem.那我們麻煩就大了You disobeyed an officer. Get out of the car.你不服從警♥察♥指令 下車Turn the phone off right now.立刻把手♥機♥關掉I'm gonna keep my hands where t

38、hey are, Officer.我不想動 警官Get out. Damn, you the cop.下車 靠 你就是那個警♥察♥That's the cop that shot that guy.就是他槍擊了那個人Jira, you okay?吉拉 你還好嗎There's a video of Paul Evans at a traffic stop.有個保羅·埃文斯處理交通的視頻Have you seen it?你看過了嗎Don't watch that.不要看那個Why does he get to keep

39、doing this?為什么他還能繼續(xù)當警♥察♥呢He's not. We're gonna stop him. That's why we're suing the city.不會的 我們要阻止他 所以才要告市政♥府♥But what if getting him fired doesn't make us better?但如果讓他丟飯碗并不會讓我們更好過呢Dad, I don't want to feel like this anymore.爸爸 我不想再

40、像現(xiàn)在這樣難受了I wish something good would happen.我希望能有什么好的事情出現(xiàn)I know, and it will, I promise.我知道 會有的 我保證It doesn't seem like it will, but it will.雖然看起來好像不可能 但會有的Nothing's gonna just magically get fixed.事情不會奇跡般自己就解決了I know that. We're doing everything that we can.我知道 我們在盡全力呢We're gonna get

41、him fired.我們會讓他被解職的I'm not talking about the lawsuit.我說的不是打官司的事Why won't you help me?你為什么不幫我呢Because she's not gonna fix anything,因為她不能解決任何問題because she's not your family.因為她不是你的家人because this perfect person doesn't really exist,因為這個完美無缺的人根本就不存在because all that we really know abo

42、ut her因為我們對她的了解就只有is that she gave you up.她不要你了Oh, is that really all you know?你真的就只了解這么多嗎How many times do I have to tell you this?我還要對你說多少遍啊It was different for gay couples back then.那時候同性♥伴♥侶♥的處境跟現(xiàn)在不同Harrison adopted as a single father. I adopted later.哈里森以單身父親的身份

43、先收養(yǎng)你 然后再到我He met her, but he never knew her name,他見過她 但他連她的名字都不知道because it was anonymous. I'm not hiding anything-因為這都是匿名的 我并沒有隱瞞什么.No, you don't tell me anything!不對 你什么事都不和我說All you do is just keep saying that everything will be okay!你就只是告訴我 一切都會好起來的I'm standing right here. I am standi

44、ng right here,我就站在這兒 就站在這里and I love you, and I can help you.我愛你 我可以幫助你I don't wanna see that!我不想看這個This is gonna happen to me at some point.N 這種事遲早會發(fā)生在我身上I need someone who knows how it feels, what it's like,我需要有個能了解那份感受 那種感覺的人whoever she is,不管她是誰wherever she is!不管她在哪里I know she looks like

45、me!我知道她膚色和我相同I need her.我需要她North Shore Adoption Agency.北岸收養(yǎng)所This is Elena. How may I help you?我是伊萊娜 有什么能幫您的Tia Young's phone.這是蒂婭·楊的手♥機♥This is Elena from the North Shore Adoption Agency.我是北岸收養(yǎng)所的伊萊娜Is Ms. Young available?楊女士在嗎Adoption agency.是收養(yǎng)所Hello?喂Ms. Young, if t

46、his is a good time,楊女士 如果您方便的話we have something to discuss with you.我們有事要和您商量Ms. Young?楊女士I'm here.我在聽Dad's getting sentimental.爸爸變得多愁善感了Well, he never planned on you moving back in,他從來沒盤算著你會搬回來so he sublet it to Jesus.所以這間房♥子他讓上帝來住了Same mattress.還是那張床墊You're here temporarily

47、because of protestors.你只是為了躲開那些抗♥議♥的人 暫時回來住It's not like you needed a ramp built.你又不需要什么特別安排Can you lay off? I had to leave my house.你能消停點嗎 我不得不離開家I got a partner who thinks I'm gonna murder him我的搭檔覺得每次他去買♥♥咖啡every time he's gonna go get coffee

48、.我都想要殺了他I just wanna be a cop. I just wanna do my job.我只是想當警♥察♥ 想做好我的工作而已We got your back, brother.我們都會挺你的 弟弟Evans cops go back on the job 80 years.埃文斯家的人當警♥察♥有八十年的傳統(tǒng)了We don't eat our own.我們不會內(nèi)斗的Gotta make this work with Carranza.我得處理好跟卡倫扎的關系If I don&#

49、39;t, this lawsuit definitely goes bad.如果搞不定 官司一定會輸?shù)腎s there something else?你是不是還有別的煩心事You know how there's no security tape?你知道現(xiàn)場沒有視頻監(jiān)控錄像吧Yeah. It's 'cause Vic took it.知道 是維可拿走了She.她.told me after I got cleared.在我復職的時候告訴我的But now it's a cover-up, so.可現(xiàn)在這就成了包庇 所以.Then get rid of it.那

50、就把錄像處理掉Yep?什么事It is unkind to ask a sadist for notes請一個虐待狂提意見and then give him something perfect.卻給了他一篇完美的稿子 這樣太不厚道了 perfect.這個. 太完美了But?但是I was at the memorial.我去追思會了I don't remember you being there. It was a bad day.我不記得你去了 那天我很痛苦Why are you doing the eulogy again?你為什么要再致一次悼詞Because sur

51、vivors are supposed to be inspiring,因為未亡人應該給人以鼓舞and I'm.not right now, and that is at least eloquent.可我. 眼下不行 悼詞至少還深情Nothing new in the last six months?過去的六個月什么進展都沒有嗎Nothing that I want Jira to hear.沒有什么我想讓吉拉聽到的I want her to focus on good things.我想讓她把注意力放在好的事情上Jira might like to know that she

52、9;s not the only one drowning.吉拉可能想知道 絕望的不僅僅是她一個人Did she say that?她這么說了嗎Teacher-student confidentiality.這是教師與學生之間的秘密One of us has to be okay.我們倆得有個人保持正常One note.一點意見The best things are honest.最好的事物都是誠實的Like you.就像你一樣Yeah!來了God. Oh, come on!我的天 干什么啊I want the tape.我要那份錄像You need to give me the tape.你

53、得把監(jiān)控錄像給我I took it so you wouldn't have to.我拿走 是為了讓你不用親自處理You stealing evidence kinda defeats the purpose, you jag.你去偷證據(jù)就和初衷背道而馳了 不識好人心Great, but I'm walking into a lawsuit很好 但我要去打官司with that hanging over my head, and that's on you.而腦袋里總想著這件事 都怪你Give me the tape.把錄像給我I drove over it with

54、my cruiser five months ago.五個月前我開巡邏車把它給碾碎了threw what was left in a dumpster in Pilsen.然后把殘骸扔進了皮爾森區(qū)的垃圾桶里Okay.好吧Come on.等一下Doesn't have to be like this.不一定要像現(xiàn)在這樣的We can roll together again.我們可以再一起執(zhí)勤的Give your dad a call. No, I don't want him to d給你♥爸♥爸打個電♥話&

55、;hearts; 不 我不想他去.You need to stop acting like my mother.你別天天像我媽一樣You need to stop coming at me like my 14-year-old.那你別天天像我14歲的小孩一樣沖我發(fā)火I'm good with Carranza.我對卡倫扎沒意見Dinorah Benson left a message.迪諾拉·本森打來過You available for dinner on Saturday?問你周六有沒有空一起吃晚餐What?什么When I left that salon yesterd

56、ay,我昨天離開♥發(fā)♥廊的時候I never thought she would call.根本沒想到她會打過來I needed that today.我今天正需要這樣的好事You weren't-你.You weren't interested in talking this morning今早收養(yǎng)所打來后after the agency called.你就不想跟我說話Yeah, it wasn't a pleasant phone call.是啊 那通電♥話♥并不愉快T , I

57、just wanted to say, I.小蒂 我就是想說 我.I know there's one thing 我知道 她還活著for you to just know she out there,對你來說是一回事but it's different when you know she asking for you.但當你知道她想見你 那又是另一回事That's.that's hard.那太難了That's the right thing for everybody.那樣對每個人都好Gordon is gonna come for me,戈登會攻擊我especially if I keep going for people like Dinorah.如果我繼續(xù)拉攏迪諾拉那種人 他更是會加強火力I can keep you and Benny close,我可以和你跟本尼在一起but it-it's wrong to drag Jira into it.但不能把吉拉扯進來She has been through enough.她已經(jīng)經(jīng)歷太多了That's true.沒錯I


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