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1、2022年江西鷹潭中考英語試卷及答案說明:1.全卷滿分120分,考試時間120分鐘。2.請將答案寫在答題卡上,否則不給分。一、聽力理解(每小題1分,共20分)現(xiàn)在是試聽時間。請聽一段對話,然后回答問題。What is the boy going to buy?A. Some juice.B. Some oranges.C. Some apples.答案是C。A)請聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。聽完每段對話后,你都將有10秒鐘的時間回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話讀兩遍。1. What club does Jim w

2、ant to join?A. The science club.B. The art club.C. The chess club.2. Hows the weather tomorrow?A. Warm and windy.B. Cold and rainy.C. Hot and sunny.3. Whats the matter with Mr. White?A. He has a fever.B. He has a cough.C. He has a headache.4. Why was Mary late?A. She had a car accident.B. She didnt

3、catch the bus.C. There was too much traffic.5. What does the man mean?A. He didnt enjoy the trip.B. Hes an honest school boy.C. Hes happy to stay at home.B)請聽下面4段對話。每段對話后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。聽每段對話前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話讀兩遍。請聽第1段對話,回答第6、7小題。6. What would the wo

4、man like?A. Juice.B. Water.C. Milk.7. How many glasses does she need?A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.請聽第2段對話,回答第8、9小題。8. When does Amy go to the old peoples home?A. On Saturday morning.B. On Saturday afternoon.C. On Sunday afternoon.9. What does she often do there?A. Tell stories.B. Wash the clothes.C. Clean the roo

5、ms.請聽第3段對話,回答第10至第12小題。10. Where is the boy going?A. To a theater.B. To a park.C. To a museum.11. How long is it open on Monday?A. For 6 hours.B. For 7 hours.C. For 8 hours.12. What can we know about the boy?A. His family are new here.B. He prefers to go there by taxi.C. He needs to pay $60 for the

6、ticket.請聽第4段對話,回答第13至第15小題。13. Whats Michael going to do?A. Give a report.B. Have a class.C. Have a meeting.14. What color is the notebook?A. Red.B. Black.C. Blue.15. What can we learn from the conversation?A. Linda finds the notebook at last.B. Linda lends Michael a notebook.C. Michael leaves his n

7、otebook at home.C)請聽下面一段獨白,根據(jù)獨白內容完成下列句子,每個空格不超過3個單詞。將答案填寫到答題卡的相應位置。聽獨白前你將有50秒鐘的時間閱讀句子內容。獨白讀兩遍。16. Li Lei is talking about an important day, _ Day.17. Many people like _ and students take part in it.18. Since _, it has become famous around the world.19. Last year, people in the town planted _ new tre

8、es.20. People also cleaned up the park and the _.二、單項填空(每小題1分,共8分)請閱讀下面各小題,從題中所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。1. Which ice cream do you want, Mary? You cant have all of them. You have to make a _.A. wishB. surveyC. choiceD. call【答案】C【解析】【詳解】句意:瑪麗,你想要哪種冰淇淋?你不可能擁有所有這些。你必須做出選擇??疾槊~辨析。wish愿望;s

9、urvey調查;choice選擇;call打電話。根據(jù)“You cant have all of them.”可知必須從許多冰淇淋中作出選擇。故選C。2. Sssh! Be quiet. Im on the phone.Who _ you _ to, mom?A. do, speakB. are, speakingC. will, speakD. have, spoken【答案】B【解析】【詳解】句意:噓!保持安靜。我在打電話。媽媽,你正在跟誰說話?考查動詞時態(tài)。根據(jù)“Im on the phone”可知,詢問正在跟誰說話,用現(xiàn)在進行時be doing的結構,故選B。3. I only got

10、 four hours of sleep last night, so I feel _ today.A. tiredB. lonelyC. hungryD. proud【答案】A【解析】【詳解】句意:我昨晚只睡了四個小時,所以今天感覺很累??疾樾稳菰~辨析。tired疲累的;lonely孤獨的;hungry餓的;proud自豪的。根據(jù)“I only got four hours of sleep last night”可知夜里沒睡好,感到很累。故選A。4. _ me, Ill show you the way.A. FollowB. ForgetC. LeaveD. Punish【答案】A【解

11、析】【詳解】句意:跟著我,我來給你帶路??疾閯釉~辨析。follow跟隨;forget忘記;leave離開;punish懲罰。根據(jù)“me, Ill show you the way”可知,給對方帶路,要跟著自己走,故選A。5. Who do you think will win the race, Bob or Tom?It must be Bob. I think he runs _.A. fasterB. fastestC. more slowlyD. most slowly【答案】A【解析】【詳解】句意:你認為誰會贏得比賽,鮑勃還是湯姆?一定是鮑勃。我認為他跑得更快??疾楦痹~比較級。fas

12、ter更塊地;fastest最快地;more slowly更慢地;most slowly最慢地。根據(jù)“Who do you think will win the race, Bob or Tom?”可知是鮑勃和湯姆之間作比較,用比較級,想要贏得比賽要跑得更快,用faster。故選A。6. Dont leave your toys on the table, or I _ them away.A. threwB. will throwC. have thrownD. was throwing【答案】B【解析】【詳解】句意:不要把你的玩具放在桌子上,否則我就把它們扔掉??疾闀r態(tài)。句子用“祈使句,o

13、r+陳述句”結構,表示如果把玩具放在桌子上,將會把它們扔了,此處用一般將來時,其結構為will do。故選B。7. Mr. Smith created a new game. Soon all his students _ rules to play it.A. teachB. taughtC. are taughtD. were taught【答案】D【解析】【詳解】句意:史密斯先生創(chuàng)造了一個新游戲。很快,他所有的學生都學會了玩圍棋的規(guī)則??疾闀r態(tài)和語態(tài)。主語“all his students”是被教規(guī)則,與動詞teach之間是動賓關系,結合“created”可知用一般過去時的被動語態(tài),其結

14、構為was/were done。故選D。8. _ many things change a lot, a love of sports hasnt changed a bit.A. IfB. BeforeC. ThoughD. Because【答案】C【解析】【詳解】句意:雖然很多事情都改變了很多,但對體育的熱愛絲毫沒有改變??疾檫B詞辨析。If如果;Before在之前;Though盡管;Because因為。根據(jù)“a love of sports hasnt changed a bit”可知“許多事情都改變了很多”表示讓步,用Though引導讓步狀語從句。故選C。三、完形填空(每小題1分,共26

15、分)A)請先閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從各小題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出可以填入相應空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。Sit With UsYoure at your new school. Its lunch time, but you dont have anyone to sit with. You want to join someone at their table, _9_ youre not sure if theyre friendly. What do you do? Natalies _10_ of solving the problem was to

16、create an app. She knows what it feels like to be alone at a new school. She found it difficult to make new friends and had to _11_ a new table at lunch every day. If she sat _12_, she felt lonely. But if she asked to join someone and was _13_, she felt embarrassed. She created a lunch-planning app

17、to help students like _14_ find people to have lunch with.The app called Sit With Us is _15_. If a student is having lunch in the afternoon, he or she can create an invitation. Other students can open the app and _16_ that invitation. They can then use the app to decide when and where to _17_. This

18、allows students to make _18_ online instead of face-to-face. This is the reason why it works so _19_: it lowers the risk of being refused, and the embarrassment that goes along with it.Natalie is _20_ to see that people are replying to her app actively especially those who suffer from bullying (遭受欺凌

19、). Soon after she made her app available to the public, she won a prize for it. She _21_ appeared in many news stories.Natalie was even asked to speak at a university. In her _22_, Natalie wanted people to know that you dont have to do something _23_ to change lives. Sometimes, a simple thing like h

20、aving a friend to enjoy lunch with can make all the difference.9. A. soB. orC. forD. but10. A. habitB. courseC. methodD. question11. A. search forB. fix upC. give outD. get away from12. A. on timeB. in a hurryC. by herselfD. in public13. A. calledB. refusedC. discussedD. believed14. A. usB. itC. her

21、D. them15. A. cheapB. simpleC. privateD. noisy16. A. missB. makeC. sendD. accept17. A. stopB. studyC. meetD. exercise18. A. plansB. troubleC. reportsD. dinner19. A. lateB. wellC. hardD. loudly20. A. upsetB. sorryC. happyD. angry21. A. alsoB. justC. stillD. seldom22. A. bookB. talkC. schoolD. picture

22、23A. bigB. newC. similarD. enjoyable【答案】9. D10. C11. A12. C13. B14. C15. B16. D17. C18. A19. B20. C21. A22. B23. A【解析】【導語】本文主要介紹了納塔利制作了一個名為“Sit With Us”的軟件來幫助學生們找到一起吃午飯的人?!?題詳解】句意:你想和某人同桌,但你不確定他們是否友好。so因此;or否則;for為了;but但是?!跋胍c某人坐一張桌子”與“不確定他們是否友好”之間是轉折關系,用but表轉折。故選D?!?0題詳解】句意:納塔利解決這個問題的方法是創(chuàng)建一個應用程序。ha

23、bit習慣;course課程;method方法;question問題。根據(jù)“to create an app”可知這是解決問題的方法。故選C?!?1題詳解】句意:她發(fā)現(xiàn)很難交到新朋友,每天午餐時都得找新桌子。search for尋找;fix up修理;give out分發(fā);get away from逃離。根據(jù)“She found it difficult to make new friends”可知交不到朋友,吃午餐要找沒人的新桌子。故選A?!?2題詳解】句意:如果她一個人坐著,她會感到孤獨。on time準時;in a hurry匆忙;by herself獨自;in public公開地,當眾

24、。根據(jù)“she felt lonely”可知感到孤獨應是獨自坐著。故選C?!?3題詳解】句意:但如果她請求加入別人而被拒絕,她會感到尷尬。called打電話;refused拒絕;discussed討論;believed相信。根據(jù)“she felt embarrassed”可推出想要加入別人但被拒絕了。故選B。14題詳解】句意:她創(chuàng)建了一個午餐計劃應用程序,幫助像她這樣的學生找到一起吃午餐的人。us我們;it它;her她;them他們。根據(jù)上文多次提到“she”可推出是像她一樣的學生。故選C?!?5題詳解】句意:這款名為Sit With Us的應用程序很簡單。cheap便宜的;simple簡單的

25、;private私人的;noisy喧鬧的。根據(jù)“This allows students to make . online instead of face-to-face.”可知這款應用程序很簡單。故選B。【16題詳解】句意:其他學生可以打開應用程序并接受邀請。miss錯過;make制作;send發(fā)送;accept接受。根據(jù)“They can then use the app to decide when and where to .”可知接受了邀請才有確定時間和地點的可能。故選D。【17題詳解】句意:然后,他們可以使用該應用程序來決定見面的時間和地點。stop停止;study學習;meet見

26、面;exercise鍛煉。根據(jù)“find people to have lunch with”可知一起吃午餐需要見面。故選C。【18題詳解】句意:這使得學生可以在網上制定計劃,而不是面對面。plans計劃;trouble麻煩;reports報告;dinner晚餐。根據(jù)“They can then use the app to decide when and where to .”可知此處指在網上制定計劃。故選A。19題詳解】句意:這就是它如此有效的原因:它降低了被拒絕的風險,以及隨之而來的尷尬。late晚;well好;hard努力地;loudly大聲地。根據(jù)“it lowers the ris

27、k of being refused, and the embarrassment that goes along with it”可知這款軟件很好。故選B?!?0題詳解】句意:納塔利很高興看到人們積極回復她的應用程序,尤其是那些遭受欺凌的人。upset難過的;sorry對不起的;happy高興的;angry生氣的。根據(jù)“people are replyiher app actively especially those who suffer from bullying”可知軟件受歡迎納塔利很高興。故選C。【21題詳解】句意:她也出現(xiàn)在許多新聞報道中。also也;just僅僅;still依舊;

28、seldom極少。根據(jù)“Soon after she made her app available to the public, she won a prize for it.”可知贏得了獎項,也出現(xiàn)在新聞報道中。故選A?!?2題詳解】句意:在她的演講中,娜塔莉想讓人們知道,你不必做什么大事來改變生活。book書;talk演講;school學校;picture畫作。根據(jù)“Natalie was even asked to speak at a university.”可知要演講。故選B。【23題詳解】句意:在她的演講中,納塔利想讓人們知道,你不必做什么大事來改變生活。big大的;new新的;s

29、imilar相似的;enjoyable令人愉快的。根據(jù)“Sometimes, a simple thing like having a friend to enjoy lunch with can make all the difference.”可知不必做什么大事。故選A。B)請先閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所給詞的適當形式填空,并將答案填寫到答題卡的相應位置。每個詞限用一次。desert; space; heavy; be; when; woman; Chinese; love; hot; see; thenWang Yaping is an astronaut. In 2013

30、, she became the second Chinese woman to travel to _24_. She is also famous for a physics class televised for more than 60 million people.Wang trained very hard for many years _25_ an astronaut. The hardest part was _26_ training. Wearing a spacesuit and carrying special and _27_ equipment(裝備), she

31、walked several kilometers through the _28_ and sandy desert. “Sometimes it was so windy and dusty(布滿灰塵的),” she says, “that we couldnt _29_ each other even though we were just a few meters away.”Wang _30_ her job. She remembers watching the first _31_ astronaut go into space. “I was so proud and also

32、 very excited. But _32_ I watched it, a thought came into my mind: We have men pilots and women pilots; and _33_ a man astronaut. When will there be a _34_ astronaut? And today, its me becoming one of the first few.”【答案】24. space25. to be26. desert27. heavy28. hot29. see30. loves31. Chinese32. when3

33、3. then34. woman【解析】【導語】本文主要講述了宇航員王亞平憑著自己的刻苦訓練和堅持成為一名女宇航員的勵志故事?!?4題詳解】句意:2013年,她成為第二個進入太空的中國女性。根據(jù)“she became the second Chinese woman to travel to”及備選詞可知,成為第二個進入太空的中國女性,space“太空”,故填space?!?5題詳解】句意:為了成為一名宇航員,王刻苦訓練了很多年。根據(jù)“Wang trained very hard for many years an astronaut”可知,刻苦訓練是為了成為宇航員,be“成為”,動詞不定式作

34、目的狀語,故填to be?!?6題詳解】句意:最難的部分是沙漠訓練。根據(jù)下文“she walked several kilometers through the and sandy desert”可知,最難在于沙漠訓練,desert“沙漠”,故填desert?!?7題詳解】句意:她穿著宇航服,攜帶著特殊而沉重的設備,在炎熱的沙漠中走了幾公里。根據(jù)“carrying special and equipment”及備選詞可知,攜帶著特殊而沉重的設備,heavy“沉重的”,形容詞作定語,故填heavy?!?8題詳解】句意:她穿著宇航服,攜帶著特殊而沉重的設備,在炎熱的沙漠中走了幾公里。根據(jù)“walk

35、ed several kilometers through the and sandy desert”可知,在炎熱的沙漠中走幾公里,hot“炎熱的”,故填hot?!?9題詳解】句意:即使我們只有幾米遠,我們也看不到對方。根據(jù)“Sometimes it was so windy and dusty”及“we couldnt each other even though we were just a few meters away”可知,沙漠布滿灰塵,即使很近也看不到對方,see“看見”,couldnt后接動詞原形,故填see。【30題詳解】句意:王亞平熱愛她的工作。根據(jù)“I was so pro

36、ud and also very excited”可知,看到第一個進入太空的場景感到興奮,由此可推斷出她熱愛這份工作,love“熱愛”,句子是一般現(xiàn)在時,主語是第三人稱單數(shù)形式,動詞用三單,故填loves?!?1題詳解】句意:她還記得第一個中國宇航員進入太空的情景。根據(jù)“She remembers watching the firstastronaut go into space”可知,此處指第一個進入太空的中國宇航員,Chinese“中國的”,故填Chinese?!?2題詳解】句意:但當我看它的時候,一個想法進入了我的腦海??崭袢鄙僖粋€連詞連接兩個分句,備選詞when“當時”符合,故填whe

37、n?!?3題詳解】句意:我們有男飛行員和女飛行員; 然后是一個宇航員。根據(jù)“We have men pilots and women pilots; and a man astronaut”及備選詞可知,接著才是宇航員,then“然后”符合,故填then?!?4題詳解】句意:什么時候將會有女宇航員?根據(jù)“We have men pilots and women pilots; anda man astronaut”可知,有了男宇航員,想著什么時候能有女宇航員,woman“女人”,名詞作定語,故填woman。四、閱讀理解(每小題2分,共46分)A)請閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)短文內容從每小題所給的A、B

38、、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。AGift shopOpen Daily 10:00 a.m.5:30 p.m.Childrens playground and activity areaVisitors may adopt (領養(yǎng)) a rescued animal for free!Admission:Adults: $7Children (up to 16): $5Children (3 & under): FreeFamily (2 adults & 2 children): $20FREE CAR AND COACH PARK.TOILET FOR THE D

39、ISABLED AND WHEELCHAIR ACCESS (通道) IN ALL AREAS.35. When can the visitors buy the gifts?A. At 9:30 a.m.B. At 11:00 a.m.C. At 6:00 p.m.D. At 10:00 p.m.36. How much is a ticket for a 15-year-old boy?A. $5.B. $7.C. $12.D. $20.37. What do we know about the museum?A. It doesnt provide a free parking lot.

40、B. The animals there cant be adopted.C. It offers the disabled special service.D. Children under 3 are not welcome there.【答案】35. B36. A37. C【解析】【導語】本文是一則關于馬的庇護所農業(yè)博物館的廣告信息?!?5題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“Gift shop Open Daily 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.”可知禮品店開發(fā)時間在上午十點和下午五點半之間,上午十一點可以去買禮物。故選B?!?6題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“Children (up t

41、o 16): $5”可知16歲以下的兒童票價是5美元,15歲的男孩票價是5美元。故選A?!?7題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“TOILET FOR THE DISABLED AND WHEELCHAIR ACCESS IN ALL AREAS.”可知它為殘疾人提供特殊服務。故選C。BWhy is the sea salt? Long before we discovered scientific ways of thinking about it, we explained it in a story. Even though the answer isnt scientific, it holds

42、 some other truth in it especially about the human heart.Long ago, a poor old couple lived on the coast. One day, an old storyteller came to their village. The old couple gave him a meal. In return, he gave them a coffee mill (磨粉機) and said, “Say, Mill, please grind (磨粉),” and itll make whatever you

43、 want, to stop it, say Mill, please cease (停止) grinding.”Soon the old couple had a much better life. Theyd been happy people, and they didnt need much more. But the young couple next door were never satisfied. When they saw the old couple wearing good clothes and buying good food, they burnt with en

44、vy (羨慕). So one day, the young husband went to the old couples house secretly and heard, “Mill, please grind hot chocolate!” He was surprised to see it coming out.Then the young couple stole the mill from the old couple. With it, they rode a horse and set off down the coast, where no one would know

45、them. Along the way, the husband showed proudly and asked, “What do you want it to make?” “Oh. I dont know. Why not salt?” the wife said. “Mill, please grind salt!” he said. “It works!” the wife shouted. But then they noticed the salt went everywhere. “Make it stop,” the wife said. But the husband d

46、idnt know how. “Mill, please stop grinding! Please, no more!” His words didnt work. The mill kept grinding. Finally, the young husband threw the mill into the sea as far as he could.And there its been, for hundreds of years, endlessly grinding salt. Thats why the sea is salt.38. The passage is proba

47、bly a(n) _.A. folk storyB. instructionC. science fictionD. science report39. Put the things happened to the mill in correct order.a. It began to produce salt.b. The young husband threw it.c. The young couple stole it.d. The old couple got it.A. b-d-a-cB. b-a-d-cC. d-a-c-bD. d-c-a-b40. What does the

48、underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. The coffee.B. The horse.C. The mill.D. The chocolate.41. How did the young husbands feelings change?A. sorry sad excitedB. thirsty excited afraidC. happy nervous proudD. surprised thankful happy42. What does the word “truth” in Paragraph 1 imply (暗指)?A

49、. Being patient.B. Working properly.C. Being satisfied.D. Listening carefully.【答案】38. A39. D40. C41. B42. C【解析】【導語】本文主要講了一個關于海水為什么含鹽的民間故事?!?8題詳解】推理判斷題。本文主要講了一個關于海水為什么含鹽的故事,由此推出可能是一則民間故事。故選A?!?9題詳解】細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“Long ago, a poor old couple lived on the coast. . In return, he gave them a coffee mill . Then

50、 the young couple stole the mill from the old couple. . But then they noticed the salt went everywhere. . Finally, the young husband threw the mill into the sea as far as he could.”可知正確的順序是一對老夫妻得到了它,然后年輕夫妻偷了它并讓它產鹽,最后年輕的丈夫扔了它(d-c-a-b)。故選D?!?0題詳解】代詞指代題。根據(jù)“ Mill, please grind salt! he said. It works! t

51、he wife shouted. But then they noticed the salt went everywhere. Make it stop, the wife said.”可知是想要磨粉機停下來,it指代“the mill”。故選C?!?1題詳解】推理判斷題。根據(jù)“When they saw the old couple wearing good clothes and buying good food, they burnt with envy.”可知年輕的丈夫一開始是嫉妒的,不滿足于現(xiàn)狀,渴望過上想老夫妻一樣的生活;再由“Along the way, the husband

52、 showed proudly”可知偷到磨粉機之后他是激動的;再由“Finally, the young husband threw the mill into the sea as far as he could.”可知磨粉機一直產鹽,讓他很害怕,把磨粉機扔進了海里。感情變化是“thirsty excited afraid”。故選B?!?2題詳解】詞義猜測題。根據(jù)“Soon the old couple had a much better life. Theyd been happy people, and they didnt need much more. But the young c

53、ouple next door were never satisfied.”可知故事中老夫妻知足,所以生活幸福,而年輕夫妻不知足偷了磨粉機后也沒能如愿,由此推出truth暗指文中的哲理,“要知足”。故選C。CIndonesians love to celebrate. They believe that celebrating and eating together brings good luck. Lets party Indonesia-style.Would you be surprised to find a New Years Day in March? Indonesians o

54、n the island of Bali are getting ready to ring in Nyepi, their New Year. It falls in March or April on the night of the new moon and is a symbol of a fresh start for the people and the island of Bali. On the eve of Nyepi, families and friends get together in the market. They carry a huge monster whi

55、ch is made of wood and other materials around the village three times. After that, people set it on fire, hoping to drive out evil (邪惡的) spirits.After Nyepi, a Turun tanah ceremony begins in honor of a childs first steps. At the Turun Tanah, parents invite friends and family to a party to introduce

56、the baby. They put different objects such as a bracelet (手鐲), pen, mirror or toy computer around their baby. If the baby picks up a pen, he or she may be a writer. A child who picks up a gold bracelet may be rich.While Turun tanah celebrates the future of a family. Galungan celebrates its past. Ance

57、stors who have died return home during this ten-day celebration. And living relatives do their best to make them happy. Tall bamboo poles line the street. People attend the ceremonies and visit their family and village temples. Actors and dancers give performances that tell stories of good fighting

58、against evil.A year of festivals has come to an end. Dont worry: next year, Indonesia will be buzzing (發(fā)出嗡嗡聲) again with celebrations, so welcome to the party!43. Whats the theme (主題) of the passage?A. Celebrations.B. Feelings.C. Family.D. Health.44. What do people do during Galungan? Check and choo

59、se the right answer.Watch performances.Discuss new babies future.Visit their family and village temples.Put the bamboo poles along the street.Carry a huge monster around the village.A. B. C. D. 45. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The baby who picks up a pen may be a writer

60、.B. Nyepi usually comes after Turun tanah in Bali.C. New Years Day in Indonesia begins in February.D. People fire bamboo poles to drive away the monster.46Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?A. B. C. D. 47. What is the writers purpose according to the passage?A. To welcome


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