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1、.*;第 9 - 頁黑龍江省望奎縣一中2019屆高三英語上學(xué)期期初考試9月試題無答案時間:120分鐘 總分值:150分第一部分: 單項(xiàng)填空 共20小題;每題1分,總分值20分1.Foramomentnothinghappened.Then_allshoutingtogether. A.voiceshadcome B.camevoicesC.voiceswouldcome D.didvoicescome2.Doyouneedanyhelp,Lucy? Yes.Thejobis_Icoulddomyself. A.lessthanB.morethanC.nomorethanD.notmoretha

2、n3.Thelionisconsideredthekingoftheforestasitisan_ofcourage andpower.A.exampleB.signC.markD.symbol 4.Wehadwantedtofinishourtaskbynoon,butitdidntquite_as planned. A.findoutB.giveoutC.handoutD.workout5.Thefirsteditionwaspublishedin2019and_abestsellereversince.A.hadbeenB.willbeC.wouldbeD.hasbeen6._achie

3、vement,lastweeksministerialmeetingoftheWTOhere earnedalow,thoughnotfailing,grade. A.IntermsofB.IncaseofC.AsaresultD.Infaceof7.Iwouldlikeajobwhichpaysmore,but_IenjoytheworkImdoingatthemoment.A.inotherwordsB.ontheotherhandC.foronething D.asamatteroffact8.Whydontwechoosethatroadtosavetime?Thebridgetoit

4、_.hasrepaired B.isrepairedC.isbeingrepaired D.willberepaired9.Severalmiddle-agedpassengersfellintothesea._,noneofthemcouldswim.A. HopefullyB.LuckilyC.UnfortunatelyD.Naturally10.Itwasrainingheavily,littleMaryfeltcold,soshestood_tohermother.A.closeB.closelyC.closedD.closing11.Jennynearlymissedthefligh

5、t_doingtoomuchshopping. A.asaresultofB.ontopofC.infrontofD.inneedof12.Peterwassoexcited_hereceivedaninvitationfromhisfriendtovisitChongqing. A.whereB.thatC.whyD.when13.Flyingaplanewasquite_forhimatthattime,butnowhehasgainedalotof_ inflying. A.anexperience;experiencesB.anexperience;experienceC.experi

6、ence;experiencesD.experience;experience14.She_JapanesewhenshewasinJapan.Nowshecanspeakitfreely.A.pickedoutB.madeoutC.madeupD.pickedup15.Asmallplanecrashedintoahillsidefivemileseastofthecity,_all fourpeopleonboard. A.killedB.killingC.killsD.tokill 16.Thatwasnotthefirsttimehe_us.Ithinkitshightimewe_ s

7、trongactionagainsthim. A.had betrayed;take B.hadbetrayed;took C.hasbetrayed;took D.hasbetrayed;take 17.Isthereanypossibility_youcouldpickmeupattheairport?Noproblem. A.whenB.thatC.whetherD.what18.Hewasinhospitalforsixmonths.Hefeltasifhewas_fromthe outside world.A.cutoutB.cutoffC.cutupD.cutthrough 19.

8、Thetopicleadersofthetwocountriesareholdingtalksinafriendly_.A.atmosphereB.stateC.situationD.phenomenon20.Dontbe_byproductspromisingtomakeyouloseweightquickly.A.takenoffB.takenoutC.takenawayD.takenin第二部分: 閱讀理解共兩節(jié),總分值40分第一節(jié): 共15小題;每題2分,總分值30分閱讀以下短文,從每題所給的四個選項(xiàng)A, B, C和D中,選出最正確選項(xiàng)并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。ATheSydneyOpe

9、raHouseisaveryfamousbuildingintheworld.IthasbecomeSydneysbest-knownlandmarkandinternationalsymbol.TheOperaHousewitha“sailingroofwas designedbyafamousDanisharchitect丹麥建筑師,Utzon.Thebaseforthebuildingwasstartedin1959,yearsbefore thedesignswerefinished.UtzonspentfouryearsdesigningtheOperaHouse.In1962,th

10、edesignswerefinalized定稿 andthe constructionbegan.In1967,they startedthedecorationinside.Ittook14yearsintotaltobuildtheOperaHouse.Queen ElizabethofficiallyopeneditonOctober20th,1973.TheSydneyOperaHousecostaround100millionandwaspaidforbythepublic.6,225squaremetersofglasswasusedtobuildit.TheOperaHousei

11、ncludes1,000rooms.Itis 185meterslongand120meterswide.Thebuildingsroofsectionsweighabout15tons.Eachyear,thisfantasticbuildingattracts 200,000touriststocomeforavisitorenjoyeventsinit. TheOperaHousereachesoutintotheharbour港灣.Itisamazingandunforgettable,offeringpeopleastrongsenseofbeauty. Thedesigneroft

12、heSydneyOperaHousewasfrom_.A.America B.Australia C.EnglandD.Denmark22. BuildingtheSydneyOperaHouselasted_.A.from1959to1973 B.from1962to1973C.from1959to1967 D.from1962to1976 23. _paidforthecostofthebuildingoftheSydneyOperaHouse.A.Utzon B.ThepublicC.QueenElizabethD.Thegovernment24. Whichisthebesttitle

13、forthepassage?A.SailingRoof B.TravellinginSydney C.TheSydneyOperaHouseD.TheOpeningoftheOpera HouseBMuchinformationcanbeconveyed,purelythroughoureyes,sotheexpression“eyesalsotalkisoftenheard. Canyourecallanyexperiencethatfurtherprovesthisstatement?Onabusyoumayquicklyglanceatastranger,butnotmakeeyecon

14、tact.Ifhesensesthatheisbeingstaredat,he mayfeeluncomfortable. Itisthesameindailylife.Ifyouarestaredatformorethannecessary,youwilllookatyourselfupanddowntoseeif thereisanythingwrongwithyou.Ifnothinggoeswrong,youwill feelangryaboutothersstaringatyouthatway.Eyesdoconvey information,right? Lookingtoolon

15、gatsomeonemayseemtoberudeandaggressive.Butthingsaredifferentwhenitcomestostaringat theoppositesex.Ifamanlooksatawomanformorethan10secondsandrefusestoturnawayhisgaze注視,hisintentionsareobvious.Thatis,hewishestoattractherattention,tomakeherunderstandthatheisshowingaffectionforher. However,thenormaleyec

16、ontactfortwopeopleengagedinconversationisthatthespeakerwillonlylookatthelistener fromtimetotime,inordertomakesurethatthelistenerdoes payattentiontowhattheformerisspeaking,totellhimthatheisattentive. Ifaspeakerlooksatyoucontinuouslywhenspeaking,asif hetriestocontrolyou,youwillfeeluneasy.Apoorliarusua

17、llyexposeshimselfbylookingtoolongatthevictim,since hebelievesthefalseideathattolookstraightintheeyeisasignofhonestcommunication. Infact,continuouseyecontacthappensbetweenloversonly,whowillenjoylookingateachothertenderlyforalongtime,toshowlovethatwordscannotexpress. Evidently,eyecontactshouldbedoneac

18、cordingtotherelationshipbetweentwopeopleandthespecificsituation.25. Whatmayapersonusuallydoonabus?Glanceatastrangerwitheyecontact.Useeyestotalktoastrangerpolitely.Glanceatastrangerwithouteyecontact.Talktoastrangerpolitelyafteraquickglance. Whatdoesitmeanifamanlooksatawomanforover10seconds?Helikesher

19、eyes. BHeadmiresher.Heknowsherwell. DHemakescontactwithher. Whyisapoorliareasytobeseenthrough?Hethinksthatheishonest.BHewantstocontrolthevictim. C. Hefeelsuneasyaboutotherseyecontact.DHelooksstraightatthevictimfortoolongatime. 28Whatmaybethebesttitleforthetext?AEyesCanSpeak. BEyeContactMatters.CDont

20、StareatOthers. DUseYourEyeContact.CThe popular TV program Readers has prompted more people in China to practice reading aloud in booths 亭 set up in big cities across the country.As the latest TV show to help peoples love for literature recover,CCTV program Readers invites people from all walks of li

21、fe to read aloud their favorite poems,essays and books,or even personal letters they wrote to their loved ones.Just as the weekly show has been well-received,its reading booths,equipped with professional recording devices and cameras,have become instant hits.A crowd of more than 200 people were pict

22、ured lining up outside the Shanghai Library at 11 am on March 4 the first day of the booths opening to the public in Shanghai.The deadline for registrations was brought forward to 2 pm instead of the scheduled 5:30 pm,as the number of waiting readers continued to grow.Some waited more than nine hour

23、s for a try-out in the booth,according to library management.“There is an old photo in the late 1970s capturing people lining up outside the Shanghai Library before it opens. If that was a spring of reading in Shanghai,now I think another spring has arrived again,library manager Zhou Deming,told the

24、 Shanghai-based The Paper.The reading booth is the only one of its kind in the city of economic center at the moment,but more are expected to be put into use in the coming months,according to the librarys website.The Readers program has also led to booths in other cities including Beijing,Hangzhou,G

25、uangzhou and Xian to appeal to more people to read and share their life stories.With the recent boom of culture-themed TV shows such as Readers and Chinese Poetry Competition,some are optimistic that this will help the country love literature and reading again in general.29.The CCTV program Readers

26、aims to _ .A. teach people what to readB. attract peoples attention to CCTVC. invite people to read aloud in the boothD. arouse peoples fresh enthusiasm for reading30.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that _ .A. Some people waited for a long time to read in the boothB. March 4 was the first day of the o

27、pening of Shanghai LibraryC. On March 4,200 people read in the boothD. The time for registrations was lengthened for three and a half hours31.The passage mainly tells us that _ .A. Many people line up to read aloud in reading boothsB. More reading booths will be set up in the futureC. Readers has be

28、come popular all over ChinaD. Readers has inspired more people to read aloud in reading boothsDWe talk about people being “color-blind but very few of us are.Even those who describe themselves as color-blind are normally just color lack.A strongly color-blind person will still be able to tell 20 dif

29、ferent colors,compared to the 100 or so that normal-sighted people see.Pingelap,a tiny island in the Pacific,is a beautiful spot but one that has a genetic trouble.It is known as Color Blind Island because so many people who live on this remote island can only see in black and white.Not being able t

30、o see in color is bad enough. But one islander,Herrol,whos a fisherman,also struggles in full sunlight because all he sees is a painful burnt-out image.“I find it difficult to go outside in the sun, he says,“because when its sunny I cannot see to do my work. But if being truly color-blind is rare,wh

31、y is it that around 10%of the population of Pingelap lire in a totally black and white world?Well,we know that in 1780 the population of Pingelap was all but wiped out by a tsunami.As few as 20 people survived,one of whom was the king.Its believed he had a genetic fault that causes color-blindness a

32、nd he passed this fault on to his many generations. There is one advantage.Herrol can see well,really well,in the dark.So when it gets dark,Herro1 and his friends get in their boats and hunt flying fish.They hang up flaming torches and the fish are attracted to the flames.“This type of fishing is fu

33、n, Herrol says,“especially if we catch plenty.So even though its hard work we enjoy it.32.What is Pingelap famous as?A.A tiny island B.A color-blind islandC.A mentally troubled island D. A beautiful island33.What can we infer about Herrol?A.He may stay at home when its sunnyB.He is interested in bur

34、nt-out imagesC.He likes taking photos very muchD.He doesnt live in Pingelap any more34. Why are about one-tenth of people in Pingelap colour-blind?A. Because Pingelap often suffers from tsunamis.B. Because the king had an unlucky marriage C. Because the kings genetic fault played a role.D. Because t

35、he king made a serious mistake 35. What would be the best title for the text?A.The history of Pingelap B.The disadvantage of HerrolC.The island of color blindness D.The advantage of color blindness第二節(jié):共5小題;每題2分,總分值10分根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最正確選項(xiàng),選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。How to Make PlansMost people get scared w

36、hen talking about planning or writing plans. _36_. And you need to plan for success as planning really works and inspires you to go straight ahead. However, how to create effective plans is still a problem. Dont worry, and just follow the steps below.Step 1 _37_What plans have you had in the past? P

37、robably, in some of your plans, you havent ended up where you thought you were going to end up. Get a good understanding of what you have done and what you havent done in the past. It is a primary foundation for your new plan. If having no plan, just take action and make plans right now.Step 2 Think

38、 about the what-ifsWhen you are building your plans you should consider where you are going and make clear the what-ifs. Because not everything just goes smoothly as you believe. _38_.Step 3 Document the plansWhen starting to make plans, you should try to write them down. It is of key importance for

39、 the future. _39_. In addition, make sure you have the plans fully written out with all the key elements concerned, including details.Step 4 Update the plansAccording to your written plans and actual situation, you should check out the plans you have completed and havent completed._40_. Make sure al

40、l the assumptions are there and work out the details. After hanging on for some days, planning will be getting simpler and easier.Review historical plansB. Make new plans immediatelyC. Actually, people are more likely to succeed in a planned wayD. And you need to continue what you havent done and up

41、date it E. Not all people can memorize every word they said and thought wellF. And what you should do next is to check your plans monthly or quarterlyG. For your benefits, you need to make Plan A and Plan B in case of changes and contingencies偶發(fā)事件第三部分:英語知識運(yùn)用共兩節(jié),總分值45分第一節(jié):完形填空 共20小題; 每題1.5分,總分值30分閱讀下

42、面短文。從短文后各題所給的四個選項(xiàng)A、B、C、D中,選出可以填入空白處的最正確選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。I worried about my personal image and how I could be remembered during my boyhood. In fifth grade, there seemed to be only one_41_-to play cool. In sixth grade, suddenly, there were two choices: be cool, or invisible._42_, one day, when a teacher

43、 had us fill out a questionnaire with_43_ questions, I found the _44_option.Assuming 假定 the teacher would read our answers privately, I felt it was _45_ to share my privacy. To my _46_, she collected and redistributed 重新分發(fā) them to us. We were asked to _47_ the name and our three favorite answers to

44、the whole class. My answers went to the meanest boy in class.The first question was “Whats your favorite movie? I read my answer Beauty and the Beast. A laugh erupted and my cheeks _48_. The next was “Where would you like to travel? My answer was _49_special-Wherever a book takes me. “ The _50_ this

45、 time had an explosive quality.I could _51_ remember what happened next; all that I had in mind was the laughter. But something amazing happened. An _52_ came, “ Guys, cut it out. The room went _53_. Its Michelle Siever, a popular and cool girl. Then she _54_,Why are you laughing? What is the point

46、of _55_if we just laugh at others?I cant remember the teacher or the kids names, but I remember Michelles. When she _56_ for me that day, she _57_ me we actually have three choices if we want to be remembered.Be cool, and you might be remembered _58_. Stay invisible, and you wont be remembered at al

47、l. But if you stand up _59_ someone when they _60_ you most, then you will be remembered as their hero for the rest of their life.A. tool B. choice C. chance D. purpose42. A. however B. In addition C. Therefore D. In fact43. A. personal B. funny C. various D. strange44. A. wrong B. former C. third D

48、. latter45. A. terrible B. safe C. nervous D. interesting46. A. surprise B. anxiety C. delight D. expectation47. A. repeat B. remember C. compare D. read48. A. ached B. paled C. changed D. burned49. A. even B. still C. never D. always50. A. laughter B. question C. air D. class51. A. nearly B. exactl

49、y C. hardly D. surely52. A. request B. message C. order D. voice53. A. crazy B. silent C. angry D. empty54. A. announced B. smiled C. added D. stopped55. A. talking B. chatting C. arguing D. sharing56. A. talked about B. calmed down C. left behind D. spoke up57. A. reminded B. promised C. showed D.

50、persuaded58. A. for a while B. finally C. again and again D. hopefully59. A. before B. with C. for D. by60. A. miss B. need C. value D. love第二節(jié):共10小題; 每題1.5分,共15分閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式不超過3個單詞。 Here is a true story. A man came out of his home to admire his new truck. To his surprise, his three

51、-year-old son was happily scraping刮 the shiny paint of the truck_61_ use a sharp knife. The man ran to his son and drove him away. _62_scare, the boy ran away quickly. Unfortunately, the boy fell down and hurt his right hand _63_serious with the knife sticking into his fingers. The father rushed his

52、 son to the hospital immediately. Although the doctor tried desperately _64_save the injured fingers, he finally had to cut them off. When the boy woke up from the _65_operate, he innocently said, “Daddy, Im sorry about your truck. Then he asked, “But _66_are my fingers going to grow back? The fathe

53、r began crying sadly _67_ his head down.Think about this story the next time someone _68_step on your feet or you wish to take revenge 報(bào)仇。 Think first before you lose your patience with someone you love. Trucks can _69_repair, but broken bones and hurt feeling often cant.Too often we fail to recogni

54、ze _70_ difference between the person and the performance. We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge.第四部分:單詞拼寫 共10小題; 每題1分,共10分在空白處填入單詞的正確形式首字母已給出。I r_ 認(rèn)出Tom at the sight of him in the street though we hadnt seen each other for ten years.His speech won the applause of the a_觀眾.Most of the o

55、ld part of the city was d_毀壞 by bombs during the war. He has broken two world records in one day, which is quite an a_成就.This law applied to theaters, cinemas, and other places of public e_娛樂.The wedding ring is a s_象征 of our love.Add up all the f_數(shù)字, and you will know how much we spent during the vacation.The thought of giving up never o_發(fā)生 to me at that time.Nothing satisfies him-hes always c_抱怨.He gathered a


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