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1、Sujie LiSchool of English, BISU2016-12-7FreedomPassion CreativityIngenuityImaginationOptimism 兩小無猜、青梅竹馬、竹馬之交、浮生若夢天倫之樂、刻骨銘心、一瀉千里、殺人如麻仙風(fēng)道骨、桃花流水、揚(yáng)眉吐氣、九天攬?jiān)码y于上青天、一夫當(dāng)關(guān),萬夫莫開、抽刀斷水直上青云、天生我才必有用不飛則已,一飛沖天;不鳴則已,一鳴驚人Do you know where these idioms come from?Are you aware that they derive from Li Bai when you use t

2、hese idioms?Cite poems that you know of written by Li Bai.古人關(guān)于李白的評(píng)價(jià)杜甫:“李白斗酒詩百篇,長安市上酒家眠。天子呼來不上船, 自稱臣是酒中仙?!保嬛邪讼筛瑁┒鸥υ诖喝諔浝畎自娭袑懙溃骸鞍自娨矡o敵,飄然思不群。清新庾開府,俊逸鮑參軍。 渭北春天樹,江東日暮云。 何時(shí)一樽酒,重與細(xì)論文?!倍鸥ΨQ李白詩作清新、俊逸、飄縱不同一般,詩壇中無人可與匹敵。白居易李白墓:“可憐荒冢窮泉骨,曾有驚天動(dòng)地文?!?賀知章譽(yù)之為“謫仙”,稱“公非人世之人,可不是太白星精耶?” (本事詩)。韓愈云:“李杜文章在,光焰萬丈長?!保ㄕ{(diào)張籍) 唐朝文宗御封

3、李白的詩歌、裴旻的劍舞、張旭的草書為“三絕”?!癟hree Wonders” refers to Li Bais poetry, Pei Mins swordplay, and Zhang Xus calligraphy.Li Bai (701-762)Birth place: Courtesy name Taibai (字太白), a native of Chengji, Longxi (隴西成紀(jì)) (todays Tianshui, Gansu). His ancestors migrated to Suiye City in Central Asia (中亞碎葉,今吉爾吉斯坦托克馬克附近

4、), at the end of the Sui Dynasty. 五歲時(shí),隨父遷居到彰明青蓮鄉(xiāng)(今屬四川江油),因此自號(hào)青蓮居士 (alias Qinglian Jushi)。In his youth, while studying, practicing sword play and exploring, he also began to write poems.As a young man, he wandered, broadening his vision, and wrote more and more poems.In the Tianbao Period, he became

5、a member of the Imperial Academy (Hanlin Academy) and was treated with courtesy by Emperor Xuanzong, but he soon fell foul of influential officials and resigned.Later, after social unrest such as the An-shi Rebellion, he suffered further bad luck and frustrations; he wandered and eventually died in

6、Dangtu, Anhui (當(dāng)涂,安徽).Li Bais poetry Around 1000 poems attributed to Li Bai are extant. His poems have been collected into the most important Tang dynasty poetry anthology Heyue yingling ji, (河岳英靈集) compiled in 753 by Yin Fan(殷璠), and thirty-four of his poems are included in the anthology Three Hund

7、red Tang Poems (唐詩三百首), which was first published in the 18th century. In the same century, translations of his poems began to appear in Europe. The poems were models for celebrating the pleasures of friendship, the depth of nature, solitude, and the joys of drinking wine. Among the most famous are

8、Waking from Drunkenness on a Spring Day, The Hard Road to Shu, and Quiet Night Thought, which still appear in school texts in China. In the West, multi-lingual translations of Lis poems continue to be made. His life has even taken on a legendary aspect, including tales of drunkenness, chivalry, and

9、the well-known fable that Li drowned when he reached from his boat to grasp the moons reflection in the river.Types of Poetry山水詩: 望天門山,望廬山瀑布田園詩: 宿五松山下荀云媼家邊塞詩: 塞下曲,蜀道難,關(guān)山月贈(zèng)別詩: 送孟浩然之廣陵,贈(zèng)汪倫詠物詩: 把酒問月游仙詩: 夢游天姥吟留別 游俠詩: 俠客行,白馬篇詠史詩: 古風(fēng)閨怨詩: 長干行飲酒詩:將進(jìn)酒,月下獨(dú)酌Themes & Style1. Strong sense of the continuity o

10、f poetic tradition: Of all the poems attributed to Li Bai, about one sixth are in the form of yuefu, or, in other words, reworked lyrics from traditional folk ballads. 建安七子、陳思王、 謝朓2. Rapt with wine and moon: John C. H. Wu observed that “while some may have drunk more wine than Li Bai, no-one has wri

11、tten more poems about wine.“ “the Eight Immortals”,春日醉起言志、月下獨(dú)酌、3. Skillful use of persona: Li Bai also wrote a number of poems from various viewpoints, including the personae of women. 妾,長相思4. Fantastic extremes of imagery 白發(fā)三千丈5. Mastery of formal poetic rules:登金陵鳳凰臺(tái)6. Boldness in breaking rules:蜀道

12、難、將進(jìn)酒7. Marvelous ability to combine all of these with a seemingly effortless virtuosity in order to produce inimitable poetry(蔣勛只可生氣;課堂上多講杜甫,因李白不可學(xué))8. Sympathy for the common folks and antipathy towards needless wars (even when conducted by the emperor himself) - 20th cent. new interest李白詩風(fēng)感情強(qiáng)烈奔放、想

13、象豐富瑰麗,詩風(fēng)雄奇豪放,語言清新活潑、流轉(zhuǎn)自然,音律和諧多變,善于從民歌、神話中吸取營養(yǎng)和素材,構(gòu)成其特有的瑰瑋絢爛的色彩,富有積極浪漫主義精神。長干行妾發(fā)初覆額,折花門前劇。郎騎竹馬來,繞床弄青梅。同居長干里,兩小無嫌猜,十四為君婦,羞顏未嘗開。低頭向暗壁,千喚不一回。十五始展眉,愿同塵與灰。常存抱柱信,豈上望夫臺(tái)。十六君遠(yuǎn)行,瞿塘滟滪堆。五月不可觸,猿聲天上哀。門前遲行跡,一一生綠苔。苔深不能掃,落葉秋風(fēng)早。八月蝴蝶黃,雙飛西園草。感此傷妾心,坐愁紅顏老。早晚下三巴,預(yù)將書報(bào)家。相迎不道遠(yuǎn),直至長風(fēng)沙。The River-Merchants Wife: A Letter by Ezra

14、Pound While my hair was still cut straight across my forehead I played about the front gate, pulling flowers. You came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse, You walked about my seat, playing with blue plums. And we went on living in the village of Chokan: Two small people, without dislike or suspicion

15、. At fourteen I married My Lord you. I never laughed, being bashful. Lowering my head, I looked at the wall. Called to, a thousand times, I never looked back. At fifteen I stopped scowling, I desired my dust to be mingled with yours Forever and forever and forever. Why should I climb the look out? A

16、t sixteen you departed, You went into far Ku-to-yen, by the river of swirling eddies, And you have been gone five months. The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead. You dragged your feet when you went out. By the gate now, the moss is grown, the different mosses, Too deep to clear them away! The lea

17、ves fall early this autumn, in wind. The paired butterflies are already yellow with August Over the grass in the West garden; They hurt me. I grow older. If you are coming down through the narrows of the river Kiang, Please let me know beforehand, And I will come out to meet you As far as Cho-fu-Sa.

18、 Ballad of a Merchants Wife Li Bai (XYZ)My forehead covered by my hair cut straight,I played with flowers pluckd before the gate.On a hobby-horse you came on the scene,Around the well we played with mumes still green.We lived, close neighbors on Riverside lane.Carefree and innocent, we children twai

19、n.I was fourteen when I became your young bride,Id often turn my bashful face aside,Hanging my head, Id look towards the wall,A thousand times Id not answer your call.I was fifteen when I composed my brows,To fix my dust with yours were my dear vows.Rather than break faith, you declared youd die.Who

20、 knew Id live alone in a tower high?I was sixteen when you went far away,Passing Three Canyons studded with rocks gray,Where ships were wrecked when spring flood ran high,Where gibbons wails seemed coming from the sky.Green moss now overgrows before our door,Your footprints, hidden, can be seen no m

21、ore.Moss cant be swept away: so thick it grows,And leaves fall early when the west wind blows.The yellow butterflies in autumn passtwo by two oer our western-garden grass.The sight would break my heart, and Im afraid,Sitting alone, my rosy cheeks would fade.Sooner or later, youll leave the western l

22、and.Do not forget to let me know beforehand.Ill walk to meet you and not call it farTo go to Long Wind Sands or where you are.Changgan SongLi BaiWith my hair first coveringmy forehead, I plucked the flowersin front of the door, and you cameon the bamboo horse, playinggreen plum catcharound the bed.

23、Livingin the same Changgan Lane,young, we were innocent.At fourteen, I married you.Still too shy, I hung my head lowto the wall and turned backonly at your repeated calls.At fifteen, my face lit upin your company, I was willingto have my ashes mixed with yours.Your were as faithfulas the legendary l

24、over standing steadyagainst the rising tide. Little did I thinkI would mount the Husband-Watching-Plateau.At sixteen, you traveled far away,sailing across the Qutang Gorge,the Yanyu Crag jutting outso dangerously in the summerand monkeys crying sadlyin the high mountains.The footprints you left, ste

25、pby step, by our door, were moss-covered,the moss too deepto be swept away, leaves fallingin the early autumn wind.Now the butterflies, yellowin September, fly in pairsover the grass in the west garden.The scene breaks my heart,I grow old worrying about you.Oh when you are coming backthrough the Thr

26、ee Ba Area, write a letter home.I will come out to meet youas far as Changfengsha.月下獨(dú)酌花間一壺酒,獨(dú)酌無相親。 舉杯邀明月,對影成三人。 月既不解飲,影徒隨我身。 暫伴月將影,行樂須及春。 我歌月徘徊,我舞影零亂。 醒時(shí)同交歡,醉后各分散。 永結(jié)無情游,相期邈云漢。月下獨(dú)酌Drinking Alone by Moonlight, Arthur Waley花間一壺酒。 A cup of wine, under the flowering trees;獨(dú)酌無相親。 I drink alone, for no fr

27、iend is near.舉杯邀明月。 Raising my cup I beckon the bright moon,對影成三人。 For he, with my shadow, will make three men.月既不解飲。 The moon, alas, is no drinker of wine;影徒隨我身。 Listless, my shadow creeps about at my side.暫伴月將影。 Yet with the moon as friend and the shadow as slave行樂須及春。 I must make merry before the

28、 Spring is spent.我歌月徘徊。 To the songs I sing the moon flickers her beams;我舞影零亂。 In the dance I weave my shadow tangles and break.醒時(shí)同交歡。 While we were sober, three shared the fun;醉後各分散。 Now we are drunk, each goes his way.永結(jié)無情遊。 May we long share our odd, inanimate feast,相期邈雲(yún)漢。 And meet at last on the

29、 Cloudy River of the sky.將進(jìn)酒 君不見,黃河之水天上來,奔流到海不復(fù)回。 君不見,高堂明鏡悲白發(fā),朝如青絲暮成雪。人生得意須盡歡,莫使金樽空對月。天生我材必有用,千金散盡還復(fù)來。烹羊宰牛且為樂,會(huì)須一飲三百杯。岑夫子,丹丘生,將進(jìn)酒,杯莫停。與君歌一曲,請君為我傾耳聽。鐘鼓饌玉不足貴,但愿長醉不復(fù)醒。古來圣賢皆寂寞,惟有飲者留其名。陳王昔時(shí)宴平樂,斗酒十千恣歡謔。主人何為言少錢,徑須沽取對君酌。五花馬,千金裘,呼兒將出換美酒,與爾同銷萬古愁。春日醉起言志處世若大夢, Life in the world is but a big dream;胡爲(wèi)勞其生. I will not spoil it by any labour or care.所以終日醉, So saying, I was drunk all the day,頹然臥前楹. lying helpless at the porch in front of my door.覺來盼庭前, When I awoke, I blinked at the garden-lawn;一鳥花間鳴. a lonely bird was singing ami


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