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1、文檔可能無法思考全面,請(qǐng)瀏覽后下載! 【牛津4B單詞、句子匯總】M1U1watermelongrapeplumcherrystrawberrycrunchy西瓜葡萄李子櫻桃草莓脆的vineoftenenjoyinside guess葡萄藤經(jīng)常享受的樂趣(在)里面猜carparkblueschoolyardnever小轎車公園藍(lán)色學(xué)校院子從不whenthinkfruit在時(shí)候想水果a glass ofwatermelon juicecherry juice一杯西瓜汁櫻桃汁grape juiceat Alices homesit around葡萄汁在愛麗絲的家圍坐notat all一點(diǎn)也不1. W

2、hat can you smell and taste? 你能聞到和嘗到什么?2. I have a glass of watermelon juice, a glass of cherry juice and a glass of grape juice. 我有一杯西瓜汁,一杯櫻桃汁和一杯葡萄汁。3. Is it a peach or an apple? Its an apple, I think.它是一個(gè)桃子還是一個(gè)蘋果? 我想它是一個(gè)蘋果。4. Taste it. What is it? 嘗嘗它。它是什么?5. How does it taste? 它嘗起來怎么樣?6. Do you l

3、ike red ones or green ones? 你喜歡紅色的哪些還是綠色的哪些? (前句出現(xiàn)的名詞,如果是單數(shù),就用one)7. How about the green one? 綠色的那個(gè)怎么樣。8. Its nice too, and its very crunchy. 它也很好,而且它非常脆。9. They are purple and round. 他們又紫又圓。 10. What nice grapes!=How nice the grapes are! 多好的葡萄呀!11. They are not sweet at all. 它們一點(diǎn)也不甜。12. I dont like

4、 the horse at all. 我一點(diǎn)也不喜歡這匹馬。13. In summer we often sit around and enjoy a fruit. 在夏天我們經(jīng)常圍坐一圈并吃水果。14. Its red and sweet inside. 它的里面又紅又甜。15. He often rides it in his yard with his sister Sue. 他經(jīng)常在他的后院和他的姐姐一起騎它。16. He also rides it around the park on sunny afternoons.11 / 15 他也在陽光燦爛的下午在公園里附近騎它。17. B

5、ut Mark never rides his car when he goes to school. 但是馬克從來不在上學(xué)的時(shí)候騎他的小車。M1U2hardsoftroughsmoothsharpblunt硬的軟的粗糙的光滑的尖的鈍的thickthinknife (knives)pencil casesandkey厚的,粗的薄的,細(xì)的小刀,刀鉛筆盒沙子鑰匙parentallanotherbeachfindfloor父(母)親所有,全部的另一個(gè)沙灘找到地板blindaskanswerlastskirtpurse瞎的,盲的問回答最后的短裙(女式)錢包slimman(men)roundsometh

6、ingthingwhose苗條的男人圓的某物東西,物品誰的know ( 同音詞no )take off (put on)over there知道脫下(穿上)在那里lost-property officeone of the take toon the beach失物招領(lǐng)處中的一個(gè)把拿到在沙灘上1. Whose knife is this? Its Dannys. 這是誰的小刀?它是丹尼的。2. Whose books are those? They are so thick. 哪些是誰的書? 他們是如此厚。3. They are Miss Fangs. She has many books.

7、它們是方老師的。她有很多書。4. Peter, put your toy bear in the bag. 皮特,把你的玩具熊放進(jìn)包里。5. Touch one thing. How does it feel? 摸一個(gè)東西。它的感覺是什么?6. Yes, you are right. 是的,你是對(duì)的。7. Can I take off my shoes? 我能脫下我的鞋嗎?8. Yes, of course you can. 是的,你當(dāng)然可以。9. Whats the matter? Theres something in the sand. 發(fā)生什么事了?沙子里有一些東西。10. Lets

8、ask the man over there. 讓我們問那邊的一個(gè)男子。11. Lets take it to the lost-property office. 讓我們把它拿到失物招領(lǐng)處。12. Under the tree, there are four brothers. 在樹下有四個(gè)兄弟。13. Here comes a man on an elephant. 來了一個(gè)坐在大象上的男子。14. Whats that? asks one of the brothers. “那是什么?”兄弟中的一個(gè)問道。15. No! says the last brother,The elephant

9、is long and thin. “不!”最后的兄弟說,“這個(gè)大象是又長(zhǎng)又瘦的?!?6. I like eating and drinking, and playing in the school yard. 我喜歡吃和喝,并且喜歡在學(xué)校后院玩。17. She wants to buy a new red skirt. 她想要買一件新的紅色的裙子。18. The old one is too small. 舊的那件太小了。19. But she cannot find her purse. 但是她找不到她的錢包。20. Its over there,says her mum,Just beh

10、ind the door! “它在那兒,”她的媽媽說,“就在門后面?!盡1U3hilllawnpathbenchrise(go down)shadow小山草坪小路長(zhǎng)椅升起,上升影子growagaintorchalsosometimesnoon變得又,再手電筒也有時(shí)中午bitefollowbeeteadeer(deer)tear咬跟著蜜蜂茶鹿眼淚suddenlycryfearbeersound突然地哭害怕啤酒聲音in the morningin the afternoonin the evening在早上在中午在晚上at noongrow short/longgo down go up在中午變短

11、/變長(zhǎng)落下去 升起at seven oclockgo with sb.walk down the road在七點(diǎn)鐘和某人一起走沿著馬路走look backbe afraid ofplay with sb.回頭看害怕和某人一起玩run after = chasego offin front of (behind)追趕熄滅在前面(在后面)1. In the morning, it rises behind the hill. 早晨,它從小山后面升起。2. The sun goes down in the evening. 晚上太陽落下了。3. The trees shadow grows long

12、 again. 太陽的影子又變成長(zhǎng)的。4. Cut them out. Stick a pencil. 把他們剪下來。 粘一支鉛筆。5. Shine the torch and make a shadow. 照手電筒制造出影子。6. My shadow often goes with me. 我的影子經(jīng)常和我一起走。7. Sometimes my shadow stays behind me. 有時(shí)候我的影子待在我的后面。8. Sometimes my shadow walks in front of me. 有時(shí)候我的影子走在我的前面。9. Sometimes my shadow grows

13、 big and strong. 有時(shí)候我的影子變的又打又強(qiáng)壯。10. He looks back and sees a black shape behind him. 它回頭看,看到他后面有一個(gè)黑色的形狀。11. Henry runs away, but the black shape follows him. 亨利逃跑,但這黑色的形狀跟著它。12. Lets play together. 讓我們一起玩。13. When the light goes off, you wont see it any more. 當(dāng)燈關(guān)上,你將看不到任何東西。14. Mr Bee is having tea

14、with his friend Miss Deer. 蜜蜂先生和鹿女士正在喝茶。15. Suddenly he falls into the tea, and Miss Deer cries in fear. 突然他掉進(jìn)茶里,鹿女士害怕地哭了。16. You scared me! 你嚇壞我了。M2U1play footballplay table tennisplay volleyball踢足球打乒乓球打排球play badmintonplay basketballposter打羽毛球打籃球海報(bào)clubsportjoinnevernoticeswimsuit俱樂部體育運(yùn)動(dòng)加入,參加從不通知,布

15、告泳衣rememberbeforeafterhealthyhobby (hobbies)記得在之前在之后健康的業(yè)余愛好funlineminesmilefivepie有趣的事排成一行我的微笑五派badminton clubfavourite sportjoin the club羽毛球俱樂部最喜歡的體育運(yùn)動(dòng)參加俱樂部talk with sb.swimming class noticeswimming cap和某人說話游泳課通知游泳帽a pair of swimming gogglesdo warm-up exercisesswimming pool一副游泳眼鏡做熱身運(yùn)動(dòng)游泳池French frie

16、senjoy yourselfspare time薯?xiàng)l(祝你)玩得開心業(yè)余時(shí)間1. Do you like playing badminton? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 你喜歡打羽毛球嗎?2. Its my favourite sport. 它是我最喜歡的運(yùn)動(dòng)。3. Lets join the club together, then. 那么,讓我們一起參加這俱樂部。4. Who else would like to join? =Would you like to come with us? 還有其他人想要加入嗎?5. Does Kitty like playing vo

17、lleyball? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt. Kitty喜歡打排球嗎?6. Lets go and ask her. 讓我們?nèi)査?. Peter and Danny are talking with Alice in the classroom. Peter和Danny在教室里正在和Alice交談。8. She never plays badminton. 她從來不打羽毛球。9. The swimsuit cannot be too big or too small. 游泳衣不能太大或者太小。10. So the water does not get i

18、n your eyes. 所以水不會(huì)進(jìn)入你的眼睛。11. Do warm-up exercises. Do them before you go into the water. 做準(zhǔn)備練習(xí)。在你進(jìn)入水中之前做他們。12. It makes you healthy and strong. 它使你健康和強(qiáng)壯。13. In my spare time I sing and dance. 在我的業(yè)余時(shí)間我唱歌和跳舞。14. He gives me five and puts four in a line. 他給我五個(gè)并把四個(gè)排成行。M2U2bonecat foodfishdog foodparrott

19、ortoise骨頭貓糧魚狗糧鸚鵡烏龜cuteanimalbaskethungryholeangry可愛的動(dòng)物籃子餓的洞生氣的afraidvetpetaddgoattoe害怕的獸醫(yī)寵物加山羊腳趾dirtysadleaf(leaves)mathscampwake up臟的傷心的葉子數(shù)學(xué)營(yíng)地醒來favourite fooda large bowl ofnot at all最喜愛的食物一大碗一點(diǎn)也不every daywant to do sth.shake the tree每一天想要做某事?lián)u晃樹fall downgo back toclimb onto落下走回到爬到上面run awayjump off

20、catch the mouse逃跑跳離抓老鼠1. What animals do you like? I like? 你喜歡什么動(dòng)物?2. What food does a cat eat/like? It eats/likes 一只貓吃/喜歡什么食物?3. He doesnt eat dog food at all. 他第一點(diǎn)兒不吃狗糧。4. What do you have, Mog? I have 你有什么?我有。5. Do you want the fish, Min? Yes/No 你想要這條魚嗎?是/不6. Milly sees an apple on the tree. Mill

21、看到書上有一個(gè)蘋果。7. She wants to eat it, but the tree is tall. 她想要吃它,但是這樹太高了。8. The apple falls down. Some leaves fall down too. 那蘋果掉下來。一些樹葉也掉下來。9. A cat is sleeping in his basket. 一只貓正在它的籃子里睡覺。10. The mouse is hungry, so he eats the food. 這老師餓了,所以他吃食物。11. The mouse is afraid and runs away. 這老鼠很害怕并且逃跑了。12.

22、 The mouse climbs onto a door. 這老師爬上一扇門。13. The mouse jumps off the door and runs away again. 這老鼠跳下門病再次逃跑。14. The mouse goes back to his hole. 這老鼠回到他的洞里。15. He wants to be a vet. 他想要成為一個(gè)獸醫(yī)。16. She took her dog to maths camp and taught him how to add. 她曾把她的狗帶到數(shù)學(xué)夏令營(yíng)并教他加法。17. Flo is playing with a goat

23、 in the boat. Flo在小船里正在和山羊玩。18. Flo and Joe in the boat say to the goat,“Hello! Lets go!” Flo和Joe在小船里對(duì)三羊說:“你好!讓我們走?!盡2U3bedroomliving roombathroomkitchenusuallybedtime臥室客廳衛(wèi)生間廚房通常就寢時(shí)間shelltalkwalktoynoisesand貝殼說話走玩具噪音沙子do ones homeworkmake a model planewash ones hair做作業(yè)做飛機(jī)模型洗頭發(fā)cook dinnerwrite a lett

24、erread a book燒飯寫信看書wash the dishesdry the disheswatch TV洗碟子擦干碟子看電視Earth Hourmany peopleturn off the lights ( turn on )地球一小時(shí)許多人關(guān)燈 (打開)go and have a looktell sb. about sth.read storybooks去看一看告訴某人關(guān)于某事看故事書a fairy talea lot of interesting storieschat with sb.一個(gè)童話故事許多有趣的故事和某人聊天summer holidayhave a holiday

25、play beach ball暑假度假打沙灘球over therego swimmingthe Chens在那里去游泳陳家人1. Kitty, where are you? Im in the living room. Im doing my homework.Kitty, 你在哪里? 我在客廳。我正在做我的回家作業(yè)。2. Come and help me, please. 請(qǐng)過來幫我。3. It is Earth Hour now. 現(xiàn)在是地球一小時(shí)時(shí)間。4. Lets go and have a look. 讓我們?nèi)タ匆豢础?. I usually watch TV with my par

26、ents at night. 我經(jīng)常晚上和我的父母親一起看電視。6. My dad is telling me a lot about the stars. 我的爸爸正在給我講很多關(guān)于星星的事。7. My brother Ben and I usually read storybooks before bedtime, but now Grandma is telling us a fairy tale. 我的兄弟Ben和我經(jīng)常在睡覺前看故事書,但是現(xiàn)在奶奶正在給我們講童話故事。8. They are telling us a lot of interesting stories about

27、themselves. 他們正在給我們講很多他們有趣的故事。9. The Chens are having a holiday on the beach in Sanya. 陳一家在三亞的海灘上度假。10. What a beautiful beach! = How beautiful the beach is! 多美的海灘呀!11. But Joyce still doesnt make any noise! 但是Joyce仍然不制造任何噪音。M3U1quietloudbelltelevisionsounddoorbell安靜的大聲的鈴電視聲音門鈴ringwind-bellcrayonsti

28、ckstring different響風(fēng)鈴蠟筆小棒線不同的dozeawakepuzzledunhappywheelsquare打瞌睡醒的困惑的不高興的輪子正方形bearhaira pair of scissorseach shape熊頭發(fā)一把剪刀每一個(gè)形狀be carefulhave a naphave a bath小心打個(gè)盹. 洗澡fly awaya week laterIn the end飛走一周后最后1. Grandma, its noisy outside. 奶奶,外面很吵。2. Yes, there are some students outside. 是的,外面有些學(xué)生。3. Dr

29、aw different shapes on the thick card. 在厚卡片上畫不同的形狀。4. Make two holes in each shape. 在每個(gè)形狀里開兩個(gè)洞。5. Tie the shapes and the bell together with some string. 用一些細(xì)繩把形狀和鈴系好。6. Excuse me! Im sorry. Be careful! 請(qǐng)?jiān)?!我很抱歉。小心點(diǎn)。7. They are awake now and feel angry. 他們正醒來并很生氣。8. An old tortoise lives by a small p

30、ond. 一只老龜住在一個(gè)小池塘旁邊。9. She always has a bath in the pond and sings some songs. 她總是在池塘邊唱歌邊洗澡。10. “Im sorry,”the little bird says and flies away. “對(duì)不起,”那小鳥邊說邊飛走了。11. The wheels on the bike go round and round. 自行車上的輪子在轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)。12. Dont go near that square, Clare! 不要走進(jìn)那個(gè)方形,Clare!M3U2clockbatterymouse(mice)owll

31、eavestart=begin鐘電池老鼠貓頭鷹離開開始get upbrush ones teethwash ones face起床刷牙洗臉have/eat breakfastbe back home from workwatch the cartoon吃早飯下班回家看卡通do a puzzleon the sofaread a storybook玩拼圖在沙發(fā)上看故事書talk to sb.the next morningwake up對(duì)某人說話第二天早上醒來be late for schoollast nightfinish doing sth.上學(xué)遲到昨天晚上完成做某事時(shí)間的表達(dá)方式:sev

32、en oclock 七點(diǎn)整a quarter past seven = seven fifteen 七點(diǎn)十五分half past seven = seven thirty 七點(diǎn)半a quarter to eight = seven forty-five 七點(diǎn)四十五分1. What time is it now? Its a quarter past seven. 現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)鐘了?七點(diǎn)十五分了。2. Its five forty-five. Mum is back home from work. 五點(diǎn)四十五分。媽媽下班回家了。3. Its time for bed. 上床時(shí)間到了。4. Can I

33、 finishing watch the cartoon? 我能看完卡通嗎?5. Its nine fifteen. Kitty is watching TV on the sofa. 現(xiàn)在九點(diǎn)十五分。Kitty在沙發(fā)上看電視。6. The next morning, Tom wakes up and looks at his clock. 第二天早上,Tom起來看他的鐘。7. Tom runs all the way to school. Tom走在去學(xué)校的路上。8. His clock stopped at ten thirty last night. 他的鐘在昨晚十點(diǎn)三十分停了。9. A

34、 big brown owl is flying in the clouds. 一個(gè)大的棕色的貓頭鷹在云中飛。10. It hits the cow and calls out Ouch! Ouch! aloud. 它撞擊奶牛并大聲叫。M3U3alwaysusuallyoftensometimesneversmile一直通常經(jīng)常有時(shí)從不微笑whileshyactivitychess然而害羞的活動(dòng)象棋fromtoChinese chess clubat weekends從到中國(guó)象棋俱樂部在周末have a good timevisit my grandparentssee a film玩得開心看

35、望我的爺爺奶奶看電影days of the weekhave a partyon Monday afternoon一周的七天開派對(duì)在周一下午Music Clubhave a Music class have music shows音樂俱樂部上音樂課表演音樂劇have meetingsin the music room開會(huì)在音樂教室里星期的表達(dá)方式:Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 星期天 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 注意:根據(jù)國(guó)外的習(xí)慣一周的第一天是從星期天開始的。從星期一到星期五稱之為week

36、days,星期六和星期天稱之為weekends。1. Im always busy on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 我周一、周二和周三總是很忙。2. Im never busy on Saturday and Sunday. 我周六和周日從來不忙。3. Im usually busy, but Im always happy. 我常常很忙,但我總是開心。4. Peter goes to school from Monday to Friday. Peter周一到周五去上學(xué)。5. He often goes to the school library on M

37、onday afternoon. 他經(jīng)常在周一下午去學(xué)校圖書館。6. At weekends, Peters family sometimes go to Rainbow Park. 在周末,Peter一家有時(shí)去彩虹公園。7. They always have a good time there. 在那兒他們總是很愉快。8. What do you usually do at weekends? 你在周末通常做什么?9. I usually play badminton with my father. 我通常和我的父親打羽毛球。10. The days of the week are havi

38、ng a party. 一周的每天們?cè)谂e行派對(duì)。11. “Let me get everyone a drink,”he says. “讓我給每位一杯飲料,”他說。12. Whats the date today? Its the fifth of May. 今天的日期是什么?今天五月15日。13. What day is today? Its Sunday. 今天星期幾?今天星期日。M4U1pianoviolintriangledrumrecorderguitar鋼琴小提琴三角鐵鼓笛子吉他pipergoldplay a guessing gamebe full of吹笛人金子玩猜謎游戲充滿a

39、 bag of play beautiful musica musical instrument一包吹奏美妙的音樂一件樂器rubber bandwant to do sth.good table manners橡皮筋想要做某事飯桌禮儀樂器相對(duì)應(yīng)的聲音the piano - Ding-ding! the triangle - Ting-ting!the violin - Zing-zing! the drum - Boom-boom! play+ the+樂器, 例如play the piano play直接加球類, 例如 play football1. What can you play? I

40、 can play the piano. 你會(huì)彈奏什么?我會(huì)拉小提琴。2. The city of Hamelin is full of mice. 哈梅林城充滿了老鼠。3. A man comes to help the people of Hamelin. 一個(gè)男人來幫助哈梅林的人們。4. The people of Hamelin do not want to give the piper his gold. 哈梅林的人不想給吹笛人他的黃金。5. Now all the children of the city walk behind him. 現(xiàn)在城里所有的孩子都走在他后面。6. Ti

41、e some rubber bands on a pencil case. 在鉛筆盒里系一些橡皮筋。M4U2festivalrelativedumplingmooncakemoneyimportant節(jié)日親戚餃子月餅錢重要的rememberchopsticksknife(knives)forkduring記得筷子刀叉子在期間the Spring Festivalthe Dragon Boat Festivalthe Mid-autumn Festival春節(jié)端午節(jié)中秋節(jié)the Double Ninth Festivalrice dumplingthe old peoples home重陽節(jié)粽子

42、老人院Class 3 Grade 4talk about sth.四(3)班談?wù)撃呈聇raditional foodon New Years Evehave a big dinner傳統(tǒng)食物除夕夜吃團(tuán)圓飯red envelopeswatch colourful fireworkswatch dragon boat races紅包看彩色的煙火看龍舟比賽eat Double Ninth cakesclimb mountainsspecial foodtable mannersblow bubblesIts not polite to do sth.餐桌禮儀吹泡泡做某事不禮貌1. Miss Fang

43、 and the students are talking about festivals in China.芳老師和學(xué)生們?cè)谡務(wù)撝袊?guó)節(jié)日。2. What do you usually do during the Spring Festival? 春節(jié)期間你通常做什么?3. My favourite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival. 我最喜歡的節(jié)日是端午節(jié)。4. Many old people live in the old peoples home. 許多老人住在養(yǎng)老院。5. The students in Class 3 Grade 4 often go to visit them at the Double Ninth Festival. 四年級(jí)三班的學(xué)生經(jīng)常在重陽節(jié)去探望他們。6. This is me in the classroom. 在教室里的是我。7. The Spring Festival is an important festival in China. 春節(jié)是中國(guó)一個(gè)重要的節(jié)日。8. People also call it the Chinese New year. 人們也叫它做中國(guó)新年。9. On New Years


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