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1、閱讀問題的層次性設計在剛剛結(jié)束的全國高中展示課上,江蘇省的課例受到廣泛好評,獲得第一名,其教學內(nèi)容What is life? 也得到廣泛關注。為此,我們找到未刪節(jié)的原文,特請大家結(jié)合我們這兩周關于閱讀問題的討論,進行閱讀問題設計。The RoseThe first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touche

2、d my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being. She said, 'Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I'm eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?' I laughed and enthusiastically responded, 'Of course you may!'

3、; and she gave me a giant squeeze. 'Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?' I asked. She jokingly replied, 'I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of kids.' 'No seriously,' I a sked. I was curious w hat may have motivated her to be

4、taking on this challenge at her age. 'I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!' she told me. After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave

5、class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized listening to this 'time machine' as she shared her wisdom and experience with me. Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attent

6、ion bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up. At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I'll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her th

7、ree by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, 'I'm sorry I'm so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.' As w

8、e laughed she cleared her throat and began, ' We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got to have a dream. When you los

9、e your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don't even know it! There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old

10、. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight.Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets

11、for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.'She concluded her speech by courageously singing 'The Rose.' She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. At the year's end Rose finishe

12、d the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be.When you fin

13、ish reading this, please send this peaceful word of advice to your friends and family, they'll really enjoy it! These words have been passed along in loving memory of ROSE. REMEMBER, GROWING OLDER IS MANDATORY. GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL. We make a Living by what we get. We make a Life by what we gi

14、ve. God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. From Chicken Soup of the Soul原文中提到的The Rose那首歌的歌詞與演唱,限于篇幅此處不呈現(xiàn)。今日小結(jié)今天我們分享的有寧夏王東君老師的設計、天津邵環(huán)老師和員文婷老師的設計、安徽阮興武老師和李倫軍老師的設計。限于篇幅,此處我們只能分享員老師、阮老師、李老師的設計。先就閱讀問題的層次性做一簡要說明。 在英語課程中,我們引導學生閱讀時,總要提出各自問題,而

15、問題的層次性直接關系到閱讀的質(zhì)量。對問題的層次性的探討很多,我們認為,較為便于使用的,是布魯姆的目標層次,即:知曉、理解、運用、分析、綜合與評價。知曉層面的問題,我們可以用提What is ? Where is ? Which one ?這類問題,其功能,主要目的在于引導學生在閱讀中發(fā)現(xiàn)語句、語詞層面、以及語篇層面的具體信息、事實。理解層面的問題,主要引導學生對事實與觀點進行準確理解,我們可以提問How would you compare ? Which is the best answer ? How would you classify the type of ?等。運用層面的問題,是引導

16、學生將閱讀所獲得信息等在不同環(huán)境與條件下加以運用,如How would you use .? What would result if ? What other way would you plan to ?等。分析層面的問題引導學生分析所閱讀文本,問題可以是Why do you think ? What inference can you make ? What is the relationship between ?綜合層面的問題引導學生綜合文本中所獲得信息,得出新的結(jié)論,問題可以是What ways could.? Why do you think ? Imagine 等。評價層面的問

17、題引導學生對文本信息、借助文本信息對某些觀點進行評價,問題可以是Do you agree/disagree ? Why do you think ? Decide if 等。當然,我們不是說必須按照六層次提問,也不是說必須包括六層次的問題,而是建議借助六層次幫助我們思考:我們設計的問題的層次性是否足夠豐富。安徽省合肥十一中李倫軍老師的設計我個人覺得Bloom的問題層次分類很好,但是我認為在處理有些文本時發(fā)現(xiàn)有些分類如knowledge和comprehension; Analysis和Synthesis,以及evaluation之間的界限并不是很清楚,另外基于課堂實際可能也不太好操作,所以結(jié)合自

18、己的理解和課堂可操作性進行了三個層面的問題設計。DimensionQuestionsPrediction: Whats the story about?Read and check out the main idea.Literal² How old was Rose when I first met her?² Why did she go to college?² What advice did she give on life in her speech?Inferentialn What does “time machine” refer to in Pa

19、ra.3?n How was Roses life in college?n How was growing old different from growing up according to Rose?n What words can be used to best describe Rose?n Whats the possible theme of the song sung by Rose at the end of her speech?Critical² Do you think “Rose” is the real name of the lady?² Wh

20、ats your understanding of “growing old” and “growing up”?² If you were the old lady, Rose, what would you do with the rest of your life?天津51中員文婷老師的設計 本文是一篇寓意深刻的優(yōu)美敘事散文。所以,閱讀認知性問題可從記敘文的幾要素入手 -人物、時間、地點、事件(情節(jié))。以這四個要素為主線,讓學生快速閱讀,尋找相關信息,抓住文章的主旨大意和關鍵詞。Read the story and fill in the form.The heroineRos

21、eThe placeThe university campusTimeOn _of universityOver _At the end of_At the end of_After_plot隨后提問學生:Why did Rose go back to college in her late 80s? 進而過渡到理解層面的問題,設計如下:1. What is the huge difference between going older and growing up?2. Whats your understanding towards the sentence “Ill never get

22、my speech back in order” ?3. Why did the writer use the word “peacefully” to describe Roses death?4. What does the phrase “time machine” imply?5. Which character is represented through the word “squeeze” ?借助理解層面的問題4、5,引入運用層面的問題1. What kind of person was Rose according to the passage?To peopleTo life

23、1231232. What have you learned from Roses speech? 分析人物性格特征必須立足于文本,通過閱讀字里行間信息,培養(yǎng)學生捕捉細節(jié)的閱讀能力和提煉信息、概括信息的能力。在我們借助文本,挖掘出Rose的性格特征,幫助學生勾勒出一個飽滿的人物形象之后則可以開始與學生共同分析文本內(nèi)容, 逐步深化主題,引導學生對生命的意義、人生觀和價值觀的思考。分析層面的問題為:1. From this sentence “We became instant friends”, can we infer what kind of person the author is?2.

24、What is life to Rose?3. Whats the deep meaning of the title “The Rose”?4. Does our heroine Rose have sth. in common with the flower “the rose”?5. Why does Rose use the song “The Rose” to end her speech?綜合性問題設計:1. Did Rose have a great influence on you?2. Do you think whether Rose made a living or ma

25、de a life? Why?3. What can we learn from the lyrics?評價性問題:1. What can be learned from Rose?2. Whats the real purpose of the author writing this story?3. Does the author tell us “the meaning of life” in the story? Whats your understanding?魯子問的討論與補充下面我先簡要談談我對已有設計的一些學習體會。王東君老師是快手,很快分享了他的設計。王老師的設計有非常突出的

26、教研特色,他會說明相關設計理念,這有助于老師們理解設計意圖。王老師設計的問題很豐富,一般課堂肯定無法全部使用,所以可供教師在教學中選擇使用,這為教師提供了基于學生情況的選擇性。王老師設計的問題都標明了層次,但有些問題的層次標注可以適當調(diào)整。如Do you think if Rose's life is perfect? 更適合作為判斷層次的問題,分析層次的問題更多應該是基于邏輯規(guī)則進行分析、得出結(jié)論的問題,perfect這樣的形容詞的問題,更接近價值判斷問題。安徽阮老師、李老師都是按照三組問題的方式呈現(xiàn)問題,這樣可以避免問題的層次不夠顯性的問題,不過也少了一些對自己的約束。其實,使用層

27、次作為外在約束,也可以幫助我們厘清我們的思想。當然,我們可以設計多層次的問題。阮老師設計使用了大量表格,有助于學生基于高考要求的閱讀理解?;蛟S是受阮老師的啟發(fā),隨后的幾位老師都使用了表格設計。表格一中的details可以再具體一些,因為幾乎什么都可以是details,甚至3 × 5卡片到底是多大,都可以作為detail進行理解。阮老師的這一表格對學生深度理解課文,應該有顯著幫助。當然,若學生基礎非常好,如杭外學生,也可以讓學生自己完成這一表格。Growing olderUnavoidablelivinggetgrowing upoptionallifegive第三組中有些問題可以再收

28、斂一些,便于學生回答,如In which way can you apply what youve learnt from this text to your real life? 可以進一步收斂為In which way can you apply the idea we make a Life by what we give ? 或者列出文章中主要觀點,讓學生選擇一個討論如何apply。Write a letter to the future “you” in 60 or 70 years about what kind of life youd like to lead.是一個好問題,不

29、過,本文介紹的大學生活,而我們的讀者是高中學生,其實更適合他們、也是他們最為關心的問題可以是:Write a story about your future life in a university. 或者是Make a plan about your future life in a university. 或者是Think and tell us what kind of life you would like to lead when you are in a university.邵老師的設計突出了顏色的運用,不同顏色標注的內(nèi)容,對學生閱讀有一定幫助。在具體教學中,我們可以鼓勵學生拿出

30、不同顏色的閱讀mark筆,對閱讀內(nèi)容mark上不同顏色,至少是可以用兩種顏色筆標注fact 和 opinion,這樣有助于深度理解。若是在計算機上閱讀,這也是可以的。邵老師使用了歌曲,但歌曲是在一開始就播放,還是在學生讀到Rose提到這首歌的時候再播放更好?后者是否更能滿足學生希望馬上聽到這首歌、看到這首歌的歌詞的欲望?效果是否更好?邵老師注意到了Time flow的作用,可惜仍然囿于高考的表格設計,沒有真正必表現(xiàn)出flow的特性。我們要允許一部分閱讀不直接指向高考題型,只要能力指向高考,把已有能力轉(zhuǎn)換題型能力是很容易的。當然,估計是由于時間原因,邵老師沒能提供后面的問題設計。李老師設計的問題


32、豐富一些,讓學生有更多思考的可能。當然,最為遺憾的是,沒有一位老師對這篇文章提出質(zhì)疑,也沒有設計質(zhì)疑的問題。我們一定要對任何文本都進行質(zhì)疑,尤其是這種具有宗教傾向的文本。以下是我的設計。首先,說明我的設計對象。我針對我所熟悉的某縣一中學生設計,年級確定為高三。這些學生具有非常強的社會批判性,甚至表現(xiàn)出輕度的反社會性,基本不相信各種宣傳,對人生有自己的看法,處在非常激烈的高考競爭之中,雖然他們基本上都能考上大學,最低也就是高職,但他們非常期待考到一所更加理想的大學,通過高考改變自己的命運。關于材料,我會適當進行處理。1、給學生閱讀時,會刪去最后一段話:God promises a safe la

33、nding, not a calm passage. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.因為這段話太宗教,我不希望我的課太宗教。2、我會增加一個左列的生詞注釋,也就是把所有生詞的漢語詞義全部列在文章左側(cè),因為這篇閱讀的價值在于討論人生,不在于解決生詞,若讓生詞耽誤了閱讀,是非常得不償失的,是典型的“揀了芝麻丟了西瓜”。3、我把歌詞附在文章后面,并說明:The following is the lyrics of the song The Rose. If you want, please read it.一、導入(綜合與

34、判斷層面的問題)通過談論馬云對北大、清華的批評言論,引導學生思考:即使考上北大,也需要自己努力;即使只考上杭師大,自己努力也能改變?nèi)松?。二、閱讀(知道與理解層面的問題為主,少量綜合與判斷層面的問題)然后告訴學生,今天閱讀一篇關于人生的文章,希望對大家思考人生有些啟發(fā)。讓學生閱讀文章,說出Rose的人生觀。我給學生10分鐘進行閱讀,讓學生認真閱讀故事,學生之后不再完整閱讀文本。答案就是最后一句話:REMEMBER, GROWING OLDER IS MANDATORY. GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL. We make a Living by what we get. We mak

35、e a Life by what we give.所有學生應該都能得出這一結(jié)論。然后我請學生把這兩句翻譯成中文,學生若把grow up翻譯為“長大”,我讓學生再思考更為合適的翻譯,引導學生翻譯為“成長”。然后讓學生關注up這一詞的特性,說明英文的表達,有的時候比漢語更為豐富,grow up是層次性的,是強調(diào)“不斷提高,不斷達到一個新的高度”,中文的“長大、成長”都沒有這個意義,盡管“成長”更為積極一些。引導學生關注:英文、中文各有其獨特之價值。希望學生以后不斷思考自己是否“不斷up”。讓學生討論:Rose是如何up的,I是如何在Rose的引領下up的。引導學生根據(jù)需要,回讀文章,獲取信息。讓學

36、生根據(jù)意見給出的時間線,完成以下故事線:Time lineI/We did and feltI/We did and feltI/We did and feltI/We did and feltI/We did and feltI/We did and feltRose did and feltRose did and feltRose did and feltRose did and feltRose did and feltRose did and feltStory line由于本次閱讀重點在于觀點,故而不要求學生寫出內(nèi)容,而是用不同顏色筆、或者不同線條形式,分別標注I和同學們、Rose

37、的故事線。學生完成故事線以后,我問學生是否想聽那首歌的演唱,如果多數(shù)學生想聽,我播放歌曲。三、討論(主要是運用、判斷層面的問題,有些問題需要結(jié)合綜合層面的問題)讓每個學生選擇一個問題(只是一個),在小組內(nèi)容闡述自己的觀點,小組同學對其觀點與闡述提出自己的看法。1. What does growing up mean for Rose, for the author, and for you?2. What ups have you grown in your senior school life? What ups do you hope to grow in your university life?3. Have you ever met a Rose? Do you think Rose is very rare in your life?4. Do you hope to meet a Rose when you are in the university? What kind of lessons do you hope to learn for your Rose?5. What is your seed in your life? Who


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