1、2022屆高考英語非謂語練習(xí)試題非謂語1Time _ he will deliver a speech about the sustainable development of agriculture _ every possible solution into account.Apermits; takingBpermitting; takingCpermits: takenDpermitting: taken2From the _look on his face, I knew that it would make no sense _ to persuade him any more.A
2、determining; to tryBdetermining; tryingCdetermined; tryingDdetermined; to try3This small seaside village is such a perfect place for holidays that visitors never leave it_ disappointed.AfeelBfeelingCto feelDfelt4Paul has always regretted _harder at school when he was young.Anot having studiedBnot be
3、ing studiedCnot studyingDnot to study5My son went out to play football, his lessons_ for the day.Awas finishedBbeing finishedCto be finishedDfinished6_ our small flat, Bills house seemed like a palace.ACompared toBComparing toCTo compare withDCompare to7Do you advocate _ trucks from the city centre?
4、I cant agree more. After all, peoples health is the most important thing of all.Ato banBbanningCto banningDban8The student had no choice but _ his teacher _ the mistake he had made.Ato apologize to, forBto apologize, forCapologizing for, toDto apologize for, for9Is there anything wrong with your com
5、puter?Yes, there_ something wrong with it. I am going to have it_ tomorrow.Aseem to be;checkBseems to be; checkedCseem to being;checkingDseems to being;checks10It is high time that we took measures to protect the animals from _by human race.AharmedBbeing harmedCharmingDto be harmed11John waited for
6、a long time because he was the last person _to speak.Ato askBto be askedCbeing askedDto asked12Some measures have been taken to prevent students _ addicted to computer games.AbecomeBbecameCbecomingDto become13LinaBell, the Disneys new pink fox character_recently to Duffy & Friends toyline at Shangha
7、i Disneyland, has gone viral among Chinese consumers, with netizens_its meet-and-greets videos in Disney resort.Awas introduced spreadBintroduced spreadingChaving been introduced spreadingDintroducing to spread14The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and_less than 40 pounds must
8、be in a child safety seat.Ato weighBhaving been weighedCweighingDweighed15He delayed _ her the news, waiting for the right moment.Ato tellBto be toldCbeing toldDtelling16Is there anything wrong with your computer?Yes, there_ something wrong with it. I am going to have it_ tomorrow.Aseem to be;checkB
9、seems to be; checkedCseem to being;checkingDseems to being;checks17The goods _on the Internet are cheaper than _ we buy in shops.Abe bought; thatBbought; thoseCbought; thatDbe bought; those18In my opinion, we should find a way to get the problem _as fast as possible.AsolvedBto solveCdevelopedDto dev
10、elop19Is there anything wrong with your computer?Yes, there_ something wrong with it. I am going to have it_ tomorrow.Aseem to be;checkBseems to be; checkedCseem to being;checkingDseems to being;checks20Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time_ with his students.AspendingBhas spentCto
11、spendDspent21I hurried to the station, _the train had left.AfindingBonly to findCfoundDhaving found22It _ heavily, the outing had to be put off.Abeing rainedBbeing rainingCrainingDrains23With everyone _, the head teacher began the meeting, _ the importance of self-discipline for senior high students
12、.Asitting, highlightedBseated, highlightingCseated, highlightedDsat down, highlighting24_ from the top of the hill, the city looks even smaller.ATo seeBSeeingCSeenDHaving seen25Linda listened intently to the piano music, _herself in its beauty.AloseBlostCto loseDlosing26The traffic rule says young c
13、hildren under the age of four and_less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.Ato weighBhaving been weighedCweighingDweighed27And it made me think that maybe I need to set time aside_ the people in my life how much I appreciate what they did.AtoldBto tellCtellingDtell28With the problems _, th
14、e newly elected president is having a hard time now.AsolveBsolvedCsolvingDto solve29He loves _ the flowers and evergreens that he has planted in the garden.AtreatingBtearingCtransformingDtending30The flowers _sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.Ato smellBsmellingCsmeltDt
15、o be smelt31Changjin Lake _, so I think you can let your son watch it.Ais worthy of seeingBis worthy of being seenCis worthy to seeDis worth being seen32_computer games is unhealthy and wastes you lots of time.ABe addicted toBBeing addicted toCBe used toDBeing used to33The student had no choice but
16、_ his teacher _ the mistake he had made.Ato apologize to, forBto apologize, forCapologizing for, toDto apologize for, for34She headed towards the balcony,_the curtain, and opened the window to let the sunshine come_through the windows.Adrawing streamingBdrawn to be streamingCdrew streamingDhaving dr
17、awn to be streaming35The house_ next month is intended for my uncle.AbuildingBbuiltCto be builtDto build36With his attention _ on his book, he didnt notice me enter his study.AconcentratingBconcentratedCto concentrateDconcentrate37Changjin Lake _, so I think you can let your son watch it.Ais worthy
18、of seeingBis worthy of being seenCis worthy to seeDis worth being seen38By the end of last December, the National Aquatic Center, also_the “Water Cube”, _into an “Ice Cube” for the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics.Awas referred to as transformedBreferred to as was transformedCwas referred to as bein
19、g transformedDreferred to as had been transformed39He decided to _ the rest of his life to scientific investigation.AapproveBcherishCdevoteDdigest40_ to change his plans, Mark Twain worked as a pilot on a steamboat, _ passengers up and down the Mississippi.AForced; takingBTo force; tookCForced; take
20、nDForcing; taking41Dont _. You will adapt to _ in the new city soon.Alose your heart; liveBlose heart; liveClose your heart; livingDlose heart; living42The man is bad-tempered and tends to _ at any moment over the least thing.AexploreBexposeCexpandDexplode43Attracted by the advertisement, many peopl
21、e have high expectations of the musical Cats_next month.Aput onBhaving been put onCto put onDto be put on44The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons_for the day.AfinishedBwere finishedChad been finishedDto have been finished45_ himself with routine tasks, he had no time to accomp
22、any his children.ATo occupyBOccupyingCOccupiedDHaving occupied46Changjin Lake _, so I think you can let your son watch it.Ais worthy of seeingBis worthy of being seenCis worthy to seeDis worth being seen47For an individual _ as having gaming disorder, the WHO suggests an individual should have shown
23、 significant impairment due to computer games for at least 12 months.AdiagnosedBhaving been diagnosedCto be diagnosedDbeing diagnosed48With us long _ that talking plants are fantasy, new research has revealed that plants can communicate after all.AbelieveBbelievingCbelievedDto believe49_ from errors
24、 and what went wrong in the previous research studies will go a long way to_for excellence.ALearning someone strivingBTo learn being strivenCTo learn someone being strivenDLearning strive50_computer games is unhealthy and wastes you lots of time.ABe addicted toBBeing addicted toCBe used toDBeing use
25、d to51_ is no longer too difficult for women and minorities _ roles in American film and television.AWhat; to getBIt; to getCThat; gettingDWho; getting52Do you advocate _ trucks from the city centre?I cant agree more. After all, peoples health is the most important thing of all.Ato banBbanningCto ba
26、nningDban53Do you advocate _ trucks from the city centre?I cant agree more. After all, peoples health is the most important thing of all.Ato banBbanningCto banningDban54The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons_for the day.AfinishedBwere finishedChad been finishedDto have been fi
27、nished55Back from his two-year medical service in Africa, Dr. Lee was happy to see his mother _ good care of at home.AtakenBto takeCtakingDtook56We_a powerful sense of loss when finding some species are extinct, never_.Acant help but feel to returnBcant help feel to returnCcant help feeling to be re
28、turnedDcant help to feel returning57I had never imagined_ so many people in Nanjing Avenue on that day.Athat there to beBthere beingCthere to beDthat there being58I was afraid of my_ fun of in front of my classmates.AmakingBbeing madeCto makeDhaving made59Im sure your suggestions will _ the problem.
29、Acontribute to solvingBcontribute to solveCbe contributed to solveDbe contributed to solving60In 1931, Addams became the first American woman_ the Nobel Prize.AwinningBwonCto winDhas won61When painted and furnished with furniture, _.Awe found a great new restaurant near the flatByou will feel more c
30、omfortable living in the houseCthe house will be used for a nurseryDwe can sell the apartment for much more money62And it made me think that maybe I need to set time aside_ the people in my life how much I appreciate what they did.AtoldBto tellCtellingDtell63_ from space, the earth is blue.ASeenBSee
31、ingCSawDBeing seen64China has long worried about its overseas students _ back, but things have taken a turn for the better in recent years.Awont comeBnot comingCnot to comeDnot having come65The fitness room _ last year is the biggest one in my city, but I _ to since I _ ill.Abeing built: havent been
32、; had beenBhaving being built; hadnt been; wasCbuilt; havent been; wasDbuilt; hadnt been; had been66I had never imagined_ so many people in Nanjing Avenue on that day.Athat there to beBthere beingCthere to beDthat there being67Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in.Ato h
33、ave studiedBto studyCto be studyingDto have been studying68I hurried to the station, _the train had left.AfindingBonly to findCfoundDhaving found69China has long worried about its overseas students _ back, but things have taken a turn for the better in recent years.Awont comeBnot comingCnot to comeD
34、not having come70The beautiful and charming song has been heard_many times today.Ato broadcastBbeing broadcastCbroadcastingDbroadcast71With everyone _, the head teacher began the meeting, _ the importance of self-discipline for senior high students.Asitting, highlightedBseated, highlightingCseated,
35、highlightedDsat down, highlighting72_ computer games is the reason _ accounts for his being absent-minded in class.ABeing addicted to; thatBAddicted to; whyCBeing addicted to; whyDAddicted to; that73China has long worried about its overseas students _ back, but things have taken a turn for the bette
36、r in recent years.Awont comeBnot comingCnot to comeDnot having come74I prefer to read rather than _ games on the Internet.Ato playBplayingCplayedDplay75Changjin Lake _, so I think you can let your son watch it.Ais worthy of seeingBis worthy of being seenCis worthy to seeDis worth being seen76Changji
37、n Lake _, so I think you can let your son watch it.Ais worthy of seeingBis worthy of being seenCis worthy to seeDis worth being seen77Back from his two-year medical service in Africa, Dr. Lee was happy to see his mother _ good care of at home.AtakenBto takeCtakingDtook78She headed towards the balcon
38、y,_the curtain, and opened the window to let the sunshine come_through the windows.Adrawing streamingBdrawn to be streamingCdrew streamingDhaving drawn to be streaming79_ from the top of the hill, the city looks even smaller.ATo seeBSeeingCSeenDHaving seen80Tom seldom accepts any help _ to him unles
39、s he is really in need.AofferingBofferedCofferDhaving offered81LinaBell, the Disneys new pink fox character_recently to Duffy & Friends toyline at Shanghai Disneyland, has gone viral among Chinese consumers, with netizens_its meet-and-greets videos in Disney resort.Awas introduced spreadBintroduced
40、spreadingChaving been introduced spreadingDintroducing to spread82LinaBell, the Disneys new pink fox character_recently to Duffy & Friends toyline at Shanghai Disneyland, has gone viral among Chinese consumers, with netizens_its meet-and-greets videos in Disney resort.Awas introduced spreadBintroduc
41、ed spreadingChaving been introduced spreadingDintroducing to spread83He isnt easy _.Ato get alongBto get along withCgetting alongDgetting along with84Paul has always regretted _harder at school when he was young.Anot having studiedBnot being studiedCnot studyingDnot to study85Mary is looking for a s
42、ports watch _ her keep track of her fitness and chart her training progress.AhelpedBhaving helpedChelpDto help86It is one of the most interesting stories_ in the magazine so far this year.AfoundBbeing foundCto findDfinding87Last week, the government started a programme_ to help people who had been o
43、ut of work for a long time.AdesignedBto designCdesigningDto be designed88Tom admitted_ in the examination, so he was not admitted_ college in the end.Ahaving cheated; inBhave cheated; toChaving cheated; intoDhave cheated; for89It is one of the most interesting stories_ in the magazine so far this ye
44、ar.AfoundBbeing foundCto findDfinding90With a lot of necessary work _, I couldnt arrive there at the appointed time.AdoingBdoneCwill doDto do91I had expected_ a lot of people_ to buy new books at the book fair, but only a few showed interest in books of today which are usually full of emptiness.Athere to be; waitingBto have; waitedCthere being; to
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