lesson 11 complaints_and_claims(1)_第1頁
lesson 11 complaints_and_claims(1)_第2頁
lesson 11 complaints_and_claims(1)_第3頁
lesson 11 complaints_and_claims(1)_第4頁
lesson 11 complaints_and_claims(1)_第5頁
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1、 1. 電報 (telegram) 2. 電傳 (telex) 3. 支付條件 (terms of payment) 4. 裝運 (shipment) 5. 問卷 (questionnaire) 6. 保險 (insurance) 7.說明書 instructions 8. 廣告 advertisement 9. 招聘 job invitation 10. 告示 Public sign Complaints and ClaimsObjectives Upon completion of this unit, the students will: be able to express yours

2、elf accurately when lodging and settling a complaint or claim. grasp the terminology concerning cargo insurance claim. understand some related knowledge such as the procedure of lodging a claim. Complaint: A statement that a situation is unsatisfactory or unacceptable or that someone has done someth

3、ing wrong. Claim: an application for compensation under the terms of an insurance policy.What is Complaint?What is Claim?抱怨、投訴抱怨、投訴Complaint There are 2 kinds of complaints being frequently made by buyers:1. The genuine complaint, which arises from one of the following situations:The wrong goods may

4、 have been sentThe quality may not be satisfactoryThe goods may have been delivered damaged or lateThe prices changed may be excessive, or not as agreed2. The complaint used as excuses: There is the complaint made by buyers who find fault with the goods as an excuse to escape from their contracts, e

5、ither because they no longer want the goods or because they have found that they can get them cheaper elsewhere.Rules for Dealing With A Complaint If so, then you have to admit it readily; express your regret and promise to put matters right. If the complaint is not justified, point this out politel

6、y and in an agreeable manner. 1、The first thing that has to be decided is whether the complaint is justified.合理的,有合理的,有正當(dāng)理由的正當(dāng)理由的It would be a wrong policy to refuse the complaint offhand. 不假思索地不假思索地3、All complaints should be treated as serious matters and thoroughly investigated.2、If you cannot dea

7、l with a complaint promptly, acknowledge it at once. Explain that you are looking into it and that you will send a full reply later.主張、索賠主張、索賠 ClaimThe common expressions of claimLodge提出提出File 提出提出raiseregistera claimon + sb. for compensation offor + certain reason on + shipmentfor + amountwith the

8、insurance companyabout claims accept a claim 接受索賠 settle a claim 解決索賠 entertain a claim 受理索賠 admit a claim 同意索賠 dismiss a claim 駁回索賠 reject a claim 拒絕索賠 relinquish a claim 撤回索賠 waive a claim 放棄索賠 withdraw a claim 撤回索賠因而索賠 claim on account of damage 因損壞而索賠 claim for damage 由于損壞而索賠 claim for financial

9、 loss 要求經(jīng)濟損失的訴權(quán) claim for inferior quality 因質(zhì)量低劣而索賠 claim for payment 要求付款的訴權(quán) claim for proceeds 要求賠償貨款 claim for short delivery 因短裝而索賠organization Beginning: presenting the case and announce the claim Complaint/claim LetterComplaint/claim Letter Ending: Urging settlement or proposing solutions Midd

10、le: justifying the complaints/claims Expand with detailsUsually a complaint or claim letter should follow the under-mentioned outline:這類信函通常包括:這類信函通常包括:開頭:1)說明寫信的原因申訴或索賠的事件;正文:2) 具體介紹發(fā)生的事情,如有證據(jù)可提供; 3) 提出自己的要求,如要求退貨,賠錢等;結(jié)尾:4) 期望;希望滿足自己的要求,表達合作的希望等。回信要點:回信要點:接受申訴或理賠的回信:開頭:1)收到來信并表示很遺憾;正文:2)對對方信中提及的事情加

11、以解釋,調(diào)查,并針對對方的要求給 予答復(fù) ;結(jié)尾:3)表示道歉和進一步合作的希望。不能接受申訴或索賠的回信:不能接受申訴或索賠的回信:開頭:1)收到來信,表示遺憾;正文:2)對事件進行調(diào)查,加以解釋,說明原因和提出證據(jù)說明不能負責(zé);結(jié)尾:3)期望:以后合作的機會,或再次表示遺憾。每封信件的具體內(nèi)容會有變化,需要根據(jù)實際情況加以調(diào)整。 opening State unequivocally 明確地 what you are complaining about or claiming for Give exact details of damage, breakage, loss, etc.Sen

12、tence patternThe Reasons for Claims Shortage (short weight) Breakage Leakage Damage Improper/faulty packing Inferior quality Delay短重短重破碎破碎滲漏滲漏損壞損壞不良包裝不良包裝不良品質(zhì)不良品質(zhì)延誤延誤 A質(zhì)量問題(質(zhì)量問題(On Quality)1. The quality of this consignment is far from being satisfactory. 交付的貨物質(zhì)量遠不能令人滿意。2. When we came to examine th

13、e goods dispatched by you on we found that 當(dāng)我們著手檢查你們月日發(fā)出的貨物時,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)3. We are sorry to say that the cargo has not turned out to our satisfaction. 很遺憾,貨物不能令人滿意。我們很遺憾地通知您,貴公司上次交運的貨物未達到你們平常的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。貨物看上去過于粗糙,且外型低劣。4. We are very sorry to inform you that your last shipment is not up to your usual standard. The

14、goods seem to be too roughly made and are inclined to be inferior and out of shape. B.損壞(損壞(Defective Goods/Damage)1. We are sorry to report that one of the cases of your consignment was badly damaged when delivered on 非常遺憾不得不告訴您,于月日運到的貨物中有一箱已嚴重損壞。2. We are writing to inform you that case No. dispat

15、ched under your advice of was badly damaged when delivered.慈特函告訴你們,你們于通知發(fā)出的第號箱的貨物,運到時已嚴重損壞。3. We can not use such damaged pieces. We hope you will pack the goods of our next order more carefully.我方無法使用已損壞的貨物。希望你方對我們的下次訂貨更為仔細地包裝。延誤已給我方帶來極大不便,望函復(fù)我方何時可以發(fā)貨。 C延誤(延誤(Delay)1. The goods we ordered from you

16、on have not yet been delivered. 2. This delay has inconvenienced us considerably. We should appreciate it if you would inform us by return mail when we may expect the goods.我們于月日向您方定購的貨物,迄今尚未交貨。3. We trust you will now consider this matter seriously and make an effort to prevent the reoccurrence of

17、this annoying delay.相信你們會認真考慮這件事情,并努力防止再次發(fā)生類似惱人的延誤。4. We shall hold you responsible for any loss which occurs through this delay.由于這一延誤而帶來的任何損失均由你方承擔(dān)。 We have received your goods carrying our order No. Upon opening the case we found it contained completely different articles.D貨樣不符貨樣不符關(guān)于我們的號訂單,您交運的貨物

18、本公司已收到。在開箱時,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)其中的貨物跟本公司訂的完全不同。 Your goods of 300 cameras arrived today. On opening the container we found that the goods were short by E短缺(短缺(Shortage) F其他(其他(Miscellaneous)We are surprised to find in your invoice sent to us that you are charging US$60 per unit instead of US$50.貴公司所運來的300臺照像機于今日收到

19、,在打開貨柜時,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)少了臺。我們發(fā)現(xiàn)您寄來的發(fā)票中,每臺索價為60美金而不是50美金,頗為驚訝。Middle part Explain why you have the right/reason to complain or claim (such as entitlement to damage compensation specified in the contract, insurance, etc.) Provide evidence of damage /loss (such as Damaged Cargo Report, Damage Survey, Surveyors Re

20、port or other papers I support of your claims)Documents Required When Lodging a Claim 1.Original Insurance Policy or Insurance Certificate 2. Contract 3.Commercial invoice, weight Memo 4. Packing list 5. Survey Report 6.Certificate of Loss or Damage 7. Any correspondence with the carrier or any othe

21、r party who could be responsible for the loss or damage.Inspection Certificate n. 檢驗證明檢驗證明 Survey Report 檢驗報告 Survey Report on Examination of Damage or Shortage 檢驗殘損證明書 Survey Report on Inspection of Tank Hold 船艙鑒定證明書 Survey Report on Quality 品質(zhì)鑒定證明書 Survey Report of Weight 重量鑒定證明書ending Express you

22、r wish for a prompt settlement Sentence pattern on P182More Closing Sentences 1. Your prompt attention is appreciated.你方若能迅速處理此事,我們將不勝感激。2. We shall be glad if you will look into the matter at once and let us know the reason for delay.希望你們立即調(diào)查此事,并告訴我們延誤的原因。3. Kindly let us know immediately what you

23、can do to help us in overcoming this difficulty.請立即告訴我們解決此項困難的辦法。7. Therefore, it is required that your firm take this responsibility to solve the said claim problem.4. We should be grateful if you would amend the invoice. 如果您能修改您的發(fā)票,我們將甚為感激。5. We look forward to your opinion on these matters.不知貴公司對

24、此事有何意見,盼來函告之。6. We anticipate that you can resolve this problem so that we can maintain this relationship.我們希望您能解決這一問題,以便我們保持這種良好關(guān)系。 因此,我們要求貴公司負責(zé)解決這項問題。 Suggest how you would like to settle the case (such as claiming compensation for damage/loss, or requesting a replacement, or simply asking the oth

25、er party to decide the matter)claim Buyers have lodged a claim on this shipment for RMB 1500 for short weight. We have already raised a claim against the insurance company for $310 for damage in transit.由于分量短少,買主對此批貨物索賠人民幣1500元。因運輸途中受損,我們已經(jīng)向保險公司提出要求賠償310美元。 After checking the goods against your invo

26、ice, we discovered a considerable shortage in number. We claim USD 2050 for short shipment 經(jīng)過照發(fā)票查對之后,發(fā)現(xiàn)數(shù)量少了很多我方提出索賠2050美元。claimWriting task:敬啟者: 我方于7月3日從貴處訂購的玻璃器皿glassware已于今早由貨運公司送到。裝有貨物的160個紙箱完好無損。但當(dāng)我們小心打開檢查時,發(fā)現(xiàn)有10箱玻璃器皿嚴重破損。 相信貴處能理解我方對損壞貨物進行賠償?shù)囊蟆?此致Sample Letter1: Dear Sirs, The glassware you sup

27、plied to our order of 3rd July was delivered by the shipping company this morning. The 160 cartons containing the goods appeared to be in perfect condition. But when I unpacked them with great care, I regretted to found that 10 cartons of glassware had been badly cracked.We trust you can understand

28、that we expect the compensation for our damaged goods.Yours faithfully,Complaint For Damage of GoodsReply to complaint/claimReply to complaint/claimThe writer of such a response needs to look knowledgeable, helpful, concerned, and appropriately apologetic.a)The openingacknowledgement and apology Tha

29、nk you for informing us about(breakage/damageetc) We are sorry to have your complaint about We regret to learn that you are not satisfied with 我方很遺憾從貴方9月14日的傳真中得知我方與本月初托運的部分貨物受到損壞。 We regret to learn from your fax letter of September 14 that a portion of our consignment delivered early this month wa

30、s damaged.b) Agreeing to assume responsibility We are willing to make a settlement that satisfies you and would like to have your suggestions. We agree to make you a special allowance of (amount of money) as a compensation for your loss. To cover your loss, we have credited you with.(amount of money

31、), as shown by the enclosed credit note. We take the responsibility for the inconvenience which has accrued through this error, and we have arranged for the replacement to be sent to you at once.C) Refusing to take responsibility We are sorry to have your complaint but regret that we don not accept

32、responsibility since(explain reasons) We should appreciate it if you would understand that we don not hold ourselves responsible for such (cause of complaint) sinced) Concludingapologizing or making assurance Finally, may we say that this was an exceptional case and is unlikely to occur again. Pleas

33、e accept our apology once again for the inconvenience caused to you. We have taken every measure possible to prevent a further occurrence of this sort. In closing we would like to apologize for the inconvenience and also point out that this types of fault rarely occurs in our dealings. Pleased be assured that such a problem will never occur in the future. 1 We regret to see from your letter that case of our shipment arrived in a badly damaged condition.貴公司來函中提到,有一箱貨物在抵達時嚴重受損,我們深感歉意。2 We regret to learn from your letter of that you have experienced such trouble with the computer system that


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