國際酒店前廳部接待員推薦銷售技巧提高房價收益培訓 Upselling (v)_第1頁
國際酒店前廳部接待員推薦銷售技巧提高房價收益培訓 Upselling (v)_第2頁
國際酒店前廳部接待員推薦銷售技巧提高房價收益培訓 Upselling (v)_第3頁




1、Standard:All Reservations Sales Agents will up sell co higher rate rooms wherever possible and look for opportunities to sell other hotel services and facilities.標準陋訂部銷售文員應尋找一切機會高賣房間及酒店的其他服務,Procedure:Skills of Up SellingIdentify sales opportunities from incoming calls.Understand the needs of booker

2、.Build rapport with booker.Describe the benefits and features of every available room category in the hotel.Offer an appropriate room category that matches the needs of the caller.Recommend room features clearly and confidently.Obtain the commitment of the caller to book the reservation.Track your c

3、onversion and upselling results.Improving Caller Satisfact沁nGood service opens the door - Because unless wc provide courteous and efficient scn-icc. customers arc unlikely to listen to us when wc start to sell.Upselling by Category - Our goal is not always to sell the suite, but to upsell one certai

4、n room category. Each category is priced higher than the one below it based on certain differences between them.Using the OBF (objectives Benefit Features) Framework to Upsell The key to upselling is to he able to convince (he caller thal (he higher category i$ worth (he price difference. To do this

5、, you need io show I he caller how he or she will bcncfil nx)rc in the higher calegory room. The more specific and descriptive you are, the more convincing you arc.Understanding Buying Needs - Because your time to upsell is verj limited, you must choose which features and benefits to tell the custom

6、er. You will develop the ability to listen carefully for customer needs and then use only advantages and benefits程序:促銷技巧.能夠識別那一個 代表銷售機會. 了解客人的需要.與客人保持良好關系.能夠描述出酒店每一種房型的特色和對客人的好處.選擇出最適貼近客人需要的一種房型.清楚自信地向客人推薦最適合他的房型7,獲得幫助客人認可,幫助客人訂房8.跟蹤談話和促銷的結(jié)果。提高客人滿意程度好的服務為你翻開一扇門除非你可以為客人提供禮貌有效的服務,客人一般不喜歡我們向他推銷產(chǎn)品.按照不同房

7、型促銷我們促銷的目的不僅僅是促銷套房,也可以是銷售更高一級的房型,每一種高一級的房型都會比其下一級型價格高出一 些,而且設施上也會有所區(qū)別。用目的,利益和特色框架來促銷促銷的關鍵是你能夠使客人說信他能從多付的錢中獲利,作這件事時你應向客人展示他如何從高級的房型中獲 得好處,你描述的越具體詳細,你會越自信。了解購買需要因為實際上你促精的時間是非常短笆的,所以你必須選擇選擇最貼近客人需要的特色和利益,你要開掘出能聽出客人需要的能 力,并找到酒店最具代表性的特色去迎合客人的需要??腿说男枰ǎ?) 舒適2)社會性3)聲望4)平安5)方便appropriate to those needs.Gues

8、t needs including follows: 1) Comfort 2) Social 3) Prestige 4) Security 5) ConvenienceHotel Inspection - wc should make a detailed inspection of hotel. Although you arc already familiar with room categories and features, wc arc going to look at them with new eyes. Wc will be using OBF (Objectives Be

9、nefit Feature) to note down in detail the difference between the categories.Elements of sellingTuning In - Pacing and mirroring. In addition(o the basic customer satistaction skills, another good way to create rapport with a caller is using pacing and mirroring. This technique involves noticing how

10、the person is talking and mirroring their style. When we talk with caller with appropriate lone, volume and speed.Exploring Needs - We must ask question to exploring guest needs such as: purpose of (rip, for business or leisure, what *s important (o them in choosing a hotel.Malching Needs - After yo

11、u have successfully tuned in with the caller and explored his or her needs, the next step is to match (he callcr,s needs with the appropriate features and benefits your hotel can offer.Adding Value to the TransactionA good salesperson always looks fbr opportunities to sell a client something additio

12、nal. If the hole! offers executive floor, make sure your guest understands (he added value of that too: privacy, security, intimacy, perhaps a breakfast, and an extra level of service and prestige that makes the hotel guest feel special. Before you upscIL you should be personally convinced that the

13、added cost truly provides an incremental benefit to your clients experience.Classic Closes - Sensory, Reassurance, TestimonialThe Choice Close Would you like a suite or a deluxe room?酒店巡杳我們要仔細的查看酒店,我們知道你已經(jīng)非常熟悉酒店了,但這一回我們要用一種哲新的眼光去看,我們將使用H的,利益和特 色仔細記錄不同房型間的區(qū)別。銷售元素和諧-同速和迎合.除了基本的令客人滿意的服務技巧之外,另一個培 養(yǎng)R好關系的

14、方法是同速和迎合。這個技巧是注意齊人說話的風格并采取與 客人一致的方式,即當我們與客人交談時用與客人一致的語調(diào),音室和語 速。挖掘需要有可能的話向客人一些問題挖掘客人的需要如:旅游的目的,商務旅游還是休閑旅游,選擇酒店最或要的因素。迎合需要你知道了客人的需要并與客人建立了良好的關系下一步就是用最適合客人需要的特色和設施來為客人提供服務。附加價值一個好的銷售人員總能找到機會向客人銷售一些額外的東西,如果酒店為客 人提供豪華樓層服務要確認客人知道他所得到的附加價值如:平安,保密, 舒適,也許附加早餐,高級別的服務.住在這個樓層的客人會有不同的感 覺.當然在你促銷之前你應該自信,客人所附加的錢一定會

15、給予客人物有所 值的體驗。建議使用的結(jié)束語選擇結(jié)尾您喜歡定一間套房呢還是豪華房呢?缺乏警告結(jié)尾 沈陽這段時間住房很緊張。催促性結(jié)尾 這個特殊價5月15號就結(jié)束了。假設性結(jié)尾假設你已經(jīng)得到了客人的允許,感覺性的結(jié)尾-現(xiàn)在假設你正暢游于酒店巨大的海泳池內(nèi),啜飲假設菠 蘿瑯悶酒.當然所有這一切是看不到也摸不著的:你是在鈉告一種與現(xiàn)實盡 可能接近的卬象,感覺技至夢想,讓客人放心的結(jié)尾向客人保證他們會得到完美的享受,旗得信賴的The Scarcity Close - Demand is heavy this year for Shenyang.The Urgency Close - Tliis Part

16、icular rate expire on May 15th.The Assumptive Close - Just act as if youve already reached an agreemeni.The Sensory Close - Now just picture yourself at (his hotePs huge pool, sipping a pineapple nim drink. Travel after all is intangible: you arc selling impressions, feelings and drcams as much as p

17、hysical reality.The Reassurance Close - Assure your clients that (hey will enjoy perfect comfort, with reliable service, close to the desired attractions, and (he freedom to select from a variety of facilities and services that the hotel provides.The、 You De?erve it * Close - youve done careful job

18、recommending, youve tried to upsell (he executive floor or even a suite. Now tell her “you deserve iC because she probably does.The Testimonial Close - Relate experience at the hotel youve garnered from other clients, or perhaps point out a favorable notice in one of the rating systems or guidebooks youve been consulting.Difference between business and leisure travelerBusiness guest - They are paid by company. Their time is not flexible. Most of (hem are senior management, who may need meeting room.Leisure traveler - They pay by themselves. Tlieir time is flexible. They need


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