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1、FIRST SOLUTIONS LIMITED100About This BookWhat is it?This is a specially tailored technical English textbook. It is made up of the following:1. Aim and objectiveRequirement or expectations from the compiler. The trainees are free to come up with their expectations, or suggestions.2. GlossaryMore than

2、 5000 commonly used words or phrases are garnered and sorted out by the inherent logic rather than alphabetically. They will be explained or illustrated lively and vividly. 3. ReadingThree to five pieces of relevant articles are included in each chapter. A huge resource of manuals, textbooks from ou

3、r library are always available for the trainees.4. ListeningThe listening materials are as below:A. A/V materials accumulated since 1993 when Nan Hai Training Center (the predecessor of FSL) was setup.B. Presentation by or conversation with our foreign experts. 5. WritingUnder the guidance of instru

4、ctors, the trainees will learn how to write log book, handover notes, PO, daily reports, etc.6. Assessment and commentA. The trainees will make presentations.B. The trainees will do a written test.C. The trainees will make a self-assessment.D. Comment, criticism or suggestions to the instructor.For

5、whom?It is for the people who are or will be working in the oil/gas industry. By whom ?This book was compiled by experienced experts, engineers who worked in the fields of Chevron, Phillips, JHN, Statoil, BP for years.How to conduct?A. In-depth, lively and vivid explanations or illustrations from ou

6、r instructors. B.Application-oriented.C.The trainees will see, touch and use our equipment in the workshop or library to understand, use and memorize the words or phrases.After the course?The trainees will not only have a good command of the words, but also will be very conversant with essential kno

7、wledge for their future job.CONTENTChapterPage1.0 General1.1 Aim and objectives71.2 Glossary1.2.1 Overview81.2.2 Facility81.2.3 Organization81.2.4 Transportation91.2.5 Miscellaneous91.3 Reading 1.3.1 Introduction materials of offshore oil industry111.4 Listening121.5 Writing121.6 Assessment and comm

8、ent132.0 HES2.1 Aim and objectives142.2 Glossary2.2.1 Qualification and certificate152.2.2 Personnel transportation152.2.3 New arrivals152.2.4 Personal protective equipment152.2.5 Working system162.2.6 Undesirable events172.2.7 Pollution172.2.8 Health and medical172.2.9 Warning signs182.2.10 Emergen

9、cy response182.3 Reading 2.3.1 Work permit202.3.2 Scaffolding212.3.3 Risk/hazard identification222.3.4 Basic rigging and slinging232.3.5 Environment control272.4 Listening 302.5 Writing302.6 Assessment and comment313.0 Crude oil and Gas Production.3.1 Aim and objectives323.2 Glossary3.2.1 Petrol che

10、mistry and physics333.2.2 Symbols and abbreviations333.2.3 Well control343.2.4 Separation343.2.5 Sampling and analysis343.2.6 Secondary recovery343.2.7 Ancillary and utility343.2.8 Miscellaneous353.3 Reading3.3.1 Introduction363.3.2 Crude Oil Degassing373.3.3 Principles of Operation373.4 Listening38

11、3.5 Writing383.6 Assessment and comment394.0 Mechanical Engineering4.1 Aim and objectives414.2 Glossary4.2.1 Basic hand tools424.2.2 Engineering measurement and drawing424.2.3 Engineering Materials and properties434.2.4 Lubrication and hydraulic434.2.5 Fastening devices434.2.6 Gaskets, packing, seal

12、s and bearings444.2.7 Manual valves444.2.8 Belt drives, shaft coupling and alignment444.2.9 Pumps and compressors444.2.10 Offshore crane454.2.11 Internal Combustion engines454.2.12 Miscellaneous464.3 Reading4.3.1 Principle of Operation474.3.2 Combustible Engine484.3.3 Positive Displacement Pump494.4

13、 Listening504.5 Writing.504.6 Assessment and comment515.0 Electrical Engineering5.1 Aim and objectives525.2 Glossary5.2.1 Electric theory535.2.2 Electrical tools535.2.3 Power generation535.2.4 Switchgear and power distribution535.2.5 Electrical equipment535.2.6 Basic Electrical parts545.2.7 Battery

14、and UPS545.2.8 Electronics545.2.9 Electrical safety545.3 Reading5.3.1 Poly Phase Transmission555.3.2 Battery565.3.3 Induction Motors585.4 Listening595.5 Writing595.6 Assessment and comment606.0 Instrumentation And Control6.1 Aim and objectives616.2 Glossary.6.2.1 Theory626.2.2 Instrumentation tools6

15、26.2.3 Signal and Measurement626.2.4 Controller636.2.5 Control device636.2.6 Tubing and fitting636.2.7 PLC and DCS636.2.8 F/G detection and protection646.2.9 Miscellaneous646.3 Reading6.3.1 Process Control656.3.2 The Differential Pressure Cell666.3.3 Flapper Nozzle System676.3.4 Measurement686.4 Lis

16、tening696.5 Writing 696.6 Assessment and comment.707.0 IT and Telecom7.1 Aim and objectives717.2 Glossary7.2.1 Computer727.2.2 Network727.2.3 Telecommunication727.2.4 Miscellaneous727.3 Reading7.3.1 Computer747.4 Listening757.5 Writing757.6 Assessment and comment768.0 Marine8.1 Aim and objectives778

17、.2 Glossary8.2.1 Ships crew list788.2.2 Location788.2.3 Pipeline798.2.4 Equipment798.2.5 Entering port808.2.6 Cargo work808.2.7 Cargo survey818.2.8 Ballast818.2.9 Standard wheel order818.3 Reading8.3.1 Cargo handling equipment828.3.2 Mooring equipment838.3.3 Loading of ships848.3.4 Discharging of sh

18、ips858.4 Listening 868.5 Writing868.6 Assessment and comment879.0 Corrosion Control9.1 Aim and objectives889.2 Glossary.9.2.1 Theory899.2.2 Paint899.2.3 Equipment and tools909.2.4 Miscellaneous909.3 Reading9.3.1 Development in paint and coating919.3.2 Introduction to paints and coating939.3.3 Three

19、types of coating959.3.4 The electrochemical nature of corrosion989.4 Listening999.5 Writing999.6 Assessment and comment1001.0 General1.1 Aim and objectivesAim:Through the study of the vocabulary listed, the trainees are supposed to have a deeper, more complete or comprehensive understanding or comma

20、nd of these commonly used words in the oil industry. With reading, listening materials, the trainees will learn some relevant knowledge or techniques.Objectives:1. Know the meanings, pronunciations, usage of the words listed.2. Be able to use these words in listening, talking, reading and writing.3.

21、 Through study of the words, the trainees will learn relevant knowledge.1.2 Glossary1.2.1 Overviewoil,crude oil,petroleum,onshore,offshore,beach,block,exploration,seismic survey,地震勘探reserve,reservoir,LNG,LPG1.2.2 Facilityfacility,installation,platform,FPS,FPSO,drilling rig,drilling derrickboat,suppl

22、y boat, replenish liner,standby boat,tanker,shuttle tanker,barge, accommodation,cabin,living quarters, galley,mess room,radio room,changing room, recreation room,HVAC room,laundry,heli-deck, pipe deck,drilling derrick,main deck,cellar deck, sub-cellar deck,boat boarding platform,control room, switch

23、gear room,MCC room,work shop,well bay, well head,skid,module,engine room, boiler room,BTM,SPM,cargo,ROV, boiler,stairway,escape route1.2.3 Organization and human resourceOn shoredepartment,administration department,finance department,production department,maintenance department,IT department,procure

24、ment department,warehouse,logistics department,president,vice president,managing director,superintendent,manager,supervisor,engineer,coordinator,accountant,dispatcher,secretary, receptionist,driver,staff, Offshore (Production):senior field supervisor,OIM,platform supervisor, platform manager, produc

25、tion supervisor,production manager, maintenance supervisor, safety officer, operator, lead operator, senior operator, radio operator, crane operator, doctor, technician, instrument technician,electrician, mechanical technician (mechanic),lab technician, roustabout(Drilling):drilling supervisor,tool-

26、pusher,driller,rough neck, mud engineer(Catering):chief steward,camp-boss,chief cook,chef, cook,steward, stewardess, laundryman 1.2.4 Common symbols,.?“:*#&/-_= <>( )+-%½3/81.2.5 Miscellaneous雜項(xiàng)(Nouns):upstream,downstream,upward,down ward,specification, simulator,demonstrator,diagram,

27、drawing,schematic, legend,title block,figure,rule,regulation, discipline,trouble-shooting,fault finding,phenomenon, symptom,philosophy,option,alternative,criterion, criteria,priority,moisture,plane,contractor, vender,manufacturer,spare part, preventive maintenance (PM),PPM, corrective maintenance, p

28、redictive maintenance, coefficient, variation,formula,container, tank, tote tank, bucket,pail, hook,hook up, tendency,head, header, manifold, weight,specific gravity, volume,density,diameter,radius(Verbs):interfere,interpret,increase,decrease,damage,screw up,accelerate,decelerate,exhaust,trim,isolat

29、e,bypass,inhibit,over-ride,accumulate,confirm,demonstrate,deteriorate,improve,eliminate,rule out,update,upgrade,modify,repair,furbish,service,overhaul,mount,assemble,corrode,erode, rotate, revolve, swivel, scratch,shrink,heat shrink, expand,contract,compress,produce, make, manufacture,assemble,disas

30、semble,dismantle, take apart, fabricate,prefabricate,exceed,twist,kink, expedite,facilitate,authorize,follow up,(Adjective):absolute,abnormal,normal,acceptable,fixed, adjustable, adequate,adjacent,appropriate,approximate, artificial,atmospheric,ancillary,auxiliary,available, average,ambient,circular

31、,continuous,consistent, constant, intermittent,critical,crucial, essential, important,indispensable,vital,clockwise, counter clockwise,anti-clockwise, coarse, rough, fine, delicate,rugged,stable,unstable,static,dynamic,kinetic,effective, efficient,faulty,mal-functional,false, feasible,workable,flexi

32、ble,rigid,horizontal, vertical,idle,intense ( intensity ),identical, similar,inherent,permanent,temporary,objective, out-dated,simultaneous,radioactive,equivalent,manual, organic,inorganic,relevant,reliable,severe, miscellaneous,positive, negative, neutral, upward,downward,backward,forward,axial,rad

33、ial,spiral,helical, bench mark,micro, macro,balance,1.3 Reading1.3.1 NHECCONHECChina Offshore Oil Nanhai East Corporation (CONHE), founded on June 29 1983, is a legal entity 100% owned by China National Offshore Oil Corporation(CNOOC). Through international cooperation and local expertise, COHNE car

34、ries out a variety of tasks ranging from offshore oil and gas exploration, development and production in the Eastern Sea waters of the Pearl River Mouth Basin in the South China sea.CONHE has been authorized by CNOOC to carry out completely the foreign cooperated contracts and agreements in the East

35、ern Sea waters. Since its foundation, CONHE has cooperated successfully with 43 multi-national companies from 11 countries including the United States, Japan, UK, France, Italy and Norway, etc. Some of the cooperating companies are; BP-Amoco, Chevron, Texco, Agip, Phillips, Shell and Statoil. In 199

36、6, output of the crude oil was more than 10 million tons. The Eastern Sea waters in the South China Sea has continuously kept such output with 12 oilfields under production for the past 6 years and has become Chinas fourth largest crude oil production base following the Da QING, SHENG Li and Liao He

37、 oilfields.1.4 Listening1.4.1 Energy to the world (10min)1.4.2 Listen to presentation made by our foreign consultant.1.4.3 Short articles will be read by our instructor or trainees appointed.1.5 Writing§ The trainees are kindly required to write a CV.§ The Trainees will be asked to write a

38、n introductory article about the previous company they served. The following points need to be covered:A) NameB) LocationC) Main products.D) History or future.§ Write an article about Devon, why and how you entered Devon.§ Under the guidance of instructors, the trainees will practice logbo

39、ok writing.§ Choose one electrical apparatus (household or industrial), describe its structure, operation principle, etc.1.6 Assessment and commentAssessment:The trainees will be kindly asked to do a written test or make a presentation using the words they learn. Review: The test or the present

40、ation will be reviewed together with the trainees.Comment:Written (formal) or oral(informal) comment, criticism or suggestion will be collected, discussed or analyzed.2.0 HES2.1 Aim and objectivesAim:Through the study of the vocabulary listed, the trainees are supposed to have a deeper, more complet

41、e or comprehensive understanding or command of these commonly used words in the oil industry. With reading, listening materials, the trainees will learn some relevant knowledge or techniques.Objectives:1. Know the meanings, pronunciations, usage of the words listed.2. Be able to use these words in l

42、istening, talking , reading and writing.3. Through study of the words, the trainees will learn relevant knowledge.2.2 Glossary 2.2.1 Qualification and certificateOffshore qualification certificate,first aid,fire fightinglifeboat and life raft operation,under water helicopter escape,survival on sea,m

43、an power tracking system,basic offshore health environment and safety2.2.2 Personnel transportation(By air):aircraft,chopper,helicopter,main rotor, rotating rear rotor blades,invisible,captain,jet fuel,heli crew,pilot,ground crew,helicopter dispatcher,passenger,HLO,luggage carrier, fireman,Restricte

44、d/forbidden items,flammables,compressed gases,explosives,magnetized material, radioactive material,oxidizing material,poisons,noxious or irritating materials,weapons,drug, lighter,mobile phone,secure,loose item, short pants,slippers,hats,caps,helmets(Helicopter Operation):boarding,approach,secure,fa

45、sten,seatbelt, take-off,hover,winching,landing,touchdown, disembark,safety net,hand rail,emergency heli. crash, jettison,inflate,emergency tool,crow bar, belt cutter(By boat):supply vessel,stand-by boat,personnel basket,tag line,flexed,vertigo,rough sea,rolling, pitching2.2.3 New arrivalssafety orie

46、ntation/briefing,T card,designated areas, classified areas,zones,safety rules, emergency duties,muster station2.2.4 Personal protective equipment(PPE)(Head protection):helmet,hard hat,cushion,chin strap(Eye protection):safety glasses,goggle,spectacle,side shield,prescription lenses, contact(Hearing

47、protection):ear plug,ear muff,decibel,noise reducing rate(Respiratory protection):face shield,mask, respirator,filter, smoke hood, escape set,ELSA(Hand protection):Insulation,heavy- duty gloves,anti-slippery glove, dotted glove,chemical glove(Body protection):overall,boiler suit,uniform,slicker suit

48、,chemical resistant suit,apron,fire suit,fireman outfit, life jacket,work vest,survival suit,suits for watchman or HLOsafety harness,safety belt,rope access,inertia mechanism(Foot gear):safety boot,acid resistant,steel toe,toe cap, steel sole,steel heel,cuff,red wing2.2.5 Working systemsafe work ana

49、lysis,pre-job meeting,take two(Permit):general work permit,hot work permit,confined space entry permit,cold work permit,scaffolding,work overboard,pressure testing,chemical handling,MSDS,radiation,elevated work,function,restriction,extension,renew,invalid,suspended,cancel(Hot work):lower explosive l

50、imit (LEL),upper explosive limit(UEL), fire-watch,spark,splash,welding flash,slag,fire blanket (Confined space entry):discharge,isolation,flushing,purging,inert gas,ventilation,atmosphere testing,flammable,toxic,part per million (PPM),oxygen content,electrical work permit,tag out,lock out,test2.2.6

51、Undesirable events(General):risk,hazard,near miss,incident,accident,lost time accident(Property damage):loss of production,spillcollision,crash,man over-board,tripping,falling(Personnel injury):sprain,twist,squeeze,burn,scald, abrasion,laceration,cut,entangle,electrical shock,chemical exposure,poiso

52、ning,radiation,multiple injury,(Process):reporting,investigation,direct cause,underlying cause,indirect cause,personal factor,job factor,root cause,lack of control,hazard identification,risk analysis2.2.7 Environment and pollutionspill,boom,retrieving,air borne particle,dispersant liquid,chemical sp

53、lash,vapor,PPM,green house effect,O zone2.2.8 Health and medical(Occupational illness):ergonomic,chronic,acute,infectious,back injury,respiratory,cancer,cryogenic,hypothermia,(Medic):hospital,hospitalize,doctor,medic,medical, ward,clinic,first aid kit,medicine, pill, tablet, capsule, bandage,gauze,scissors, tweezers, stretcher,safety shower,eye wash station,swelling,cold,flu,bruise,fracture,bleeding,internal bleeding,internal injury, cramp,dermatitis,infection,pneumonia,hepatitis,hepatitis A,headache,throw up,vomit,stroke,rheumatism,arthritis,amputation,disabling,incap


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