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1、PETS2口語考試考試復習 一正式考試前黑體為考官問話,有時形式不同,但是內容大致相同。1. 打招呼: -Good morning / afternoon. Nice to meet you!-Nice meeting you too!-Good morning / afternoon. How are you doing! / How are you!-Wonderful! What about you?=Great! What about you?=Not bad! What about you? =Fine! What about you?2.向學生要分數單Can I have your

2、 mark-sheet(分數單) please?=Could you give me your mark-sheet please Sure, here you are.3.問姓名Can I have your name, please?=Could you tell me your name, please?Sure. My name is(Chinese name), but you can call me (English name)./Sure. Im(Chinese name), but you can call me (English name).或也可以這樣問答May I kno

3、w your name, please?=Are you xxx?=You are xxx,arent you?Yes. My name is(Chinese name), but you can call me (English name). 二.正式考試3個步驟根據信息卡內容就具體事實互相問答。(信息涉及日常生活、娛樂和社會活動。)口語考官分別遞給2個考生卡片A和B。要求兩人用英語交流自己卡上的信息,不得看對方的卡片,不得使用中文。一個問另一個答??忌鶤需借助信息卡對考生B提出的任何問題作出簡短回答。如信息卡不含某一所需信息,考生A可以表示歉意并說明自己不知道,也可以利用背景知識或想象力提

4、供該信息。 考生進行完四、五個來回的對話已經獲知卡片內容,口試教師要求其停止并按規(guī)定互換身份,利用一套新卡片進行對話。建議不要詢問卡片沒有的信息,以免加大難度。同時注意老師在此輪提的要求,中間會包含1-2個關鍵單詞,如果你剛好不會這個詞匯,那么正好可以借用這個詞匯。如果考生完成卡上信息,也可自己停下對話,這時可以用英語對考官說,excuse me, sir/Madam, we have finished our conversation. What shall we do next? 不過一般來說考官會主動要求停止。提供詳細信息及闡述個人觀點。教師根據Step 2向兩個考生各提出23個問題。因

5、此在上一輪即step2中聽懂對方提供的信息很重要。如果實在沒聽清,可以要求對方考生或考官再說一遍,你可以說:May I beg your pardon?可以再說一遍嗎 或Could you please say it a little bit slowly? 可以說慢一點點嗎?*這種口語考試講究的是合作,不要搞個人秀。沒有雙方的合作一定是雙輸。建議跟另一個考生在進考場前簡單溝通下,兩人進去后盡量稍稍放慢語速,吐詞清晰。如果對方沒明白, 可以用一般疑問句或其他英語方式或肢體提醒他。切記!正式考試Step 1 部分可能的問題1. Asking for personal information問個人

6、信息What is your name? Where do you come from?/ Where are you from?What do you study? Which school are you in?No.1 Middle School What subjects do you study?English, Chinese, math, physics, chemistry, history, geography, computer science, PE ect.What subjects are you good at? why? Im good at English Wh

7、at subjects do you like? What subjects is (was) the most difficult? Why?What subjects dont (didnt) you like? Why? Do (Did) you like you school?Why do/dont (did/didnt) you like it?詢問對方興趣愛好:Whats your hobby? What do you like to do in your spare/free time?空閑時間愛做什么?How do you usually spend your free tim

8、e? 你怎么打發(fā)業(yè)余時間?回答:I like doing sth. What I like most/best is doing sth. I like doing sth. I usually read books/play basketball.如何提出問題? 什么? What 誰? Who 哪個? Which 怎樣? How 什么地方? Where 什么時間? When 有沒有? Is there/Are there.? 多少個? How many.? 多少錢? How much?提問前:Well,Idliketoaskyousomequestions.OK,canIaskyousome

9、questions?提問注意要完整的句子一般疑問句或特殊疑問句 回答越簡單越好,不會的單詞繞著說常見提問:問題一:名字Whatstherestaurantsname?Whatsthemanagersname? Whatisthenameoftherestaurant(/book)?問題二:地點Whereistherestaurant?Wheredoyouwork? Wheredidithappen問題三:時間Whattimedoesitopen/close?WhattimeistheSpringFestival?WhenistheSpringFestival?Whenwasthebookpub

10、lished? Howlonghaveyoulivedhere?問題四:怎么怎樣Howistheenvironmentoftherestaurant?Howistheserviceintherestaurant?Howdoyouspendtheweekends?問題五:原因Whydoyousaythat?Whydopeoplegotraveling?Whatsthereasonof.?Step 2 口試模擬考場Candidate B, you want to watch a play, but you dont know anything about it. Ask Candidate A t

11、o give you some information about it. Use the words on this card to help you. 請用英語提問以了解下列信息:劇名:開演時間:演出所需時間:票價:What is the name of the play?When will the play start?How long will the play last? How much is the ticket?Who can go to see it?Candidate A, here is something about the play. Answer Candidate

12、 Bs questions using the information on your card.(將Card 1A遞給考生A)請根據下列信息回答問題:劇名:夢開演時間:星期一、二、三晚20:00時演出所需時間:2小時30分鐘票價:8元The play is called the Dream. It will start at 20:00 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.It will last for two and a half hours. Each ticket costs 8 yuan.Everyone is welcome to se

13、e it.繼續(xù)性問答:口試教師:1.Do you often watch play? why? 2. Who do you often go to watch a play with? Why?3.Have you watched a play recently? What is it about?4.What is your favorite play? Why?題目訓練1請用英語提問以了解下列信息:圖書館名稱:館址:規(guī)模:藏書量:What is the library called? Where is it located?How large is the library? How man

14、y books are collected in the library?請根據下列信息回答問題:圖書館名稱:中山圖書館館址:中山路89號規(guī)模:占地1000平方米藏書量:三百萬It is called the Zhongshan Library. It is located at 89, Zhongshan Road.The library occupies 1,000 squaremeters. There are three million books collected there.繼續(xù)性問答口試教師結合前面的內容向考生各提出2或3個問題。1.Do you often go to the

15、 library? Why? 2.Who do you usually go to the library with?Why?3.Have you read a novel recently? Can you tell me something about it?4.What is your favorite book? Why?題目訓練 2請用英語提問以了解下列信息: 展覽會 名稱: 地點: 時間: 入場券: What is the name of the exhibition? Where will it be held? When will it be held? How much is

16、 the ticket? Candidate A, here is something about the exhibition. Answer Candidate Bs ques tions by using the information on this card.(將Card 1A遞給考A) 請根據下列信息回答問題: 展覽會 名稱:新技術展覽會 地點:國際展覽中心 時間:6月22日27日上午9時下午4時 入場券:5元 The exhibition is called New Technology Exhibition. It will be held at the Internation

17、al Exhibition Center. It will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from June 22nd to 27th. Each ticket costs 5 yuan.題目訓練3: 請用英語提問以了解下列信息: 業(yè)務會議時間: 地點參加人員: 議題: When will the meeting start? Where will it be held?Who will take part in it? What will be discussed in the meeting? 請根據下列信息回答問題: 業(yè)務會議時間:下星期四上午9

18、時地點:辦公樓六樓二會議室參加人員: 各部門負責人議題:新年計劃The meeting will start at 9:00 on next Thursday morning.It will be held in No. 2 meeting room on the sixth floor of the office building.The persons who are in charge of the departments will take part in it.It will discuss about the new year plan.3.繼續(xù)性問答:Do you think i

19、t is necessary to hold meetings?Why? Do you like to attend meetings?Why? What do you often do when attending meetings? 題訓練目4:請用英語提問以了解下列信息:電影:放映地點:放映時間:電影內容:票價:Whats the name of the film? Where is it shown?When is it shown? What is it about? How much is the ticket?請根據下列信息回答問題:(The Sound of Music)電影:

20、音樂之聲放映地點:紅星影院(中山路11號)放映時間:每天 (19:30 22:30)票價::成人:10元 兒童:5元It is The Sound of Music. It will be shown in Red Star Cinema at 11 Zhongshan Road.It will be shown everyday at 19:30 and 22:30.The ticket is ten yuan for adults and five yuan for children.3.繼續(xù)性問答Do you often go to the cinema? Why? Who do you

21、 often go to the cinema with? Why?Have you seen a film recently? What is it about?Can you tell me something about your favorite film?題目訓練5:新年晚會時間:地點: 晚會內容:組織者:出席人員:When will the New Year Party be held?Where will it be held?What will people do at the party?Who organizes the party?Who can go to the pa

22、rty?新年晚會(免費入場) 時間: 12月29日19:30分地點: 主樓會議室晚會內容: 游戲, 唱歌,跳舞2.借助本卡片上的信息可以回答的問題,如:It will be held at 7:30 p.m. on 29 December.It will be held in the meeting hall of the Main Building.They will sing, dance and play games.Everybody can go the party.3.繼續(xù)性問答Do you often go to parties? Why?Who do you usually g

23、o to parties with? Why?Have you been to a party recently? Can you tell me something about it?Some young people have parties every week. What do you think about that?題目訓練6:旅行行程單目的地: 西藏 交通工具: 飛機出發(fā)日期: 5月2日所需費用: 2000元左右需帶物品:衣服,藥品,照相機等1.借助本卡片上的信息可以回答的問題,如:Where do you plan to go? I plan to go to Tibet.Ho

24、w do you go there?I go there by plane.When do you set off?I set off on May the second.What do you need to take?I need to take clothes, medicine and camera.How much will the trip cost?It will cost about 2000 yuan.2.繼續(xù)性問答What places have you been to already? And where do you want to go next? Why?I hav

25、e been to . I want to go to Hongkong next, because Hongkong is a busy modern city.How do you often go traveling? By plane or by train?I often go traveling by train.Do you think it is a good time to travel during the Spring Festival?I dont think it is a good time to travel during the Spring Festival,

26、 because the traffic is very busy at that time.Candidate B, you want to know Candidate As habit of reading the newspaper. Ask Candidate A about it. Use the words on this Card to help you. What newspaper do you often read? Where do you buy it?When do you read it? Whats your favorite page? What do you

27、 think of the newspaper?Candidate A,here is some information about your reading habitsAnswer Candidate BS questions,using the information on this cardYouth DailyI usually buy newspapers at the newsstand by the road side or at the underground train stationI usually read after lunch for about l hourMy

28、 favorite page is the page about short stories and jokes every ThursdayIt has a rich content and the news is up-to-date1What can you learn from newspapers?2How often do you read English newspapers?3Where else can you get the news besides newspapers?4. Do you like borrowing books to read or buying bo

29、oks? Why?Candidate A,you want to know something about a professor who has just come to your sch001Ask CandidateB to tell you about himUse the words on this card to help youWhats the professors name? What does he teach?Where is his Office?Where does he live? Whats his phone number?Candidate B,here is

30、 some information about the professorAnswer Candidate As question using the information on this cardHis name is Larry DaviseHe teaches chemistry and lab experimentsHis office is Room 303Chemistry Buildin9He lives in Buildin9 18Guangming VillageHis phone number is 58726173口試教師結合前面的內容向考生各提出2或3個問題。How do you like being in a foreign teacherS class?Do you prefer a foreign teacher to a Chinese teacher to teach you English? WhyWhy not?When talking with a foreign teacher,what kind of difficulties do you have?More foreigners come


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