已閱讀5頁,還剩14頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、Unit1What we wish我們的期望My dear child,我親愛的孩子:You are about to participate in the next leg of yourjourney through life. For us, this part is bittersweet.As you go off to college, exciting new worlds willop en up to you. They will inspire and challenge you; you will grow in e ways.incredibl你即將踏上人生的下一段旅程

2、。 這讓我們感到喜憂參半。 當(dāng)你離家、步入大學(xué)的校門, 激動人心的嶄新世界將會展現(xiàn)在你面前。 這將帶給你鼓舞, 也會使你面臨挑戰(zhàn); 你將獲得更大的進步與成長。This is also a moment of sadness. Yourdepartureto college makes itundeniablyclear thatyou are no longer a child. There has been no greater joy thanwatching you arrive at thismoment. You have turned our greatestchallengein

3、to our greatestpride. Although we havebrought you to this point, it is hardto watch youdepart. Remember above all things, we willmiss you.這也是令人傷感的時刻。 離家去上大學(xué)就明確意味著你不再是個孩子了。 沒有什么比看到你走到今天這一步更令我們欣喜的了。 你曾經(jīng)是我們最大的挑戰(zhàn), 現(xiàn)在卻成為我們最大的驕傲。雖然是我們把你帶到了這一步, 但是看著你離開仍然很不舍。 記住,最主要的是, 我們會想念你。College will be the most import

4、ant time of your life. It is here that you will truly discover whatlearning is about. You often ask,"Why do I need to know this?" Iencourageyou to stayinquisitive, but remember this:"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everythinghe learned in school." What you learn

5、 is not as important as the fact that you learn. This is theheart of scholarship: moving from teacher-taught to master-inspired, on over to the pointwhere you become a self-learner. So, take each subject seriously, and if something doesn'timmediatelyengageyou, don'tdespair. Embrace it as ach

6、allenge. Find a way to make it yourown.大學(xué)將是你人生中最重要的時光。只有在大學(xué)里你才會真正發(fā)現(xiàn)學(xué)習(xí)的真諦。你經(jīng)常會問:“為什么我需要知道這個 ? ”我希望你保持好奇心, 但是記?。?“教育就是當(dāng)一個人忘記了在學(xué)校所學(xué)的一切之后剩下的東西。 ”你學(xué)什么并不如學(xué)習(xí)本身更重要。做學(xué)問的精髓就在于它可以使你從被動學(xué)習(xí)轉(zhuǎn)向主動學(xué)習(xí) 直至成為一個真正具有學(xué)習(xí)能動力的自學(xué)者。所以,要認(rèn)真對待每一門課程。 如果某門課不能馬上吸引你, 不要絕望。 把它當(dāng)作一個挑戰(zhàn)來接受它,設(shè)法使之成為你自己所喜歡的。Of course, you must still take care

7、to sign up for courses whichstimulateyourpassionandyourintellectualcapacity.Don't be bound by what other people think.當(dāng)然, 你還必須注意,要選擇那些能夠激發(fā)你的熱情、拓展你的智力的課程。不要被別人的想法所左右。Steve Jobs said, when you are in college, yourpassionwill create many dots,and later in your lifeyou will connect them. So, don'

8、;t worry too muchabout wh at job you will have; don't be too practical.If you like French or Korean, studyit even ifsomeone else tells you that it's not useful. Enjoypicking your "dots".Be assured that one day, youwill find your own meaningful career, and you willconnect a beautifu

9、l curve through those dots.史蒂夫 ?喬布斯曾說過,在大學(xué)里,你的激情將會創(chuàng)造出很多個點,以后在生活中你會把這些點連接在一起。所以, 不必過多擔(dān)憂你將來會做什么樣的工作, 不要太現(xiàn)實。如果你喜歡法語或韓語, 就去學(xué),即使別人對你說學(xué)這些沒用。 盡情采集你的那些 “點 ”。要堅信有一天,你會找到你自己的有意義的事業(yè),你會把那些點串連成美麗的曲線。You know that we always want you to do your best, but don't let thepressure of grades getto you. We care only

10、that you try your very best, and that you learn. It is better that yourgreatest effort earns a lesser grade than that no effort earns you adecentor higher grade.Grades in the end are simply lettersfit to give thevainsomething toboastabout, and the lazysomething to fear.You are too good to be either.

11、 The reward is not the grade but what youlearn你知道我們總是希望你竭盡全力,但不要讓分?jǐn)?shù)的壓力困擾你。我們只關(guān)心你已經(jīng)盡了力,并且學(xué)到了知識。 你盡了最大的努力而分?jǐn)?shù)不高比你沒有努力卻得了像樣的或更高的分?jǐn)?shù)更有意義。 分?jǐn)?shù)只不過是虛榮的人用以吹噓和慵懶的人所恐懼的數(shù)字而己。而你既不虛榮, 也不慵懶。努力的回報不是分?jǐn)?shù),而是你所學(xué)到的東西。More importantly, make friends and trust others. The friends you make in college can be thebest ones you wi

12、ll ever have. During these years, when you move into adulthood, the friendsyou make in college live closer to you than your family. You will form bonds of friendship that willblossomover many decades. Pick friends who aregenuineand sincere. Select a few andbecome truly close to them. Don't worry

13、 about their hobbies, grades, or looks. Instead, trustyour instincts when you make new friends.更重要的是, 要結(jié)交朋友并信任他人。大學(xué)里結(jié)交的朋友可能是你會結(jié)交的最好的朋友。在你步入成年的這些年里,你在大學(xué)里結(jié)交的朋友比家人離你更近。你會結(jié)下將綻放幾十年的友情。選擇坦率真誠的人做朋友。選擇幾個朋友,真正走近他們。不必計較他們的愛好、成績或長相。相反,結(jié)交新朋友時要相信你的直覺。You are a genuine and sincere person; anyone would enjoy your

14、friendship. So be confident, secure, and proactive. If you think you like someone, tell them. You have very little to lose. Don't be afraid to trust. Give others the benefit of the doubt, and don't reduce anyone to stereotypes. Nobody is perfect; as long as others are genuine, trust them and

15、 be good to them. They will give back.你是坦率真誠的人,任何人都會喜歡和你做朋友,所以要自信,別害怕,要積極主動。如果你認(rèn)為自己喜歡某個人, 就告訴他。 你不會損失什么的。 不要害怕去信任別人。即使有所懷疑,也要相信別人,不要對任何人抱有成見。人無完人。只要他們真誠,就信任他們,善待他們。他們會給予回報的。Remember also that your youth is full of strength and beauty, something that you will not comprehend until it is gone. You must

16、 guard and cultivate yourstrength and beauty. A healthy body and a sound mind are the greatest instruments you will ever possess. Enjoy life. Dance if you feel like it. Don't beafraid of what other people think. But also keep yourself safe and sound. Don't let the range of new experiences ta

17、ke your innocence, health, or curiosity away from you. Treasure your youth and the university experience before you.還要記住, 你的青春充滿力和美, 只有到青春逝去時你才能理解這一點。 你必須要呵護和培養(yǎng)你的力和美。 健康的身體和健全的思想是你將擁有的最大的資本。 享受生活吧。 想跳舞就跳舞, 不用擔(dān)心別人怎么想。 但也要讓自己平平安安的。 不要讓各種各樣的新體驗帶走你的純真、健康或好奇心。珍惜青春 , 珍惜你眼前的大學(xué)經(jīng)歷吧。College is the time when y

18、ou have:the first taste of independence,the greatest amount of free time,the most flexibility to change,the lowest cost for making mistakes.在大學(xué)這一段時光里,你會:初嘗獨立的滋味,擁有最多的自由時光,享有最大的可塑性,承擔(dān)最低的犯錯代價。Approach these years enthusiastically! Make the most of your time. Become thegreat thinker you were born to be

19、. Let your talents evolve to their fullest potential. Be bold! Experiment! Learn and grow! We are enormously proud thatyou've made it this far, and we can't wait to see what you will become.用滿腔的熱情擁抱大學(xué)時光吧! 充分利用好你的時間。 成為一個你注定會成為的優(yōu)秀的思考者。使你的聰明才智發(fā)揮出最大的潛力。無所畏懼!勇于嘗試!堅持學(xué)習(xí),并不斷成長!我們對于你已經(jīng)取得的成功深感自豪,我們也迫

20、不及待地盼望看到你未來的成就。Your father你的父親Unit2Time slows down那一刻,時光駐足"Daddy, let's take a walk."“爸爸,我們?nèi)ド⑸⒉桨??!盜t's an April day in Virginia. He nods, puts his hands on the arms of his wheelchair, whispers something that makes little sense. I try to help him up, buthe is too heavy and limp.這是弗吉

21、尼亞四月的一天。他點點頭,把手放到輪椅的扶手上,嘟噥著誰也聽不懂的話。我試著扶他起來,但是他太重了,而且也太虛弱了。"Come for a walk, and then - I've brought you a surprise."“去散散步,然后呢 我給你帶來了一個驚喜?!盩he white curtains surge in the breeze.微風(fēng)吹過,白色的窗簾飄了起來。Shivering, he complains it's chilly. "It's cold, I'm tired. Can't we go h

22、ome now?"他哆嗦著,抱怨天太冷?!袄?,我累了。我們現(xiàn)在回家不行嗎?”Suddenly we're far away in a time long past in part of a harbor I've never seen before. December, Chicago, I'm five, and cold. One glove is lost. My feet aretired. His legs are longer; he strides quickly through melting snow, toward buildings li

23、ke airplane sheds with immense doors.突然間, 我們仿佛回到了很久很久以前,我們來到一個我從來沒見過的港口。那時是十二月份,在芝加哥,我五歲,我很冷。一只手套丟了。我也走不動了。他的腿長多了,大步流星地走過正在融化的雪地,走向一群裝著大門的像是飛機機庫一樣的建筑。This is the most exciting place I have ever been. Suddenly my fatigue is gone. I could walk along here forever, at least until I find out how to get a

24、board one of the boats.這是我到過的最令人興奮的地方。 忽然之間, 我的疲憊消失得無影無蹤。 我可以一直在這里走下去,起碼可以一直走到我設(shè)法登上其中的一條船為止。We slow down our pace. Smaller sheds now. A green diner. Smells of fish and smoke. We enter a little hut. Barrels of salty water, string bags of shellfish, bundles of fish laid out on ice.我們放慢了腳步。 現(xiàn)在我們看到的是一些小

25、一點的貨棚, 還有一間綠色的小餐館。 四周彌漫著魚和煙的味道。我們走進一個小棚里。里面是一桶桶的海水,一網(wǎng)兜一網(wǎng)兜的貝類海鮮,還有一捆捆放在冰塊上的魚。"Daddy, look at that snake!"“爸爸,快看那條蛇!”"No,that'saneel,"saysDaddy."Smoked.We'lltakeaportionhomeforsupper."“不,那是鰻魚,”爸爸說。 “煙熏的。我們買一段回家當(dāng)晚飯吃?!?quot;I certainly won't eat that!"“我才不吃

26、那個東西呢!”"All right," he says, and carries the smelly package. As we walk back, he tells me about migrations of eels to the Sargasso Sea: how eels come down Dalmatianrivers and swim across the Mediterranean and then the whole Atlantic, until they reach the warm Sargasso Sea. Here they lay th

27、eir eggs, and then the babyeels swim back to the native rivers of their parents.“好吧, ”他說道,然后拿起那包腥味很重的魚。我們往回走的時候,他給我講鰻魚向馬尾藻海洄游的故事: 鰻魚怎樣從達(dá)爾瑪提亞地區(qū)的河流游過地中海, 再游過整個大西洋, 直到抵達(dá)溫暖的馬尾藻海。它們在那里產(chǎn)卵,然后幼魚再游回到它們的父母原先待過的河流。Back at last in the apartment, he unwraps the eel,opens his pocket knife and slices carefully.我們終

28、于回到了公寓。他拆開鰻魚包,打開折疊小刀,小心地切片。"I won't eat it," I say suspiciously.“我不吃, ”我狐疑地說道?!?Tryone bite, just for me."“嘗一口,就算為了我?!?quot;I won't like it."“我不會喜歡它的?!盬hile he hangs up our coats, I test onepinch.Smelly, smoky, andsalty.當(dāng)他在掛我們的外套時,我嘗了一丁點兒。很腥,帶著煙熏味,還咸咸的。He goes into the ki

29、tchen to heat milk for me and tea for himself. I test anoth er pinch . Thenanother. He returns with the steaming cups.他去廚房幫我熱牛奶,并給他自己熱茶。我又嘗了一丁點兒。然后,又嘗了一點兒。他從廚房回來,端著熱氣騰騰的杯子。The eel has vanished.鰻魚已經(jīng)消失得無影無蹤了。Because it is Sunday and I am five, he forgives me. Time slows down and the love flows in -fat

30、her to daughter and back again.因為是星期天, 我又只有五歲, 他原諒了我。 時光在此刻駐足,愛意在此刻流淌 從父親流向女兒,又從女兒流向父親。At 19, I fly out to Japan. My father and I climb Mount Fuji. High above the Pacific, and hours upthe slope , we picnic on dried eel, seaweed crackers, and c old rice wrapped in the eel skin. Hereaches the peak fir

31、st.十九歲的時候, 我飛去日本。父親和我一起登富士山。我們爬了幾小時后,在俯瞰太平洋的山坡上野餐,吃著鰻魚干、海苔餅干和鰻魚皮包的冷飯團。他第一個登上山頂。As the yearsstretch , we walk along waterways all over the world. With his long stride , he oftenovertakes me. I've never known anyone with such energy.隨著歲月的流逝,我們游遍了世界各地的江川湖海。他步子大,所以經(jīng)常走得比我快。我不知道除了他,還有誰能有如此旺盛的精力。Some d

32、ays, time flies with joy all around. Other days, time rots like old fish.有些日子,時間在快樂中飛逝,也有些日子會像不新鮮的魚一樣,令人難受。Today in the nursing home in Virginia, anticipating hisreluctance, I beg boldly and encouragehim,"Please, Daddy, just a little walk. You are supposed to exercise."今天,在弗吉尼亞的養(yǎng)老院里,雖然明知他不

33、太愿意,我還是大膽地請求他、鼓勵他:“來吧,爸爸,就走一小會兒。你應(yīng)該鍛煉鍛煉?!盚e can't get out of his chair. Not that he often gets up on his own, but once ina while he'llsuddenly have asurgeof strength. I stoop to lift his feet from the foot restraints,fold backthe metal pieces which often scrape hisdelicate,paper-thin skin.他無

34、法從輪椅上站起來。不是說他能常??孔约赫酒鹕韥恚桥紶?, 他會突然來那么一股子勁兒。我彎下身, 把他的腳從腳蹬里拿出來,收起經(jīng)常把他脆弱的、 薄紙般的皮膚擦傷的金屬腳踏。"Come, now you can stand,"“來,你現(xiàn)在可以站起來了?!盚e grips the walker and struggles forward. GraduallyI lift and pull him to his feet. Standing unsteadily, hesways and then gains his balance.他抓住助步車,努力往前起身。慢慢地,我連拖帶拽

35、地幫他站了起來。他站在那兒,有點兒不穩(wěn),搖搖晃晃,然后才站穩(wěn)了。"See, you made it! That's wonderful! All right, I'll beright behind you, my han d in the small of your back.Now - forward, march!"“看,你做到了!太好了!好吧,我就跟在你后面,我會用手扶著你的腰。好,往前,往前走! ”He is impatient with the walker as I accompany him to the dining room. I h e

36、lp him to his chair,and hand him a spoon . It slips from his fingers. Pureed t una is heaped on a plastic plate. I encourage him, sing him old songs, tell stories, but he won't eat. When I lift a spoonful ofgray fishy stuff to his mouth, he says politely, "I don't care for any."我陪著

37、他往餐廳走,一路上他對助步車很不耐煩。我扶他在椅子上坐下,遞給他一把勺子。勺子從他的指間滑落。塑料餐盤上是一堆金槍魚肉糜。我鼓勵他吃,唱老歌給他聽,給他講故事,但是他不肯吃。當(dāng)我舉起一勺灰灰的魚肉糜送到他嘴邊時,他客氣地說:也不想吃。 ”“我一點兒Nor would I.換了我,我也不想吃。Then I take the small smelly package covered in white wrapping paper from aplastic bag. Heloves presents, and he reaches forward with awkward finger s to

38、try to open it. The smell fillsthe room.于是, 我從一個塑料袋里取出一小包用白紙包著的帶著腥味的東西。不怎么靈活手指試著打開紙包。房間里滿是魚腥味。他喜歡禮物。 他伸手用"Look, Daddy, they've been out of it for months, but at last this morning at th e fish seller nearthe Potomac, I found some smoked eel."“看,爸爸,他們已經(jīng)斷貨好幾個月了。今天早上,我終于在波托馬克河附近的魚販子那里找到了一些

39、熏鰻魚。 ”We unwrap it, and then I take out the Swiss Army Knife my beloved aunt gave me "forsafekeeping", andslicethe silvery flesh.我們把紙包打開, 然后我拿出我親愛的姨媽送給我的那把魚肉?!胺郎碛?”的瑞士軍刀, 切開銀色的"What a beautiful picnic," my father beams.“多么美妙的野餐啊,”父親笑容滿面地說。He takes asipof his champagne, and then w

40、ithsteadyfingers picks up aslice of eel anddowns it easily. Then another, and another, until he eats the wh ole piece. And again, time slowsdown and the love flows in - daughter to fath er and back again.他呼了一口香檳,然后用一點兒也不哆嗦的手指捏起一片鰻魚肉,輕松地咽了下去。接著,他吃了一片又一片, 直到把整塊魚吃完。 再一次, 時光在此刻駐足,愛意在此刻流淌 從女兒流向父親,又從父親流向女

41、兒。Unit3Too much of a good thing - A real addiction過猶不及 真正的成癮Perhaps the greatest change the world has seen in modern times has been the rise of the Internet. It's hard to deny the positive changes it adds to people's lives as it makes life easier with quick access to things like maps, news,

42、and online stores. As a research tool, it is unmatched. It's a great way to keep up with friends. It enables a wealth of media outlets and alternative news sources. Internet access and the ability to make good use of it is practically a must for success in the modern world.現(xiàn)代世界經(jīng)歷的最大變化也許就是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的崛起。

43、 我們難以否認(rèn)網(wǎng)絡(luò)給人們的生活帶來的種種便利。通過網(wǎng)絡(luò), 人們能夠迅速地查到諸如地圖、新聞和網(wǎng)上商店等,網(wǎng)絡(luò)使生活變得簡單。作為研究工具, 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)是無與倫比的。它是我們與朋友保持聯(lián)系的極好的途徑。它給我們提供多樣的媒體渠道以及各種各樣的新聞來源。 有條件上網(wǎng)以及有能力充分利用網(wǎng)絡(luò)是現(xiàn)代社會取得成功的必要條件。Like any technology, though, it has negative aspects that become clear as westarttodependuponit.Likepollutionandtrafficjamsthatcomewiththeconveni

44、ence of cars, Internet access has proven so popular that it has given rise to a new kind of social epidemic, Internet addiction.然而, 像任何技術(shù)一樣, 隨著我們開始依賴網(wǎng)絡(luò), 網(wǎng)絡(luò)的負(fù)面因素就顯現(xiàn)出來。正如伴隨著汽車的便利而來的是污染和交通堵塞一樣,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的大行其道導(dǎo)致了一種新的社會流行病,那就是網(wǎng)癮。Consider the following stories. A few years ago, a couple in the United Stateswas c

45、harged with child neglect. It was their addiction to playing games onlinethat kept them from caring for their two infant children. Another recent newsstory told of a man who spent so much time online that he didn t sleep enoughto keep his job. Eventually, he lost his house but kept his laptop and st

46、i1spentall day online.看看下面的報道。 幾年前, 美國一對夫婦被指控疏于照顧孩子。正是因為他們迷戀網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲而疏于對兩個幼兒的照顧。 最近還有個關(guān)于一位男子的新聞報道,他因為上網(wǎng)時間過長, 導(dǎo)致睡眠不足而丟掉了工作。最終,他連房子都沒了,但他保留了手提電腦,仍然整日上網(wǎng)。College studentsare impacted as well. There are many stories ofexcellentstudents who lost their university scholarships from poor grades, or of otherstude

47、nts who failed at the university altogether simply because they spent toomuch time online.大學(xué)生們也受到影響。有很多報道是關(guān)于一些優(yōu)秀的學(xué)生由于成績差而失去獎學(xué)金,還有的學(xué)生因此而無法畢業(yè),這全是因為他們上網(wǎng)時間過長所致。One student not only failed, but lost 1pounds. Hewas so involved online thathe forgot to eat! Imaginetheagonyof this condition!有一個學(xué)生不僅沒有畢業(yè),而且體重減

48、了 1 磅。他過于沉迷網(wǎng)絡(luò),結(jié)果連飯都忘了吃!想一想,這是多么令人痛心??!These things did not happen to these peoplebecause they were lazy or stupid.They happenedbecause ofaddiction. New college students, eventhe brightest and most successful ones, are most atrisk from these effects because the Internet isimportant for their studies a

49、nd because they are justentering a world where their online habits are no longer monitored byconcernedparents.Without thedisciplineand structure of home, students have to manage time by themselves.During their very first term, their grades canplunge, their health decline, and their friendshipscease.

50、這些事情發(fā)生在這些人身上,不是因為他們懶惰或愚蠢,而是因為他們上網(wǎng)成癮。新入學(xué)的大學(xué)生,甚至是那些最聰明、最成功的大學(xué)生,受此影響的風(fēng)險最大, 因為互聯(lián)網(wǎng)對他們的學(xué)業(yè)很重要, 也因為他們剛剛進入一個新環(huán)境, 他們的上網(wǎng)習(xí)慣不再受到關(guān)心他們的父母的監(jiān)督。 沒有家人的監(jiān)督和約束, 學(xué)生們只能自己管理上網(wǎng)時間。在第一學(xué)期,他們可能成績驟降、健康受損、友誼中斷。It is easy for those who areunaffectedby the powerful draw of connectivity- those who caneasilycontroltheir time online -

51、to view Internetaddictionas animaginaryproblem or toattributeits origins to a weak personality. But the brain chemistry behind Internetaddictionisnotimaginary. Many common Internet interactions, such as scoring points in online games,getting emails or instant messages, finding new blog entries, all

52、cause thereleaseofendorphins in the brain. Endorphins are theessentialbrain chemicals connectedwith positivefeelings of success and pleasure. This is no surprise, consideringthat Internet interactionsofteninvolvesucceeding at achallengeor havingsocial exchanges.那些不受網(wǎng)絡(luò)巨大吸引力影響的人,也就是那些可以輕松控制上網(wǎng)時間的人,容易把網(wǎng)

53、癮問題看作是假想的問題, 或者把網(wǎng)癮的根源歸咎于軟弱的性格。但是,網(wǎng)癮的背后有其腦部化學(xué)病理,這不是想象出來的。許多常見的網(wǎng)絡(luò)互動,如在網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲中得分、接收電子郵件或即時信息、 尋找新的博客日志, 所有這些都會引發(fā)大腦中內(nèi)啡肽的釋放。內(nèi)啡肽是大腦中與成功和快樂這些正面情緒相關(guān)的重要化學(xué)物質(zhì)。鑒于網(wǎng)絡(luò)互動經(jīng)常包含成功應(yīng)對挑戰(zhàn)或進行社會交往,因此網(wǎng)絡(luò)互動能引起內(nèi)啡肽的釋放也就不足為奇了。Our brains reward us for these activities in real life all the time. 對于這些現(xiàn)實生活中的活動,我們的大腦一直在給予我們獎勵。The troubl

54、e with the Internet is that it makes it possible to have unnaturally long periods of endorphin release, sustained rewards from the brain that are as quick as the click of a mouse. These rewards are not actual, useful, real-life rewards, but simple stimulation that arouses positive feedback in the br

55、ain. In real life endorphins encourage us to interact with friends or family, or attempt to learn something new. With Internet addiction endorphins do nothing but keep people hooked to their computers. Internet addicts behave very much like gamblers pulling the lever at machines in Las Vegas, even i

56、f it is not rational, hurts their studies. or spoils their health and their lives.互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的問題在于, 它可以造成過于長期的、 非自然的內(nèi)啡肽釋放, 也就是來自大腦的持續(xù)不斷的獎勵,就像點擊鼠標(biāo)一樣快速。這些獎勵不是真實的、有用的、現(xiàn)實的獎勵,它們只是引發(fā)大腦中正面反饋的簡單刺激。 在現(xiàn)實生活中, 內(nèi)啡肽促使我們和朋友、 家人交往或者嘗試學(xué)習(xí)新東西。 而一旦上網(wǎng)成癮, 內(nèi)啡肽只會使人更加迷戀電腦。 有網(wǎng)癮的人的行為就好像那些在拉斯維加斯的賭徒們不斷拉動賭博機的操作桿, 雖然這樣做不理智、 妨害他們的學(xué)業(yè)或損害他們的健康和生活。So watch how much time y


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