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1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上The Generation Gap at WorkAs offices go, the editorial suites at Time Inc. are pretty laid back. T-shirts are fine. Shave if you like. Slides, sneakers or heels - your choice. Yet theres a limit to what passes for acceptable appearance, and I was sure a recent bunch of college interns h

2、ad breached it spectacularly with their nose rings, tattoos and low-rise pants. These were bright, ambitious kids. Why the blatant show of disrespect? My younger colleagues wondered too. But they were more amused than aghast, and it occurred to me that there is a widening generation gap when it come

3、s to interpreting casual Fridays. And thats not all: Young folks are putting their stamp on the workplace in ways far more reaching than their wardrobe. And we boomers dont necessarily like it. Were all part of a new-age experiment: four generations working side by side yet often speaking a differen

4、t language. Think thats an exaggeration? Go ahead. Try to decipher this twentysomething text message: WU CMIW that was CLM or maybe CS. (Whats up? Correct me if Im wrong. That was a career-limiting move or maybe career suicide.) Boomers, the older silent generation, and younger ones known as X and Y

5、 bring vastly different histories, values and work habits to the job. These gaps have led to stereotypes that hinder our ability to get things done.Nearly 60 percent of HR managers at large companies say theyve observed office conflicts that flow from generational differences, according to the Socie

6、ty for Human Resource Management. Tensions typically stem from perceptions of loyalty and respect - as in, we think the kids dont have any. Yet the latest research shows that we may be compatible after all. Debunking some key myths may help you get past the tattoos and belly buttons in your office.M

7、yth No. 1: Young workers love changeIts commonly thought that young people embrace change as enthusiastically as older workers resist it. Not so. In a study of 3,200 workers, only 12 across the generations said they liked change at the office, reports the Center for Creative Leadership.Resistance to

8、 change isnt about age, its about how much you stand to gain or lose, says the Centers Jennifer Deal, author of Retiring the Generation Gap: How Employees Young and Old Can Find Common Ground. In general, older workers have more to lose. But many younger workers have identical anxieties.Dont make as

9、sumptions based on age, says Deal. Ask your young colleagues how a shift would change their life. If its for the better, can you blame them for loving it? But it might be as upsetting to them as it is to you - and it could be a bonding moment. Myth No. 2: Gen X- and Y-ers lack a strong work ethic(職業(yè)

10、道德)Not true. But coming of age under very different circumstances has affected our work styles. Boomers had to scrape and claw for jobs and work long hours to keep them and get ahead because there were so many of us. Competition was keen. Work became central to our identities, and with two-earner ho

11、useholds, we did much of our socializing in professional circles.But Gen X is much smaller and has never known job scarcity. They can demand more or move on. Theyve seen their parents get downsized, seeming victims of company loyalty, and watched them strain to juggle career and family. That differe

12、nt history has led to marked differences in how we work. Younger generations are willing to move every two or three years to get the job experience and work-life balance they want. Ask them to come into the office over the weekend and they are apt to resist.Their time off is their time off, says Gar

13、y Westerman, a former employment consultant. Yet that doesnt mean they wont get the job done. If they must, theyll work from the beach on their laptop. And theyre more apt to come in promptly and eschew the water-cooler chats so popular among boomers. They focus, finish and leave. Boomers need to ap

14、preciate these style differences. Look at the results, not the process. Myth No. 3: They disrespect eldersThis gets back to the dress issue. When boomers entered the work force, tattoos and body piercings were for bikers and lowlifes. Yet Gen X and Gen Y see these expressions (in tastefully modest d

15、oses) as normal, even alluring - not a way to thumb their nose at authority. The question of respect goes beyond a dress code. Boomers got ahead by doing what they were told and expect younger workers to similarly fall in line. But with their leverage in the workplace, twenty- and thirtysomethings d

16、ont have to take what you say on faith. They want to know why theyre being asked to perform a task.This isnt disrespect. They have more options than you did at that age. But if you are clear in what you expect and explain the reasons behind a particular assignment, theyll respond. Myth No. 4: Younge

17、r workers prefer to go it aloneBoomers like to call a meeting, says Robert Wendover, managing director for the Center for Generational Studies. X- ers would rather e-mail or text. But while younger workers are more accepting of technology, corresponding via text message and preferring to communicate

18、 online instead of in a meeting hardly qualifies as going it alone.All generations value working with capable colleagues despite age, says Deal of the Center for Creative Leadership. Boomers accustomed to face time may misread young workers preference for tech time as isolationist(孤立主義者). Its anythi

19、ng but - if you know how to use the tools. So learn them. And then give the kid a chance. Soon you wont even notice the silver stud in her tongue.在工作中的代溝作為辦公室,在時代公司的編輯套房都相當悠閑。 T恤是好的。刮胡子,如果你喜歡?;脽羝?,運動鞋或高跟鞋 - 你的選擇。然而,有一個可接受的外觀傳遞的限制,我相信最近的大專實習生一堆違反了與他們的鼻環(huán),紋身和低層褲子壯觀。這是光明的,雄心勃勃的孩子。為什么公然不敬的節(jié)目?太想我年輕的同事。但他們比

20、駭然逗樂了,它發(fā)生在我身上是有代溝的擴大,當它來解釋休閑星期五。而這還不是全部:年輕的人來說,把他們的郵票,遠遠超過他們的衣柜深遠的方式在工作場所。我們潮不一定喜歡它。我們都是一個新時代的實驗部分:四代并肩工作,還經(jīng)常講不同的語言。認為這是一種夸張嗎?來吧。嘗試破譯這七字短信:吳CMIW CLM的或可能政務司司長。 (什么事?糾正我,如果我錯了。這是職業(yè)生涯限制移動或者職業(yè)生涯自殺。)潮,舊的“沉默”的一代,年輕的稱為X和Y的工作帶來很大的不同的歷史,價值觀念和工作習慣。這些差距導致的陳腐觀念妨礙我們有能力把事情做好。近60,大型企業(yè)的人力資源經(jīng)理說,他們已經(jīng)觀察到的辦公室沖突,從代際差異的流

21、量,根據(jù)人力資源管理協(xié)會。緊張通常源于忠誠和尊重的觀念 - 我們認為,孩子們沒有任何。然而,最新的研究表明,我們可能畢竟兼容。揭穿一些關鍵的神話可以幫助你過去的紋身和肚臍,在你的辦公室。神話1:年輕工人愛變化它通常認為,年輕人擁抱變化,積極為老工人抵制。并非如此。在研究3,200名工人中,只有12跨世代說,他們喜歡在辦公室里的變化,報告創(chuàng)造性領導中心。“耐改變是不是年齡,它站在你獲得或失去多少,說:”該中心的珍妮弗新政,筆者在“退休代溝:年輕人和老年人的員工如何能找到共同點”一般來說,年紀較大的工人有更多的損失。但是,許多年輕的工人,有相同的憂慮。不要根據(jù)年齡的假設,說新政。問問你的年輕同事如

22、何轉變將改變他們的生活。如果好,你能責怪他們熱愛它呢?但它可能會擾亂他們,因為它是你 - 它可能是一個粘接時刻。誤區(qū)2:X一代和Y-ERS缺乏強烈的工作道德(職業(yè)道德)事實并非如此。但時代的到來,在非常不同的情況下,已影響到我們的工作作風。嬰兒潮一代有刮爪就業(yè)和工作時間長,以使他們獲得成功,因為有我們這么多人。競爭是激烈的。工作,我們的身份,成為中央和兩個賺取家庭,我們確實在專業(yè)圈子,我們的應酬太多。但X一代是小得多,從來不知道工作的稀缺。他們可以要求或移動。他們看到他們的父母得到精簡,似乎對公司的忠誠的受害者,看著他們緊張,兼顧事業(yè)和家庭。這導致了不同的歷史如何,我們在工作的顯著區(qū)別。年輕一

23、代愿意將每隔兩年或三年,以得到他們想要的工作經(jīng)驗和工作生活平衡。問他們周末到辦公室來,他們很容易抵制?!八麄兊男菹r間是他們的休息時間,說:”加里韋斯特曼,前就業(yè)顧問。然而,這并不意味著他們不會把工作做好。如果有必要,他們會從他們的筆記本電腦上海灘。而且他們更容易來在及時避開潮間流行的水冷卻器聊天。他們集中精力,完成并離開。嬰兒潮一代需要欣賞這些風格的差異??吹慕Y果,而不是過程。誤區(qū)3:他們不尊重長者這回來的著裝問題。當嬰兒潮一代進入勞動大軍,紋身和身體穿孔騎車和lowlifes。然而,X一代和Y一代看到這些表達式(高雅謙虛劑量)為正常,甚至誘人 - 沒有一種方法以拇指機關在自己的鼻子。超越著


25、兒潮一代可能誤讀青年工人的高新技術時間偏好作為孤立(孤立主義者)。這是什么,但 - 如果你知道如何使用工具。因此,學習他們。然后給孩子一個機會。不久,你甚至不會注意到她的舌頭在銀釘。We live in a culture which continually bombards(轟擊)us with advertising messages suggesting that “the good life” is the “the good life”. But such messages bear a false promise, because recent psychological rese

26、arch has not only made clear that money cant buy happiness, but has begun to show that when people organize their lives around the pursuit of wealth, their happiness can actually decrease.Research on how happiness relates to material wealth by psychologists clearly indicates that people are happier

27、if they live in wealthy rather than poor nations. However, once individuals have enough money to pay for their basic needs of food, shelter, etc., money does relatively little to improve happiness. Further, increases in either national economic growth or personal income have much effect on changes i

28、n the personal happiness of citizens.Psychological research goes further than this, however, by showing that people who “buy into” the message of consumer culture report lower personal well-being. Individuals who say that goals for money, image, and popularity are relatively important to them also r

29、eport less satisfaction in life, fewer experiences of pleasant emotions, and more depression and anxiety.In addition to these problems with personal happiness, research suggests that pursuit of material wealth also hurt social relationships and promote ecologically destructive behavior. 我們生活在一個文化不斷轟


31、是比較重要的是他們還報告在生活不太滿意,愉快的情緒較少的經(jīng)驗,以及更多的抑郁和焦慮。除了與個人的幸福這些問題,研究表明,物質財富的追求,也傷害了社會關系,促進生態(tài)環(huán)境的破壞性行為。Ever since Stephanies 13th birthday we have been receiving comments from other adults expressing their sympathies because our daughter is now a teenager. Weve heard everything from,“ Sure shes a good kid, but j

32、ust wait, now that shes a teenager.”to the ever inspiring, “Well, all kids are rotten when they are teenagers, just try to go through it the best way you can.” Whats more upsetting is that many of these insensitive adults feel the need to share their negative predictions well within the hearing of b

33、oth our daughters. I know that teenagers can be moody and difficult at times, but Im 32 and I can also be difficult and moody. We worry about the future and want todays kids to know that we care for them and that there are opportunities that await them. However, at the very point they set out on tha

34、t journey toward adulthood we stand there watching them disapprovingly, just waiting for them to make a mistake,“ just like we knew they would. ”We tell them to respect themselves and to say no to drugs, yet we fail to set a positive example by treating them with kindness and consideration, demonstr

35、ating our respect for them. I have, at times, been guilty of this behavior but am now realizing that the more I see each person as a person, the more I am pleasantly surprised in some way or another. For example, a few weeks ago my husband and I were having dinner at our favorite restaurant and two

36、teenage boys came in and sat down right beside us. I must admit that my first thought was, “Perfect, there goes our quiet, peaceful dinner. ”I was so wrong! These young men were well behaved, quiet, and left a nice tip for the waitress. Once I looked beyond the jeans so loose they were practically f

37、alling off and the multi-colored hair, I saw what fine people these kids were. Many of the people who, perhaps unknowingly, treat teens with disrespect are unhappy about the fact that pop singers and sports stars are our childrens heroes. I feel that unless we give them something better to go after,

38、 we really shouldnt complain. 自從斯蒂芬妮的13歲生日,我們已收到來自其他成年人表達他們的同情的意見,因為現(xiàn)在我們的女兒是一個十幾歲。 “我們聽到的一切,”當然,她是個好孩子,只是等待,現(xiàn)在,她是一個十幾歲.“永遠鼓舞人心的,那么,所有的孩子都爛時,他們是青少年,只是試圖通過它去最好的辦法,可以?!案钊藷赖氖牵@些敏感的成年人,很多人覺得有必要分享其消極的預測,以及在聽證會,我們的女兒。我知道,青少年有時會喜怒無常和困難,但我32,我也很難和穆迪。我們擔心未來和希望今天的孩子們知道我們關心他們,有機會等待著他們。然而,他們在很點設置上,對成年的旅程,我們站在那

39、里看著他們不以為然,只是在等待他們犯了一個錯誤,就像我們知道他們會“。 “我們告訴他們,尊重自己,向毒品說”不“,但我們不能治療他們的善良和審議設置一個正面的例子,表明我們對他們的尊重。有時,我已經(jīng)犯這種行為,但我現(xiàn)在意識到,我看到每個人作為一個人,我驚喜在一些這樣或那樣的驚訝。例如,在幾個星期前,我和我丈夫在我們最喜歡的餐館晚餐和兩個十幾歲的男孩來到我們身邊坐下。我必須承認,我首先想到的是,“完美,去我們的寧靜,祥和的晚餐。 “我錯了!這些年輕人表現(xiàn)良好,安靜,并留下一個漂亮的女服務員小費。一次,我看著如此寬松的牛仔褲超越他們幾乎脫落和多種顏色的頭發(fā),我看到這些孩子是什么人精。許多人,也許在

40、不知不覺中,治療與不尊重青少年的人是不滿意的事實,歌星和體育明星是我們的孩子們的英雄。我覺得,除非我們給他們更好的東西去后,我們真的不應該抱怨。In the United States, a person can take credit only for what he has accomplished by himself. Americans get no credit whatsoever for having been born into a rich or privileged family. (In the United States, that would be consider

41、ed “an accident of birth”.) Americans pride themselves in having been born poor and, through their own hard work, having climbed the difficult ladder of success to whatever level they have achievedall by themselves. The American social system has, of course, made it possible for Americans to move, r

42、elatively easily, up to the social ladder, whereas this is impossible to do in many other countries. The “self-made man or woman” is still very much the ideal in present-day America.Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual. Consequently, the foreign visitor will see c

43、ompetition being fostered in the American home and in the American classroom, even at the youngest age levels. You may find the value placed on competition among individuals. But Americans teaching in Third World countries find the lack of competitiveness in a classroom situation equally distressing

44、 . They soon learn that what they had thought to be one of the universal human characteristics represented only a peculiarly American (or Western) value.Americans, valuing competition, have devised an economic system to go with it free enterprise . Americans feel very strongly that a highly competit

45、ive economy will bring out the best in its people and ultimately, that the society which fosters competition will progress most rapidly. If you look for it, you will see evidence in all areas in all fields as diverse as medicine, the art, education, and sports that free enterprise is the approach mo

46、st often preferred in America.在美國,一個人可以采取只為他完成了自己的信用。美國人獲得豐富或特權的家庭出生,因沒有信用。 (在美國,這將被視為“意外”出生)。美國人感到自豪,自己已被出身貧寒,通過自己的辛勤勞動,很難成功的梯子爬上了什么水平,他們已取得所有由自己。美國的社會制度,當然,有可能為美國人,相對容易移動,社會階梯,而這是不可能做到在其他許多國家。 “自制男人還是女人”仍然是非常理想在今天的美國。美國人認為,競爭帶來的任何個人最好。因此,外國游客將會看到正在培育的競爭在美國的家,即使在最年輕的年齡層次,在美國的課堂。您可能會發(fā)現(xiàn)放在個體之間的競爭價值。但美

47、國人在第三世界國家的教學發(fā)現(xiàn),在教室里的情況同樣令人痛心的競爭力的缺乏。他們很快就學會,他們被認為是人類普遍的特點之一,只有一種特殊的美國(或西方)價值。美國人,重視競爭,已制訂了一個去 - 自由企業(yè)的經(jīng)濟體制。美國人感到非常強烈的一個高度競爭的經(jīng)濟將帶來最好在其人,并最終促進競爭的社會進步最迅速。 ,如果你看一下它,你會看到在各個領域的證據(jù) - 在各個領域,如醫(yī)藥等不同的藝術,教育,體育 - 自由企業(yè)是在美國最常用的首選方法。The Internet is the most important human invention since the introduction of printing .Today,there are more websites than there are human beings alive on the planet.。As a communication system it has no equals .As allows anyone with a computer to say anything they like to anyone else with a computer,anywhere i


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