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1、Language Points Unit 2 Task One: the summary of the reading passage Father of Hybrid RiceYuan LongpingChinas most famous farmer Yuan Longping considers himself _rather than _. His _face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers. He _Southwest Agricultural

2、College in 1953. At that time, _was a disturbing problem . Therefore, Yuan Longping searched for ways to increase_. Finally , he succeeded and became the first _in the world to grow rice - super hybrid rice. Yuan Longping is quite _with his life. He doesnt care about_. He enjoys listening to violin

3、music , playing mah-jong, swimming and_. Now , Yuan Longping has another _- to _his rice so that it can be grown around the world. a farmer a scientistsunburntgraduated from hungerrice harvestagricultural pioneer satisfiedbeing famousdreamexportreadingTask Two: Word formation1. hungry( adj.) 饑餓饑餓_(a

4、dv)_(n. ) 2. free (adj.) 自由的自由的 _(n.)自由自由3. equip (v.) 配備配備 _ _( 過去式,過去分詞)過去式,過去分詞) _(adj.) 裝備良好的裝備良好的 _(n,)設(shè)備設(shè)備 6. nation (n.)國家國家 _(adj. )國家的國家的 _(n.) 國籍國籍7.occupy (v) 占領(lǐng)占領(lǐng) _(n.) 占領(lǐng),職業(yè)占領(lǐng),職業(yè)hungerhungrilyfreedomequipped, equippedwell-equippedequipmentnationalnationalityoccupation8. regret (v.)遺憾遺憾

5、_ _ 過去式,過去分詞過去式,過去分詞 _(adj.)遺憾的遺憾的9.produce v. 生產(chǎn)生產(chǎn) _( n. 生產(chǎn))生產(chǎn)) _(n.生產(chǎn)者)生產(chǎn)者) 發(fā)現(xiàn)發(fā)現(xiàn)_(n. )發(fā)現(xiàn)發(fā)現(xiàn)regretfuldiscoveryproducerproduction regretted, regrettedTask Three : Language Points 1. Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer.(P10L1) 1) consider +sb/ sth. +( as / to be) +n. 認(rèn)為認(rèn)為 consider

6、+sb/ sth +( to be )+ adj. 認(rèn)為認(rèn)為. 2) be considered ( to be / as) + n 被認(rèn)為被認(rèn)為 be considered( to be )+ adj. 被認(rèn)為被認(rèn)為1) The farmers consider the output of the field _(limit) 2) 觀眾們認(rèn)為那個觀眾們認(rèn)為那個理發(fā)師理發(fā)師是個傻瓜。是個傻瓜。 The audience consider the barber _ _ _. The audience consider the barber _ _ _ .3. 科比被認(rèn)為是科比被認(rèn)為是21世紀(jì)杰

7、出的籃球運(yùn)動員。世紀(jì)杰出的籃球運(yùn)動員。 Kobe is considered as an _basketball player _the 21st century .limitedto be foolishas a fool outstandingin2., for whom he has struggled for (P10L4) struggle vi.& n. 斗爭斗爭; 拼搏拼搏; 努力努力 和和作斗爭作斗爭 struggle_ 為了為了而作斗爭而作斗爭 struggle_ 努力做某事努力做某事 struggle_1)為了下一代的健康為了下一代的健康, 那個生物學(xué)家一直與這種可

8、怕的疾病那個生物學(xué)家一直與這種可怕的疾病作斗爭。作斗爭。 The _is struggling _ the terrible disease _ the health of the next generation. 2)他們掙扎著從燒著的車?yán)锿馀馈K麄儝暝鴱臒能嚴(yán)锿馀馈?They struggled _ ( climb ) out of the burning car.3)The old man fell over, but he struggled to his feet and walked on. against/ with forto climb掙扎著站了起來掙扎著站了起來b

9、iologistwith / againstfor to do sth 3. He became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. the first/ second / third/ last to do sth / to be done 第一、第一、 二二 .做某事做某事/ 被被.的人的人 1)Tu Youyou is the second _ ( get) the Nobel Prize in China.2) Tu Youyou is the second _

10、(award) the Nobel Prize in China. 3) Tom is honest, so he is the last one to tell lies. Tom tells lies ( ) Tom never tells lies ( ) to getto be awarded4. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce 20% more(P10L6) 句型句型: make/ find/ feel/ think/ consider it +adj./ n.+ to do/ that 認(rèn)為、覺得做某

11、事認(rèn)為、覺得做某事1) The author _ _ _ (覺得難以相信)覺得難以相信)that the millionaire had survived in the plane crash. 2) The school _ _ _ _ (規(guī)定)規(guī)定) that all the students are not allowed to take mobile phones back to school/3)袁隆平覺得不必要過舒適的生活。袁隆平覺得不必要過舒適的生活。thought it unbelievable makes it a rule Yuan Longping thinks it u

12、nnecessary to lead a comfortable life.5.thanks to 幸虧幸虧; 由于由于; 因為因為(P10L22.) =_; 多虧了我同桌的鼓勵,多虧了我同桌的鼓勵, 我慢慢地樹立了信心。我慢慢地樹立了信心。 _ _ _ _ _, I gradually _ _my self-confidence. Thanks to my deskmates encouragementbuilt up as a result of; because of6. to rid the world of hunger . rid . of使使擺脫擺脫/除去除去 get rid o

13、f擺脫擺脫; 1) The millionaire managed to _ his hometown _ poverty. 2) 廣播員發(fā)現(xiàn)他自己很難改掉評論別人的壞習(xí)慣。廣播員發(fā)現(xiàn)他自己很難改掉評論別人的壞習(xí)慣。 The announcer _ it _ for him to _ _ _ the bad _ of making comments on others.ridoffoundhardget rid ofhabit7, Yuanis quite satisfied with his life. (P10L25) be satisfied( adj.) with: 對對 感到滿意感到

14、滿意 to ones _( n.) : 使某人滿意的是使某人滿意的是 satisfy (v.) ones needs: 滿足某人的需求滿足某人的需求What _( v.) me most is that: 使我感到最滿意的是使我感到最滿意的是1) 令我們滿意的是令我們滿意的是, 小說家對那個身無分文的詩人小說家對那個身無分文的詩人感到滿意而且承諾滿足他的需求。感到滿意而且承諾滿足他的需求。 _ _ _, the novelist _ _ _ the penniless poet and promised to _ _ _.2) 使我感到最滿意的是這個小說家總是遵守諾言。使我感到最滿意的是這個小

15、說家總是遵守諾言。 To our satisfactionwas satisfied withsatisfy his needs What _me most is that the novelist always_ his word.satisfieskeepssatisfactionsatisfies8. He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. equip v._ n.設(shè)備設(shè)備(不可數(shù)不可數(shù))_ (過去式過去式)_(過去分詞過去分詞) _ 用用裝備裝備_為了為

16、了而裝備而裝備 equip for 裝備有裝備有_ well/ poorly equipped _ 1) Our classroom _ _ _ multimedia( 多媒體)多媒體). 2) 青少年們?yōu)榱怂麄兊奈磥碛弥R來武裝自己。青少年們?yōu)榱怂麄兊奈磥碛弥R來武裝自己。 Teenagers should equip themselves _ knowledge _ the future .3) To our satisfaction , we found the classroom _(equip ) with multimedia. 設(shè)備精良、設(shè)備差的設(shè)備精良、設(shè)備差的equipped

17、equippedequipment裝備裝備equip with equipped withis equipped withforwithequipped9. regret v./ n. 遺憾遺憾; 惋惜惋惜 (P13) _ ( 過去式)過去式)_ (過去分詞)(過去分詞) regret to do sth. 遺憾遺憾, 抱歉要做某事抱歉要做某事 regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事后悔做了某事 to ones regret 使某人感到遺憾的是使某人感到遺憾的是 1) 那個廣東人后悔冒險戲弄了顧客那個廣東人后悔冒險戲弄了顧客The Cantonese _ _ a cha

18、nce to play a trick on the customer. 2) The scientist _ _ _ ( 遺憾地說)遺憾地說) it was a chain reaction.3) 使她感到遺憾的是使她感到遺憾的是, 她的女兒決定定居在非洲她的女兒決定定居在非洲. To her regret, her daughter made up her mind to settle down in Africa .regretted takingregretted to sayregrettedregrettedYuan Longping grows what is called su

19、per hybrid rice. =本句是個主從復(fù)合句,本句是個主從復(fù)合句, what is called super hybrid rice 是是_從句,從句,what 在從句中作在從句中作 _語。語。= what 在名詞性從句中,可以做在名詞性從句中,可以做_1) I really dont understand _you said. ( )2) I lost sight of Wangpeng when we reached _looked like a large market.()()3) Dongguan is no longer _ it used to be.()()賓語賓語主

20、主whatwhatwhat主語,賓語和表語主語,賓語和表語難句分析賓語賓語主語主語表語表語Born in 1930, Yuan Longping graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. Born in 1903, Yuan Longping , _, graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. Born in 2000,Jia Yingge, monitor of class 12, is good at all the subjects.a great sc

21、ientist佳句仿寫佳句仿寫B(tài)orn in/on (Born in/on (狀語)狀語), , sbsb + + (同位語)(同位語) 系系+ + 表語表語Born in/on (Born in/on (狀語)狀語)., ., sbsb + + (同位語)(同位語)+ +謂語謂語+ + 賓語賓語宋仲基,宋仲基, 一個韓國演員,出生于一個韓國演員,出生于1989年九月,年九月, 很受中國很受中國女孩子中歡迎。女孩子中歡迎。 Born in September, 1989, Song Zhongji, a Korean actor, is popular _Chinese girls.吳亦凡,一

22、個帥氣的男孩吳亦凡,一個帥氣的男孩,出生于出生于1990年年11月月6日日,在表演和歌唱方面都很有天賦。在表演和歌唱方面都很有天賦。 Born on November 6, 1990, Wu Yifang, a handsome boy ,_( have) a gift for acting and singing.Born in/on (Born in/on (狀語)狀語), , sbsb + + (同位語)(同位語) 系系+ + 表語表語Born in/on (Born in/on (狀語)狀語)., ., sbsb + + (同位語)(同位語)+ +謂語謂語+ + 賓語賓語withhas

23、Task Four :Check what we have learnt in class 1.被認(rèn)為是個笨蛋被認(rèn)為是個笨蛋 be considered as / to be a fool 2. 和和.作斗爭作斗爭struggle against / with sb/ sth 3. 為夢想而奮斗為夢想而奮斗struggle for ones dream 4. 努力做某事努力做某事struggle to do sth 5.第一、第一、 二二 最后最后 . 做某事做某事/ 被被.的人的人 the first / second/ last to do sth / the first / second

24、 / last to be done 6. 學(xué)校規(guī)定學(xué)校規(guī)定. the school makes it a rule that 7. 覺得某事是難以置信的覺得某事是難以置信的 think it unbelievable that 9. 多虧了我同桌的鼓勵多虧了我同桌的鼓勵 Thanks to my deskmates encouragement10. 改掉壞習(xí)慣改掉壞習(xí)慣 get rid of bad habits 11. 裝備有裝備有. be equipped with 12. 遺憾要做某事遺憾要做某事 regret to do sth 遺憾做過某事遺憾做過某事regret doing st

25、h 宋仲基,宋仲基, 一個韓國演員,出生于一個韓國演員,出生于1989年九月,年九月, 很受中國女孩子中歡迎。很受中國女孩子中歡迎。 Born in September, 1989, Song Zhongji, a Korean actor, is popular with Chinese girlsTask Five : Do exercise related to the language points 1.It is said that some volunteers has given our school some new _ (equip).2. Judging from his

26、_( confuse) look, the biologist couldnt have understood what the poet said.3. The hostess really regretted _(write)a letter to the penniless man yesterday.4. When he was still a young man, he struggled _ his dream and at last, his dream came true.5. Vietnam is the first country in Southeast Asia_ (export) f


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