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1、精銳教育學(xué)科教師輔導(dǎo)講義學(xué)員編號:年 級:高二課時(shí)數(shù):學(xué)員姓名:輔導(dǎo)科目:英語學(xué)科教師:授課類型T詞匯牛津高二下U6C閱讀之現(xiàn)代科技T綜合能力提升授課日期及時(shí)段教學(xué)內(nèi)容Ready, go! !14 / 14、詞匯WordsI. Key Words重點(diǎn)單詞1. cosmetics n. usually pl.化妝品e. g. Lipstick and hair conditioner are cosmetics. 紅和護(hù)發(fā)素者B是化妝品。2. persuasive adj.有說服力的;令人信服的e. g. The argument he presented was so persuasive t

2、hat the manager agreed to reconsider his proposal.他的理由很有說服力,所以經(jīng)理同意重新考慮他的提議?!局R拓展】persuade v.說服,勸說【常用搭配】persuade sb to do stht服某人做某事persuade sb into doing sth說服某人做某事persuade sb out of sth/doing sth 勸阻某人不要(做)e. g. She persuaded me to take part in the English competition.=She persuaded me into taking p

3、art in the English competition. 她說服我參力口英語競賽。We persuaded him out of his foolish plan.我們勸說他放棄了那個(gè)愚蠢的計(jì)劃。3. advertising n.做廣告;廣告業(yè)e. g. Cigarette advertising should be banned.應(yīng)該禁止香煙的廣告業(yè)務(wù)。4. campaignn.運(yùn)動(dòng)e. g. There is a campaign against smoking in the city.該市正在進(jìn)行場禁煙運(yùn)動(dòng)。The old ladys son died in a campaign

4、during the World War n .老太太的兒子在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)的一場戰(zhàn)爭中喪 身?!局R拓展】v.參加運(yùn)動(dòng)e. g. She spent her whole life campaigning for womens rights. 她畢生致力于女權(quán)運(yùn)動(dòng)。5. anti-ageingadj.抗衰老的e. g. I wonder whether these anti-ageing cosmetics are really effective.我想知道這些抗衰老的化妝品是否真的有效。Our website provides ladies with many practical anti-

5、ageing strategies.我們的網(wǎng)站為女士們提供很多實(shí)用的抗衰老策略?!局R拓展】前綴anti-表示反對、排斥”。如:anti- spam反垃圾郵件 anti-hacker反電腦黑客6. present v.贈(zèng)送;呈現(xiàn);弓I見e. g. The old couple presented a big sum of money to the school where they had studied.這對老夫婦向他們求學(xué)過的學(xué)校贈(zèng)送了一大筆錢。You should have presented your essay last week.你上周就該把論文交上來了。Please allow

6、me to present my new friend to you, Tom.湯姆, 請?jiān)试S我向你介紹我的新朋友。【知識拓展】(l)adj./present/出席,在場(可作表語或后置定語);現(xiàn)存的,當(dāng)前的(只可作前置定語)e. g. I hope you will be present at my wedding ceremony the day after tomorrow. 我希望你后天能來參力口我的結(jié)婚典 禮。Obviously, most people present were against the plan.顯然,在場的大多數(shù)人反對這項(xiàng)計(jì)劃。Most students are

7、quite satisfied with the present teaching method applied by the new teacher.大多數(shù)學(xué)生都對這個(gè)新老師現(xiàn)用的教學(xué)方法很滿意。(2)n./ present/禮物Christmas/birthday present 圣誕/生日禮物7. packaging n.包裝材料e. g. The packaging for the product was very difficult to open. 這個(gè)產(chǎn)品的包裝很難打開。8. double v.(使)加倍;是的兩倍e. g. This year, the sales of the

8、 product are double what they were last year.該產(chǎn)品今年的銷售額是去年的兩倍。The birth rate in that area has doubled.那個(gè)地區(qū)的嬰兒出生率已經(jīng)增加了一倍?!局R拓展】n.兩倍e. g. The production of this year is the double of that of last year. 今年的產(chǎn)量是去年的兩倍。9. poisonv.使中毒;毒害e. g. The cow drank the water and was poisoned.奶牛喝了 水后中毒了?!局R拓展】poisonn.

9、毒藥,毒物e. g. Some mushrooms contain deadly poisons.有些蘑菇含有致命毒素。10. blind v.使失明e. g. The man was blinded in the explosion.那名男子在爆炸中雙目失明。【知識拓展】blind adj.瞎的;盲的e. g. When he was released from the jail, the strong light nearly blinded him.當(dāng)他被釋放出監(jiān)獄的時(shí)候,強(qiáng)烈的光線幾乎使他什么都看不見了。He became blind after a serious car accid

10、ent.在一次嚴(yán)重車禍后,他的雙目失明了。11. force-feedv.強(qiáng)迫進(jìn)食e. g. The sick animal refused to eat, and had to be force-fed.那只有病的動(dòng)物不肯進(jìn)食,人們只好給它強(qiáng)制喂食。12. injection n.注射e. g. The morphine was administered by injection 那嗎啡是注射進(jìn)去的。13. drip v.滴入e. g. The machine dripped water and fertilizer onto the plants .那臺機(jī)器把水和肥料滴到植物上。14. a

11、mazingadj.令人驚奇的;令人驚喜的e. g. I find it amazing that you cant swim.你不會(huì)游泳可使我大吃驚。15. unconventional adj.often approving不因循守舊的;新奇的e. g. She leads an unconventional way of life.她的生活方式很新潮。16. principle n.規(guī)則e. g. Discussing all these details will get us nowhere; we must get back to first principle.討論這些枝節(jié)問題是毫

12、無用處的,我們必須回到基本原則上來。17. prosperv.繁榮;興旺e. g. Due to his diligence and intelligence, his business soon prospered.由于他勤奮又聰明,他的生意很快就興隆起來 了。The little company prospered through good management.由于管理有方,這家小公司興旺發(fā)達(dá)。18. revolution v.改革e. g. Computers have revolutionized many aspects of modern life.計(jì)算機(jī)的運(yùn)用徹底改變了現(xiàn)代生活

13、的方方面面。19. limitationn.局限;缺陷e. g. He knows his limitations.他知道身體能力有限。I know my limitations - I cant do what you asked.我不能做你請求我做的事,因?yàn)槲抑雷约旱牟蛔阒帯?0. recyclev.回收利用;再利用e. g. Every week, a lorry came by to pick up old magazines and newspapers to be recycled.每個(gè)星期都有一輛貨車來運(yùn)走那些將被回收利用的舊雜志和廢報(bào)紙。21. refillv.再裝滿(或灌

14、滿)e. g. The man asked the waiter to refill his glass.那個(gè)人又一次讓服務(wù)員把自己的杯子倒?jié)M。22. uniqueadj.獨(dú)一無二的;獨(dú)特的e. g. Every snowflake is unique - no two are the same.每一瓣雪花都是獨(dú)一無二的沒有兩片相同的雪花。23. remarkablyadv.不尋常地;突出地e. g. Remarkably, no one was killed in that terrible storm.令人稱奇的是,那場可怕的風(fēng)暴中沒有人死亡。【知識拓展】remarkableadj.不尋常

15、的;出類拔萃的e. g. His remarkable achievements in science has brought him great honour.他在科學(xué)上的杰出成就給他帶來了巨大榮 譽(yù)。24. alternative adj.供選擇的e. g. This road was blocked, so we had to go by an alternative route.這條路被堵了,所以我們只好走另一條路。Have you got an alternative suggestion? 你有沒有其他建議?25. global adj.全球的e. g. Our product h

16、as won global popularity.我們的產(chǎn)品已經(jīng)贏得了全球性的歡迎。Everyone wishes for global peace.人人者B希望世界和平?!局R拓展】globe n.球,球體;球狀物the globe地球26. publicityn.公眾的注意;媒體的注意;名聲;宣傳e. g. There is a lot of publicity on his achievements. 他的成就廣受大眾注目。The new book has gained very little publicity, greatly limiting its sales.公眾不太關(guān)注這本新

17、書,這大大影響了它的銷售。There has been little publicity about the new film.這部新電影沒有作什么宣傳。27. holdv舉辦;進(jìn)行e. g. The classmates held a singing competition.同學(xué)們舉行了次歌詠比賽。28. pro-environmentadj.支持保護(hù)環(huán)境的e. g. The company funded research in pro-environment packaging.這家公司資助研究保護(hù)環(huán)境的包裝材料。29. publicize v.宣傳e. g. an advertising

18、 campaign to publicize the new train service.為新投入運(yùn)營的鐵路路線而開展的宣傳活動(dòng)n . Key Expressions 重點(diǎn)詞組1. come true實(shí)現(xiàn)(該詞組為不及物動(dòng)詞詞組,不能用于被動(dòng)語態(tài))e. g. After many years of hard work, his 10ng cherished dream of being a football player came true.經(jīng)過多年努力,他長期懷有的想成為一名足球運(yùn)動(dòng)員的夢想終于實(shí)現(xiàn)了。【指點(diǎn)迷津】realize v.(使)實(shí)現(xiàn)(常用于被動(dòng)語態(tài))We are sure tha

19、t you will realize your dream sooner or later.=We are sure that your dream will be realized sooner or later.我們相信, 你的希望遲早會(huì)實(shí)現(xiàn)。出.Key Sentences重難點(diǎn)句子1. It promises that all your dreams will come true if you use a certain type of shampoo or face cream.句中promises后跟賓語從句。promise的其他用法還有:promise to do sth許諾做某事

20、,promise sb to do sth許諾某人 做某事。e. g. My father promised to buy me a new bike if l would do well in the coming exam.=My father promised me to buy a new bike if I would do well in the coming exam.爸爸許諾我,如果我在即將到來的考試中有出色表現(xiàn)的話,他會(huì)給我買一輛新自行車。2. The products are presented in expensive packaging, often doubling

21、their cost.often doubling their cost是現(xiàn)在分詞短語作狀語,表示伴隨狀況。3. Banning images of beautiful women in her shops, she promoted health, not beauty.banning images of beautiful women in her shops 是現(xiàn)在分詞短語,作原因狀語。e. g. Not wanting to have anything, she just kept on working without dinner.因?yàn)槭裁炊疾幌氤?,所以她沒有吃晚飯就繼續(xù)工作。I.

22、Key Words重點(diǎn)單詞1. tuben.軟管e. g. Blood flowed along the tube into the bottle.血液沿管子流人瓶中。2. wrapper n.包聾芝材料e. g. Please put all your sweet wrappers in the bin.請把你的糖紙都放進(jìn)垃圾箱里去?!局R拓展】wrap v.包;裹e. g. Christmas presents were wrapped up in tisuue paper.圣誕禮物者 B 用薄紙裹起來了。3. transport v.(用交通工具)運(yùn)輸;運(yùn)送e. g. Coal is u

23、sually transported by rail from the mines to the power plants. 媒通常經(jīng)由鐵路從煤礦運(yùn)到發(fā)電廠?!局R拓展】transportation n.運(yùn)輸4. cardboard n.卡紙板e(cuò). g. They kept all of their photos in a shoebox made of cardboard.他們把所有的照片都放在一個(gè)卡板紙做的鞋盒中。5. landfill n.垃圾填埋地e. g. All of the rubbish was taken to a landfill on the outskirts of t

24、he city. 所有的垃圾都被運(yùn)到市郊的一個(gè)垃圾填埋場。6. leak v.漏;滲;滲透e. g. The gas will leak if you dont turn it off after using.如果用完后不關(guān)掉,煤氣會(huì)泄漏。The tyre began to leak, and was soon completely flat.車胎開始漏氣,很快就癟了。Who leaked the news to the press?是誰將消息泄露給新聞界的?7. carton n.(尤指裝食品或液體的)硬紙盒;塑料盒e. g. This morning, I bought a carton

25、of milk for breakfast on my way to work.今天早晨在去上班的路上,我買了一盒牛奶當(dāng)早飯。8. appropriateadj.合適的;恰當(dāng)?shù)膃. g. Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.運(yùn)動(dòng)服用于正式婚禮中是不適當(dāng)?shù)摹?. sort v.整理;把分類e. g. He was sorting his foreign stamps.他正在整理夕卜國郵票。10. process v.力口工e. g. Generally speaking, food must be processed i

26、n order to be preserved.般來說, 食品需要經(jīng)過力口工才能長時(shí)間保存。It may take a few weeks for these wasted paper to be processed.處理這些廢棄文件也許要幾個(gè)星期。 【知識拓展】processn.過程e. g. I started moving the china ornaments, but dropped a vase in the process.我動(dòng)手搬那些瓷器飾物,但在移動(dòng)時(shí)打碎了一只花瓶。Compiling a dictionary is a slow process.編撰一本字典是一個(gè)緩慢的過程

27、。11. subject n.(繪畫或拍攝)題材e. g. The subject of the picture is the painters father.這幅畫取材于畫家的父親。n .Key Expressions 重點(diǎn)詞組1. make up 組成;構(gòu)成;化妝e. g. This football team is made up of fourteen members.這個(gè)足球隊(duì)由十四名隊(duì)員組成。Workers make up a large portion of the population.工人占人口數(shù)量的大部分。Before going onto the stage, the a

28、ctress made up to look her best.在上臺之前,女演員化了妝,讓自己看上去最 美?!局R拓展】make up for補(bǔ)償e. g. You apology cant make up for the broken vase.光說對不起補(bǔ)償不了被你打破的花瓶的損失。2. end up 結(jié)束;告終e. g. He tried several different jobs, finally ending up as a teacher.他做過一些不同的工作,最終成為一名教師。He started working in this company as a clerk but

29、ended up as the general manager.他剛進(jìn)公司寸候只是個(gè)小職員,但最后卻成了總經(jīng)理。3. take up 占去;占據(jù)e. g. The cupboard takes up much space in my kitchen.這個(gè)柜子占了我廚房里很大的空間。Youd better move away all the toys9 because they take up too much space.你最好把這些玩具都移走,它們占據(jù)了太多空間。She took up the story which John had left off telling.她接著講約翰未講完的故

30、事。4. take the lead 帶頭;做榜樣e. g. He took the lead at the beginning of the race.比賽剛開始時(shí)他領(lǐng)跑。She always takes the lead in doing anything.她總是帶頭做任何事。5. do ones part to 盡自己的職責(zé)e. g. Everyone should do his or her part in the cause of environmental protection.每個(gè)人都應(yīng)該盡自己的一份力,為環(huán)境保護(hù)事業(yè)作貢獻(xiàn)。出.Key Sentences重難點(diǎn)句子In 1991

31、, Germany took the lead by requiring companies to recycle the packaging used for their goods.used for their goods是過去分詞短語作定語,修飾packaging -詞,相當(dāng)于定語從句: which/that is used for their goods 。e. g. This is a room used only for emergency.這是一件專門為緊急情況而準(zhǔn)備的房間。Then came The Body Shop.然后出現(xiàn)了美體小鋪。I37 .很多化妝品能保證你看上去更年

32、輕,但是,平衡的飲食和充足的睡眠更為重要。(ensure)38 .使用美白產(chǎn)品在某些國家是被禁止的,因?yàn)槠浜形:θ梭w健康的化學(xué)成分。(ban)39 .如果你不停地嘗試又不停地放棄,你終將一事無成。(end up)40 .在禁止酒后駕車這一運(yùn)動(dòng)中要對司機(jī)進(jìn)行定點(diǎn)檢查。(campaign)41 .沒有必要再為推廣我們的網(wǎng)站做額外的努力了,我們所做的已經(jīng)足夠多了。( publicize)42 .由于車子走錯(cuò)了方向,我們只能在不知名的山腳下停了下來。(獨(dú)立主格結(jié)構(gòu))37. Many cosmetic products ensure that you will look younger. Howeve

33、r, a balanced diet and sufficient sleep are more important.38. Whitening products are banned in some countries because they contain some chemical components which are harmful to peoples health.39. If you keep trying and giving up, you will end up achieving nothing.40. The campaign against drink-driv

34、ing will include spot checks on drivers.41. No extra effort is required to publicize our website, for what we have done is enough.42. The car going in a wrong direction, we had to stop at the foot of an unknown hill.魅能力一知識點(diǎn)1:題型說明現(xiàn)代科技類閱讀文章在高考中的出現(xiàn)頻率較高。它涉及人們生活的方方面面,與我們的衣、食、住、行都有 千絲萬縷的聯(lián)系。這類文章同學(xué)們往往因背景知識缺

35、乏或?qū)I(yè)詞匯的使用而理解起來有較大困難。在高考閱讀理 解題中,這類文章常出現(xiàn)在B篇或C篇中,以細(xì)節(jié)題和推斷題居多。遇到這類文章時(shí),我們一定要有耐心,仔細(xì)推敲細(xì)節(jié)。知識點(diǎn)2:答題方法讀這類文章要特別注意做好事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。對于細(xì)節(jié)試題,同學(xué)們要先從題干中找到關(guān)鍵性詞語,然后采用略讀 或跳讀,快速在文章中尋找相關(guān)細(xì)節(jié),找到后再把這一部分內(nèi)容仔細(xì)閱讀一遍,細(xì)心比較所給選項(xiàng)與文中細(xì)節(jié)的 區(qū)別,在準(zhǔn)確理解了細(xì)節(jié)的前提下,最終確定最佳答案。具體解題步驟如下:1 .讀題干:閱讀題干,發(fā)現(xiàn)關(guān)鍵詞和起主導(dǎo)作用的內(nèi)容。一般情況下,問題出現(xiàn)的前后順序與文章中細(xì)節(jié)和事 實(shí)出現(xiàn)的先后順序是一致的。2 .找細(xì)節(jié):閱讀文章內(nèi)容

36、,尋找與題干相符合的具體細(xì)節(jié)。要注意的是,對作者使用的同義詞或與之相關(guān)的詞 語和句子千萬不能忽略。3 .巧答題:根據(jù)前兩步所得到的信息回答問題。閱讀問題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng),檢查文中的細(xì)節(jié)與哪一項(xiàng)相符。當(dāng) 題干中有諸如“ NOT”或“except”時(shí),同學(xué)們一定要特別小心,力求在文章中找到相關(guān)的有力證據(jù)【語法填空】選自2015年奉賢二模Many drivers dream of the day when they can sit back while their car drives itself. While several companies are working hard to make 3

37、3 a reality, self-driving cars still face many problems.Google was one of the first 34 (get) into this industry. It 35 (develop) self-driving cars since 2009, and its new driverless car is called Firefly.According to the MIT Technolo gy Review, the current driverless cars can t react like a human dr

38、iver. They canin heavy rain or snow.Chris Urmson, director of the Google car team, said that this is because the detection technology is not yet good enough to separate certain objects from weather conditions. In the cars eyes , raindrops and snowflakes are the same as rocks,and cars stop for them.

39、But if the manhole(下水道入口 ) ahead is 36(uncover) , they drive over it withouthesitation.37 all these problems, Urmson said driverless cars will“ happen more quickly than peopeiblaipik assoon as in five years time.But even at that time, driverless cars won t be truly “ driverless .In the US, only when

40、 someone sits in the driver38 ckiveaess allowed on roads in certain states.European countries, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, and Russia follow the United Nations Convention ( 公約)on Road Traffic.The convention used to say: Every3driveall times be able to control his vehicle or to guide his animals. Achange

41、was agreed in May, allowing a car to drive itself 40 a driver is in the car and able to take thewheel at any time.33.it34.to get 35.has been developing 36.uncovered 37.Despite 38.are 39.shall 40.as long as解析:此題偏難。容易填錯(cuò)的有33題,35題,37題,38題和39題。33 .考察make的用法。make it+形容詞/定冠詞+名詞,許多公司都希望有一天車能夠自己駕駛這個(gè)夢想成為現(xiàn)實(shí)。It

42、指代之前一句話。34 .the +序數(shù)詞+to do sth.谷歌是第一個(gè)進(jìn)入這個(gè)產(chǎn)業(yè)的公司。35 .考察動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài)。看到since容易誤填has developedo之前強(qiáng)調(diào)谷歌在 09年就進(jìn)入這個(gè)產(chǎn)業(yè),強(qiáng)調(diào)的是延續(xù)和時(shí)間之長,因止匕用 have been doing。36 .但是如果下水管通道是開著時(shí),他們會(huì)毫不猶豫地越過下水道。37 .盡管存在這些問題。表示盡管的連詞有although, though, despite ,但因?yàn)楹竺娓氖敲~,應(yīng)該選填despite.38 .考察被動(dòng)語態(tài)。在美國,只有車上有人的時(shí)候,在允許使用這種自動(dòng)車,允許和人之間是被動(dòng)關(guān)系,所以填are。39 .考察情

43、態(tài)動(dòng)詞。當(dāng)表示法律條文規(guī)定的時(shí)候,前面主語為第三人稱時(shí),應(yīng)填shall.40 .最新法律規(guī)定,只要車?yán)镉幸粋€(gè)駕駛員,就允許這種自動(dòng)車在街上行駛。因此填as long as?!具x詞填空】選自2015年崇明一模Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. embarrassingB. claimsC. equippedD. launc

44、hedE. accusedF. previouslyG. properlyH. featuresI. completelyJ. unreliableK. concernsA row of cars appears to be stranded on a remote road, while a confused man on the left of the photo looks to be checking a roadside map while he calls for help.The street view cars, each _41with nine 2.5 meter-high

45、 multi-directional cameras, silently travel around thestreets, taking pictures of city centers, side streets and even residential areas.They have 一42一 captured sunbathing girls, children fighting and even a man dressed as Paddington Bear waving at the camera, raising 43 about invasion of privacy.But

46、 these potentially 44 shots, taken near Amsterdam, are the first time that the lens(鏡頭)has been turned on the Google company and its black cars.tton.Google street View, 45 in 2007, allows “ armchair explorers to travel the world with a click of a mouse b It 46 locations on all seven continents, and

47、its makers claim that 95 percent of the UK has been mapped out on the company s servers.Some users of the service, who 47 the company s Google Maps of being 48 , said that the picture showed that you couldn always rely on technology. One said: Thisis why I still have a map in my car. I often use Goo

48、gle Streetview, but I never rely on it 49 or use it to plan routes. Another added:It told me to drive straight through a petrol station on one occasion.”A Google spokesperson denied the 50. She said: It doesn t look to me like theytraining so they know how to use the equipmen t and it looks like thi

49、s might more likely be what theyre lost. The drivers uncdoing.【答案】41. C 42. F 43. K 44. A 45. D 46. H 47. E 48. J 49. I 50.B【閱讀理解】選自2012徐匯一模A professor at the University of Toronto in Canada has come up with a term to describe the way a lot of us North Americans interact these days. And now a big re

50、search study confirms it.Barry Wellmans term is “ networkedindividualism.Its not the easiest concept to grasp. In fact, thewords seem to contradict each other. How can we be individualistic and networked at the same time? You need other people for networks.Heres what he means. Until the Internet and

51、 e-mail came along, our social networks involved flesh-and-blood relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues at work. Some of the interaction was by phone, but it was still voice to voice, person to person, in real time.But the latest study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project confirms th

52、at for a lot of people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced a great deal of social interchange. A lot of folks Pew talked with say thats a good thing, because of concerns that the Internet was turning us into hermits (隱土) who shut out other people in favor of a make-believe worl

53、d on computer screens.To the contrary, the Pew study discovered. The Internet has put us in touch with many MORE real people than wed have ever imagined. Helpful people, too. Were turning to an ever-growing list of cyber friends for advice on careers, medical crises, child-rearing, and choosing a sc

54、hool or college. About 60 million Americans told Pew that the Internet plays an important or crucial role in helping them deal with major life decisions.So we networked individuals are pretty tricky: Were keeping more to ourselves, while at the same time reaching out to more people, all with just th

55、e click of a computer mouse!Follow-up Notes? Barry Wellman is a sociologist based at the University of Toronto in Canada. His research deals with the impact of technology on human interactions.For more information, see the websites below:The Pew Internet and American Life Project includes studies on

56、 online dating, how women and men use the Internet, the strength of Internet ties among people, web-surfing for fun, and othertopics. For links see the Projects hOmt耶/.69. The underlined word contradict “ in paragraph 2 probably means.A. get along with B. go against with C. be e

57、qual toD. live up to70. Before the invention of the Internet , people s connections mainly took placeA. by phone B. through voice C. in personD. by letter71. Which of the following was NOT one of the discoveries of the Pew study?A. The Internet has put us in touch with more people than expected.B. People use the Internet to get advice on their various life problems.C. The Internet plays a key role in helping many people make important decisions.D. Electronic interaction has stopped people from their


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