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1、PAGE PAGE 92013年下八年級英語期中考試I. 聽力理解:25第一節(jié)根據(jù)所聽到的內(nèi)容,選擇相應(yīng)的圖畫。1.A. B. C.2A. B. C.對話理解。聽下面的對話,從題中所給的A,B,C三個選項中選出最佳答案。聽下面的對話,回答第3小題3.What do you think of this T-shirt?A. Terrible B.Large C.Cool聽下面的對話,回答第4小題4 Where does the woman want to go this weekend?A.Hunan B.Stay at home. C.Hainan聽下面的對話,回答第5小題5.When doe

2、s the woman plan to go swimming?A. Saturday B.Sunday C.Thursday聽下面的對話,回答第6小題6.How many books did Sally read?A.One book. B.Two books C.Three books聽下面的對話,回答第7小題7.Does Great Supermarket have cheaper bananas?A.Yes, it does. B.No, it doesnt. C.We dont know.聽下面的對話,回答第8小題8.What does the man want to watch t

3、onight?A. Cartoons. B. Movies. C.Talk shows.聽下面的對話,回答第9小題9.Who is smarter, Jack or his brother?A.Jack. B. His brother. C.Wo dont know.聽下面的對話,回答第10小題10. Who is the womans sister going to visit?A. Her mother. B. her grandparents. C。 Her cousin.聽下面對話,回答11-12小題。11. What does Caroline want Jim to do?A. T

4、o have a party. B. To go to the zoo. C. To have a walk.12. When is Caroline going ti meet Jim?A. Next Monday B. Next Sunday C.Two days later.聽下面對話,回答13-15小題。13. What is Helen going to do during(在期間)her winter vacation?A.Playing the guitar B.Going on a trip. C.Learning to swim14.Does Helen want to go

5、 to a colder place?A. Yes, she does. B.Maybe. C.No, she doesnt.15. where does Helen decide to go?A.Hainan B.New York C.Beijing筆錄要點。根據(jù)你所聽到的內(nèi)容,填寫下面表格,每空不超過3個單詞10NamesExercisesHow oftenJennyPlaying badminton16._times a weekMolly17_Exery morningBettyDancing18._DanielPlaying basketball19._Tony20._Twice a

6、 weekII 知識運用單項選擇,從A,B,C三個選項中選擇最佳答案填空。151.How_your vacation?-It was pretty good. A.was B.were c.did2.My mother and I_at my home_that snowy night.were,at B.was, at C.were,on3.Its spring now,so we decide_to the mountains.A.to go B.going C.go4.-_do you go for a trip with your family?-About once a year.A

7、.How often B.How soon C.How long5.-_milk do you drink every day? -A glass of it. A.How many B.How many glasses C.How much6.Who is_,Lily or Lucy? A.more tall B.more outgoing C.more quiet7.This classroom is_than that one. A.many big B.more big C.much bigger8._you work, _knoeledge(知識)you get.A.The hard

8、er,more B.The harder, the more C.Harder, the more9.Allan is_more hardworking than I am.A.little B.very C.a little10.It is important_English well.A.to learn B.to learning C.learn11.Of all the students, Li Ming is_to Mr. Wang.A.closest B. the closest C.closer12._you want to watch a game show?A. Do B.

9、Does C.Are13.I like_because I can know what happened around the world.A.talk shows B.news C.sports show.14.I like Chinese_I like English,too.A.and B.or C.but15.What do young people think_places in town?A.about B.over C.of 完型填空,通讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的A,B,C三個選項中選擇一個最佳答案。10Should friends be different or

10、 the same? The following is what three of my classmates say. My name is Mary. I like to have friends who are _me. My best friend Betty is taller and _ than me. I am _28_ and like reading, but she is more athletic than me. She likes sports and always beats me _ ping-pong. My name is Peter. I am very

11、funny and outgoing. I like friends _ have the same interests as me .My best friend is Victor. He is much fatter than me. But _ like doing the same things. We dont think differences are important in a friendship. Im Ted. I like to have friends who are _ me. Its necessary _ the same. All my friends ar

12、e smart and athletic. And they are as _ as me. I am thinner than most of them, but I run _ among them.1.A.difference B.difference to C.different from2.A.more outgoing B.outgoing C. much outgoing3.A.happy B.quiet C.tall 4.A.in B.on C.at 5.A.where B.what C.who 6.A.both we B.we both C.we All7.A.as B.lo

13、ok C.like8.A.be B.is C.to be 9.A.carefully B.careful C.more careful 10A.fastest B.fast C.faster III閱讀理解50閱讀短文,從每題所給的A,B,C三個選項中選出最佳選項回答問題或完成句子。Bill and his friends are going hiking this weekend. Hes afraid hes going to be hungry, so he buys a lot of food and his bag is big and heavy. They start at ni

14、ne in the morning and they get to the city five hours later. Theyre all tired and his friends get on a bus, but Bill cant. His bag sticks in the door and he has to get off. The bus leaves and he doesnt know where hes going to meet them. He walks in the street and when its eight in the evening, he go

15、es into a restaurant. He asks for some drinks and soon begins to sleep.When he wakes up at the midnight, he cant find any people in the restaurant. The door is closed and he cant go out. He finds a telephone number on a piece of paper and begins to call Mr. Jackson, the owner of the restaurant.“Hell

16、o,” says the boy, “When do you open your restaurant, Mr. Jackson?”The telephone wakes the man up and he isnt happy. So he says, “Dont ask me about that. I wont let you in.”“Oh,no! I want to go out.”( ) 1 Bills bag is big because _. A. theres a lot of clothes in it. B.he puts much food in it C. he li

17、kes big bags ( ) 2 _, so hes still at the bus stop. A. Bill cant carry his bag onto the bus B. Bill doesnt see his friends C. Bill doesnt know which bus to get on( ) 3 Bill goes to sleep soon because _. A. hes very hungryB. he is very tiredC. he eats too much in the restaurant( ) 4Mr. Jackson thinks

18、 _.A. Bill wants to sleep in his restaurant B. Bill wants to go into the restaurant C. Bill leaves his bag in the restaurant ( ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. At 2 oclock p.m., Bill and his friends get to the city. B. Bill knows where they are going to meet.C. When bill wakes up, he find

19、s the door is closed第二節(jié)閱讀下列圖表,從每題所給的A,B,C三個選項中選出最佳選項回答問題或完成句子Movie Guide(電影指南)ThursdayMy life as McdullTimeMcdull is a little pig. Hes kind of silly but hes very cute.Do you want to enjoy the happiness with him? Be sure to see it.9:0013:00Harry PotterIIITimeScience Fiction(小說)Now Harry Potter has be

20、en in the wizardry school(魔法學(xué)校)for three years. He begins a new life. How is everything going17:0021:00Rush HourTimeAction MovieDo you like Jackie Chan? Rush Hour is another movie of his. It is so exciting.Come and have fun!15:0023:006.There are_movie in the ad.A. 2 B. 3 C.47.Rush Hour is a very exc

21、iting_.A. comedy B. cartoon c.action movie8.You can see Harry Potter III at_.A. 9:00 B.11:00 C.17:009._is in Rush Hour.A.Rowan B.Harry C.Jackie Chan10. What animal is Mcdull?A. A bird B. A. pig C. A dog第三節(jié),閱讀下面短文,完成后面表格。10In my hometown,there are many theaters. Some of them are very good, but some a

22、re not. One of them is Town Cinema. It is the cheapest and it also has the friendlies service. Another one is Screen City. It is enjoyed by young people. It has the biggest screen. And it is the most popular. Movie Palace is the worst of all. It has really bad service and seats are not comfortable,

23、so I dont like at all. When you want to go to the movies, you had better choose Town Cinema.Theater Features(特點)Town CinemaThe 2_The friendliest service_1_The biggest screen 4_Movie Palce 3_ 5_第四節(jié)閱讀下列材料,然后根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容回答所提出的問題Tuesday, July 16thWhat a difference a day makes! My father and i decided to go to

24、 Penang Hill today. We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train. We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. When we got to the top, it was raining really hard. We didnt have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. I

25、t was terrible! And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below. My father didnt bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. The food tasted great because I was so hungry.When did the writer go to Penang Hill ?How was the weather there?How did they go there?Did t

26、hey eat very well on the hill ?What did he think of the trip(旅游)?IV 寫作30語篇翻譯。閱讀下面的短文,將下列劃線的句子譯成英語或中文。My mother told me 1.好朋友就像一面鏡子. Im quieter and more serious than most kids . Thats why I like reading books and studying harder in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we enjoy studying together. Im shy so its not easy for me to make friends. But I think朋友就像書本。You dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good. 第二節(jié)選擇方框里的句子完成對話(其中有一項是多余的)Is it expensive?What kind of food do you like ?But it has the best service,too?Its the most


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