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1、flexible, fluent, logical, convincing, but not beyond the grammatical rules.createbe responsible for=provide歸因于 be attributed topoker 撲克牌increase in amplitudegoal-directed movement approaches its intended targetthereby, hencedevelop sth.sth. account for sth.Following sth., sb. developed sth.copious

2、sth., in copious amounts = in massive amountsinsidious a.潛伏的,陰險的,暗中為害的Developmentally,acquireexsanguination eks,sæwi'nein 放血primidone 撲癇酮gist 要點,主旨impinge on / impinge 影響,撞擊,侵犯hemianopia, anopia, quadratanopiahomonymous = ipsilateralspecifically,via=through=/by means of=with the help of=wit

3、h the assistance ofspread tomanometry 測壓法is released from/byThe parents have no concerns.be at increased risk for In general,sth. points tobe associated with chronic bleedsfor a routine prenatal visit/examination/testsb. had an uncomplicated pregnancy to date.due to damage to decussating spinothalam

4、ic fiber in the anterior white commissure.sth. can be precipitated byproduce colicky paincalculi = stonehinderClinically,fluorinated a.氟化的a constellation of symptomspet a dogin front of = rostral toIn around 10 to 20% of patients, the onset of RA is slower 改用delayTo take home point of in this questi

5、on is 闡述一樣事物為了有邏輯連續(xù)性:先詳細解釋,再用簡單地短語概括作為下一句的主語。這比強行用連接詞更高。比方說:Loop diuretics cause salt and water to be lost from the body, while bicarbonate is retained in extracelluar fluid. The loss of water and salt results in.a is , b is , c is . All three are Neither follicular nor papillary carcinomas predispo

6、se for lymphoma, although some studies have suggested Pts with xx carcinoma present with nontender nodulessince = becausecause = elicitundergoIt has minimal action in sth./doing sth. = It has minimal function in The principle action of sth is sth比用The main function 來的地道多了,也富于變化After several hours, h

7、e dies, despite appropriate lifesaving measures.paramount = extremely importantsupplant = substituteThis will pose no problem during following a second exposure to offending antigenThe rash suggests the diagnosis of gonococcal arthritissth and sth are best known examples of virtually = almost, made

8、of, 作為定語從句插在后面because of a positive result on a home pregnancy testunsightly = uglynegligible = not so importantparadigm 范例 sth represent the paradigm of ceramics 制陶術,陶瓷業(yè)stumbling a.障礙的 n. 絆倒在老年人群中 in elderlytrip over 絆倒 You'll trip over the stone if you don't mind out .tingible a.可染(色)的mono

9、valent a.單價的crutch n.拐杖uneventful a.平凡的report sb between the ages of 2 months and 2 yearssth is most common etiologic agent of obstipation 頑固性便秘tinkling n./v.發(fā)出叮當聲,叮叮聲pass flatus = pass gasstrangulation n.絞窄(比如絞窄性腸梗阻)antibiotics with coverage against gram-negative organism.are likely to do sth.impor

10、tant defense mechanismstump n.樹樁、假肢、殘余部分sth showed no abnormalities except a clear fluid around the umbilical stumpreclusive a.隱居的startle vt.使嚇一跳ADH simply places water channels in membranes lining the collecting ducts, which permits the passive reabsorption of water.avidlyin an attempt to do sth.Th

11、e gallbladder will undergo increased peristaltic contractions.1-year median survivalessentialauditory projection = auditory pathwaynew cat in the household 這里household用作家庭的意思sth used in conjunction withPatients may also demonstrate findings consistent with apatite 磷灰石side effect = adverse reactionpa

12、ramedics 護理人員slash vt.鞭打小的部位,地方用site,不用placeIt occupies the position along the lower border of the rib.subfalcine 大腦鐮下的The presence of sth. 也可以用the occurrence of sth.啊,是不是更富有活力了呢protuberant 突起的,顯著的optimal = appropriate用be able to 也比所有只用can來的好吧巧妙應用post. 比如 post fertilization終止某樣事情啦 termination of aph

13、thous a.口瘡的acantholysis 皮膚棘層松解exhibit some symptoms of 嘗試用用incidental finding, accidental finding 之類thioamide 硫代酰胺非故意的,不知不覺的 unintentionaldenture 假牙haphazard adj. 偶然的;隨便的;無計劃的下次說干什么很容易,用readily ad 啊, 用 easily 太naive了 年齡啊 5 year old 太濫了,用5 years of age每天抽兩包煙 two packs of cigarettes dailyanthracotic a

14、dj. 矽肺病的compatible adj. 兼容的;能共處的;可并立的pilot light 指示燈send axons through to = send processes through toprior treatmentbloating adj. 鼓脹的 v. 鼓脹;脹大;爐渣起泡(bloat的ing形式)velvety 'velvt adj. 天鵝絨般柔軟的;醇和的,可口的undulate 'ndjletvi. 起伏,波動;震動;呈波浪形vt. 波動;使波動;使起伏;使成波浪形adj. 波動的;起伏的;波浪形的bathtub 浴缸refine vt. 精煉,提純;

15、改善;使文雅indolent adj. 懶惰的;無痛的in a indolent course incubation period這個女人的孩子 the children of the womanin the patients workupconsensual adj. 交感的;在雙方同意下成立的骨板提前愈合 premature sealing of the growth platesreduce production of otherwise normal type I collagenlightheadedness n.頭暈severe lightheadedness用often的時候想想

16、用commonly替換amaurosis fugax 一過性黑蒙dissociation of carbonic acid into water and carbon dioxidespillage n. 溢出;溢出量The result is heavy spillage of sth.drink soft drinks 喝不含酒精的飲料meritn. 優(yōu)點,價值;功績;功過vt. 值得vi. 應受報答精神錯亂的的,發(fā)狂的 deliriouspersons, people, human beings都不如individuals來的好ravenous adj. 貪婪的;渴望的;狼吞虎咽的the

17、 childs ravenous appetitephallus n. 陰莖adj. 模糊不清的;引起歧義的 可以用unclear,但是,ambiguous 更好!virilization = masculinization女性男性化rudimentary adj. 基本的;初步的;退化的;殘遺的;未發(fā)展的adj. 令人畏懼的,可怕的 dreadfulmodality 形式pinprick n. 針刺;針孔;令人煩惱的小事appropriate 用 proper替換inappropriate = improperplumpvt. 使豐滿;使鼓起;突然放下adv. 沉重地;突然地vi. 變豐滿;

18、鼓起adj. 圓胖的,豐滿的;鼓起的n. 撲通聲stumpn. 樹樁;殘余部分;假肢vt. 砍伐;使為難;在作巡回政治演說vi. 笨重地行走;發(fā)表競選演說P/E shows tenderness of the right upper quadrant of the abdomen with guarding.sonographic 超聲描記的The rough endoplasmic reticulum is visualized under the electron microscope as parallel arrays of membrane-bound cisternae popul

19、ated with multiple electron dense dots.Proteins destined to be secreted, membrane-bound, or lysosomal all have an N-terminal hydrophobic signal sequence during synthesis on cytoplasmic ribosomes.ashen adj. 灰色的;蒼白的Depressed level of consciousness predisposes to aspiration of oropharyngeal flora and/o

20、r gastric contents and development of aspiration pneumonia.A paraphrase example worthy learning shown as follows: Reduced penetrance refers to a situation in which an individual known to carry the dominantly inherited mutated gene may show no clinical evidence of the condition.= Not all individuals

21、with a mutant genotype show the mutant phenotype.adj. 疏忽的;不注意的(副詞inadvertently);無意中做的 inadvertenttorrential adj. 猛烈的,洶涌的;奔流的torrential venous bleeding用overt替代obviousmaternal uncleLesions of medial lemniscus would cause contralateral loss of dorsal column modalities, e.g. , tactile discrimination, vi

22、bration sensation, and conscious proprioception.As the prodromal symptoms dissipate over a few days and prior to the onset of the exanthem, the enanthem develops, i.e., hypopigmented, irregular oral lesions on the anterior buccal mucosa.pellet n. 小球;軍 小子彈(槍用)vt. 將制成丸狀;用子彈打;用小球扔Administration of peni

23、cillin derivatives can lead to maculopapular rash.incompetencyflee fled fledSeveral children and adults who recently fled a detention camp come to the emergency department because of a sore throat and low-grade fever.shuffling gait 緩慢的步態(tài),小碎步步態(tài)Normally, after cessation of contractile activity, relaxa

24、tion follows electrical quiescence at the neuromuscular junction and the return of sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane and T-tubule membranes to their resting electrical potential. follow = induce = once sustain vt. 維持;支撐,承擔;忍受;供養(yǎng);證實sustain a crush injury of the right arm at workconstruction workercommi

25、nute vt. 粉碎;分割sth. renders sth less able to do .distractor n. 錯誤選擇;誘導答案morbilliform adj. 麻疹樣的回想起。 recall any trauma, or 橘皮 orange peelinduration n. 硬化;醫(yī) 硬結(jié);頑固;無情A high suspicion of sth must be entertained if Sth lacks the risk factors for developing mastitis.Carbon monoxide toxicity is often suggest

26、ed by occupational exposureswith prolonged exposure to sthThe oxygen saturation measurement of 98% (presumably by pulse oximetry) does not completely rule out pre- preform, preexist, presensitize,intractable adj. 棘手的;難治的;倔強的;不聽話的The biological attribute of influenza A virus that allows the sudden ap

27、pearance of dramatically new genetic variants is also present in a limited number of other viral families.stumbling 絆倒cul-de-sac n. (法)死巷;死路;困境substrate n. 基質(zhì);基片;底層(等于substratum);酶作用物inside = indelicatessen ,delk'tes()n n. 熟食;現(xiàn)成的食品Hypochlorite is generated in the myeloperoxidase arm of the intra

28、cellular killing pathway when myeloperoxidase acts on hydrogen peroxide to produce toxic halide radicals.by changes in ADH levelsendophytic ,endufitik n. 內(nèi)生植物的;內(nèi)寄生的vendor n. 賣主;小販;貿(mào)易 自動售貨機street vendorvigilant adj. 警惕的need vigilant hydrationinconsolable adj. 無法安慰的(名詞inconsolability,副詞inconsolably);極

29、為傷心的offer him a referral for counselinghealth issue , health condition替換 health problem, disorder, etcThe communication with sb is best handled face-to-face.to deliver new in a timely manner = in emergent situation The phone conversation should followed up by a visit., while getting the patient the

30、news quickly and in a cheery manner, does not address the pts other health conditions.Waiting for days to hear the test results is understandably likely to cause anxiety in the pt. Also, the physician himself should do the counseling and not refer the pt to someone else.A letter from the physician t

31、akes time to reach the pt, always creates anxiey, and offers no one to discuss the meaning of the results.boggy adj. 似沼澤的;沼澤多的Rectal examination shows a boggy, tender prostate.Gram stain of the urine showsperipheryThe headaches have become increasing debilitating.throbbing adj. 悸動的;跳動的The pain is th

32、robbing.debilitating adj. 使衰弱的v. 使虛弱(debilitate的ing形式)imminent adj. 即將來臨的;迫近的propulsive adj. 推進的;有推進力的ensue vi. 跟著發(fā)生,接著發(fā)生;繼起A specific vomiting act ensues that involves sth.a similar clinical profilenoteblytingible a.可染的Prognosis is grave due to advanced stage at diagnosis.Sb. died in a motor vehicl

33、e collision.She has bouts of crying for no reason.perform her activities of daily livingdo not have nightmares aboutHer vital signs are within normal limits.Depression lingers for years; grief resolves itself in time.Grieving people generally do not contemplate suicide, but a majority of depressed p

34、eople do have suicidal ideation.Medicate depression, but not grief.sb. come to the physician because of a sore tongue.sludging n. 沉積;油泥;成渣v. 淤積;清除的沉淀物(sludge的ing形式)adj. 沉積的ablation n. 水文 消融;切除for a health maintenance examinationmicron n. 微米(等于百萬分之一米)taxonomically adv. 分類學的sth is taxonomically relate

35、d to As a caveat, caveat n. 警告;中止訴訟手續(xù)的申請;貨物出門概不退換;停止支付的廣告palpitation of the right upper quadrant during inspiration causes sharp pain and an abrupt “catching” of the breath. = inspiratory arrest on the RUQ palpation due to painMedication 用 medical options 替換 produce a full therapeutic responsethree

36、or more things. (>=)持續(xù)了多久 disease duration of more than 3 monthsside effects = adverse effectsfriable adj. 易碎的;脆弱的impinging n. 沖擊;碰撞v. 沖擊,撞擊(impinge的現(xiàn)在分詞形式)生命時間長度 lifespanThe reason for the constant time period is related to the lifespan of the corpus luteumreinstate vt. 使恢復;使復原downy adj. 柔和的;絨毛的

37、;多丘崗的downy hair in the ampitFusobacterium usually is not pathogenic and lives in a commensal relationship with the host.n. 共餐者;生態(tài) 共生體adj. 共生的;共餐的;同桌的excoriation 表皮剝脫clumped adj. 集群分布v. 成群(clump的過去分詞和過去式)Assuming there has been no change in his dietcustomary alpha criteriacausality n. 因果關系 He is not

38、in shape.在外形上;處于良好狀態(tài)convenience store 便利商店omnipotence n. 全能,無限力量in a small region of the lateral upper right armimpinge on vi. 撞擊;侵犯 vt. 撞擊be characterized by a shooting pain 放射痛be more richly innervatedlaboratory studies of The skin on her torso and extremities is hyper pigmented.A 70-year-old man

39、with a history of diabetes and hypertension comes to the physician because of ambulate vi. 走動;步行;移動anisocoria 瞳孔大小不等a stray cat 流浪貓manipulate the structures of the existing FDA-approved pharmaceutical compoundwrithing vt. 翻滾,打滾;因劇痛扭動/蠕動visual acuity 視敏度pleocytosis 腦脊液細胞過多obtund vt. 使緩和,使遲鈍;減輕rake n.

40、 耙子;斜度;錢耙;放蕩的人,浪子inexplicable adj. 費解的;無法說明的;不能解釋的at least one episode of persistent elevated mood, along with swings down to a depressive stateThe patient is preoccupied with issues with trust.adj. 全神貫注的;心事重重的;被先占的v. 搶先占有;使全神貫注(preoccupy的過去式)peculiarity n. 特性;特質(zhì);怪癖;奇特rise to the level of full-blown

41、 delusionadj. 成熟的;(花)盛開的;(帆等)張滿的reparative adj. 修繕的;賠償?shù)?;彌補的writhing vt. 翻滾,打滾;因劇痛扭動/蠕動;盤繞(writhe的現(xiàn)在分詞)vinca n. 長春花detain vt.拘留insight n. 洞察力;洞悉insane adj. 瘋狂的;精神病的;極愚蠢的whorl n. 螺紋;輪生體;渦vt. 使成渦漩vi. 盤旋variegated adj. 雜色的;斑駁的;富于變化的Prognosis is dismal. adj. 凄涼的,憂郁的;陰沉的,沉悶的droop vi. 下垂;萎靡;凋萎vt. 使下垂n. 下垂;

42、消沉temperate zone 氣象 溫帶linger vi. 徘徊;茍延殘喘;磨蹭impinge vi. 撞擊;侵犯pleocytosis n. 臨床 腦脊液細胞增多cyclopia n. 獨眼畸形tragus 解剖 耳屏auricle n. 耳廓;deflect vt. 使轉(zhuǎn)向;使偏斜;使彎曲vi. 轉(zhuǎn)向;偏斜serpentine 'sp()ntan adj. 蜿蜒的;陰險的;彎彎曲曲的vt. 使迂回曲折地行進vi. 像蛇般行進n. 礦物 蛇紋石tip-off n. 密報;警告calvarium n. 顱蓋horseback ridingdiscernible adj. 可辨別的

43、;可識別的The tongue deviates to the right upon protrusion.in some distresscrush vt. 壓碎;弄皺,變形;使擠入index finger 食指binge n. 狂歡,狂鬧;放縱vt. 放縱vi. 狂飲作樂;大吃大喝n. (Binge)人名;(英)賓奇purge vi. 凈化;通便vt. 凈化;清洗;通便n. 凈化;瀉藥chiropractic neck manipulation n. 脊椎按摩療法blow n. 吹;打擊;毆打vi. 風吹;喘氣vt. 風吹The man is brought to the emergenc

44、y department after sustaining a blow to his right eye during a match.drink alcoholuse illicit drugsA 40-year-old man develops progressive weakness culminating in paralysis.vi. 到絕頂;達到高潮;達到頂點vt. 使結(jié)束;使達到高潮symptomatology n. 癥候?qū)W,總癥狀begin withchoroid plexus tuftaphthous ulceradj. 口瘡的fainting n. 昏暈;不省人事fai

45、nt adj. 模糊的;頭暈的;虛弱的;醫(yī) 衰弱的A 35-year-old woman comes to the physician because of “double vision” and the inability to adduct the right eye on attempted left lateral gaze. The left eye abducts appropriately on the left lateral gaze. Neurologic examination shows normal direct and consensual light reflex

46、es with intact convergence.He has a decreased right nasolabial fold and decreased movements of his right face, soaring the forehead,A man is brought to the emergency department because of altered mental status, diaphoresis and irritability.The behavior will be extinguished at which of the following ages?Her mother states that her daughter has had a history of clumsiness since she was a toddler with frequent falls throug


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