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1、浙江浩天 歡迎您 Welcome to Zhejiang High-Tech浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd1目錄 Contents公司概況 About Haotian生產能力 Production Capacity研發(fā)能力 Certificate of QMS企業(yè)規(guī)化 business planning核心競爭力 Core Competition主要顧客 Major Client主要產品 Major Products主要檢測設備 Main Survey Facilities主要生產設備 Main Manufacturing Faciliti

2、es浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd2創(chuàng)建于1985年Established in 1985現有員工1000人Total employees: 1000廠區(qū)占地面積9萬平方米Plant area covers 90,000 sq.m.廠房占地面積6萬平方米Building area covers 60,000sq.m.固定資產5億元人民幣Fixed capital: 400 Million RMB2011年銷售額5.1億人民幣Turnover in 2008: 3 Billion RMB主要產品:汽車、通用汽油機的零配件Main produc

3、ts: Parts for auto, General machinery spare parts擁有國內外先進數控設備500余臺Over 500 sets of domestic and overseas advanced equipments具備年產3萬噸鋁壓鑄件的生產能力Production capacity: 30,000 tons/year Aluminium castings 公司概況 About Haotian金工車間 Machining Workshop壓鑄車間 Die Casting Workshop毛坯立體倉庫 Roughcast Stereoscopic Warehous

4、e成品立體倉庫Finished Product Stereoscopic Warehouse浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd32007年公司通過ISO/TS16949:2002第三方認證Through the ISO/TS16949: 2002 third-party certification in 2007體系證書 Certificate of QMS浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd4汽配產品品種已達30余種,主要有:More than 30 kinds of products ,Mai

5、n parts:油底殼、氣缸體組件、曲軸箱體組件、鏈條罩蓋、各種泵體等 Oil Sump、Cylinder body components、Crankshaft box components、 Chain Room Cover、 Various pump body 年產3萬噸鋁合金壓鑄產品的生產能力; 30000 tons/year of aluminum material ; 年產200萬件鋁合金壓鑄件、年機加120萬件鋁合金零件的生產能力。2 million pcs castings and 1.2 million pcs machined parts per year.榮威350下曲軸箱

6、 Roewe 350 Lower Crankcase 榮威550油底殼Roewe 550 Oil Sump氣缸體組件Cylinder body components曲軸箱體組件Crankshaft box components生產能力 Production Capacity浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd5 公司擁有先進的生產設備: We have advanced Manufacturing Facilities: 壓鑄機: 280T/400T/500T/630T/800T/900T/ 1000T/1250T/1600T/2000T/250

7、0T(壓鑄島3臺)全系列; 40臺; Die-casting Machine: 280T/400T/500T/630T/800T/900T/ 1000T/1250T/1600T/2000T/2500T ( Die-casting island 3 sets ) all series ; 40sets; 加工中心: 三軸/四軸; 46臺; Machining Center: Triaxial / four-axis; 46 sets. CNC設備: 300余臺; CNC Facilities: More than 300 sets. 生產能力 Production Capacity6研發(fā)能力R&

8、D Capabilities擁有研發(fā)工程師20余名,使用的軟件有:With more than 20 experienced r&d engineers, the use of software:1、UG 5.02、Pro/ E 2.03、Solidworks 20064、AutoCAD 2010能獨立完成:Ability to work independently:1、產品造型的設計; Product modeling design;2、編制機械加工工藝與工裝設計和制造; Prepare the machining process and tooling design and manufac

9、turing;3、非標刀具的設計; The design of non-standard tools;4、檢驗工裝和檢具設計與制造; Inspection tooling and fixture design and manufacturing 并成功的與上汽,吉利等配套廠同步開發(fā)了油底殼與變速箱等零件,得到了客戶的認可; And successful and saic, cobolli gigli inserts such as developed the oil pan and synchronous transmission parts, obtained the customer ap

10、proval;浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd7企業(yè)規(guī)化公司自2007年通過TS16949體系后,不斷的針對汽配產品投入硬件與軟件,提高與主機廠合作開發(fā)的能力。 The company since 2007 after by TS16949 system, Constant for automobile products into hardware and software, Improve the ability of development cooperation with automakers.2011年在硬件方面:The 2011 i

11、n hardware:1、2011年6月份投入進口日本大隈全閉環(huán)臥式加工中心2臺與全閉環(huán)的立 式加工中心4臺。1、 In June 2011 into Japan Dawei heat all closed-loop horizontal machining center with the 2 sets of vertical machining center closed-loop, amounting to 4sets.2、2011年6月份投入大型全自動三坐標1臺。2、 In June 2011 into large automatic three coordinates 1 set.3、

12、2011年8月份投入3500T壓鑄島1臺。3、 In August 2011 3500T die-casting island 1 input.浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd8核心競爭力合金鋁錠熔化(集中熔煉)壓鑄保溫清理拋丸入成品庫原材料檢驗爐前化驗成品檢驗檢驗成品包裝氣密性測試回爐料浸滲汽配件制造流程鈍化除氣、精煉毛坯包裝機加工毛坯終檢過程驗過程驗入毛坯庫浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd9Core CompetitionAuto parts manufacturing process浙

13、江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. LtdDiatexis( Concentrated Smelting)die-castingKeep warmcleanshot blasting Into pickingRaw material inspection Furnace front assayproduct inspectiontestthe product packagingair tightness testscrap returnsimbibitionpassivationVacuum degasrefineSemifinished Product

14、 packagingmachiningBlank final inspectionverification processverification processInto the blank storehouse10發(fā)現問題(內部)反饋相關部門技術部提出整改方案生產部整改實施派相關負責人去現場確認送客戶檢派人跟蹤內部或有供應商協助內部自檢浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd確認并回復結果鎖定工藝信息反饋(外部)關閉問題核心競爭力糾正預防措施111、原材料 Material 1)、選購優(yōu)質合金鋁; Select aluminum alloy of

15、high-quality; 2)、嚴格監(jiān)控進料質量; Monitor the quality of feed strictly; 3)、爐前分析是過程控制的第一關,每爐批的化學成份、機械性能具有嚴密的可追溯性。 Bath analysis is the first off the process control, the chemical composition, mechanical properties of each batch furnace have strict traceability.核心競爭力 Core Competition浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech E

16、nterprise Co. Ltd122、集中熔煉 Concentrated smelting 1)、集中熔煉,點到點數字式溫度控制,使鋁水既不過燒,又不會產生 結晶,始終 控制在內控標準要求范圍內; Concentrated smelting, point to point digital temperature control, making the aluminum water burn both, and does not produce crystals, always controlled the temperature within the requirements of int

17、ernal control standards; 2)、新舊料嚴格按比例控制,使鋁水含氣量得到有效保障; Control old and new material in proportion strictly, make the aluminum water gas content to be effective protection; 3)、熔煉爐每天數次清渣,減少雜質。 Melting furnace will be cleared several times a day to reduce the impurity.核心競爭力 Core Competition浙江浩天 Zhejiang

18、High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd13 3、模具 Mould 1)、三維數模計算機輔助設計,并用模流分析軟件Anycasting 動態(tài)模擬、修正; Three-dimensional digital-analog computer aided design, with mold flow analysis software dynamic simulated and modified; 2)、選擇一流的模具供應商,強強聯手; Select high-class mold suppliers, join hands in strength; 3)、嫻熟運用斜抽芯、兩次增壓等

19、成功經驗,確保產品質量。 Use the successful experience of angle core pulling and two booster skillfully to ensure the quality of products. 核心競爭力 Core Competition浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd144、過程控制 Process Control 1)、電控保溫爐控制鋁水的溫度; Use the electronically controlled holding furnace to control the te

20、mperature of aluminum water; 2)、保溫爐中的鋁水二次除氣、排渣; Degas and slag the aluminum water in the holding furnace secondary ; 3)、編程器鎖定壓鑄工藝參數; Programmers lock the casting process parameters; 4)、首件三坐標檢驗,控制幾何尺寸精度和位置度; The first pieces of three coordinate inspection, control degree of accuracy and position geom

21、etry; 5)、模擬工況綜合樣架100%全檢; Inspect comprehensive sample frame 100% to simulate conditions; 6)、每班三次以上用X光探傷儀進行檢測,保證內部組織及氣縮孔穩(wěn)定; Use X-ray detector more than three times in each class, to ensure the organization and the gas shrinkage stable; 核心競爭力 Core Competition浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd

22、155、表面處理 Surface Treatment 1)、為防止產品氧化,使用有機鈍化來保證鋁合金壓鑄件的耐腐蝕性; To prevent the product to oxidize, use organic passivation to ensure the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy die castings; 2)、拋丸后使表面更加光滑細膩、顏色均勻; After the shot blasting, the surface is more smooth , delicate and the color uniformity;6、金加

23、工 Metal processing1)、采用氣動or液壓夾具,控制夾緊力,避免人為誤差; Use pneumatic or hydraulic fixtures, to control the clamping force, to avoid human error;2)、采用先進的微調刀具,使產品的加工精度得到保障; Use advanced fine-tuning tools, to guarantee the precision of products;3)、對有密封性能要求的產品采用專用檢漏機進行氣密性檢測,保證出廠合格率100%。 For the products with sea

24、ling requirements, use special leak detection machine to seal the products to ensure the 100% pass rate. 核心競爭力 Core Competition浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd16主要客戶 Major Client上海汽車集團股份有限公司 SAIC Motor Corporation, Ltd.長豐汽車有限公司 Changfeng Motors Co., Ltd.浙江吉利控股集團 Geely Holding Group上汽幸福摩托車有

25、限公司 Shanghai Xingfu Motorcycle Co., Ltd.浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd17主要產品 Major Product氣缸體組件Cylinder body components榮威750下曲軸箱Roewe 750 Lower Crankcase 榮威350下曲軸箱 Roewe 350 Lower Crankcase 榮威550油底殼Roewe 550 Oil Sump曲軸箱體組件Crankshaft box components浙江浩天 Zhejiang High-Tech Enterprise Co. Ltd18主要產品 Major ProductD162油底殼D162 Oil Sump空調支架Air Conditioning BracketD19鏈條室罩蓋D19 Chain Room CoverNLE油底殼NLE Oil SumpN


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